History of Temple Baptist Church

The following is of chronological  times in history that pertain only to Temple Baptist Church.

For an inclusive chronological history that records events that happened down through the ages, including this page, Click here.

            January, Olaus Okerson and his family arrived in Portland.  They stayed in the Shogren family home to which they were welcomed.  They stayed there until located elsewhere.
           January 23, Pastor Okerson's first preaching service in the Pacific Northwest was held in the Episcopal Chapel on SW 5th near Oak St. in downtown Portland.

            "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."           
                                              John 3:16 NIV

            Panoramic View of the City of Portland looking East.  Place mouse pointer over thumbnail picture and click the mouse button to see a full size Panoramic View.  It is a large file so please be patient.  

City of Portland 1882 - Looking East

            "All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name." 
                                            Acts 10:43 NIV

            April 15,  The First Scandinavian Baptist Church held meetings in its own building at S.W. Sixth and Caruthers.  The congregation, not yet organized, met for the first time in its own building.  Pioneer Missionary Olaus Okerson had purchased a large lot and moved onto it a small building that was an old one room school house and it became the first home of our congregation.  The church came equipped with a wood burning stove that sit in the middle of the room that they used for heat..
            October 17, Rev. Gustof Liljeroth baptized John Palmblad and two others in Johnson Creek at Gresham.  This was the first baptismal service for our church. 
            Mrs. Liljeroth conducted the Sunday School.  Click here to read an account of the history of the Temple Baptist Sunday School.

            "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame."  
                                              Romans 9:33 NIV

            Rev. Gustaf Liljeroth became our first Senior Pastor
            January 1, First Scandinavian Baptist Church of Portland (now known as Temple Baptist Church) was organized by Gustaf Liljeroth at the home of Deacon D. W. Williams of the First American Baptist Chruch.   Click here to see minutes of the meeting.
            June 16 ~The Church was incorporated to the Oregon nonprofit corporation law.
                       Note: From the records of Harley Hallgren  Hard times came in 1884.  Railroad financial collapse resulted in much unemployment.  Work on the Portland Hotel stopped.  Some of the church members moved out of town onto farms, some went back East.   P.A. Johnson went to Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Rose went to Michigan.
           Read a written historical account from the notes of Harley Hallgren about the city of  Portland around this point in time.
           Read a written historical account from the notes of Harley Hallgren about the city of  Corvallis around this point in time.
           Read a written historical account from the notes of Harley Hallgren about the city of  Salem around this point in time.

            "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God -- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."         
                                               John 1:12,13  NIV

            Gustaf Liljeroth continued as Pastor of our church.
            October 1, Nicholas Hayland, first graduate of Bethel Seminary, became our pastor.
            May, Rev. Liljeroth went to Oakland, California where he organized a Scandinavian Baptist Church.
            Recorded names of people at church services in this year; PH Carlson, Lydia Lindblom, Hanna _______?, Anna Moe, Anna? Pearson, Mary Moe, Ellen Nelson, Andrew Olsam, Axel Loaderholm, David Hagg, ______ Stenstrom, Rev. Hayland, Mrs. Hayland, 3 children, Anna Youngstrom, Bernard ________?.  Pastor Hayland preached to South Portland Catholics and Jews.

            "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."
                                                John 3:18 NIV

            Nicholas Hayland continued as Pastor of our church.
            June 23, Women's Sewing Society was formed.  Read a historical account and see a picture of this group taken in the early 20's by clicking on the Women's Sewing Society Link above.  Read the Constitution of the Sewing Bee in Swedish and also translated to English.
           July 3, Nicholas Hayland was reelected preacher, unanimously, "received all the votes of those present, eleven in number."

            "For in the Scripture it says: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame."                             
                                               1 Peter 2:6 NIV

            Nicholas Hayland continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 1, a new building, The First Swedish Church of Portland on N.W. 12th near Glisan was erected and dedicated.
           August 27,  First Baptismal Service held in the 12th Street Church with Pastor Hayland baptizing Miss Anna Ljungstrom (sister of Mrs. Hayland), Miss Anna Person, and Mr. David Hagg.

            "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household." 
                                            Acts 16:31   NIV
            Nicholas Hayland continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 25th, the trustees of the First Scandinavian Baptist Church of Portland decided to sell the property on Caruthers Street to John P. Nelson.
            September 29, The Young People's Society was organized with a membership of seventeen.  L. Larson was the first president.
            Bethel Seminary returns to Morgan Park, Chicago, again as a separate Swedish department of the Baptist Union Theological Seminary with Eric Sandell as acting dean.

            "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."
                    John 12:46  NIV

            Nicholas Hayland continued as Pastor of our church.
            December 28, The Swedish Baptist Conference of the North Pacific Coast was organized.  It later became the Columbia Conference in 1930.
            Uno N. Brauer became our Senior Pastor.

            "Then Jesus declared, "'I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.'"                    
                                                 John 6:35 NIV

            Uno N. Brauer continued as Pastor of our church.
            February 28, The Cedarhome Baptist Church in Stanwood, Washington was organized.

            "'If you can?'"  said Jesus, "Everything is possible for him who believes."       
                                                 Mark 9:23 NIV
            Uno N. Brauer continued as Pastor of our church.
            Rev. August Westerberg was Pastor.
    Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."                                         
                                                 John 20:29 NIV

            Rev. August Westerberg continued as Pastor or our church.
            May, the church voted to withdraw from North Pacific Coast (Columbia) Conference.

    "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life."         
                                                John 6:47 NIV

           Rev. John Olander was Pastor of our church.
           Erik Hjalmar East felt the call of God to go the the Foreign Field.

    "Blessed is he who has regard for the weak, the LORD delivers him in the times of trouble.  The LORD will protect him and preserve his life, he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes."                         
                                               Psalm 41:1,2  NIV

           Rev. David Oberg was Pastor of our church.
           See Tax Lot information on Caruthers Street Church.
           September 29, The name "First Scandinavian Baptist Church of Portland" was changed to "The First Swedish Baptist Church of Portland."

    "He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done."                                                           
                                             Proverbs 19:17 NIV

           Rev. David Oberg continued as Pastor of our church.
            June, the conference name was changed to the Swedish Baptist Conference.

    "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed,  Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."  When one of those at the table with him hear this, he said to Jesus, "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God."  Jesus replied:  "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests.  At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited. 'Come, for everything is now ready.'  But they all alike began to make excuses.  The first said, 'I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it.  Please excuse me.'  Another said, 'I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I'm on my way to try them out,  Please excuse me.'  Another said, 'I just got married, so I can't come.'  Then the servant came back and reported this to his master.  Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled. the blind and the lame.'  Sir the servant said, 'what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.'   Then the master told his servant, "Go out out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.  I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.' "                                 
                                           Luke 14:13-24 NIV

            Axel Vester served as Interim Pastor of our church.

    "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide, purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." 
                               Luke 12:33 NIV

            Rev. Charles Asplund was Pastor of our church.

    "He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy."  
                                            Proverbs 14:21 NIV

            Rev. Charles Asplund continued as Pastor of our church.
            April 13, The Women's Mission Circle was organized to promote interest in home and foreign missions.
            A separate conference in Oregon was established. The conference name was then the Oregon Swedish Conference.

    "Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again."                                  
                                           Ecclesiastes 11:1 NIV

            Rev. Charles Asplund continued as Pastor of our church.            
            Rev. G. A. Osbrink became the first Oregon Conference Missionary.

    "He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn will be lifted high in honor."                                              
                                           Psalm 112:9 NIV

            Rev. Charles Asplund continued as Pastor of our church.
            February 14, Pastor Nicholas Hayland, our 2nd pastor and 1st graduate of John Edgren's Theological Seminary, (Bethel) passed away, in Tacoma, Washington.

    "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." 
                                            Proverbs 22:9 NIV

            Rev. Charles Asplund continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 29,  Olaus Okerson, died in McMinnville, Oregon.

    "Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."                                           
                                              Luke 6:38 NIV

            Uno N. Brauer served as Pastor some time during this year.
             Gordon V. Johnson served as Interim some time during this year.
            Rev. John Huggert was Pastor or our church.
            Rev. Gustaf Johnson succeeds Rev. Osbrink as missionary.

    "He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses."                              
 Proverbs 28:27 NIV         

            Rev. John Huggert continued as Pastor of our church. 

    "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."        
                                              2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV            

            Rev. John Huggert continued as Pastor of our church.
            September 26, Axel Anderson and Carl V. Anderson were baptized.

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."
                                              Proverbs 3:5,6 NIV

            Rev. John Huggert continued as Pastor of our church.
            Many people of Swedish birth came to Oregon for the World's Fair - The Lewis and Clark Exposition.            
            April 12, the 12th avenue church property was sold.  Services were held in The German Methodist church from April to September.  The church moved to the new building at NW Fifteenth and Hoyt.
            September 17, a new building, The First Swedish Baptist Church at N.W. Fifteenth and Hoyt was dedicated.

   " All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."                                                                
                                              John 6:37 NIV

            Rev. Eric Scherstrom was Pastor of our church.
            Rev. Carl Axel Boberg succeeds Rev. Gustaf Johnson as Oregon Missionary.
            Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg were the custodians at the 15th and Hoyt church.

    "The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, "How long will you keep us in suspense?  If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly."                        
                                          John 10:24 NIV

            Rev. Eric Scherstrom continued as Pastor of our church.
            A.G. Sandblom  came to the west coast as a missionary and continued until September, 1912.
            Rev. A. G. Sandblom succeeds Rev. Boberg as Oregon Missionary.
            May 30,  See the Announcement for the Yearly Banquet of the Sunday School 
            June 5, the Church at Warren was organized.

                "Cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it again.  give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disasters may come upon the land.  If clouds are full of water, they pour rain upon the earth.  Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north in the place where it falls, there it will lie.  Who ever watches the wind will not plant:  whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.  As you do not know the path of the wind or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things."                                                                                                                                                                 Ecclesiastes 11:1-5 NIV

            Rev. Eric Scherstrom continued as Pastor of our church.
            July 4, See Photo of Young People's Picnic.

"....and the dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it."                                                                          
                                           Ecclesiastes 12:7 NIV

            Rev. Eric Scherstrom continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 19, Powell Valley (Haley) church was organized.
            The Income for Temple this year was $2,412.47.

   "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat, drink, and be glad.  Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun."
                                            Ecclesiastes 8:15 NIV

            Rev. Eric Scherstrom continued as Pastor of our church.
           The Sewing Circle and Mission Circle were combined.
            Philip Forsander left for Morgan Park Seminary, to become a Pastor and a US Naval Chaplain.
            In the spring, the blind evangelist, A. J. Freeman, and his daughter, Esther held meetings which were used of God in the salvation of many souls.
            The income for Temple this year was $1,563.30.

    "In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth."  
Genesis 1:1 NIV

            Rev. Fredric Linden was Pastor.

     "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
                                             II Corinthians 5:17 NIV

            Rev. Fredric Linden continued as was Pastor of our church.
            January 28, The church at Cherry Grove was organized.
            September, Rev. August Olson succeeds Rev. Sandblom as Oregon Missionary.
            The Haley church was dedicated.  John Johnson was the first Pastor from 1907-1920.
            December,  Mr. and Mrs. John Milton went to Cherry Grove from Portland and bought a lot on First Avenue to build a hotel.  It was rushed to completion and ready for use in late January the following year.

        "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
                                           Philippians 4:6 NIV   

            Rev. Fredric Linden continued as Pastor of our church.
            The hymn "The Old Rugged Cross" was composed by Rev. George Bennard.

        "He was in the world, and though the world was made by Him, the world did not recognize Him.  He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.  Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave the right to be children of God."
John 1:10-12  NIV

            Rev. Fredric Linden continued as Pastor of our church.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's might hand, that He may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your cares on Him as He cares for you."
                                      1 Peter 5:6,7 NIV

            Rev. Fredric Linden continued as Pastor of our church.

          Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devout.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know your brothers throughout to world are undergoing the same kind of suffering." 
                                        1 Peter 5:8,9

            Rev. Fredric Linden continued as Pastor of our church.            
           January 1, read the Församlings Posten (Assembly News), our church news letter, which was written in Swedish. 
           October 4, Pastor Sjolander came to Temple. He reported that the theme verse for his Temple ministry would be from Zechariah 4:7  "  Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts"  "For more than a year and a half before his coming, the church had been much in prayer for revival....much had been done also... .in weeding out such members as had become worldly and unspiritual." 
           Rev. Axel Tjernlund served as Interim Pastor sometime during this year.
           Rev. Gideon Sjolander was Senior Pastor.

                                                Psalm 70:4 NIV

            Rev. Gideon Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.

              "But their idols are silver and gold made by the hands of men.  They have mouths that cannot speak, eyes but they cannot see; they have hands but cannot feel, feet but cannot walk; nor can they utter a sound with their throats.  Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them."                                               Psalm 115:4-8 NIV

            Rev. Gideon Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            August 16, Harley K. Halgren and Louise Marie Tjernlund were married.
            October ~ The Spanish Flu hit Portland,Oregon.  The first death was a discharged soldier, Arthur Zik.  School, churches, streetcars were closed, no sneezing allowed.  From an article in the April 2020 issue of the NW Examiner, a local NW newspaper.

             "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this and is marvelous in our eyes."                                                Psalm 118:22-23 NIV

            Rev. Gideon Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January, the church celebrated its 35th anniversary.
            February 4,  The church set aside $700 for a building fund at the suggestion of the Young People's Society and commenced looking for a suitable location for a new church building  To see extracts from the business meeting.

            In Memoriam ~ Rev. Gustav Johnson - November 21 ~ Rev. Johnson was born on November 30, 1961 in Dunker, SöDermanland, Sweden.  Rev. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on May 3, 1902.  Rev. Johnson was called to be a missionary of the Oregon Swedish Baptist Conference and began his work in that capacity on March 1, 1901. 
                                                     Psalm 108:5 NIV

            Rev. Gideon Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January, the Oregon Conference was held at this church and a large number of delegates made a trip to Warren, Oregon, to dedicate the church there.
            July, Pastor Sjolander visits Sweden.
            Rev. Emanuel Bjorkquist became Interim Pastor. 
            July, Pastor Axel Tjernlund went to be with the Lord.
            August 3, Pastor Sjolander was granted 9 months leave of absence to visit Sweden.
            October 31, the Deacon Board arranged a meeting to honor John Palmblad on his eightieth birthday.  Mr. Palmblad gave the church the sum of $50.00 for the new church lot that the church expected to buy. Reported by O.S. Rydman on November 20.
Rev. Emanuel Bjorkquist succeeds Rev. Sandblom as Oregon Missionary.
            See a photo of the church choir.
            Bethel Seminary's name became "Bethel Institute."

            In Memoriam - Mr. Anna Mattson - February 22 ~ Anna joined Temple fellowship on April 25, 1917.
                                      Rev. Axel Tjernlund - July 22 ~ Rev. Tjernlund was born on August 4, 1854 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1912 along with his wife Sigrid and daughter Miss Helen Tjernlund. 
                                      Mrs. Emily Gledhill - October 3 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on February 7, 1909.

             "When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgressions."
                                         Psalm 65:3 NIV

            Rev. Emanuel Bjorkquist continued as Interim Pastor of our church.
            January, the church began to have a service once a month in English, for the benefit of those who do not understand the Swedish language.  Gradually the shift to English services became a reality as the church's responsibility to minister to the neighborhood as well as the Swedish population was recognized.  Return to Centennial Quilt.
            January 1, John Palmblad, the first recorded member of Temple passed away.
            June, Rev. Sjölander with family returned from Sweden to resume the pastorate at our church.  There had been much demand for both gospel preaching and temperance lectures while he was there.
           November 15, the church voted to purchase property at the east end of the Broadway Bridge near Interstate Ave on Larrabee Street.  Later the Interstate/Larrabee property was sold.

            In Memoriam ~

             "If we claim to have fellowship with Him, yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.  But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.  If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
                                        1 John 1:6-8 NIV

            Rev. Gideocn Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            See photo of Pastor Sjolander's Bible Class.
            April 20, John Palmblad, the first recorded member of Temple passed away.

            In Memoriam -  Mrs. Minnie Johnson - January 1 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on March 29 1908.
                                       Mr. John Palmblad - April 20 ~ Mr. Palmblad was born in Sweden on October 30, 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Palmblad were charter members of Temple. 
                                       Mrs. Christina Johnson - August 21 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on October 7, 1909. 

             "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
                                       1 John 1:9 NIV

            Rev. Gideon Sjolander continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            June, The Young People's Society celebrated their 35th anniversary.  The church was then called "First Swedish Baptist Church."  See a photo taken on the front steps of the the church at SW 15th and Hoyt Streets.
                See a photo of "The Cheerful Helpers" Sunday School Class. 
                See a photo of  Sunday School Picnic, most likely held on July 4th.
                See a photo of Men's "Berea" Sunday School Class.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Bertha Carlson - January 10 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on August 6, 1912.  
                                       Mr. Mathias Loydgren - January 23 ~ Mr. Loydgren joined Temple fellowship on December 30, 1906.
                                       Mrs. Anna Maria Edman - August 16
                                       Mrs. Josie Boden - September 20 ~  She joined Temple fellowship on June 3, 1913.
                                       Mrs. Sigrid K. Lundquist - October 17 ~ Mrs. Lindquist joined Temple fellowship on January 3, 1918.

             "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness."
                                                2 Peter 1:3 NIV
              "Salvation does not depend on good deeds, but it results in good deeds." ~  Anonymous

             Temple celebrated it's 40th anniversary since the organization of the church.  Pastor Gideon Sjolander along with a committee had a book published called "Minnesskrift," written in Swedish, which tells a detailed history of Temple from 1884 to 1924.  It has recently been translated to English by Mr. Per Walthinsen.   
         January 15, Pastor Sjolander resigns as our Pastor to accept a call to become the General Conference Missionary.
            April 1, Rev. J. Alfred Erickson became Pastor. 

             In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Charlotta Johanson - December 5 ~ Mrs. Johanson joined Temple fellowship on April 16, 1922.
                                        Mrs. John M. (Carolina) Anderson - December 29 ~ Mrs. Anderson and her husband joined Temple fellowship on July 2, 1918.

             "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."
                                                              1 John 5:13 NIV

             Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church
             May 25, The Baraca Sunday School Class held their second annual banquet at Henry Thiele's Restaurant.  See the menu and program.
             November 26, Margaret Brunander (Margaret Steel) was baptized.
             See notes from annual meeting concerning the new church at N.E. 7th and Clackamas by clicking here.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Henning S. Elmen - February 25 ~ Mr. Elmen joined Temple fellowship on September 2, 1923.
                                       Mrs. Olivia Johnson - March 3 ~ Mrs. Johnson was born on January 2, 1881 and joined Temple fellowship on August 6, 1900.
                                       Mrs. Christina Peterson - April 16 ~ Mrs. Peterson joined Temple fellowship on September 10, 1912.
                                       Mr. John Salstrom - December 28 ~ Mr. Salstrom was born on January 5, 1851 and joined Temple fellowship on July 1, 1913.

