Rev. Eric Lindholm, Interim Pastor
Eric Nathanael Lindholm was born June 27, 1897 in St. Åby, Östergötland, Sweden. Eric was converted October
1909, in Lindsborg, Kansas and baptized there in 1909. Eric attend Bethel Seminary and graduated in the class of 1922. Rev. Lindholm married Ester Florence Mattson of Dassel, Minnesota on June 27, 1922. They had two boys, Eric Roger and John Gordon. He was ordained October 21, 1922 in Grove City, Minnesota. He then attended the University of Washington, in 1924-1925. Rev. Lindholm was Pastor of Grove City, Minnesota 1921-1924 / Seattle Ballard, Washington 1924-1926 / St. Paul Central 1926-1931 / Chicago Addison Street 1933-1937 / Cambridge Minnesota 1937-1942 / Worcester, Massachusetts 1942- ....
Mention should be made of the excellent interim of the "Bridge Builder" Rev. Eric Lindholm who so ably guided the Temple Baptist Church during the transition period from Rev. David G. Danielson's leaving early in 1972 until the coming of Rev. Richard Wiens in September.
The following text was written by Rev. Eric Lindholm in the Pastor's Annual Report for Temple Baptist Church in the year 1972.
"Behold, I will do a new thing." Isaiah 43:19. The word "new" fits into our Christian speech in many ways. The numbering of our years speaks of the new thing God did for the world when he sent to us his son, Jesus. Each time we write the current date of the year we testify to the birth of Christ and His entering into human history.
The book that ties together the great promises of God and records their fulfillment, is known as the New Testament. This book tells about new hope for the world through the life, death and resurrection of Christ.
When we meet God in a personal way, He does not give our old nature a temporary overhaul; He creates a new nature within us. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away, behold all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5;17. This is not reformation, it is regeneration, There is a difference.
When we grow tired of the tragic things that happen in this sad world, we lift up our hearts and listen to God's great promise:
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. Behold, I Make all things new! Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:1-5
Eric N. Lindholm, Interim Pastor
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