Clatskanie Baptist Church
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Clatskanie Baptist Church was
organized June 27, 1943. The town of Clatskanie is situated on Highway 30,
about midway between Portland and Astoria, on the south bank of the Columbia
River. Clatskanie spells a new day for Conference missions in
Oregon. It proves that new churches can successfully be developed there.
When Ole Larson became Columbia Conference missionary in
1934, he visited the small towns in northwest Oregon, in some of which his
predecessors had held gospel services on their tours of duty. It seemed to
him, however, that there was a greater opportunity and hope of success for a new
church in Clatskanie than in any other of those towns.
Because he was busy elsewhere, it was not until 1942 that Ole
could return to Clatskanie. When he did he found a small group of earnest
Christians that were gathering in homes for Bible study, prayer and Christian
fellowship. (This is not unusual.) He joined them and they desired that he
come again, which he did week after week, then established residence there, and
eventually brought his family in 1943.
On Sunday afternoon, June 27, 1943, the Clatskanie Baptist
Church was organized with Ole Larson as chairman and the following
visitors" Bror Lundgren, Kenneth Nelson, Emanuel Bjorkquist,
Henrietta Carlson, B. A Johnson, and Robert Swanson who took part in the
ceremony and were present for the event.
Now for a roof overhead in this year is of Clatskanie Church
History. Lower Columbia weather calls for both roof and walls at Christmas
time. Two ladies came as bearers of good tidings, disclosing the fact that
the four-apartment Patterson Building, well located was for sale at $5,000.
Since there were other prospective buyers, Ole hot-footed it
to Portland the next morning. Some how he had to get conference backing on
this, but he found that Linus Johnson, board member had gone east. Emil
Peterson of Temple Church advised Ole, "Don't let this bother you,
telephone Bror Lundgren in Tacoma, and hurry up.
That done, Ole went to the real estate office, and
fortunately the salesman who had the deal in charge was in.
"That's right, We have that Patterson building
listed at $5,000, and we aim to make a quick sale. We are only asking $200
"I haven't got $200 on me."
"Go get it. Bring it to me here in this office by 12
noon; I'll hold it for you. Twelve noon."
The salesman's voice had the finality do doom on it. No
use trying to dicker. In a moment Ole was out on the sidewalk slowly
turning in every direction, The Bible says, "men ought always to
pray" and Ole did.
"Fritz," he almost shouted, "I'll go to Doc.
He did and got the money, but all that had taken some
time. Noon seemed to come rushing toward him. Ole, some what chunky,
started to run for a streetcar but missed it. He knew he could not get to
the office in time, so he went to a telephone and breathing heavily called,
"I've got the $200 but I can't make it to the office by 12.
"Okay," said the voice of the salesman at the other
end, "come as soon as you can. The building is yours."
In 1947, Cliff Gustafson, while still a student at Portland
University, was called to be pastor. He accepted. We might say that
he grew up with the church. You can read the progress of their mutual growth
like you read the rings of annual increase on the cross-cut of a tree. The
organization advanced from "Baptist Mission Center" to Baptist
Church"; the pastor advanced from "student pastor" to
"ordained minister"; the pastor takes a wife, the church purchases a
A building was needed. The Columbia churches had taken
offerings to help Clatskanie pay for the apartment house. Now a favorable
turn of events made it possible for the church to sell the old building for
three times the purchase price. So from the proceeds of the sale, a bank
loan, much faith and hope, a start was made. This was followed by shrewd
buying, hard core determination, and almost endless hours of free labor.
The church began to take shape, the dream became
reality. Dedication took place in the fall of 1955.
The church was pleased when Morris Engstrom responded
favorably to a call, During his term of office, the church built the new commodious
and handsome parsonage. The church has kept growing in grace and is
exerting a wholesome influence in the community. Its generous giving
through Conference channels is a means of carrying the Gospel to the ends of the
Two generations of Verleys are among those who came early,
the men and women of these families have done much in the work of building
church and parsonage. The Bunting family as well as the Beckham family
have had large responsibility for many years.
The above account was copied from the book
"Seventy-Five Years" by Rev. Gordon Carlson.
On June 12, 1988 they dedicated a new 5,800 square foot
Christian education building. John Hoeldtke was the dedication
speaker. This had been a greatly needed addition for the past several
years as the congregation has continued to grow in crowded facilities under the
leadership of Pastor Earl Johnson. The completion of the Christian
education building and the provision for parking are Phase 1 in a two phase
expansion program, Cliff Gustafson, a former pastor from 1947 to 1955, was
the speaker at the 45th anniversary celebration held the same day. The
first building was completed shortly before Cliff's resignation in 1955.
Turning the calendar to 1964, Ted and Carolyn Peterson were
commissioned by the church for missionary service in Argentina under appointment
by the Baptist General Conference. At the same commissioning service Royal
and Verla Hiebert were commissioned for ministry in the Good Shepherd School in
Ed and Darlene Perry came from Alaska to the Clatskanie
pastorate for two years beginning in October of 1966. They were followed
by the Bob Miller family who also served for two years. The Stan Scotts
served for less than two years until November, 1973. Ron Hall from Portland
was the commuting interim until the next pastor arrived.
Earl and Helen Johnson came from Evergreen Baptist Church in
Tacoma to Clatskanie in August 1974, and have given dedicated steady ministry
for 15 years. The Lord has brought many young families into the
congregation. These adults have natured into strong Christian
leaders. Combining their energy with the older members dedication has made
the new expansion possible. Membership at Clatskanie Church has varied
between 80 and 110 during this quarter century. Worship attendance
averaged 135 in 1988. Clatskanie has been a cheerful supporter of all
Conference ministries and is always represented at Conference events.
The above account was copied from the book "Fourth Quarter of the first century" by John Bergeson.
The church is located in the beautiful little town of Clatskanie. Clatskanie is on the Oregon side of the Columbia River about 45 miles west of Portland as stated above. The church is located on Nehalem Street, which runs perpendicular to Highway 30, through the center of town and is about 5 blocks up the hill from Highway 30. Today in 2002, the pastor is Ron Jacobson.
The following words
from Mrs. Cathy Horness, reflecting on her life growing up in Clatskanie:
Yes, I grew up in
Clatskanie. We were attending another church in town but my father's work
often took him out of town and my mother didn't drive. There were eight
children in the family at that time and we lived out in the country. When
some of the families from the Baptist Church offered to take us to church each
Sunday and to Vacation Bible School in the summer, my mom accepted. I
remember that my older sisters were asked to help the teachers in the Bible
School classes too. Rev. Morris Engstrom was the pastor at the church at
the time we began to attend and Pastor Cliff Gustafson was often a visitor and
guest speaker as well as the Lake Retreat Camp Director. Both Cliff and
Morris left lasting impressions on me! I pattern what I do in church
ministry after their enthusiasm and drive to reach children and those who are
"children at heart" (adults) in a way that both interests and
intrigues them. Pastor Earl Johnson was also a strong influence in my life
in that he has a gift of encouragement and the ability to gently help me open
the tightly closed doors of insecurity so that I could share the skills that
influenced me, ones that I had learned from such people as Cliff or
From an email sent by Cathy on May 1, 2003.
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