          "The man who says, 'I know Him,' but does not do what He commands in a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But, if anyone obeys His Word, God's love is truly made complete in him.  This how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.'"
                                                          1 John 2:4-6 NIV  

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church
            January, property at Seventh and Clackamas was purchased.  Click the link to read about the history of the city block the church building sits on.
            March 6, The Building Committee recommended hiring a competent Architect to draw up plans for a new Church Building.
            April 27, The Architect, Walter Kelly presented plans for a building that would cost $50,000.  The plans were adopted.
            September 1, Walter Kelly presented a sketch of the new church building.
            September19, ground breaking took place for the new building.
            October 4, See drawing of Front Elevation of new church building.

             In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Carolina Lindell - January 8 ~ Mrs. Lindell joined Temple fellowship in 1901.
                                        Mr. Isaac Wickman - February 7 ~ Mr. Wickman was born ion June 7, 1862 and joined Temple fellowship on January 31, 1903. 
                                        Mr. Elmer H. Hanson - September 6 ~ Elmer was born on August 21, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1918.

            "When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats,  Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.  He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live from righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.  For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."
                                                 1 Peter 2:23-25 NIV 

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church.
            March 6, Sunday afternoon the cornerstone to our new church building at NE 7th and Clackamas was set in place.  The Cornerstone is of Swedish Granite shipped from Sweden and a gift to the Church from G. B. Johnson, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign Stone and Granite.  Lettering done by Kings Granite Co.
            June 5, last service in the old building on Hoyt Street.
            June 12, dedication of the new church building.  
                Click Here to see the Invitation to the Dedication Exercises. 
                Click Here to see the Program For Dedication.  
            October 21, Friday evening, dedication of the pipe organ.  Pastor Erickson led in a dedication of the organ, followed by a recital performed by concert organist William Boone.  The organ was built by Teller-Kent Organ Company of Erie, Pennsylvania.  The organ had over 1100 electromagnets, with 25 miles of copper and silver wiring.  The organ contained 1,386 pipes, the largest pipe being 16 feet long.  The smallest pipe had openings the size of a led pencil.  See image of the pipes taken in 2007.
            To see photos and text of the new church building on NE 7th and Clackamas, Click Here.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Otto F. King - January 1 ~ Mr. King joined Temple fellowship on November 28, 1903.
                                       Mrs. Anna Nystrom - February 19 ~ Mrs. Nystrom joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1921.
                                       Mr. John Carlson - March 3 ~ No Information found about him except he was a member of Temple.
                                       Mrs. Anna Sjolander - July 12 ~ Anna was born on June 1, 1849 and joined Temple fellowship on November 5, 1916.
                                       Mr. Fred Silversparre - August 3 ~ Mr. Silversparre joined Temple fellowship with Mrs. Silversparre on February February 26, 1926.
                                       Mrs. John (Judith Holst) Nordell  - November 1 ~ Mrs. Nordell was born on May 15, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on March 1, 1908.
                                       Mr. Eric Carlson - December 5 ~ Mr. Carlson joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1923.

            "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may over flow with hope by the power of the holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13 NIV

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. C. L. Abrahamson - February 11 ~ Mrs. Abrahamson joined Temple fellowship on September 2, 1912.
                                       Mr. C. L. Johnson - July 30 ~ Mr. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on November 5, 1916.
                                       Mrs. Maria (Mary) Johnson - October 17 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on December 30, 1906. 
                                       Mrs. Christina Ljunggren - November 17 ~ Mrs. Ljunggren joined Temple fellowship on August 5, 1924.
                                       Mrs. Christina Wendervick - December 19 ~ Mrs. Wendervick joined Temple fellowship on February 12, 1928.

            "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of every one who believes.  First to the Jew, then for the gentile.  For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written:  'The righteous will live by faith.'"
Romans 1:16-17 NIV

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church 
            February 3, Sunday 5:00 pm ~ Concert by the Harmonic Glee Club of the First German Baptist Church at Swedish Baptist Temple
            March 2, Saturday ~ A Concert was presented by Ruth Linrud;, Soprano and Harpist by the Young People's Society of First Swedish Baptist Church.          
            June 26-30, Swedish Baptist Temple was host the first time to the Swedish Baptist General Conference.  The Conference was celebrating their 50th year at Temple.  Click Here to view a copy of the conference program.  (Most of it is written in Swedish)
            November 15, Friday 8:15 pm ~ An organ Recital by Frederick W. Goodrich, Organist and Director of the Choir, St. Mary's Cathedral, Portland.
            See the schedule for 1929 of Offices and Societies for the church.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. O. W. Olson - February 28 ~ Mr. Olson joined Temple fellowship on February 7, 1926. 
                                       Mrs. Betsy Carlson - September 16 ~ Mrs. Carlson was born on January 17, 1861.

            "Through Him and for His name sakes, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.  And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ."
Romans 1:5-6 NIV

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church
            The Oregon Swedish Baptist Conference merged with the Washington Conference to form the Columbia Baptist Conference.
            Rev. A. H. Johnson became missionary for the Conference until 1935.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Erik Skarberg - Jauruary 2 ~ Mr. Skarberg joined Temple fellowship on February 21, 1927.
                                       Mr. Peter S. Sundberg - February 16 ~ Mr. Sundberg joined Temple fellowship on September 2,  1912.
                                       Mr. Charles Reed - March 17 ~ Mr. Reed joined Temple fellowship on April 22, 1926.
                                       Mr. Frank Ryberg - June 5 ~ Mr. Ryberg joined Temple fellowship on July 6, 1909.
                                       Mr. Carl Wahlner - July 6 ~ Mr. Wahlner joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.
                                       Miss Elsie Carlson
                                       Mr. John Wenervick ~ Mr. Wenervick joined Temple fellowship in 1928.

"Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes.  He will bring light to what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of man's hearts.  At that time each will receive his praise from God."
1 Corinthians 4:5 NIV

            Rev. J. Alfred Erickson continued as Pastor of our church
            January 1, Due to hard times, the church stopped paying a salary to all workers and Rev. Erickson agreed to deduct $40.00 per month from salary for 5 months.
            Gertrude Gustafson was Temple's church historian
            March 3, The US Congress passed a joint resolution (46 Stat. 1508) making the song The Star Spangled Banner the official national anthem of the United States, which President Herbert Hoover signed into law. .
            May 30, Swedish Baptist Temple held a Conference Concert 8:00 PM on Saturday.  Click here to view the copy of the original program.
            December 11, 8:00 pm  ~ The Associated Students of Linfield College presented the Glee Clubs in "The Messiah" at Swedish Baptist Temple now known as Temple Baptist Church.

            "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them."
                                          Isaiah 42:16 NIV

           Rev. Fredrik Linden served as Interim Pastor.
           January 14 ~ All the records were written in Swedish until this day when the English language was used.- per Helen Tjernlund
           The Great Depression worsened.  Church was in danger of repossession.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Karina Fosberg - February 22 ~ Mrs. Fosberg joined Temple fellowship on April 4, 1920.
                                       Miss Angeli Johnson - June 11 ~ Miss Johnson joined Temple fellowship on June 3, 1913.
                                       Mr. Charles Stone - July 12 ~ No additional information is known at this time about him.
                                       Mr. Gustaf Erickson - September 16 ~ Mr. Erickson joined Temple fellowship on September 22, 1910. 

          "Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
                                            1 Peter 2:1-2 NIV

           Rev. Carl A. Olsson was the Pastor. 
           Refinancing of the church took place.
           The Young People's Group wanted more English in the church services.  A vote was taken and members decided to hold on to the use of Swedish rather than adopting the wholesale usage of English in the church services.  One reason may have been the feeling that Swedish was more worshipful than English, and that the preaching should be understandable to the Swedish majority membership.  This caused part of the congregation to leave the church.  Gradually later in the1930's the language switched exclusively to English in the services.
            Radio services on KOIN were begun-"The Scandinavian Half Hour."
            Baptismal service at Temple on New Years Eve - Mr. & Mrs. Percy Seymour, Miss Marjorie Rydman, Miss Eileen JohnsonMrs. Carl (Elsie) Ostrom and Mrs. Haroldson were baptized.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Richard Gustafson - August 7 ~ Mr. Gustafson joined Temple fellowship on January 28, 1900.

                 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, ..............." 
                                               Hebrews 12:1 NIV

            Rev. Carl A. Olsson continued as the Pastor of our church.
            January 1, The Golden Jubilee of Swedish Baptist Temple.  The honor of being the only living charter member of the Swedish Baptist Temple at East Seventh and Clackamas Streets, Portland, was bestowed upon our Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother, Mrs. Augusta Palmblad, when the church celebrated its Golden Jubilee-January 1st to 7th, 1934.  Click Here to see notes written at a Palmblad clan meeting August 19, 1934.  (Taken from notes compiled by Harley Hallgren.)
           February 4, Baptized at Temple - Betty Hallgren, Margaret Anderson, David Carlson, Astrid Johnson, Delores Wickman.
           May 12, 6:30 pm ~ A Mother and Daughter Banquet was held at Temple.  It was sponsored by: The Mizpah Class of the Swedish Baptist Temple
           Read a copy of the 1934 Annual Sunday School Report originally written by Helen Tjernlund, SS Superintendent.
           The panorama photograph shown below was taken of the congregation on January 7, 1934 in front of the church as part of the Golden Jubilee celebration. 

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Katarina (Catherine) Wickman - January 19 ~ Mrs. Wickman was born on May 12, 1862.
                                       Mr. Julius Bramer - July 30

            "Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."
                                              Psalm 25:4-5 NIV

            Rev. Carl A. Olsson continued as the Pastor of our church.
            Rev. Ole Larson succeeds Rev. A. G. Johnson as Columbia Missionary.
            May 19-24 ~ 47th Annual Meeting of the Columbia Swedish Baptist Conference was held at Temple (Swedish Baptist Temple).
            June 7, See pictures of the Baptist Sunday School Rose Festival Float in the parade.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Carl August Carlson - February 26 ~ Mr. Carlson was born on October 9, 1856.
                                       Mr. Aaron A. Gisselberg - March 14 ~ Mr. Gisselberg joined Temple fellowship along with his wife Esther on March 1, 1927.  They had a daughter named Ardis, who married Mr. Nathan Sjolander.
                                      Mr. Hjalmer Soderberg - April 23 ~ Mr. Soderberg joined Temple fellowship on January 5, 1924.
                                      Mr. John Milton - August 5 ~ Mr. Milton joined Temple fellowship on March 6, 1927.
                                      Miss Lillian Benson - September 9 ~ Miss Benson joined Temple fellowship on July 2, 1922.

             "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having out hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
                                              Hebrews 10:22 NIV

            Rev. Carl A. Olsson continued as the Pastor of our church.
            Rev. C. A. Aldeen was Interim Pastor.
            December 1,--First time the minutes of Business Meetings were written in English.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

           In Memoriam ~ Mr. Thomas Johnson - January 6 ~ No additional information is known about Mr. Johnson.
                                      Mrs. Carolina Bolin - June 7
                                      Rev. C. G. Scott - August 20 ~ Rev. Scott joined Temple fellowship on July 6, 1913.
                                      Mrs. Anna Thornquist - October 3 ~ Mrs. Thornquist joined Temple fellowship on April 10, 1910.

             "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." 
                                            Hebrews 1:11 NIV

            Rev. C.A. Aldeen continued as Interim Pastor of our church.
            April 11, Bert Johnson and his brother Lloyd were welcomed into the church fellowship on this day.
            June 13, Temple celebrated its 10th Anniversary in the building on NE 7th and Clackamas.  See the Anniversary Program.
            September 30, Charles Surdstrom ordained to Gospel Ministry.
            Rev. V. E. Hedberg became Pastor.  He was the first American born Pastor in the churches history.
            Ned Holmgren to Bethel Seminary.  He was a pastor at various churches until 1973.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Sophia Beck - April 15 ~ Mrs. Beck was born on August 13, 1868.
                                       Mrs. Margaret Hawkins - April 20 ~ Mrs. Hawkins joined Temple fellowship on January 26, 1907.
                                       Mr. Jonas Molin - July 5 ~  No other information is available.
                                       Mrs. Lydia Nyquist - December 10 ~ Mrs. Nyquist joined Temple fellowship on April 19, 1908.

            "Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother.  And why did he murder him?  Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous." 
                                             1 John 3:12 NIV

            Rev. V.E.Hedberg continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 1, Ned Holmgren licensed to preach.
            July 1, Our former pastor, Rev. John Alfred Erickson went to be with the Lord.

           In Memoriam ~  Mrs. John (Augusta) Palmblad - January 16 ~ Mrs. Palmblad was born on July 20, 1856.  Augusta and husband John were charter members of Temple.
                                       Mrs. Carolina Paulson - March 12 ~ No other information is available.
                                       Dr. Edward Salstrom - March 21 ~ Dr. Salstrom was born on July 10, 1897 and joined Temple fellowship on July 4, 1915.
                                       Mrs. Anna (Olinda) Rodlund - May 12 ~ No additional information is known about her.
                                       Rev. John Alfred Erickson - July 1 ~ Rev. Erickson was the 13th Senior Pastor of Temple.  He served from 1921 to 1924.
                                      Mrs. John (Elizabeth Albertina) Dahlgren - July 16 ~ Mrs. Dahlgren and her husband John Albert joined Temple fellowship on December 26 1903.
                                       Mrs. Anna M. Anderson - September 7 ~ Mrs. Anderson was born on April 10, 1876 and joined Temple fellowship on February 2, 1913.
                                       Mrs. Ellen Johnson - September 7 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on June 1, 1915.
                                       Mr. Edward Anderson - September 12 ~ Mr. Anderson was born on May 1, 1866 and joined Temple fellowship on December 29, 1907.
                                       Mrs. Alice Hedin Johnson - November 22 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on June 5, 1916.
                                       Mrs. Anna Soderstrom - December 10 ~ Mrs. Soderstrom joined Temple fellowship on June 1, 1919.
                                       Mrs. Johanna (Hanna) Gynther - December 21 ~ No other information is listed for Johanna. 

            "How great is the Love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God.  The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him." 
                                        1 John 3:1 NIV

            Rev. V.E.Hedberg continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 25, the church held a farewell reception for Pastor Victor Hedberg.            
            September, Linus and Mrs. Johnson arrived with their children Earl and Marion.  Two other children were Beulah and George.  Beulah was in training at Midway Hospital, St Paul, and George was at Bethel Junior College.  Dr. Johnson came from Temple Baptist Church in Duluth, Minnesota.  At this time he assumed the pastorate at our church.
            September 1, the church held a welcoming reception for Linus Johnson.
            October 30, the church honored the Rev. and Mrs. Emanuel Bjorkquist and Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Hallgren in a joint celebration of their Golden Wedding anniversaries.
            Miss Helen Carlson started at Multnomah School of the Bible as a student.  Later became instructor.
            The average attendance in church for the year1939, was 341.  The average attendance in Sunday school was 192 per Sunday.  The highest attendance was 265 and the lowest was 140 during 1939.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Leontine Scott - January 19 ~ Mrs. Scott joined Temple fellowship on July 6, 1913.
                                       Miss Minnie Forsberg - March 1 ~ Mrs. Forsberg joined Temple fellowship on March 1, 1927.
                                       Mrs. Ida Berg - March 16 ~ Mrs. Berg was born on October 3, 1871. Ida was married to Carl August Berg who passed away on January 6, 1953. 
                                       Mr. A. Peter Sanders - March 19 ~ Mr. Sanders was born on December 12, 1851 and joined Temple fellowship on October 7, 1917.
                                       Mrs. Jonas (Augusta) Molin - June 5 ~ No other information is available.
                                       Mr. Nels Olson - September 29 ~ Mr. Olson joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1923.
                                       Miss Elaine Foster ~ Miss Foster joined Temple fellowship in 1935.

            "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
                                          Hebrews 10:22 NIV

            Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 7,  Rev. Wyman Malmsten from Bethel was with us this week.  
            October 4, The choir recommends Miss Helen Tjernlund as choir leader.
            November 1, Mrs. Doris Carlson.   
            The Conference publication, "The Standard" was first published.
            The Officers for the year were:  Vice Chairman: Dr. F.G. Salstrom; Secretary: Jacob Gordh; Assistant Secretary: Lee Johnson; Financial Secretary: Walfred Anderson; Assistant Financial Secretary: Ernie Johnson; Building Treasurer: Leonard Anderson; Church Treasurer: Emil Peterson; Treasurer of Radio and Mission Funds: Ed Johnson; Chief Usher: Henry Dahlgren; Assistant Chief Usher: Ray Lott; Historical Secretary: Harley K. Hallgren; Deacons - Elected: Ed Johnson, John Johnson, Carl Stromgren; Trustees: Leonard Anderson, Albin Rydman; Organist: Helen Tjernlund; Song Leader: Mrs. Stanley Gordh; Assistant Song Leader:

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Carl Holmgren - May 2 ~ Mr. Holmgren joined Temple fellowship on December 2, 1924.
                                       Mrs. Ray (Elma Anderson) Paltridge - June 15 ~ Mrs. Anderson joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.
                                       Captain Andrew Johnson - September 27 ~ Captain Johnson joined Temple fellowship on May 26, 1918.                         
                                       Mrs. Doris Carlson - November 1 ~ No additional information is available.
                                       Mr. Albert Peterson - December 20 ~ Mr. Peterson joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.

            "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among nations."
                                           Psalm 67:1 NIV  

            Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            February 7, The Church decided to use "Temple Baptist Church" in all publicity and to drop the "Swedish" designation from the title.
            March 9, Sunday,  The Columbia Conference district rally was held at Cherry Grove.  A worship service was held at 3:00 in the afternoon.  Our pastor, Linus Johnson presented the message.
            March, Some of the classrooms on the second floor were painted with volunteer labor by those who felt led.  The painting project was led by Mr. Albin Rydman
            April 13, Easter Sunday.
            Miss Henrietta Carlson enrolled at Bethel Seminary.  She later married Mr. Clifford Gustafson.
            For a list of men from Temple who served in WW II Click Here.

            The Officers for the year were:  Vice-Chairman, Rev. John Nordell; Secretary, Jacob M. Gordh; Assistant Secretary, Nathan Sjolander; Finance Secretary, Miss Eileen Johnson; Assistant Finance Secretary, Carl Ostrom; Treasurer of Building Fund, Leonard Anderson; Treasure Current Fund, Emil Peterson; Missionary Treasure, Miss Ruth Hanson; Radio Treasurer, Birger Arnbom; Chief Usher, Henry Dahlgren, Assistant Chief Usher, Ernest Hanson; Historical Secretary, Harley K. Hallgren; Trustees, Sven Larson and Ben Selberg, Organist - Choir Director, Miss Helen Tjernlund; Sunday School Superintendent, Edwin Johnson;  Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, Birger Arnbom; Song Leader, Alfred Johnson; Assistant Song Leader, Birger Arnbom.
            Each Sunday at 1:00pm, Temple made a radio broadcast "Swedish Half-hour" over station KALE.  The radio broadcast continued for 22 years

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Caroline Johnson - January 19 ~ Mrs. Johnson was born in 1849 and joined Temple fellowship in 1919.
                                       Mr. Oscar Anderson - June 1.  Mr. Anderson was born on July 28, 1874 and joined Temple fellowship on February 2, 1913.
                                       Miss Evelyn Larson - October 10 ~ Miss Larson joined Temple fellowship on April 8, 1928.
                                       Mr. Eric Lindquist - December 8 ~ Mr. Lindquist joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.

           "See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.  But encourages one another daily, as long as it is called 'Today', so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."
                                              Hebrews 3:12-13 NIV

            Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            May 8, The honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Pastor Linus Johnson at the commencement exercise of Western Baptist Theological Seminary held at Temple.
            May 22, the church debt paid.
            June, mortgage due
            July 12, Sunday, the burning of the mortgage.  Click here to read an account by Harley Hallgren of the last days of the mortgage.
            October 23, name changed from "Swedish Baptist Temple" to " Temple Baptist Church."
            All services at Temple are now spoken in English.

            In Memoriam ~ Lt. Henry George Carr ~ Reported Missing in Action on December 2.  Henry was born on October 1, 1919.  He was a navigator in a B-17 on a mission in WW II near Australia when the plane went down.  He joined Temple fellowship on December 31, 1936. 
                                       Mrs. Claus Oak - April 23 ~ Mrs. Oak joined Temple fellowship on November 6, 1923.

             "You must teach what is good according to sound doctrine."
                                           Titus 2:1 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            February, See picture of group from Temple visiting Multnomah County Poor Farm as they did from time to time.   Edgefield Manor, as it is known today was built in 1911, served as the county poor farm where it was run as a self sufficient operation by the residents who worked in various forms of employment on the grounds.
           February 10, A memorial service for Lt. Henry George Carr, a member of Temple since 1936, was held Sunday evening, February 10, 1943.  Lt. Henry Carr was a navigator on a Flying Fortress (B-17) which failed to return from a bombing mission over New Guinea, on December 2, 1942.  Lt. Carr was born on October 1, 1919
           February 15, Mr. Sven Larson passed away..
           March 2, Mr. Meerill Morgan passed away.
           March 3, - Mr. Nels O. Nelson passed away to be with the Lord,  He was born in Sode, Medelpad, Sweden, on November 7, 1881 and died at tan age of 61 years, 3 months and 26 days.  He was failing in health the last years.  He resided in Portland 21 years; in the USA about 41 years.  For 20 years he was a member of Tacoma Swedish Baptist church, a SS Superintendent for 10 years, and a faithful member of our own Temple.  He was also a deacon.  He was buried from Pearson's Funeral Church and laid to rest at Rose City Cemetery.  Pastor Johnson officiated and Mrs. Ernie Johnson sang. 
           March 9 - Mr. Carl William Stromgren was born in Smoland, Sweden, on July 28, 1965 and passed to his reward this day at the age of 77 years.  He came to the USAat an age of 25, and settled in Ironwood, Michigan, where he was converted and baptized.  In 1892, he moved to Duluth and united with the Bethel Baptist Church, where he was a active member for forty-six years.  He served a trustee in this church for many years.  In 1938, he moved to Portland and united with Temple, where he served as a deacon.  He was survived by his wife and children.  Well don, good and faithful servant! 
           June 27, The Clatskanie Church was organized.
           September 19, Bethel Baptist Church in St. Johns was organized.
           Miss Lois Sorley was called from Wisconsin to assist Pastor Johnson in visitation work.     
           Sunday School for war worker's children was established in the St. John's area.
           Click here for an account of Miss Lois Sorley.

            In Memoriam ~  Mr. Sven Larson - February 15
                                        Mr. Merrill Morgan - March 2
                                        Mr. Nels O. Nelson - March 3, passed away to be with the Lord,
                                        Mr. Carl William Stromgren   
                                        Mr. Erick "Eric" Anderson - April 15 ~ Mr. Anderson lived in Alameda, California.

           "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead to suit their own desires.  They will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and then turn aside to myths.  But you, keep your head in all situations, enduring hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."
                                            2 Timothy 4:3-5 NIV

            "A mind filled with good has little room for what is evil."  ~   Anonymous

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            February 19, Click Here to read letter from Mrs. Bjorkquist to Harley Hallgren.
            September 15, Mr. Alfred Johnson passed away and entered into the arms of Jesus. 
            October 10, Methodist Deaconess Home located at the corner of  N.E. 25th and Flanders was purchased and  organized and became the (Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.
    October 19, The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home was organized and became a corporation.
            Columbia Conference accepted responsibility for the Sunday School in St. John's. Henrietta Carlson, (Mrs. Clifford Gustafson), was licensed for the ministry and sent to be the first leader-pastor of this work.  This Sunday School was soon to become Bethel Baptist Church.
            See photo of Temple Baptist Church Congregation on front steps.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. David (Augusta) Hagg - January 6 ~ Augusta was born in Sweden in January 1857.  She was 86 when she died.
                                       Mrs. Augusta Gustafson - August 3 ~ No other information listed.
                                       Mr. Alfred Johnson - September 15 ~  Mr. Johnson was born in Sweden on August 14, 1891 an joined Temple fellowship on November 5, 1907.  He was chairman of the church finance committee, trustee, and president of the young people's society.

             "Therefore, since we have a great high Priest who has who has ascended into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess."
                                                        Hebrews 4:14 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 1, Temple had their 61st anniversary dinner.  See List of members who have been affiliated with the church for 40 years and more.
            February, Rev. William Tapper, Director of Young People and Sunday School work in the General Conference was with us and held five spiritual meetings.
            April, In the latter part, Rev. Victor Larson, a great powerful preacher, from Elim Church in Seattle spent "Four Great Days" with us.
            May and June, Bernie Wennermark was Junior Rose Festival Prime Minister.
            May, The Methodist Deaconess Home (which became The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home) was purchased.
            June 11-22, Daily Vacation Bible School was held under the supervision of Miss Lois Sorley.
            July 1, work was started on remodeling of the Oregon Baptist Retirement home.
            July 4, The church had its annual picnic at Peninsula Park.
            July, Dr. Arthur I. Brown, physician, radio minister and scientist was with us.
            July 11-15, Eugene Johnson, Lloyd Nordstron and Harold Carlson three young men from Bethel Seminary, gave inspiring talks, colored chalk drawings, and vocal selections.
            August 5-12, Faith Bible Camp was held at Columbia City Fair Grounds.
            September 28 ~ The annual homecoming dinner was held in our church.
            October 2-7, We had "five great days" with Rev Alphin Conrad from Ballard, Seattle.
            November, A special Thanksgiving service was held on Thanksgiving evening with Dr. Bob Jones of Tennessee.
            December 2, Dedication of the Oregon Retirement Home and welcome for the 1st Superintendent, David M. Anderson.  The Home was located at 2545 NE Flanders.
            December 31, the church had a membership of 333.
            See the Honor Roll of names of people from our church, members and friends,  who served in the military in WW II.
           This year the Swedish Baptist General Conference dropped the "Swedish" designation from their official name.
           The first and second floors including the custodians quarters were painted.
           See photo of Temple Choir.
           Miss Lois Sorley was the church missionary.  She did a splendid job of solicitation of new members for the Sunday School and church.  The church bulletin was mimeographed by Miss Sorley.
           Mr. Earnest Hanson was the church clerk.
           Mr. Harley Hallgren was chairman of the Deacon Board.
           Merril E. Morgan was the Secretary and Treasurer of the Deacon Board.
           Hildur Strandberg was Secretary and Treasurer of the Deaconess Board.
           Mr. Ewald Anderson was chairman of the Trustee Board.
           Mr. Ernie Johnson was Secretary of the Trustee Board.
           Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wennermark were custodians.
           Read an account of the Scandinavian Half Hour Radio Broadcast for this year.  
          Mrs. Ninian Westerlund was chairman of the Music Committee.
           Mr. Arthur B. Carlson was Director of Radio Broadcasts.
           Miss Maydora Westerlund was Treasurer of the Mission Committee.  The following Missionary speakers were heard at various meetings of the church:  Rev. Harold Hetter, of the International Christian Leper Mission, Rev. William Tapper, Dr. Arthur I. Brown, Rev. Dan Ganstrom, Mrs. Ulrich, temporary director of the Christian Service Men's Center, Miss Joy Ridderhoff, Mr. B.N. Hicks of the Anti-Liquer League, a representative of the African Inland Mission, Rev. William Hagstrom, and Rev. Warren Johnson.
          Viola Anderson was president of the Senior Young People's Society, Maydora Westerlund was vice president, Betty Hallgren was corresponding secretary, Phyllis Rydman was recording secretary.  The treasurer was Stanley Christiansen and assistant treasurer was Ralph Rydman.
           Bethel Seminary's name becomes "Bethel College and Seminary."

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Andrew Peterson

           "For the Word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow: it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to when we must give account."
                                                         Hebrews 4:12 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.    
            January 12, The Baptist Youth Fellowship had its annual meeting.
            February 10, PM ~ A memorial service was held for Lt. Henry Carr, a member of our church since 1936.  Lt Carr was a navigator on a Flying Fortress (B-17) which failed to return from a bombing mission over New Guinea on December 2, 1942.
            March 16, Wedding bells rang at Temple for Bert Johnson and Maydora Westerlund; Maydora was Bert's high school sweetheart.  They were married about 3 months after Bert was honorably discharged from the US Air Force.  
            April 10, a memorial service was held for Lt. Henry George Carr who was killed in action in the South Pacific.
            April 22-26, A week after Easter, Rev.Vick was speaker at special services.
            May, the decision was made to purchase property for Lake Retreat.
            June 10-21 ~ Seven boys and girls were lead to the Lord at Vacation Bible School.
            July 4, The church held its annual picnic at Peninsula Park.
            August 9, Hildur Strandberg's parents celebrated there 50th wedding Anniversary.  See picture of them along with friends from Temple.
            August 17-25 Special Camp was held at Lake Retreat.  See Brochure from the camp.
            October, Rev. Axel Anderson from Turlock, California led us in studies from the book of Jonah.
            October 20, Stanley Christiansen and Viola Anderson were married in the church.
            December 1, Temple had 345 members on it's records.
            December 25, Temple had a Christmas Julotta Service.
            People from Western Baptist Seminary, Multnomah School of the Bible, and the Gideon's, Rev. Turnwall, Rev. Taggart spoke at different times during the year.
           Seven boys and girls were led to the Lord at Vacation Bible School.
           The deacons were invited to attend the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Loydgren.
           The Trustee Board reported that the church has been painted.
           The church purchased the residence next door on the south side of the church.  Address of the residence was 1319 NE 7th Avenue.
           The ladies purchased and put up draperies through out the church.
           The lower auditorium was painted.
           The church received a concert grand piano donated by Mr. and Mrs. George Strandberg and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Salstrom.
           The church received an oak pulpit in memory of Mr. Alferd Johnson and Mr. Sven Larson, by their wives.
           Rev. Gordon Carlson succeeds Ole Larson as Columbia Missionary.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Anders G. Bloom ~ Mr. Bloom joined the Temple membership in 1926.
                                       Mrs. Sofia Carlson ~ Mrs. Carlson joined the Temple fellowship in 1921.                                      
                                       Mrs. Anna Erickson ~ Mrs. Anna Erickson joined the Temple fellowship in 1919.
                                       Mrs. Erika Erickson ~ Mrs. Erika Erickson was born in 1863 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1935.
                                       Lt. Henry George Carr ~ Lt. Carr

            "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field' the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever."
                                                   1 Peter 1:24 NIV
             "Belief, faith, and trust must have hands and feet -- ours!"  ~  Anonymous

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            April 2 ~ Rev. Carl Olsson, former pastor of the church went home to be with the Lord.
            June 28, Mr. and Mrs. George Strandberg celebrated 25 years of marriage.
            July 1, the church had an anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. George Strandberg.
            Read an account from the annual report about the Scandinavian Half Hour Radio Broadcast.
            The house next door to the church was remodeled for a comfortable dwelling for the Pastor and his family.
            David Carlson entered Bethel Seminary.
            Miss Lois Sorley left the church and moved to another mission field.
            Chairman of the Deacon Board was Mr. Joseph Westling.
            Secretary/Treasurer was Mr. Ivar Nordquist.

            In Memoriam ~ Rev. Carl Olsson - April 2 ~ Rev. Olsson was the 15th Senior Pastor of Temple.  He and his wife joined the Temple fellowship on November 7, 1933.
                                       Mr. John M. Anderson ~ Mr. Anderson was born in 1853 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1918. 
                                       Mrs. Hogelin Hanson
                                       Miss Hilda V. Johnson
                                       Miss Andriette Nettie Lagerborg ~ Miss Lagerborg was born in 1864 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1907.
                                       Mr. Leonard Loydgren ~ Mr. Loydgren was born in 1857 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1943.

            "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and goodliness through our knowledge of Him who called as by His own glory and goodness."
                                                       2 Peter 1:3 NIV

            "Salvation does not depend on good deeds, but it results in good deeds."   ~ Anonymous

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 18,Sunday,  8:30 AM, The Male Chorus and Temple Choir were at KEX-Westinghouse in Portland for audition and will be on the air 9:00 to 9:30.  Pastor Johnson preached.  This is the first program for us on KEX radio.
            January 18, Evening Service.  Rev. and Mrs. Wyman Malmsten of St. Paul-Bethel gave and evening of music and pictures.  It was a service with no sermon.
            April 10-11, Columbia Conference B.Y.P.U. (Baptist Young Peoples Union) was held at Temple. 
            April, a series of meetings were held by Rev. Gordon Hasselblad.
            July 10, the annual picnic was held at Peninsula Park.
            August 1, Holy Communion service at Lake Retreat.  Six hundred seventy two in attendance.
            September, God's Invasion Army was formed and started with 35 post high school youth.
            October, A series of evangelistic meetings were held by Rev. Edwin Swanson.
            November 9, The Boy's Christian Service Brigade was officially organized and sponsored by The Men's Brotherhood.  Mr. Dave Johnson was Captain, Mr. Ray Lott, Dr. Evans Nelson and Mr. Dwight Hanson were lieutenants.  There were 14 boys enrolled.  Outings were enjoyed; a hike near Mt. Hood, Eagle Creek in the Columbia River Gorge, Frog Lake near Mr. Hood, Camp Meriweather and a hike around Tillamook Head.
            Harriet Norr succeeds Miss Lois Sorley as Church Missionary.  Miss Norr worked with other helpers in conducting a successful  Daily Vacation School and had an average attendance of 50 children.  
           A new 1948 Dodge 4 door sedan was presented to Senior Pastor Dr. Linus Johnson.
           A children's hour after Sunday School was just started.  Children ranging from 4-9 year old were included.
           The Cradle Roll department met in the room behind the balcony.  Large plate glass windows were placed in the wall so workers could see the services as well as a sound system so the service could also be heard.
           The mission in St. John's Woods is shepherded by Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Nordquist.
           The Senior Pastor, Dr. Linus Johnson turned in a resignation to the church, but the church asked him to reconsider, which he did.
           Mr. Ernie Johnson was chairman of the Board of Trustees and Mr. Norm Ryberg was secretary.
           The average church attendance was 219.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Sigrid Tjernlund
                                       Mr. Alfred Anderson - February 6.  Mr. Anderson joined Temple Fellowship in 1929.
                                       Mr. Gunnar Brostrom
                                       Mrs. Emil Ekblad
                                       Mrs. A.E. Bjur
                                       Mr. Gustav Hallgren ~ Mr. Hallgren was born on October 31,1857 and joined Temple fellowship on August 23,1910.
                                       Mr. Edwin Erickson
                                       Mrs. Hilma Bloom
                                                                        Names listed in the 1949 Church Address Book
Pastor Carl Alfred Aldeen ~ August 19

            "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is you life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while then vanishes." 
        Foot Note: "Life is short no mater how many years we live.  Don't be deceived in thinking that you have lots of remaining time to live for Christ, to enjoy your loved ones, or to do what you know you should.  Live for God today!  Then no matter when your life ends, you will have fulfilled God's plans for you."
                                                      James 4:14 NIV 

           Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            February 29 - March 6, God's Invasion Army visited Temple.
            Spring, Miss Henrietta Carlson married Mr. Cliff Gustafson. 
            May 29, The radio ministry was discontinued.
            July 16, The annual church picnic was held at Peninsula Park. 
            August, Mr. Louis Pilbeam, the choir director resigned.  Mr. Harvey Flansberg became the new choir director.
            Bethel Baptist Church joined the Columbia Baptist Conference.
            New Dining Hall ready for use at Lake Retreat.  
           Pastor Linus Johnson went to Sweden for two years.
            Harriet Norr was church missionary and youth director.
            The church acquired a parsonage.
            Sunday Superintendent Merrill Morgan, his wife Jane and family left Temple and resettled at Lakeside Baptist Church in Oakland,  California.
            Oregon Baptist Retirement Home Manager, Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson left for Eugene, Oregon.
            Mr. Carl Ostrom was the church Financial Secretary.
           Bethel Baptist Church in North Portland, joined the Columbia Baptist Conference.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Emma Olson - February 3 ~ No additional information is known about her.
                                       Mrs. Hilma Ahlquist - March 2 ~ Hilma joined Temple fellowship in 1924.
                                       Mrs. Anna Greenborg ~ Anna was born in 1867 and joined Temple fellowship in 1942. 
                                       Mrs. Angela Gutherless ~ Angela was born in 1874 and joined Temple fellowship in 1948.
                                       Mr. Carl Leveen ~ Carl joined Temple fellowship in 1947.
                                       Mr. Olaf Lindholm ~ Olaf was born in 1862 and joined Temple fellowship in 1919.
                                       Rev. Eric Bjur ~ Rev. Bjur joined Temple fellowship in 1940.
                                       Mrs. John A. Sundberg ~ Mrs. Sundberg joined Temple fellowship in 1934.

            "But, the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
                                                     James 3:17 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            Click Here to see a Oregon Journal, Mr. Fixit article written by Harley Hallgren.

            In Memoriam ~ Miss Bessie Nelson - September 28 ~ No additional information is known.
                                       Mr. Joel Brask 
                                       Mrs. William (Louisa Grace) Geyer ~ Mrs. Geyer was born in 1886 and joined Temple fellowship in 1949.
                                       Mrs. Sally Parmley
                                       Mrs. Elizabeth Strandberg - September 5 ~ Mrs. Strandberg was born on August 13, 1870 and joined Temple fellowship on November 6, 1949.
                                       Mr. Andrew Westland

            "Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man. to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

                                                                         Matthew 20:23,24 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            Herbert Lawrentz, Seminary student, serves as Director of Youth Work.
           The current Apostles Creed or An Affirmation of our Faith was adopted by the Baptist General Conference.  Click here to read a copy of it.  
           August 1, Rev. Gideon Sjolandre passed asway. Gideon was pastor at our church during the years 1916 to 1920 and 1920 to 1924. 
            August 14, Rev. Gideon Sjolander and was buried on this day.  He was living in Seal Beach, California.
            He was a dear brother, faithful and able minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He was not without trials, but has, "fought a good fight and kept the faith."  A wire was sent to Mrs. Sjolander and the children, whom we remember in prayer.  We extend warm love and sympathy for Nathan, his brother here in our church, who attended the funeral service.  (From the bulletin for August 19, 1951.)
            September 30, see the bulletin from the Sunday Service.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Ida Mathilda Johnson - January 22 ~ No further information is known about Mrs. Johnson.
                                       Mrs. Daisy Brodersen
                                       Mrs. Leonard (Amanda) Lloydgren
                                       Mr. William Mattson ~ William was born in 1884 and joined Temple fellowship in 1917
                                       Rev. Gideon Sjolander - August 1,

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  But in humility consider others better than yourselves."
Philippians 2:3 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            Miss Harriet Norr was the Church Missionary.
            Mr. Harvey Flansburg was the Choir Director.
            May 9, Rev. John Nordell passed away.
            October 5, The church bulletin states that 239 attended Sunday school last Sunday.
            October 19, The church bulletin states that volunteers from Temple helped Glisan Street Baptist Church with working on their new chapel last week.  They include, Stanley Wright - La Vern, Harley, Duane, and Bob Bergstrom - Ted Lessard - the Don Davis' - Andrew Johnson - Joseph Westling - Abdon Lundstrom - Elmer Hanson - and Herbert Lawrentz.  Three Seminary students also helped.  Mrs. Onis Watson served lunch on Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson provided ice cream and coffee in the afternoon.
            December 14, From the Church Bulletin a story called God's Care.
            December 21, 7:00pm, Christmas Pageant and Program.
            December 23, David Hagg, born in Sweden, on January 20, 1856, went to be with the Lord today at an age of 96 years, 11 months and 3 days.  He lived, farmed, and carried on a dairy business for 62 years in Reedville.  Mr. Hagg was a member of the Temple Baptist Church from the beginning, or since 1884, thought not a charter member, Mr. Hagg had a keen interest in the church and it's work.  
            December 25, Christmas Day.
            December 25, 6:00 am, Christmas Morning Julotta.
            December 27, According to Jacob M. Gordh, the following worked at Glisan St. chapel today and the week previous:  Abdon Lundstrom, Joseph Westling, Martin Wennermark, and a friend of his Herbert Lawrentz, Harry Broeder, Rev. Gordon Carlson, Hokvin Danielson, LaVern Bergstrom, Ninian Westerlund, Mr. Eggeman and Mr. Gordh.  
            Perry Hughes, Seminary student, succeeds Herbert Lawrentz.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Joseph Erickson - January ~ Joseph was born in 1880.
                                       Miss Carolyn Sjolander - April 15 ~ Carolyn was a twin daughter of Ardis and Nathan Sjolander.  He twin sister was named Marilyn.  They were born on April 3, 1934.  Carolyn and Marilyn both joined Temple fellowship on January 27 1946.
                                       Rev. John Nordell - May 9.
                                       Mr. Earl P. Coffin ~ Earl joined the Temple fellowship in 1942.
                                       Miss Amelia Dahlgren - September24 ~ Amelia was born in 1884 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1903.
                                       Mrs. Luella Farman
                                       Mr. David Hagg - December 23 ~ Mr. Hagg was born on January 20, 1856.  He was a pioneer Washington County dairy farmer and Charter member of Temple Baptist Church``.
                                       Mrs. Hannah Landstrom ~ Hannah was born in 1867 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1946. 
                                       Rev. John Nordell ~ May 9 - John was born in 1883 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1939.
                                       Miss Ruth Naomi Olson ~  Ruth joined the Temple fellowship in 1934
                                       Mr. John A. Sundberg ~ John was born in 1869 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1934.

    "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  Love your neighbor as yourself."
                                              Mark 12:30,31 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            Harvey Flansburg was the Choir Director.
            Perry Hughes was the Youth Director.
            April 19, The Official Church Board recommended that the church ask Br. and Mrs. (Ruth) Perry Hughes to continue their good work among the young people as Youth Director. 
            May 1, Friday, 6:30 pm, The Annual meeting was held at this date and time. 
            May 3, 3:00 pm, Sunday,  With the help of Temple,  Glisan Street Baptist Church was organized.  The Western Baptist Seminary Quartette and the Warren Dale Quartette sang.  Rev Bror Lundgren, Rev. Gordon Carlson and Dr. Linus Johnson spoke briefly.  The Dedication Message was brought by Dr. Linus Johnson.  Dedication Prayer was spoken by Rev. Anderson.  The gathering was held in the new church building.
            May 10, Mothers Day, The Church Officers for the year: Vice chairman, Stanley Wright; Church Clerk, Mrs. Evelyn Coffin; Assistant Clerk, Mrs. Lenus Peterson; Financial Secretary, Carl Ostrom; Assistant Financial Secretary, Earl Johnson; Church Treasurer, Mrs. Ewald Asplund; Missions Treasurer, Mrs. David Carlson; Historical Secretary,  Harley K. Hallgren; Sunday School Superintendent, Bert Johnson; Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, David Johnson; Deacons: Axel Anderson, Don Davis, Dr. Evans Nelson, David Carlson, Bert Johnson; Deaconesses: Mrs. Emil Peterson, Mrs. LaVern Bergstrom, Mrs, Frank Johnson, Mrs. A.B. Carlson, Mrs, Helmer Bjelland; Trustees: Ewald Asplund, Harley Bergstrom. George Obinger; Reception Committee, Mrs. Emil Johnson, Mrs. Oscar Lundgren, Mrs. A.G.Carlson, Mrs. Emil Peterson, Mrs. Alfred Johnson; Music Committee: Ewald Asplund, Robert Johnson, Mrs. Robert Macknik, Mrs. F.G. Salstrom, Mrs. Herschel Loy, Mrs. Hildur Strandberg. 
            June 15 - 26, Daily Vacation Bible School was held at this time.
            July 5, The Bethel Quartet or Quintet was at Temple with an evening of inspiration and singing.
            July 18, Saturday,  The Sunday School Picnic was held at Peninsula Park.
            August 9, The Church Bulletin for this Sunday reports that it was unanimously voted to purchase the duplex in the rear of the church, on the recommendation of the Trustee Board.  The offer was $8,500.  It was purchased for income from the two rentals and if in the future the need would arise for off-street parking that the church would be ready.
            September 20, The Boy's Crusaders and their leaders were with Captain David Johnson on their semi-annual outing. 
            The Pipe Organ was repaired and partially rebuilt as it refused to function properly.

            "You are richer today than you were yesterday...if you have laughed often, given something, forgiven even more; made a new friend today, or made stepping stones of stumbling blocks; if you have thought more in terms of "thyself" than of "myself," or if you have managed to be cheerful even if you were weary.
            You are richer tonight than you were this morning... if you have taken time to trace the handiwork of God in the commonplace things of life, or if you have learned to count out things that really do not matter; or if you have been a little blinder to the faults of a friend or foe."                          
                                  Copied from the September 6, bulletin

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Carl August Berg - January 6 ~ Mr. Berg was born on July 13, 1865.
                                      Mr. O. Seander Rydman - July 12 ~ Mr. Rydman was born on October 13, 1874 and joined Temple fellowship on December 30, 1895.
                                       Mr. John Backlund ~ Mr. Backlund joined the Temple fellowship in 1944.
                                       Mrs. Carl (Ida) Beckman ~ Ida joined Temple fellowship in 1910.
                                       Mrs. Emil J. (Esther) Bergstrom ~ Esther was born in 1888 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1943.
                                       Mr. Emil Bergstrom ~ Emil was born in 1873 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1943.
                                       Mrs. Emma Deveau ~ Emma was born in 1881 and joined Temple fellowship in 1952.
                                       Mr. Robert Larson ~ Robert was born in 1888 and joined Temple fellowship in 1957.
                                       Mr. Hjalmar Leveen ~ Hjalmar was born in 1881 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1906.
                                       Mrs. Otilia Lundgren ~ Otilia was born in 1888 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1943.
                                       Mrs. Pauline Meyers ~ Pauline was born in 1886 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1948. 
                                       Mrs. Mary Blanch Seegar ~ Mrs. Seegar joined the Temple fellowship in 1948.
                                       Mrs. Fred Silversparre ~ She and her husband joined the Temple fellowship in 1926.  He died in 1927.
                                       Mrs. Gustav Erickson
                                       Mrs. Olof Feigum 
                                       Mrs. Charles (Selma) Fosberg
                                       Mrs. Elmer Hanson
                                       Mrs. Augusta Johnson - November 7 ~ Mrs. Johnson was born on August 24, 1860.
                                       Mr. Carl Otto Johnson - November 30 ~ Carl was born on August 10, 1883 and joined Temple fellowship on February 2, 1932.  

"All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life of death or the present or the future -- all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God."
1 Corinthians 3:22 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            August 6, The Church voted to buy their first Sunday School Bus.
            Temple help start McLoughlin Heights in Vancouver, Washington, now known as New Heights.
            November--Perry Hughes becomes Christian Education Director.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Esther Caroline Gisselberg - February 7 ~ Mrs. Gisselberg was born on August 15, 1870 in Sweden and joined the Temple fellowship along with her husband, Arron A. Gisselberg on May 1, 1927.  See 1935  
                                       Mrs. Anna S. Ryberg - February 14 ~  She was born in Sweden on September 2, 1874 and joined Temple fellowship on July 6, 1909.

            "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."
1 Corinthians 1:25 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            July 12, Read the note given to Harley Hallgren about the old pulpit that was given to the church by Mrs. John Nordell that was made by her father, PM Holst, one of the charter members of Temple.
            Dr. Linus Johnson visits Sweden.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Ewald Francis Asplund - January 21 ~ Born in Finland December 28, 1893.
                                       Mr. Albert Rodlun
                                       Mrs. Gustave Hallgren
                                       Mrs. Gustav Brunander
                                       Mrs. Anna G. Bravo

            "Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Romans 12:9 NIV

            Dr. Linus Johnson continued as Pastor of our church.
            March 2, Dr. Linus Johnson dies of a heart attack on his way home from church.  In God's mysterious but perfect plan, our beloved pastor, Dr. Linus Johnson, received his final summons and went to be with his Lord this day.  May God bless the memory of this dedicated man of God who labored so faithfully among us.
            July 24,  Mr. Frank Voth ordained.
            December 3, Louie Hallgren died.
            Rev. Ellis E. Eklof, Sr., was asked by the congregation to take over the duties of Pastor.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Emma Sandstrom - January 20 ~ Mrs. Sandstrom was born on July 23, 1877 and joined Temple fellowship on November 28, 1903.
                                       Dr. Linus Johnson  - March 2 ~ Dr. Johnson was the 17th Senior Pastor at temple.  He served from 1939 to 1956.  Pastor Johnson was born on July 25, 1982 in Sweden and joined Temple fellowship on September 5, 1939 with wife, Ruth, daughters, Buelah, Marion and sons George and Earl.
                                       Mr. Clarence M. Carver - May 19.  Clarence was born on July 28, 1900 and joined Temple fellowship on February 27, 1949.  He worked for Swift and Company.  His wife was named Helen and they had a son named Ronald.
                                       Mrs. John (Judith) Nordell ~ She was born in 1886 and became a member of Temple in 1939.
                                       Mrs. Oscar (Catarine) Mihnos - September 9 ~ No additional information is known.
                                       Mr. Claus Oak - September 13 ~ Mr. Oak was born on May 24, 1868 in Sweden and joined Temple fellowship on November 6, 1923.
                                       Mrs. Otto ( Freda) Kling ~ She was born in 1871 and joined Temple membership in 1903.                            
                                       Mrs. C.W. Stromgren ~ She was born in 1869 and joined Temple membership in 1939.
                                       Mr. David Neufeld ~ He was born in 1891 and joined Temple membership in 1952.
                                       Mrs. Alfred (Viola Louise) Johnson ~ November 28, while visiting in New York, NY.  She was born in Isanti County, Minnesota, August 25, 1889.  She joined Temple fellowship February 27, 1910.
                                       Mrs. Harley K. (Louie) Tjernlund Hallgren - December 3 ~ She was born in Boston, Mass., January 16, 1895, and became a member of Temple December 1, 1912.  Married to Harley K. Hallgren.

            "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  Honor one another above your selves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spirit fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope patient in all affliction, faithful in prayer."
Romans 12:10-12 NIV
            Rev. Ellis E. Eklof Sr. continued as Pastor of our church.
            Gordon Johnson served as Youth Director.
            June 26-30, Temple Baptist Church was host the second time to the 86th Annual meeting of the Baptist General Conference.  The picture below is of the attendees to the conference taken on the front steps of the church.

This picture was copied from the July 12, 1957 issue of the "Standard".

            June 29,-- There was a Men's Brotherhood (of the Baptist General Conference) Banquet at the Multnomah Hotel in the Rose Bowl at 1pm.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Frank Edward Jarl - April 24 ~ Born on May 11, 1871 in Grantsburg, Wisconsin.
                                       Mrs. Edith Fosberg - June 7
                                       Mrs. Anna Johnson - August 16 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on March 2,1945.
                                       Mr. John Dahm - October 11~ Born in Sweden in 1888.  Joined Temple fellowship in 1924.  Requested a letter of Transfer in 1929.
                                       Mrs. Edith Marketts
                                       Mr. Joseph Westling
                                       Mrs. Joel Brask
                                       Mr. Wilham Tienden
                                       Mrs. Jane Bruner

             "Share with God's people who are in need.  Practice hospitality."
Romans 12:13 NIV

            Rev. Ellis E. Eklof Sr. continued as Pastor of our church.
            April 6, Easter Sunday - See the Bulletin for the Easter Program, Easter Service and schedule for the rest of the week.
            April 6, With the help of Temple,  Calvary Baptist Church near West Linn was organized.
            Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti was appointed church organist.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Edward (Minnie) Anderson - September 13 ~ Minnie was born on August 10, 1871 and joined Temple Fellowship on December 29,1907.
                                       Mrs. Ann (Anna) Eleanor Johnson - September 30 ~ Anna was born August 10, 1889 in Sweden and died while on a visit there. 
                                       Mrs. Tillie Eklin - December 28
                                       Mrs. James Heffler
                                       Mr. Charles Fosberg
                                       Mrs. Carl Johnson

            "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38,39 NIV

            Rev. Ellis E. Eklof Sr. continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 18-25, Temple celebrated the 75th anniversary of the church since founded in 1884.  See the Anniversary Program.
            July, dedication of Johnson Lodge at Lake Retreat.
            July 6-10, Vacation Bible School was held at Temple.  The theme was "Pioneering with Christ."
            July 11, Saturday ~ Temple Baptist Sunday School (all Church) Picnic was held at Columbia Park.  Potluck Picnic was held at 6:00pm. 
            November, See photo of Temple Choir.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Esther (Peterson) Jacobson - March 28 ~ Esther joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1913.
                                       Mrs. Axel (Fredricka Wilhelmina) Anderson - June 18
                                       Mrs. Gustav Mattson - July 4 ~ Mrs. Mattson joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1937.
                                       Mr. Gustav Mattson - November 20 ~ Mr. Mattson joined Temple fellowship on December 31, 1936.
                                       Mr. Ernest Duren - December 3 ~ Mr. Duren was born on June 5, 1880 and joined Temple fellowship on June 5, 1924.
                                       Mrs. Emma Kristine Hanson - December 3 ~ Emma was born 1866 in Sweden and joined the Temple Fellowship on April 24, 1910.  She reached the age of 93.  In 1951, she elected to be removed from the membership rolls.
                                       Mrs. Nick Jacobson

               "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification."
Romans 4:25 NIV

            Rev. Ellis E. Eklof Sr. continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 7, Mrs. Amanda Gustafson called home to be with the Lord.  She was the daughter of two of our charter members, John and Augusta Palmblad.  
            February 19,  Men's Brotherhood banquet was held at Temple.
            April 17, Easter Sunday  
            May 8, Mother's Day
            June 19, Father's Day
            Rev. David G. Danielson assumed the Pastorate of our church.
            The 1960's saw the addition of the Christian Education Unit, the gym and also the custodian apartment on the floor above the class rooms.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Amanda (Gustafson) Palmblad  - January 7 ~ Amanda was born on August 15, 1807.  
                                       Miss Eva Swanson - March 25 ~ Eva joined Temple fellowship on May 2, 1911.
                                       Mr. Emil George Peterson - July 6 ~ Emil was born in Sweden in 1882 and joined Temple fellowship in March 17, 1907 after resettling in the USA.
                                       Mrs. Lee (Anna Marie Wickman) Johnson - July 11 ~ Mrs. Johnson was born on July 6, 1891 and joined Temple fellowship on April 7, 1907.
                                       Mrs. Joseph (Gurli Maria) Westling - July 27 ~ She was born on February 18, 1882 and joined Temple fellowship on January 1, 1941
                                       Mr. Robert Johnson - August 14 ~ Mr. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on October 21, 1951.
                                       Mr. Elmer H. Hanson - September 6 ~ Elmer was born on August 21, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1918.
                                       Miss Josephine Neil - October 10 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1912.
                                       Mr. Albin G. Rydman - October 29 ~ Mr. Rydman was born in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, September 18, 1876 and joined Temple fellowship on May 25, 1895.
                                       Mrs. Hildur Ledine - November 15 ~ Mrs. Ledine joined Temple fellowship along with her daughter Evelyn (Ledine - Coffin) Smith on February 20, 1942.  In other words, she was Evelyn Smith's mother.

            "This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ."
Romans 3:22-24 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Pastor of our church.
            March 31, 7:30 pm ~ A Good Friday Service was held at Temple.
            April 2,  Easter Sunday ~ The Temple Choir presented their annual Easter Cantata at 7:00 pm.
            April, 16, 6:30 pm ~ The Annual Father and Son Banquet was held at church.  This was an interesting evening for men.  They enjoyed the good food, the instrumental music, the special film and interesting speaker Osika Esgitemi from Kenya, East Africa.
            April 23, Sunday ~ Missionary, Louis Palau spoke at the adult session at 5:30 pm.
            May 5, The church Annual Meeting was held at 6:30 pm.
            May 7, The Calvary Baptist Church in West Linn, dedicated their new building.  Pastor Danielson had a part in the service.
            May 12, Friday evening ~ 6:30 was an area young people's banquet honoring Junior Hi and High School graduates at Temple.
            May 13, 12:00 noon ~ The annual mother-daughter luncheon was held at the Hillvilla Restaurant. 
            June, Dale Peretti graduated from Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Theology.
            June 12-16 ~ Daily Vacation Bible School was held at church.
            July 21, Mr. Gustaf Brunander passed away on this day.  Owned the Brunander Fireplace Damper Company in NE Portland, father to Margaret Steele, married to Ida.  Invented the Fire Place Damper and received a patent on it June 25, 1940.
            August 6, After the evening worship service, Temple hosted other conference churches in this area for an "All-Church Singspiration".  A team from God's Invasion Army helped make this service a success.
            August 12, A men's outing was held at Welches, on the Mt. Hood Loop Highway.
            August 27,  The house (parsonage) next to the church was torn down to make room for the new Youth Center.
            September 1-4, A Labor Day Rally at Lake Retreat for all high school grads, college young people and young married couples.  Highlights include: Campfires, sports, banquet, etc.  Special speakers:  Dr. Rosendale, Medical Doctor and Counselor;  Chaplain Anderson, recently returned from Germany;  Dr. Kenneth Miles, and Rev. Lindblom.
            September 8, Homecoming Banquet.  Plans were laid out for the new Youth Center, which will soon be starting to build.
            September 15, Women's House Party at Lake Retreat.  Bible classes with; Mrs. Mary Miles Missionary speaker, Mrs. Nancy Chalmers; special music; our mission fields in colored pictures by Dr. Bror Lundgren.
            September 24, A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held at noon for the new Youth Center and Stair well on the church building (Temple)
            October 1, ~ Congratulations, to Bob Lot for four years of perfect Sunday school attendance!
            October 1 ~ Miss Anna Peterson, long time resident and bookkeeper of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home, was laid to rest this week.
            October 8, Dedication of new church at Mc Loughlin Heights Baptist in Vancouver.
            October 8 ~ Mr. Jack Campbell left port last Wednesday morning for sea duty in the US Navy.   Mr. Darryl Davis received notice to report soon to the Armed Services for duty.  Pray for these and also Gary Watson in Alaska and Dorothy Carlson on the Pacific serving our country.
            November 23 ~ Mr. Birger Arnbom went to be with the lord on this day.  He mad his home in Portland and lived here for about 50 years.  He joined Temple in 1928 and has served as Sunday school superintendent and also in other various ways.  He was a teacher and a consular at Benson Polytechnic High School 
            November 27, Funeral for Birger Arnbom, long-time member and former Sunday School Superintendent, was held at St. Johns Funeral Home.
            December 17, A giant Christmas card is in the foyer, for those who wish to greet your Temple friends without sending cards.
            December 17, 7 pm ~ A Christmas Cantata by John W.  Peterson was held.  The organist, Ann Vanderhoff; Narrator, Beverly Loy; Soprano soloist, Lois Anderson; Tenor soloist; Alto soloist, Deloris Danielson; Baritone soloist, Ken Anderson.
            December 18-22, 3;45-4:00 PM ~ Christmas Radio Broadcasts on Station KPDQ, 800 on the dial (93.7 on FM). 
            December 24, Sunday, 11:00 pm ~ Christmas Eve Service was held.
            December 31, Sunday, 10:30 pm ~ 1961 "Year in Review" Slide Show.
                                                 11:00 pm ~ Refreshments and Fellowship
                                                 11:30 pm ~ The Annual Watch-night Service
            Mr. Robert Wagner was Youth Pastor.
            Mr. Ralph Coie was director of the Temple Choir.
            The Office/Gym Addition was built.  Architect was Lawrence Supove.
            A sincere thank you to Lavern Bergstrom, Martin Wennermark and Victor Carlson who donated three Saturdays of work to stucco the front and side of the McLoughlin Heights Baptist Church.  During the winter Winn Goddard together with Darryl Davis, Tom Steele and Ken Anderson helped to put the roof on the new church.
            Mr. Ernie Johnson built the new pulpit for the McLoughlin Heights Baptist Church.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Joseph (Emma) Erickson - January 22 ~ Emma and her husband Joseph joined Temple fellowship on December 14, 1947.
                                       Mrs. James (Ellen S) Johnson - February 21;  She came by letter to Temple on August 11, 1909.  She was born in Sundvall, Sweden on June 4, 1879.  Baptized in Sweden on August 29, 1895.
                                       Mrs. Betty Cedarquist - April 5 ~ Betty was born in 1874 and joined Temple fellowship on June 29, 1901.
                                       Mrs. Emma Bramer - April 9 ~ Emma was born on May 18, 1867 and was a member of Temple for over 66 years.  She joined the church on March 10, 1895.
                                       Mrs. Hannah Olson - April 16 ~ Hannah was born on August 3, 1871 and joined Temple on April 1, 1923.  Hannah reached the age of 89.
                                       Mrs. Alfred (Mary) Anderson - April 30 - She joined Temple on May 5, 1929.
                                       Mr. Carl Nelson - May
                                       Mrs. Amelia Lindquist - June 20 ~ Amelia was born on October 1, 1875 and joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1945.
                                       Mr. Gustav Brunander - July 21 ~ Mr. Brunander was born on February 26, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on February 7, 1909.   
                                       Mr. Francis Raymond - September 1 ~ Mr. Raymond joined Temple fellowship on July 20 1960.
                                       Miss Anna Peterson ~ Passed away the week of October 1.
                                       Mr. Birger Arnbom - November 23 ~  Mr. Arnbom was born on October 21, 1901.  He and wife Ella joined Temple fellowship on April 8, 1928.  He was a teacher/counselor at Benson Polytechnic High School in Portland.
                                       Mr. Thomas Buie - December 6 ~ Mr. Buie joined Temple fellowship on March 6, 1960.

            "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in Me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.  "Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we don't know where You are going, so how can we know the way?"  Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."
                                       John 14:1-6 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Pastor of our church.
            April 22, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ The Temple Choir presented the cantata, "Olivet to Calvary" by J.H. Maunder.  The organist was Anna Vanderhoff. 
            April 29, 7:00 ~ The Vancouver Bible Institute Choir presented a sacred concert at Temple.
            May 12, Annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon at Obies Restaurant at 122nd and Division.  Obies was one of the first buffets in Oregon.  Mrs. Ted Bradley spoke.
            May, Don Strandberg and daughter Karla,  narrowly escaped death in a small plane crash last week.  The pilot, died and Mr. Kenneth Lovegren was seriously injured.  "How we thank God that not all in the plane lost their lives."
            June 2, Saturday ~ Workday at Lake Retreat.
            June 7, Jim Spickelmier became out youth worker for the summer. he also lead Wednesday evening Bible Study and Prayer Meetings.  He came to us from Bethel College and Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.  His home is in Denver, Colorado.
            June 10, Dr. Fitz Salstrom became the Historical Secretary  
            June 18 -22, Daily Vacation Bible School.
            June 24, Sunday ~ Rev Walfred Johnson brought the morning message.
            June 29, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gordh (Edith) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
            July 29, Dr. Dennis Carlson brought the morning message.
            August 5, The morning message was presented by Chaplain C.J. Tarvestad, titled, "Death - Gain or Loss."
            August 12, Dr. Robert Mounce of Bethel College brought the morning message.
            September 9, This is the last Sunday Jim Spickelmier was with us.  He went back to Bethel.  Will possibly return next Summer.
            September 22, Saturday, 6:30 pm ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bergstrom wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Dianne, to Michael James Kondos, at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Portland.  
            September 23, The Arnbom Hobby Shop was in the planning stage for the Christian Service Brigade.  It is now known as the "Craft Room".  It is located in the basement of Temple across the hall from the boiler room.
            October 6, GMG (Girls Missionary Guild) Area Rally took place at McLoughlin Heights Church in Vancouver.
            October 7, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour.  The Pastor's message was titled, "Bible Baptism", and a baptismal service was held.  Patty O'Malley and Barbara Carver were baptized at the baptismal service.
            October 14, Rev. Gordon Carlson spoke at the morning and evening services.  He was noted for his humor, sincerity and recently returned from Ethiopia.
            October 22, Monday ~ Todd Michael was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Strandberg.
            November 25, Sunday ~ Dr. Roy L. Laurin brought the message during the morning service.  
            November 30, the youth center or Christian Education Wing on south side of Temple was dedicated (includes classrooms, gymnasium, custodian's apartment).
            December 2, Sunday ~ Rev. Clifford Gustafson brought the message at the morning service.
            December 15, Saturday 8:00 pm ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Jay Patapoff request the honor of you presence at the marriage of their niece, Patricia Marie O'Malley to Mr. Frank Knute Peterson at Temple Baptist Church.
            December 23, 7:00 pm ~ Christmas Choir Concert.  The Temple choir, directed by Mr. Ralph Coie; Youth Choir directed by Mrs. Dave (Deloris) Danielson; and Junior Choir directed by Mrs. Evans (Marilyn) Nelson participated.  The organist was Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti.
            December 24, Monday, 11:00 pm ~ Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
            December 31, Monday, 10:00 to 10:45 pm, '62 in Review (Colored Pictures)
                                                  10:45 to 11:30 pm Fellowship Hour and Refreshments
                                                  11:30 to 12:00 Watch Night Prayer Service
            Click Here to see pictures of ground breaking ceremony for the 3 story addition on the West side of Church.
            Miss Marjorie Olson was church office secretary and Missionary Visitor.
            John and Lea Campbell served as church custodians for 3 months during the summer.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Frank Ninian Westerlund - May 21 ~ Born in Bethel, Minnesota on July 18, 1895, worked for the Union Pacific Railroad, husband to Flavia and the father of Marvin and Maydora Johnson.  Joined Temple fellowship on June 15, 1924.
                                       Mrs. Harry (Cora) Campbell - December 15

            "According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether in be by life, or by death.  For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Philippians 1:20-21 KJV ~  "This was Dale Peretti's  favorite Bible verse."  (Dale was born February 12, 1931 ~ died July 1, 2013)

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Pastor of our church.
            January 10, Mrs. Arvid Arnbom passed away and the age of 91.  She was born in Sweden in 1872 and joined Temple fellowship in 1916.  Funeral services were held at St. John's Funeral Home, on January 12th.  Rev. Walfred Johnson officiated. 
            January 13, Mr. Gustav Almquist passed away suddenly this Sunday evening.
            January 18, 2:00 pm ~ A funeral for Gust Almquist was held at Temple.
            January 20, Sunday ~ Missionary, Rev. Glen Swanson,  presented the message during the morning service.
                                               Evening Service, Missionary, Ford Wilson, spoke and showed pictures.  Ford and his wife Beth are serving in Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.
            January 20, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown thanked Temple folks for remembering them with a beautiful plant and for the many cards received on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
            January 31, ~ Mrs. Anna Larson passed away this evening.  The funeral was held at the Pearson Mortuary tomorrow, Monday February 4, at 1:00 pm.
            February 9,  The Temple Builders Sunday school class presented a family outing at Snow Bunny Lodge in Mt. Hood National Forest.
            February 15, The Merriweds, Temple Builders and Gospel Crusaders sponsored a Valentines Banquet at the Timber Topper Restaurant.
            February 17, A total of 318 was reached in Sunday School attendance.
            February 17, Rev. Walfred Johnson brought the morning message.
            February 19, Rev. Victor Larson passed away suddenly in the morning.  He was the brother of Mrs. Ephriam Danielson.
            March, "Lift" program of General Conference was instituted and stimulated missionary and general giving.
            March 10, Sunday ~ The message for the Sunday service was presented by Rev. Wesley Lindblom, Columbia Conference Executive Secretary.
            March 22, The Lower Columbia Conference Woman's Spring Banquet was held at Temple.
            March 24, Sunday - Evening Service ~ The Portland Christian High School Choir presented a sacred concert in the church sanctuary.
            March 29, Friday 6:30 pm ~ An All Church Banquet was held at Temple.  Rev. Robert Featherstone spoke.  He is Director of Stewardship to the Baptist General Conference.
            March 31, Rev. Robert Featherstone presented the morning message.
            April 2, Mr. Eric Erickson passed away on this day. 
            April 7, Palm Sunday.
            April 12, Good Friday ~ This service at Temple was a culmination of area conference churches and pastors including Pastor Credo Erickson  "Leader" from McLoughlin Heights Baptist Church, Pastor Leonard Hillstrom of Calvary Baptist Church of Cedar Oak Park, Pastor Ezra Gerig of Bethel Baptist Church, Pastor David Danielson of Temple, Pastor Walfred Johnson of The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home, Pastor Robert Karn of Glisan Street Baptist Church.  
            April 14, Easter Sunday Evening, 7:00 ~ Temple Choir presented an Easter Concert, "Olivet to Calvary" by J.H. Mounder.
            April 28, Daylight Savings time started this morning at 2:00 am.
            May, Mr. Harley Hallgren was chairman of the Deacon Board with Mr. Mandy Strandberg Vice-Chairman, Mr. Bert Johnson, Secretary and Mr. Ray Green, Treasurer.
            May 3, Friday ~ Church Annual Meeting and dinner.
            May 11, 12:30 pm ~ Mother and Daughter Luncheon at the Anchorage Restaurant.
            May 11, 8:00 pm Saturday ~ Mr. and Mrs. Truman Louis Hiskey requested the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Bebecca Rilla to Mr. Troy Cleland Brugh at Temple Baptist Church.
            May 12, Mother's Day.
            May 15-18, The Columbia Baptist Conference convened in Portland for the annual meeting.
            May 19, Sunday ~ Rev. Gordon Anderson presented the message during the morning service.
            June 2, Jim Spickelmier, a Bethel student serves as Youth Pastor.  At the end of the summer season he left for New York for training with the Peace Corp.  Jim graduated this year from Bethel College and Seminary.
            June 2, ~ 1963 Graduates; High School; Miss Daniellle Bergstrom, Miss Joanne Brask, Miss Norma Campbell, Miss Pat Hays, Mr. David Knipple, Mr. Allen Reed, Jr., Mr. Tim Rogers, Miss Janet Watson, Mr. Tom Weaver -Multnomah School of the Bible; Mrs. Gordon Bakke - "Grad" Course, Mr. Robert Wagner- Pastors Course, Mrs. Robert Wagner - Night Course.  Bethel College Mr. James Spickelmier.
            June 8, Saturday ~ Congratulations to Lois Johnson and Wayne Anderson who were crowned Miss and Mr. Junior High this evening.
            June 9,~ Mrs. Floie Davis announced the marriage of he son Robert to Maria Dolores Aparicio in Gines,(Sivilla) Spain.
            June 16, Father's Day.
            June 30, Rev. Ned Holmgren brought the morning message and former pastor Ellis Eklof Sr. preached at the Sunday evening service.
            July, Miss Georgianne Obinger was severely injured in a swimming accident.  She was 16 years old at the time of the accident.
            July 14, Mrs. Carl V. Anderson (Lydia Nystrom passed away.  She was a member for 67 years. She joined Temple fellowship on January 25, 1896.
            July 15-19, Daily Vacation Bible School was held for children from ages 4 to 13.  Average attendance was 80.
            July 20, Saturday 4:00 pm ~ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Collins requested the honor of your presence ar the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Ann Collins to Mr. Biiard (Bill) Ingle Pearson at Temple Baptist Church. 
            July 21 ~ The Temple congregation prayed for the recovery of Miss Georgianne Obinger,  Georgianne was critically injured in a swimming accident this last week.  She is in the intensive care ward at Good Samaritan Hospital at the time of this writing.
July 21, ~ The Camp Committee and the Church appreciated the services of Dr. Ceilous Williams in giving physical exams for the Lake Retreat campers last Tuesday evening July 16, without charge.      
            July 28, Sunday,  ~ Rev. Walfred Johnson presented the message at the morning service. 
            August 2, Mr. Axel Anderson was voted to be honorary deacon.
            August 6, Robert Wagner ordained.
                                ~ Lake Retreat Camp Schedule ~ (Pastor Dave Danielson was the camp dean) 
                         12th grade through age 30 (single) ~ August 16-18 
                        4th and 5th grade boys ~ August 19-24
                        4th and 5th grade girls ~ August 24-29
                        Young Family Camp ~ August 29th-September 2
                        Brotherhood Annual Retreat ~ September 6-8
                        Woman's Annual House Party ~ September 13-15
            August 19, Monday ~ The Deacons met for their annual picnic at Evans and Marilyn Nelson's cabin on Blue Lake.
            August 24, Saturday, 4:00 pm ~ Temple Bible Sunday school class picnic was held at the home of Ernest Johnson in Beaverton.
            August 24, Saturday, 7:30 pm ~ Merriweds Sunday school class had a croquet party at the home of the Bernie Wennermarks
            August 26, Jim Spickelmier left Portland to begin Peace Corps Training at Syracuse University, in New York.  From there he traveled to Tanganyika, Africa where he taught children of Junior High age for two years.  He then returned to Bethel Seminary and pursued his ministerial training.
            September 1, Sunday ~ Mr. Harold (Bud) Malmsten accepted the call from Temple as a General Assistant.  He worked primarily in the areas of youth, music and visitation
            September 8, Sunday 3:00 pm ~ Memorial Service for Mrs. Carl Anderson was held at Temple.  .
            September 15, Harold "Bud" Malmsten came to Temple after graduation from Bethel Seminary and was designated Minister of Music and Director of Young People.  It was decided that his official title be "Assistant to the Pastor."  This was his first Sunday at Temple.
            September15, ~ Miss June Brask graduated from The Emanuel Hospital's School of Nursing.
            September 27, Temple celebrated it's Homecoming Banquet.  The banquet was held in the lower auditorium. The tables were arranged so that each Deacon was surrounded by those on his watch care list.
            October 19, ~ Mr. Darryl Davis and Miss Nadine Fry were united in marriage at 4:00 pm at the Murphy Chapel in Murphy, Oregon.  Miss Fry expressed her appreciation for the lovely shower in her honor recently in the Fireside Hall.
            October 20. Sunday ~ Dr. Earl Radmacher presented the morning message.  Dr. Radmacher was Professor of New Testament at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary.
            October 29, Mr. Abdon Lundstrom passed away.  He is survived by his devoted wife, Mrs. Ruth Lundstrom.
            November 3, (The week of) ~ Mrs. Betty Elizabeth Anderson of Scappoose passed away sometime during this weekend.  Her funeral was on November 13 at 10 am.
            November 7, Thursday, 7 to 9 pm ~ Cookie Fair at the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home, sponsored by the Women's Auziliary.
            November 10, Sunday, ~ 22 Annual Brotherhood Deerburger Night at Temple!  The men that attended enjoyed the good food, the outstanding program, including an Alaska bear-hunt movie, and the friendly fellowship.
            November 11, Veterans Day.
            November 28, Thanksgiving Day, 7:30 pm ~ The Annual Thanksgiving Service was held at Temple.  All three choirs took part in the service.
            December 5,  Daniel Christiansen was admitted to the National Honor Society.
            December 18-24,  Christmas broadcasts were presented on radio station KPDQ at 1:45 pm on each day.
            December 19, The Merriweds Sunday school class were in charge of decorating the church for Christmas.
            December 22, Sunday School Christmas Program, followed by the morning service.
            December 22, 7:00 pm ~ The three Temple choirs presented a lovely Christmas concert, "A Festival of Christmas",  directed by Mr. Harold Malmsten.
            December 24, Wednesday ~ Christmas Eve service was held  at 11:00 pm.
                                      The New Year's Watch-Service
            December 29, Sunday ~ Dr. Earl Redmacher, our pulpit guest for both the morning service and the Temple Hour (7:00pm) is Professor of New Testament at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary.
            December 31, 10:00 -10:45 pm ~ "Color Glimpses of Temple - 1963"
                                   10:45-11:15 pm ~ Social Hour
                                   11:15-12:00 am ~ Communion Service
            The lawns, shrubs and flowers around the church building were maintained by Bill Nestlen, Henning Johnson, Ephraim Strandberg and Mark Hagey.
            Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson were custodians of the church.

           In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Arvid (Anna) Arnbom - January 10.  She was born in Sweden on November 2, 1872 and joined Temple fellowship on May 7, 1916.  She was 91 years of age. 
                                      Mr. Gustav Almquist - January 13 ~ Gustav joined Temple fellowship on December `1, 1936.  He would have been 64 years of age on his next birthday.  He was born in Hjalmserud, Sweden.
                                      Mrs. Anna E. Larson - January 31
                                      Rev. Victor Larson ~ February 19th 
                                      Mr. Eric Erickson - April 2 ~ He was born on August 17, 1876 and was 86 years of age and a member of Temple for 59 years, February 4, 1904.
                                      Mrs. Carl V. (Lydia Nystrom) Anderson - July 14 ~ She was born on May 21, 1881 and had been a member since January 25, 1896.
                                      Mr. Abdon Lundstrom - October 25 ~ Mr. Lundstrom was born on May 15, 1884 and joined Temple fellowship on February 1, 1920.  He was married to Ruth Lundstrom.

            The following verse is from the Apostle Paul speaking of Herod, Pilate, Gentile people, and people of Israel when they conspired against Jesus: 
            "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."
                                        Acts 4:29 NIV

            Pastor Dave Danielson was Senior Pastor with Bud Malmsten assistant to the pastor.
            January 1 ~ Temple Baptist Church is 80 years old.  Click here to view part of the souvenir program.
            January 10, Temple held its 80th anniversary dinner and was attended by some 350 guests.  Dr. Virgil Olson of Bethel College and Seminary was the special speaker of the dinner.  The title of his message was, "Who Are We?"  Dr. Olson is Historian for the Baptist General Conference and a cousin to Pastor Dave Danielson.  Mrs. Velma Rydman and Mrs. Minnie Rydman were especially honored having been members since 1903.  The theme of the anniversary was, "To God Be The glory, Great Things He Hath Done!"
            January 11, Mr. Bryan Walker, father of Mrs. Evans Nelson, passed away suddenly.
            January 12, Sunday ~ Rev. Wesley Lindblom and Rev. Gordon Carlson brought appropriate 80th anniversary messages.
            January 19-26, Missionary Conference was held with Rev. Carl Lachler from Brazil, Rev. Marvin Lindstedt from the Philippines, Rev. S. Lindberg and Rev. Dale Bjork from Japan.
            January 22, Mrs. George Nelson (Esther Salstrom) passed away after a long illness.
            April 24, Fathers and Sons banquet was held.  Mr. Phil McAlmond, a local Christian businessman, brought the message of the evening.
            March 22, Sunday ~ There was a pulpit exchange service.  In the evening, Pastor Dave Danielson exchanged pulpits with Rev. Wendell Wallace, pastor of the local Church of God congregation.
            March 29, Easter Sunday
            April 12-19,  A week of special meetings  "Crusade for Christ" was held at Temple.
            May 1, Friday ~ Church Annual Business Meeting.
            May 3, Election Results for offices of the church:
                            Mr. Stan Wright was Vice Chairman.
                            Dr. Evans Nelson was Assistant Vice Chairman
                            Mrs. F. G. Salstrom was recording secretary.
                            Mrs. Ceilous Williams was Assistant Recording Secretary.
                            Mrs. Norman Ryberg was Membership Secretary.
                            Evelyn Smith was Financial Secretary.
                            Mr. William Nestlen was Assistant Financial Secretary.
                            Mr. John Campbell was Treasure of Current Fund.
                            Miss Marjorie Rydman was Treasurer of Mission Fund.
                            Mr. Harley Hallgren was Historical Secretary.
                            Mr. David Carlson was Sunday School Superintendent.
                            Mr. Bert Johnson was Assistant Sunday School Superintendent.
            May 9, Saturday ~ The annual Mother and Daughter Banquet was held.
            May 10, Mother's Day
            May 10, 7:00 pm ~ Temple Hour - The Maclaren School Chorus sand and "Youth Adventures" presented its program.  A baptismal service was also held.  All instruments were invited to play along with the congregational singing.
            May 14, Thursday ~ 7:15 pm, Temple was in charge of the service at the Union Gospel Mission.
            May 14-16, Pastor Danielson was elected Moderator for the 75th Anniversary meeting of the Columbia Baptist Conference which was held at the Central Baptist Church of Seattle.
            May 17, Pulpit Exchange Sunday in the Columbia Conference.  Rev. John Rodine brought the morning message.
            May 24, Sunday 7:00pm ~ The Temple Hour - Tonight we honored our young people who graduated from High School or College this Spring.  High School grads were:  Ric Bailey, Linda Bergstrom, Diane Gaebel, Paul Hagey, Len Johnson, and Doug Maynard.  Reg Bradley completed his work at Portland State College.  Mr. Kirby Brumfield, Portland radio and T.V. personality brought a challenging message.
            May 25, 6:30pm, Monday ~ Softball practice at Holliday Field.  Holliday Field used to be located across from Temple on 7th avenue.  It has since been turned into a parking structure for the Lloyd Center.  It was a play ground for Holliday Grade School which took up the lots between 8th and 9th Avenues.
            May 27th, 4:00 pm, Wednesday ~ The G.M.G. (Girl's Missionary Guild) met at church for a tour of the Grandma's Cookie Company, followed by supper and fun time back at church until 8:30pm. 
            May 31, The Billy Graham Television Crusade began tonight in Portland on KPTV (Channel 12) at 8:30, and Tuesday at 7:00pm.  The programs were Video-taped in San Diego, California.
            May 31, Sunday ~ Memorial Day
            June 6-7 Merriweds Beach Trip to Surftides in Lincoln City.
            June 7, 7:00 pm, Sunday ~ The Temple Choir presented in the sanctuary, an "Evening of Sacred Song."
            June 21, Friday 7:45 ~ Youth For Christ was held at Benson High School in the auditorium.
            July 11th, The Annual Sunday School Picnic was held at Blue lake Park.
            July 19th, The Temple Builders Class had a potluck lunch at the Evans Nelson's cabin at Blue Lake.
            July 21, The Gospel Crusader class had their class picnic at The Ray Lott's on the Lewis River.  Approximately eighty people attended.
            August 1, Saturday ~ Men's Brotherhood Steak Fry was held at the Nelson's cabin at Blue Lake.
            August 8, 6:00 am, Saturday ~ The Young People met at church to go to the beach (Lockout Point).  They invited the young people from the other Lower Columbia Churches.  The spent the day at the beach and returned late in the afternoon.
            August 2, The front cover of the bulletin was changed from different scenes, and themes to a artist drawn image of the church, the new office/ custodial apartment, and Sunday school wing picture showed in a landscape view.
            August 2, 7:00 pm ~ Mr. Ragnar Walthinsen played the Baritone horn at the Evening Service (Temple Hour). 
            August 17-21, Daily Vacation Bible School was held.  Mr. David Carlson and Pastor Bud was in charge.
            October 15, 7:00 pm ~ The Merriweds Sunday School Class had a progressive dinner.
            October 23-25 ~ Temple hosted the Youth for Christ Rally.
            November 11, The boys Stockade went on an all day outing under the leadership of Jack DeHart.
            November 15, Sunday ~ Dr. Melville Chatfield of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, brought the morning message.
                                                   The Temple Hour, 7:00 pm - Rev. Marvin from the Portland Seaman's Center was with us to share the ministry of the center.
            November 20, Friday ~ The Boys Brigade had a swim at Beaverton pool.
            November 21, Saturday ~ The annual Deerburger Barbecue.  A wildlife film was shown.  Speaker was Sam Linden, a Bremerton, Washington contractor, who was leaving December 1st of a year in our Ethiopian mission field, building a chapel and a dormitory.
            November 24, Funeral service was held at the Pearson Mortuary, at 11:00 am.  Interment was at the Highland Cemetery in La Center, Washington.
            November 25, Wednesday ~ The annual Thanksgiving Service in the sanctuary.
            December 17, Thursday ~ The Gospel Crusader Class decorated the church for the Christmas season.
            December 20, Sunday ~ Combined Christmas Program and Morning worship.
            December 20, Sunday Evening Service 7:00pm ~ "A Christmas Cantata by John Wilson: Director - Mr. Harold (Bud) Malmsten; Organist - Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti, Soloists: Soprano - Mrs. Ken (Lois) Anderson, Miss Tudi Soelberg; Alto - Mrs. Evans (Marilyn) Nelson, Miss Janis Johnson; Tenor - Mr. Chalmert Larson; Bass - Mr. Doug Kraxberger, Mr. Greg Anderson.
            December 21- 25 ~ Our annual Christmas broadcasts we carried over Radio Station KPDQ FM, at 1:45 pm.  Along with music and words from the Danielson's, the programs featured testimonies from several Templites of "What Christmas Means to Me."  Monday - Miss Ann Johnson; Tuesday - Mr. Chalmert Larson; Wednesday - Dr. F. G. Salstrom; Thursday - Mr. Dan Christiansen; Friday - Mr. Stanley Wright.
            December 24, 11:00pm, Thursday ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
            December 25, Friday ~ Christmas Day - 6:30-7:00 am - Christmas Morning broadcast over Radio Station KWJJ.
            December 26, Saturday ~ The young people's class had a Smorgasbord.  Special guest was Dave Harmon of Corvallis.
            Mr. Steve Johnson was elected to the National Honor Society at Jefferson High School.
            During this time 1734 people have been added to our fellowship.  This is an average of 21 people per year.
            The number this year was 30, or 9 above average.

            See 1964 photo of Church Lay Leaders.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. George (Esther Salstrom) Nelson - January 22 ~ She first joined the Temple, January 25, 1896. (A member for 67 years)
                                       Mrs. Anna N. Ostler - May 7 ~ Mrs. Ostler joined Temple fellowship on June 7, 1959.
                                       Mrs. Margaret Fauth - June 15 ~ Mrs. Fauth joined Temple fellowship on January 6, 1963.
                                       Mrs. Anna Lindblom - October 1 ~ Mrs. Lindbloom joined Temple fellowship on April 26, 1946.
                                       Mrs. John (Elizabeth Bessie) Anderson - November 19 ~  She was born on July 27, 1873.  Mrs. Anderson joined Temple on March 25, 1905, having a continuous membership for over 60 years.

                "Jesus was in his very nature God.  But He did not think that being equal with God was something He should hold on to.  Instead, He made himself nothing.  He took on the very nature of a servant.  He was made in human form.  He came down to the lowest level.  He obeyed God completely, even though it led to His death.  In fact, He died on a cross.  When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone's knee will bow to worship Him.  Everyone's mouth will say that Jesus Christ is Lord.  And God the Father will receive the glory."
Philippians 2:6-11

                Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
                Assistant Pastor:  Harold W. (Bud) Malmsten
                Vice Chairman:  Mr. Stanley Wright
                Deacon Chairman:  Mr. Harley Hallgren
                Custodians:   Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson
                Organist:  Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti
                Assistant Organist:  Mrs. Bert (Maydora) Johnson
            January 17, Sunday - The morning sermon was presented by Rev. K. William Hagstrom - Conference Missionary to Assam, India.
            January, 23-28 The Annual Missions Conference was held with Rev. Francis Sorley of Japan, Miss Arlene Coleman from Ethiopia, Rev. Gil Anderson from Ethiopia, Miss Margorie Malm of Ethiopia, Rev. Don Goldsmith from Brazil, Rev. Gerald Osbron of the Philippines, Miss Grace Swanson of Assam, and Miss Betty Person of Assam.
            March 13, 7:00 pm - The Merriweds Sunday School Class had a roller skating party at the Imperial Rink.
            March 11, Temple's Boy's Brigade Basketball Team won the Portland area championship by defeating Central Bible by the score of 25-11.  The team, coached by Jack Campbell finished the season with a won-lost record of 7-0.
            March 14, Sunday - Rev. Joe Weatherly of  Gospel Films, Inc. presented the message at the morning service.
            April 30, 7:30 pm, Friday ~ The Bethel College Choir sang at Temple.    
            May 1-2, The Merriwed Sunday school class had their 5th annual retreat overnight beach trip.  Featured speaker was Rev. Roy Nelson - Missionary to the Philippines.  It was held at the Homes Motel in Rockaway, Oregon.
            May 9, -  Mother's Day.  There was a Dedication of Babies during the Morning Worship Service. Mr. John Campbell was honored for his labors as Current Fund Treasurer for six years.
            May 14, The Lower Columbia C.Y.F. Spring Banquet was held in Cherry Grove, Oregon
            May 16, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson celebrated 50 years of marriage.
            May 30,  Memorial Day Weekend, 52 of our members formed work teams and helped make needed repairs to the buildings at Lake Retreat Campground.
            June 13, Rev Clifford Gustavson brought the morning message.
            June 26, Annual Sunday School Picnic.
            July 4, Sunday - Independence Day.
            July 8, Thursday, 6:45am - Men's Prayer and Breakfast.
            July 11, Sunday - The message in the morning and evening service was presented by Rev. Dwight L. Kinman.
            July 18, Sunday - The message in the morning and evening services was presented by Rev. Henry Smuland.
            July 23, 7:00 pm - Temple's Softball Team played Central Bible Church at Montavilla Park.
            July 25, Sunday - Dr. Wilmar Brown gave the message at the Morning Service entitled "Evangelicals Face Their Greatest Challenge."  He also performed a vocal solo.  He was the Northwest Regional Field Representative of the National Association of Evangelicals.
            July 25, Following the morning service, The Gospel Crusaders Class picnic was held at the Lott's Farm.
            July 27, 7:00 pm - Temple's Softball Team played Mt. Olivet.
            July 29, Thursday, 6:45 am - Men's Prayer was held followed by a breakfast.
            July 30, Friday, 7:00 pm - The Brotherhood presented an All Church Yacht Cruise on the Willamette.  Pastor Danielson played his accordion and other musical numbers.  The speaker was John Sundquist.  The boat left from the River Queen Restaurant, 1300 NW Front Street.
            August 15, Sunday - Rev. C.W. Slemming presented the message at the morning service.
            August 15, Following the evening service the Young People were invited to the cabin on Dr. and Mrs, Evans Nelson at Blue Lake for a fireside, Phun, Phood and Phellowship; all welcome!
            August 15-20, Daily Vacation Bible School was held at the church.  Dr. C.W. Slemming of England spoke.
            August 21, Saturday, 1:00 pm - All of the workers in the Sunday School, Brigade and G.M.G. were invited to the Ray Lott Farm for a special retreat.  Husbands and wives were invited.   Seafood and Salad Smorgasbord was provided and this followed by a talk on S.S. by Rev. Norton of Seattle.  The afternoon was climaxed by a cook-out at 4:45 pm.
            August 27 - 29,  The Temple Builders Class spent the weekend at the beach at Cape Lookout.  Mr. Jim Pietsch, missionary home from Aruba was the devotional speaker.  The class members shared testimonies in the Temple Hour Sunday evening.
            August 28, Hi-Teens Camp begins at Lake Retreat.  Pastor Danielson was the Camp Pastor.
            September 3-6 - Young Family Camp at Lake Retreat.
            September 6, Labor Day, 10:00 am to 2 pm - A rally was held at Lake Retreat.  !,000 people were expected for this historic event in our Columbia Conference.  See the new property, attend the huge service , enjoy the free noon Beef Barbecue.
            September 10-12, Annual Brotherhood Retreat at Lake Retreat.
            September  17-19,  Annual Women's House Party at Lake Retreat.
            September 20, a group of ten members of God's invasion Army arrived to begin a two week visitation program with our church members.
            October 17, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary.
            October 24, Sunday - Rev. L. C. Hersgard of Warren, Oregon brought the message during the morning service.  He also spoke at the 7:00 evening service.
            October 31, Sunday - Following the service this morning, the entire congregation were invited to an old fashioned Potluck Dinner at church.
            November 20, Brotherhood Deer burger Feed.  Missionary Gil Anderson from Ethiopia was the featured speaker also a Sport Movie was shown.. Venison came from all the lucky Temple Hunters.  John Campbell was the Head Chef.
            November 25, Thanksgiving Day - "A thankful heart doubles our blessings, causing us to enjoy them twice -- When we receive them, and when we remember them."  From the Nov. 21 church bulletin.
            November 28, Sunday - The message was presented this morning by Dr. Albert G. Johnson, President Emeritus of Western Baptist Seminary.  Dr. Johnson recently returned from a six month world tour.
            November 28, Sunday, Evening Service, 7:00 pm - Mr. Roy S. LeTourneau, industrialist and local Christian layman, brought the message.  He also sang with Mrs. LeTourneau proving the accompaniment from the piano.
            December 2, Thursday - Today marks the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.
            December 5, Sunday - The Trustee board of Temple presented the final payment on the mortgage of Oregon Baptist Retirement Home at 2545 NE Flanders Street permitting an event that is unique for the time.  The Retirement Home was dedicated on December 2, 1945.
            December 5, 3:00 pm - The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home Twentieth Anniversary Celebration.  The mortgage on the Home was burned.  Following the ceremonies an old fashioned Scandinavian Smorgasbord was served.
            December 9, 6;45 am - Men's Prayer and Breakfast was held at Temple.  
            December 25, 6:30 - 7:00 am - The Christmas Morning radio broadcast over radio station KWJJ.
            December 26, 7:00 pm - Annual Christmas Concert.  This year's concert featured the Temple Choir, the Temple Heirs, and the Junior Choir.  The Junior Choir was directed my Mrs. Evans (Marilyn) Nelson. The Temple Choir and the Temple Heirs was directed by Pastor Bud Malmsten.  Mrs. Onis Watson tied the musical numbers with readings from the Scriptures. 
            December 28, Tuesday, 6:30 pm - Merriweds Christmas Dinner at the home of the Doug Kraxbergers.     
            December 31, New Years Eve a slide show was presented before the Watch night Service called "Temple: 1965, A Year in Review."
            Mr. and Mrs. Henning (Josie) Johnson were custodians.
            Missions week included Dr. Paul Finlay of Bethel College, Rev. Wesley Lindblom of the Columbia Conference, Rev. Francis Sorley of Japan, Miss Arlene Coleman of Ethiopia, Miss Margorie Malm of Ethiopia, Rev. Irwin Bjelland of the Philippines, Bill and Grace Anderson of Ethiopia, Miss Grace Swanson of Assam. Miss Betty Person, of Assam and Rev. Gerald Osbrom, of the Philippines.
            Young men in the military include: Bob Davis in Germany, Mark Hagey in Kentucky, Gary Huff in Texas, Mike Herdner in Alaska, Ron Wright in Texas, and Ric Bailey in California.
            Len Johnson, Greg Anderson and Klaus Siemienic are all attending Bethel, the most ever from Temple.
            Mr. Dale Peretti was chairman of the Christian Education Board and Mr. Bert Johnson was Sunday School Superintendent.
            Thanks to Dr. Ceilous Williams for taking care of physicals for those who wished to go to camp this summer.
            Mrs. Albin Rydman expressed her appreciation to the many friends of Temple for the lovely party given in her honor.  For the many cards, gifts and kind words, she was sincerely grateful.
            The Sunday School Office was remodeled by the Trustee Board and the Christian Education Board.

Temple's softball Team won 1st place in their division of the "Booster Cup Tournament."

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Emil Ekblad - January 22 ~ Emil was born on March 13, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on June 22, 1919.
                                       Mrs. Ellen Holmgren - March 12 ~ Born in Sweden on August 11, 1863.  Joined Temple fellowship on November 6, 1914.
                                       Mrs. Bertha Maria Larson - March 18 ~ Bertha was born in Sweden the same year Temple was organized, August 30, 1884.  She joined Temple fellowship on February 12, 1928.
                                       Mrs. Dora Emerson - April 9 ~ Dora was born on May 19, 1875 and joined Temple fellowship on May 5, 1929.
                                       Mrs. Martha Peterson - May 25 ~ Martha joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.
                                       Mr. Harry Lee Campbell - September 15 ~ Mr. Campbell was born on April 5, 1980's joined Temple fellowship on March 8, 1955.  He was the grandfather to Jack Campbell Jr. 
                                       Mrs. Signe Tienken - October 8 ~ Mrs. Tienken joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1949.
                                       Mrs. Robert (Signe) Johnson - December 5 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on October 21, 1951.
                                       Mr. Walter Ranes - December 25 ~ Mr. Ranes joined Temple fellowship on October 4, 1956.

            "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
                                               Acts 4:12 NIV 

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 1, New Years Day!!
            January 4, Tuesday, 7:30 pm ~ A Prayer Meeting was held at the home of the Bert Johnson's.
            January 5, Wednesday, 10:30 am  ~ A Prayer Meeting was held at the Church Parsonage, 2810 NE 24th.
            January 6, Thursday, 12:00-1:00 pm ~ A Men's Prayer Luncheon.  Those won attended bought lunch at Manning's Cafeteria and brought it to the Lloyd Center Auditorium.
                                                   7:30 pm ~ A Prayer meeting was held at the home of the Ray Greens.
            January 7, Friday, 7:30 pm ~ A Prayer Meeting was held at the home of the Stanley Christiansen's.
            January 18, Tuesday, 7:30 pm ~ All Church Work Night.  The church pews were cleaned thoroughly in preparation for a refinishing job.
            January 23, Missions Week Services
                                                    Sunday        5:30 pm,  Dr. Paul Finlay - Bethel College
                                                                       7:00 pm,  Rev. Wesley Lindblom  Columbia Conference
                                                    Wednesday 7:15 pm,  Rev. Francis Sorley - Japan
                                                    Thursday     7:30 pm,  Miss Arlene Coleman - Ethiopia (Women Only)
                                                    Friday         7:30pm,   World Missions Night:  All eight Missionaries who were in our area shared in the great service.  Each told of one "Trophy of Grace" from his/her experience during his/her last term on the field.
                                                    Saturday      6:00 pm,  Brotherhood Missions Dinner.  Special music by a "Gay Nineties Quartet," and by Roy LeTourneau.  Humor and fun was had by all.  Colored movies of the Good Shepherd School and a Message by Rev. Gil Anderson - Ethiopia.
                                                    Sunday        11:00 am, Pastor David Danielson on Missions
                                                                        7:00 pm,  Rev. Gil Anderson - Ethiopia
                                                    "If you would follow Jesus Christ, you must follow Him to the ends of the earth; for that is where He is going!"
            January 30, Sunday, Morning Meditation ~ "The missionary enterprise is not the church's after thought.  It is the church's forethought.  It is not secondary and optional; it is primary and vital."  God had an only Son....and He was a Missionary."
            February 13, During this week Pastor Bud presented his fiancé, Pat, with a beautiful diamond.  He flew to New York State, where she teaches school, on his way to Founders week.
            March 3, Mrs. Maria (Gideon) Sjolander passed away and was laid to rest March 8th in California.  She was the wife of a former pastor of our church and sister-in-law to member, Mr. Nathan Sjolander.
            March 5, Mr. Adolph Johnson passed away this morning.  He was born in 1893 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1925.
            March 5 or 12, The Young people went to Mr. Hood for an outing.
            March, 16 - 18, Thursday through Saturday ~ Annual CYF Beach Trip for Temple Young People was held this year at Camp Wi-Ne-Ma, near Clover Dale on the Oregon Coast.  The speaker was Pastor Endel Meiusi of Calvary Baptist.
            March 25, Friday,6:30 pm ~ The Lower Columbia Women's Spring Banquet was held at the Village Inn, in St. Helens, Oregon.  The Speaker was Mr. Roy LeTourneau.
            April 3, Palm Sunday ~ The Temple Hour, 7:00 pm ~ Tonight we enjoyed musical specials by the Danielson family and the Temple Choir.  The Pastor's message was titled, "And Now Abideth Faith."
            April 4, Monday, 7:00 pm ~ Area Brotherhood Volleyball Night at our Game Room.
                                                    7:00 pm - Mcloughlin Heights vs. Bethel
                                                    7;45 PM - Warren vs. Calvary   
                                                    8:30 pm - Temple men scheduled to be at church  for the devotional with Captain Ed Stelle of the Portland police.  
                                                    9:00 pm - Temple team (captained by Mr. Doug Krazberger) played Glisan St. Baptist's team.
            April 8, 7:30 pm, Good Friday Service ~ The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the focal point of all human history, for it was there that God showed man real love.
            April 10, Easter Sunday
            April 17, Mr. Marvin Westerlund passed away today.  He is survived by a sister, Maydora (Westerlund) Johnson and a brother Edward. 
            April 25, Monday, 7:00 pm ~ Brotherhood Volleyball Night.  First game: Young People vs. Gospel Crusaders.
                                                    8:00 pm Devotional time with Rev. Ted Peterson of Clatskanie, new missionary appointee for Argentina.
                                                    Second Game:  Merriweds vs. Temple Builders. 
            May 1, Total church membership - 389.
            May 6, Friday 6:30 pm ~ Temple's Annual Meeting and Church Dinner was held at church.  The meeting and dinner was held in the lower auditorium.  The Ladies of the church prepared the dinner in the downstairs kitchen. 
            May 7, 1:00 pm ~ The Mother Daughter Luncheon was held at the Home Plate Restaurant,  SE 49th at Hawthorne.  Ladies are asked to design a hat based on a "house cleaning" theme.
            May 8, Sunday, Mothers' Day ~ "No greater love than a mother's love ever existed except in the heart of God."
            May 9, :30 pm ~ Temple's Softball Team played Lents EUB at Lents Park # 2 on SE 96th and Schiller.
            May 15, Sunday ~ The message in the Morning Sermon was entitled, "The Power of a Holy Life," presented by Rev. Howard Olson, pastor of the Northwest Baptist Church in Bellingham, Washington.
            May 19, Thursday, 6:30 pm ~ Temples Softball Team played Central Bible Church at Rose City #2.
                                                    7:15 pm ~ The Temple Bible Class was in charge of the service at the Union Gospel Mission.  
            May 21, Saturday, 6:00 pm ~ Father and Son Banquet.  Endel Meiusi spoke and shared experiences behind the Iron Curtain.   A special film was also shown named, "Outbound."
            May 26, Thursday, 6:30 pm Temple's Softball team played WesTac at Rose City #2 ball diamond.
            May 28, Saturday, 1:00 pm ~ Junior High Picnic at Mt. Tabor Park, went swimming at Jantzen Beach Pool following.
            May 30, All Day Columbia CYF Workday at Lake Retreat.
            June 4-5, Merriweds Beach Trip.
            June 7, 6:30 pm ~ Our church softball team played Glisan Street Baptist at Peninsula Park #2, north Albina at Portland Boulevard. 
            June 12, Children's day
            June 14, Tuesday, 8:00 pm ~ Temple's softball team played Wes Tac at Buckman Field.
            June 19, Father's Day
            June, Bethel Baptist Seminary in Stockholm Celebrated 100 years.  Our former Pastor, Rev. Gustaf Liljeroth was a graduate.               
            July 3, Sunday ~ The morning sermon was presented by Rev. Walfred Johnson entitled, "When Christ Prayed."
            July 5, Tuesday, 6:30 ~ Softball vs. Northeast Assembly at Irving diamond # 2, NE Freemont and 11th.
            July 9, Saturday 7:45 pm ~ Youth for Christ at Benson High School Auditorium.  The film, "A Man Called Peter" was shown.                                                                                      
            July 31, Sunday ~ The morning Sermon was brought by Rev. Leonard Hillstrom
            August 5, Our Church Softball Team won their Division Championship by beating the Glisan Street Baptist team, 9-0 at Farragut Stadium.
            August 7, Sunday ~ This Afternoon the Merriweds Class and children were invited to a Potluck Picnic Lunch at the Evans Nelson's cabin on Blue Lake.
                                                    7:00 pm, The Temple Hour: Vocal and Instrumental Specials and an inspiring message from the Word of God.
                                                    9:00 pm, A Singspiration was held at the McLoughlin Heights Baptist Church on Mill Plain Blvd., in Vancouver, Washington.
            August 11, Thursday, 6:45 am ~ Men's Prayer and breakfast.
                                                     6:30 am, Mission Circle "Christmas in August." Pot Luck Supper at the Stanley Christiansen home.  Mrs. Roy LeTourneau brought the message.
            August 21, Saturday ~ Senior High Camp began at Lake Retreat.
            September 2-5, Young Family camp at Lake Retreat.
            September 11, Sunday ~ The Morning Sermon was presented by Dr. Harold L Proppe entitled "Servant or Lord ".  Dr. Proppe, was Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church of Hollywood, California.  He served as Pastor there for 34 years.
            September 18, Sunday ~ The Morning Sermon was presented by Mr. Dean Brown.  Dean and his wife Mary Jean Brown presented a musical presentation during the morning service
            September 26, Carl and Axel Anderson began their 63rd year at Temple.
            October 2, Sunday 5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour began for another year.  Rev. Duane Dunham of Western Seminary Lead the adults of some "Fresh Approaches to Bible Study."
                                                 6;20 pm, Refreshments were served in the Fireside Room.
            October 8, Men and Boys Golf Breakfast.
            October 14, Mrs. Patey, mother of Mrs. Viola Miller Silks, passed away.  She was ninety-five years old.
            October 22, Saturday ~ The Merriweds class held a Progressive Dinner.
            October 28, 7:00 pm, Friday ~ The Temple Builders class Halloween Party was held at the home of Ken and Lois Anderson.  It was a complete masquerade situation with a prize for the best costume.
            November 2, Wednesday ~  Rev. Don Rood showed pictures of missionary work in Viet Nam at the midweek service.
            November 4, Mrs. Hedvig Friberg was called home by her Lord .  She became a member of Temple in 1942.
            November 11, Thursday, 7:30 pm - Veterans Day ~ The Temple Builders Sunday School Class had a roller Skating Party at the Oaks Roller Rink.  Refreshments was held after at the ho of the Don Strandbergs.
            November 17, Mrs. Jennie Lindquist ~ She was called home that Thursday morning after a long and fruitful life serving Christ.
            November 17, Thursday 6:30 pm ~ The Gospel Crusaders Class had their Annual Smörgàsbord in the Fireside Room. 
            November 27, Sunday, 5:30 pm ~ Family Hour: Dr. Levi Lovegren continued to share from his experiences behind the Bamboo Curtain in Communist Chinese prisons. This is one segment in a series that Dr. Lovegren presented at Temple.
                                                 6:40 pm ~ The Sunday Evening Orchestra met to warm up and prepare for their presentation at he evening Service.
            December 11, The Merriweds Sunday Class decorated the church for Christmas.
            December 18, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ The Sunday School presented their Christmas Program.
            December 22, Thursday am ~  Arthur B. Carlson died.
            December 24, Saturday ~ No midnight Christmas service was held this year.
            December 25, Sunday ~ 6:35 am, Broadcast on radio station KPDQ both 1330 AM and 98.5 FM.
                                                  9:45 am, Sunday School Film, "O Holy Night."
                                                  11:00 am, Morning Worship Service, Pastor Dave Danielson gave the message entitled, "Annual Christmas Message."
                                                  7:00 pm, Temple Choir Concert (Cantata)
            December 29, The Merriweds Sunday School class held their Christmas social at the church.
            December 31, New Years Eve Watchnight Services:
                                                   10:00 pm - "Temple 1966" ~ Colored Slides were shown in the church sanctuary.
                                                   10:45 pm - Social Hour
                                                   11:15 pm - Candlelight Communion Service.
            Bud Malmsten was the Assistant Pastor.
            The Christmas Choir appeared in new choir robes.
            Exterior of the church building was painted.
            A special thank you to Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor and to Mr. Bob Farrell for the use of their two Volkswagen Busses to bring our young people to and from camp at Lake Retreat.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Gideon (Maria) Sjolander - March 3 ~ She was Pastor Gideon Sjolander's wife.
                                       Mr. Adolph Johnson - March 5 ~ Adolph joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.
                                       Mr. Marvin W. Westerlund - April 17 ~ No other information is recorded about Mr. Westerlund.
                                       Mrs. Nathan (Ardis Margaret Gisselberg) Sjolander - May 5 ~ Ardis was born on March 8, 1905 and joined Temple fellowship along with her mom and dad on March 1, 1927.
                                       Mrs. Meta Holstrom - June 27 ~ Meta joined Temple fellowship on October 4, 1964.
                                       Miss Margo Bergstrom - July 24 ~ Margo was the daughter of La Vern and Gwen Bergstrom.  She was born on August 4, 1942 and joined Temple fellowship on February 3, 1952.
                                       Mr. William Geyer - October 10 ~ Mr. Geyer and Louisa Grace Geyer both joined Temple fellowship on March 6, 1949.  
                                       Mrs. Patey - October 14 in the evening. ~ She was the mother of Mrs. Viola Silks.  
                                       Mrs. Hedwig Friberg - November 4 ~ Mrs. Friberg joined Temple fellowship on May 24, 1942.
                                       Mrs. Jennie Lindquist - November 17 ~ Jennie joined Temple fellowship on June 5, 1963. 
                                       Mrs. John B. (Nanny) Johnson - November 18 ~ Mrs. Johnson was born on October 30, 1893 and joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1937.
                                       Mr. Arthur B. Carlson - December 22 ~ A.B. Carlson was born in the 1890's in Minnesota and the owner of Carlson Printing Company who did most of the printing for the church especially bulletins.  He was 77 years old.  He joined Temple fellowship in 1924.  They had two daughters - Helen R. and Henritta L. and one son, James E..  He was married to Victoria C. (Lindholm) Carlson.

            "'Thomas said to Him," "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"  Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you would know my Father, as well.  From now on you do know Him and have seen Him."
John 14:5-6 NIV

     Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            Bud Malmsten was the director of the Temple Choir. (Assistant Pastor)
            January 1, Sunday ~ Following the Temple Hour a Special New Year's Fireside was held.  Beginning with bowling at Interstate Lanes.  Then the young people (High School and College) went to Steve Nelson's home for some games, films, and a New Year's devotional brought from Pastor Bud, and refreshments.
            January 1, "Mother and I, and all other members of our family, wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to the many Temple friends who have extended so many kindnesses to us during the illness and homegoing of our husband and father, Authur B. Carlson, ( Who died on December 22, 1966).  Dad very much appreciated the visit of the Merriwed class and their children when they caroled for us on December 17th."    Helen R. Carlson
            January 15, Sunday ~ The morning sermon was presented by Rev. Herman Tegenfeldt, Missionary from Burma.
                            5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour:  Rev Everson Pent spoke to the Adults;  Missionary Clem Walbert spent time with the High School Group for a give and take discussion on" What Every High Schooler Should Know About Missions!"
                            6:20 pm ~ Refreshments were served in the Fireside Room.
                            6:40 pm ~ Pre-Service Prayer Meetings were held for Men, Women, and Youth.
                            7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour; Songtime with the Sunday Evening Orchestra.... Male Chorus and other men's music....A Missionary Challenge by Rev. Clement Walbert of Japan. 
            January 15-22, World Missions Week brought 4 missionaries to Temple:  Rev. Herman Tegenfeldt - Ragoon, Burma, Rev. Clem Walbert - Japan, Rev. David Sperry - Ethiopia, Rev. Nils Friberg -  Brazil.  The Rev. Cliff Gustafson represented the Columbia Conference.
            January 16, Monday 10:00 am ~ Lower Columbia Pastors and Missionaries meet.
                            7:30 pm ~ Rev David Sperry of Ethiopia was featured in our Mission Week service.  Rev. Sperry was among our first representatives to the African Nation.
            January 17, Tuesday 7:30 ~ Rev. Nils Friberg of Brazil brought the challenge at this service.  He is a native of Oregon.
            January 18, Wednesday 7:15 pm ~ All Church Night:  Regular meetings of Boy's Christian Service Brigade and Girls GMG (Girls Missionary Guild).  Pastor Bud Malmsten lead the adult Bible study and showed slides from his trip to South America.
            January 20, Friday ~ The High School Christian youth Fellowship were urged to attend their school Basketball game, and come to church afterward for some fellowship and refreshments.
            January 22, Sunday ~ Rev. Milton Holmquist, Missionary from the Philippines presented the Morning Message.
                            5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour:  Dr. Stanley Ellison spoke to the Adult Session;  Rev. Clifford Gustafson of Lake Retreat spent time with the High Schoolers.
                            7:00 pm ~ The Evening Service: Song time with the Orchestra... The Johnson sisters; (Lois, Judy, Debbie) Trio.... the Anderson Brothers (Gregg, Darrell) Instrumental Duet.. Message was presented by Rev. Clifford Gustafson of the Columbia Conference.
            January 22 (Week Of) ~ Mrs. Hilda Carlson of the Retirement home went home to be with the Lord this week after living in the Retirement Home for twenty years.
            January 28, Saturday, 7:30 ~ The Merriweds met at church to play volleyball and hold their annual election.
            January 29, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ The Portland Christian High School Choir presented a Concert at the Temple Hour.
            February 5, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ Mr. Dan Christiansen presented the message for this evening entitled " The Christian in a changing World."  Hymn No. 106 "Joy in Serving Jesus" led by Mr. Wayne Anderson.  Unison Scripture Reading - I Timothy 4:10-16 led by Mr. Jim Christiansen.
            February 5, 7:00 pm ~ Mr. Dan Christiansen brought the message, "The Christian in a Changing World."
            February 11, Saturday ~ The Annual Valentine Banquet was held at the Anchorage Restaurant, at the foot of Marion street.  Rev. Endel Meiusi of Calvary Baptist Church shared his life story.
            February 26, Sunday ~ The morning sermon was presented by Mr. Reuben Ronne.
            February 26, Sunday The Temple Hour 7:00 pm ~  Song time with Roy LeTourneau, Sunday Evening Orchestra, Special musical selections boy Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeHart and Lois Johnson.  Evening Speaker, Mr. Reuben Ronne
            March 4, Saturday, 6:00 pm ~ The Lower Columbia Area Brotherhood Banquet was held at Temple.  Dr. Don Chittick was the speaker.
            March 5, Sunday, 5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour -- Dr. Stanley Ellison of Western Baptist Seminary continued his series on the Parables of Christ in the adult session.
            March 7, Tuesday, 7:30 pm ~ Boys Brigade Basketball played St. Johns Baptist at Hinson Baptist Gymnasium.
            March 16 thru 18th, Thursday - Saturday  Annual CYF Beach Trip to Camp Magruder on the Oregon coast.  Rev. Ed Perry of Clatskanie was the main speaker.  
            March 19 ~ Palm Sunday-Hosanna!
            March 19, 5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour:  Adults-Dr. Melvillle Chatfield of Western Seminary; High School- A special test will be given designed to help you know yourself  better; don't miss this most interesting experiment. 
            March 26 ~ Easter Sunday
                               7:00 am - Sunrise Service at the Memorial Coliseum was followed by breakfast at Manning's Cafeteria in the Lloyd Center.
                               11:00 am - Easter Morning worship Service.
                               7:00 pm - The Temple Choir sung the cantata, "The Crucifixion" by Sir John Stainer.
            March 27, Monday ~ "Sacrifice!" a drama based on the historical and contemporary reactions to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. was presented at Temple by the Royal Players from Bethel College.
            April 14, Friday, 8:00 pm ~ The Temple Builders Class met at he home of the Roy LeTourneaus for a time of fun and fellowship.
            April 16, Sunday ~ The Morning Sermon was presented by Rev. Dwight Kinman.  Rev. Kinman was a chaplain at the Multnomah County Hospital.
                                          Following the Temple Hour this evening, the Young People were invited of a fireside at the home of Brenda LeTourneau.
                                          7:00 pm ~ General William K. Harrison [ret.], Senior delegate of the Korean Armistice Delegation shared at the Temple hour.
            April 21, 7:00 pm ~ The 22nd Anniversary Youth for Christ Banquet was held at the Holiday Inn.
            April 23, Sunday ~ After the worship service this morning, the Gospel Crusaders served an Old-Fashioned Pot-Luck Luncheon.
            April 27, Thursday, 7:00 am ~ Men's Prayer and Breakfast.
            May, ~Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Al Van Blokland who celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary this month.
            May 1, Total church membership - 410
            May 5, Friday, 6:30 pm ~ Annual Meeting Dinner.  After dinner the meeting started with several important items of business were on the agenda, including election, amendments, annual reports, and the proposed sale of the parsonage.
            May 13, Saturday, 1:00 pm ~ Mother - Daughter Luncheon at The Chinese Garden Restaurant.
            May 14, Mother's Day, 7:00 pm ~The Temple Hour - Song time with the Sunday Evening Orchestra.....Mother's Day musical specials: Lois and Lynette Anderson; Maydora, Lois, Judy, and Debbie Johnson.  Pastor Danielson's Message:  Today's Voices."
            May 14, ~ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Al Van Blokland who have recently celebrated their Silver Wedding anniversary.
            May 15, Monday, 6:30 pm ~ Softball Practice at Fernhill Park, NE Ainsworth and 38th.
            May 18, Thursday, 8:00 pm ~ The Gospel Crusaders met at the home o the Vern Bergstroms.
            May 19, Friday ~ The Temple Softball team beat The Mission Alliance Church 14 to 2 at Normandale #2 Park.
            May 20, Saturday ~ Work day at Lake Retreat.
            May 21, Sunday ~ Following the morning service the Merriweds Class shared together in an old fashioned pot-luck dinner at the church.
            May 23, Tuesday 6:30 pm ~ Temple had a softball practice game vs. Glisan Street Baptist Church at Russellville Park.
            May 25, Thursday, 7:00 am ~ Men's Prayer and Breakfast.
                                         Temple's Softball Team played Hinson Baptist at Glenhaven Prak.
            May 28, Sunday, ~ Memorial Day - 7:00 The Temple Hour: Musical Specials by the Danielsons.  Stirring Testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilkins.  Challenging message by Pastor Danielson: "The Plan of Salvation."
            May – At the annual meeting the church voted to sell the parsonage and apply the proceeds to the building loan for the Youth Center.
            May 28—A reception was held at the Oregon Baptist Retirement home to honor the retirement of Mr. and Mrs.Walferd Johnson, the homes administrators.  Mrs. Linus Johnson stepped in during the summer as Supervisor.
            May 31, Wednesday 7:15 pm ~ All Church Night: Regular meetings of the Battalion, Stockade, and GMG (Girls Missionary Guild).  Pastor Danielson continued his "Study in Depth: Philippians."
            June 2, Friday ~ Temple's Softball Team played Sacramento Baptist at Buckman Field.
            June 4, Sunday ~ Following the service today the Temple Builders Class shared in an "Old Fashioned Pot-Luck Dinner at the Evans Nelson Place on Blue Lake.
            June7, Wednesday, 7:15 pm ~ All-Church Night:  Regular meetings were held of the Battalion, Stockade, and GMG.  Pastor Danielson continued his "Study in Depth: Philippians."
            June 8, Thursday, 6:30 pm ~ Temple's softball team played the First Evangelical Team at Glenhaven Field, near Madison High School.
            June 11, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ A Summer Musical was held in the Sanctuary featuring The Temple Choir, vocal and instrumental specials, Message by Pastor Danielson.  Following the service the young people are invited to a very special Fireside at the home of Vicki Loy.  All other Templeites were invited to remain at church for a Fireside honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Nordquist, who was leaving for southern California.
            June 12, Monday, 7:00 pm ~ The Church Board meetings were held.
            June 12, to and including the 16th ~ Daily Vacation Bible School.  Includes children from age 4 through grade 8 (during the past school year) were invited to share in a week of fun and spiritual food.
            June 14, Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~ Midweek Prayer and Bible Study with Pastor Danielson leading.
            June 15, Thursday, 7:00 am ~ Men's prayer and breakfast.
            June 18, Sunday, 11:000 am ~The Morning Message was brought by Rev. George Chalmers, Missionary from the Philippines.  Following the Morning Service Temple members and friends are invited to share in an "Old-Fashioned Pot-Luck Dinner"" in the Church yard. This was our final opportunity to fellowship with the Chalmers before they return to their field of service in the Philippines.
                        Note in the June 18th Bulletin:  "Sincere thanks to Mr. Bill Nestlen and his crew for the lovely portable Volley-ball Standards which he designed and built."
            June 20, Tuesday, 7:30 to 8:00 pm ~ The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home presented "Songs at Evening Time" on radio KPDQ.
            June 21, Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~ Midweek Prayer and Bible Study with Pastor Bud leading the study of the Word.
            June 22, Thursday, 7:00 am ~ Men's Prayer and Breakfast.
            June 24, Saturday, 7:30 pm The Merriweds Class Swimming Party held at the home of the Dave Meiers.
            June 25, Sunday 11:00 ~ The Morning Message was presented by Rev. Henry Smuland.
                                                    Following the Morning Service the Gospel Crusaders held a class picnic at Mt. Tabor Park.
            July 2, Sunday ~ This was Promotion Sunday for the Junior, Junior High and High School Departments.  We met together in the Sanctuary for the Opening Session.  
                                       11:00 am the Morning Message was brought by Dr. Harold Proppe entitled, "The Crisis in Christianity."  Dr. Proppe is Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist, Hollywood, California.
            July 3, Monday, 6:30 ~ CYF met at church to attend the YFC Americana Pageant at Alpenrose, Dairy.
            July 1-8, Junior Boys - Grade entering 4 and 5 at Lake Retreat.
            July 7, 8:00 pm ~ Softball game at Buckman Field
            July 8, Saturday, 11:30 am ~ Annual Sunday School Picnic was held at Blue Lake Park.  Lunch was served potluck.
            July 9, 6:30 pm ~ Temple's Softball Team played Sacramento Baptist at Buckman Field.
            July 8-15, Junior High Girls ~ Grade entering 6 and 7.
            July 13, Thursday, 7:00 pm ~ Men's Prayer and Breakfast.  The men met in the choir room for prayer, then went to a local restaurant for breakfast.
            July 14, Friday, 7:30 pm ~ High School CYF "Initiation Party" at the home of John and Jim Wright.  Attendance was "required" for all High School Freshmen; suggested for all others.
            July 15, Saturday ~ Merriweds Beach Trip at Cape Lookout State Park.
            July 15 - 22 ~ Boy's Brigade Camp, Stockade, was held at Canyon View Camp Silverton, Oregon
            July 15-22, Writers and Christian Education - Adults.
            July 18, Tuesday 7:30 pm ~ A musical presentation featuring The Teen Challenge Choir was presented at Temple, They were a most unusual and outstanding choir, featuring the 21 voices of converted drug addicts and delinquents blended together in exquisite harmony.  Each one was a living miracle of God's infinite Grace.  Where once they carried switchblades and "Drilled" dirty needles into their collapsed veins, they  sang from changed hearts.  Their theme song was, "The Power of Jesus Can Break Every Chain!"
            July 19. Wednesday 7:30 pm ~ Midweek Prayer and Bible Study.
            July 21, Friday 7:00 pm ~ The High School CYF was invited to the Blue Lake home of Steve and Sharon Nelson for an informal time of Christian fellowship.
            July 22, Saturday ~ Junior Girls Camp began at Lake Retreat
                                           Boys Brigade Camp - Battalion, began at Canyon View Camp, Silverton, Oregon.
                                           The High School CYF had a car wash in the Church Parking Lot for the unbelievable price of one dollar.
            July 24, Monday 6:30 ~ Softball vs. Northeast Assembly.
            July 23, Sunday, 7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour ~ This was a musical evening with the Danielson's.  They played several instruments and sung in various combinations.  Pastor Danielson's message was titled: "Within The Heart, A Melody."
            July 24, 7:00 pm ~ Pastor, Mrs. Danielson and Elaine had a part in the Youth For Christ Monday Evening Summer Musicale held at Mt. Tabor Park.
            July 27, Thursday, 6:30 pm ~ Temple's softball team played the team from Hinson Memorial Baptist Church at the Grant Pard Diamond # 1.
            July 22-29 ~ Junior Girls Camp at Lake Retreat - Grade entering grades 4 and 5.                        
            July 29-August 5 ~ Boys Camp 1 was held at Lake Retreat for boys entering grades 6 and 7.
            July 30 ~ Thank You, Mr. Bob Farrell for providing the ice cream for this summer's Sunday School picnic.
            July 30 ~ Remember to pray for the camps at Lake Retreat.  The junior high boys #1camp well beheld this week.  We want to thank Dr. Celious Williams who has again this year given the camp physicals to the campers from Temple.
            August 5-12, Family Camp I - All Ages.
            August 12-19, Junior High II - Grade Entering 8 and 9.
            August 13 ~ Our former member, Mrs. Victor Larson, passed away during the past week in San Jose, California. 
            August 13 ~ A former member. Mrs. Victor Lillian Larson passed away during the past week in San Jose, California.
            August 13 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Elman R. Johnson request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Martha Jean, to Mr. Michael Charles Herdener on Saturday, August 19, at 4:00 in the afternoon at Temple Baptist Church.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
            August 19-26,  Senior High - Grade Entering 10, 11, 12.
            August 19, 4:00 pm ~ Wedding of Martha Jean Johnson to Michael Charles Herdener at Church.
            August 20 ~ A celebration to honour Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Strandberg on their fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, was held in Milwaukie, Oregon on the third of September from two to seven o'clock. 
            August 20, ~ Note directed to Members of Temple Baptist Church:  We wish to thank you most sincerely for the kind recognition last Sunday for Mr. Danielson's (Hokvin) 90th Birthday.  It was such a surprise so unexpected, so very lovely.  God bless you all, and thanks to each and every one.  Sincerely, Hokvin and Ruth Danielson
            August 20, Sunday ~ Following the Evening Service the Young Adult Group is invited to share in a Cruising Singspiration down the Willamette River on the "Good Ship Lollipop."
            August 24, Thursday, 1:30 pm ~ Deaconesses will meet at the home of the Stanley Christiansen's.
            August 26 to September 2, ~ Family Camp II begins - at Lake Retreat All Ages.
            August 27, Mr. Jim Spickelmier was recently united in marriage to Miss Carole Lindquist, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Lundquist.  The ceremony was held in the Twin Cities.
            September 2-4, College - High School Grads.  A Lake Retreat "Week End Away" was planned for the Young Adults of the Columbia Conference this weekend. 
            September 4 ~ Labor Day
            September 8-10, Friday thru Sunday ~ Annual Brotherhood Retreat at Lake Retreat Camp.  Dr. Harry McCormick Lintz spoke.
            September 15-17, Friday - Sunday ~ Annual Ladies House Party at Lake Retreat. 
            September 17, Sunday ~  Rev. John Grant gave the morning message.
            September 17 ~ Congratulations to Mr. Tom Moultrie who passed the Oregon State Bar Examination this past week.
            September 22, Friday, 8:00 pm ~ The Gospel crusaders met at the home of the Mandy Strandbergs.
            September 24, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ronne and Karry Sue were welcomed to the Oregon Baptist Retirement home as administrators.
            October 22,  10:50 pm ~ Sunday, Rev. Darrel Bellville brought the message   Rev. and Mrs., Darrel Bellville on the Sylvan Way Baptist Church do Bremerton   Today was fellowship Day in our Sunday School.  It will feature an old fashioned Pot-luck dinner.  Be sure to stay for church' then remain to enjoy the old fashioned home town fellowship.  Everyone is invited to share in the Old Fashioned Pot Luck Dinner sponsored by the Sunday School in the lower auditorium. 
                                   5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour with secessions for all age groups, Primary through Adults. 
                                   6:20 pm ~ Refreshments served in the Fireside Room.
                                   6:40 pm ~ Pre-service Prayer Meetings: Men, Women, Youth.  
                                                   Sunday Evening Orchestra tune-up and warm-up.
                                   7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour  Closing Prophetic Message by Rev. Darrel Bellville - "Nearing the End" 
            October 25, Wednesday, 8:30 pm ~ The Temple Choir will rehearse with Mrs. Ken Anderson in charge.
            October 26, Thursday, 8:00 pm ~ The Gospel Crusaders Class will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green.
            October 27, Friday, 7:30 pm ~ the Merriweds Class held its Halloween Costume Party at the Church.
                                            7:45 pm ~ The Temple Bible Class met at the home of mr. and Mrs. Helmer Bjelland.
            October 28, Saturday 7:00 pm ~ High School CYF Halloween Party featuring a "Polaroid Scavenger Hunt" and they wound up at Darryl Anderson's home.
            October 30, Monday, 7:30 pm ~ The Temple Builders held a masquerade party at the Ken Andersons home.
            November 17, Friday, 6:30 pm ~ Annual Brotherhood "Deerburger Feed".  George Johnson, Earl Johnson, and Dave Carlson were in charge.
            November 19, Sunday ~ Harold W. Malmsten presented the morning message entitled, "A time to Give Thanks."
                                                  5:30 pm ~ The Family Hour:  The Adult session will feature a special Thanksgiving Service was planned by Mrs. Ceilous Williams.
                                                  Greg Slay's group was in charge of the High School CYF meeting.
                                                  6:20 pm ~ Refreshments was served in the Fireside Room.
                                                  6:40 pm ~ Pre-service Prayer Meetings: Men, Women, Youth.  Sunday Evening Orchestra tune-up and warm-up.
                                                  7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour
                                                                    Song time with the Sunday Evening Orchestra, 
                                                                    Musical Specials, 
                                                                    Intervarsity Presentation by Tom Kirkpatrick, Challenging Missionary Film, "Urbana "64'"  
            November 22, Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~ Annual Thanksgiving/Missionary Service.  The Temple Choir sang and the speaker was Dr. David Rupert, Missionary doctor from Ethiopia.  Following the service the Merriwed class served refreshments.
            November 23, Thursday ~ is a day set aside in our country by act of Congress and by Presidential Proclamation, as a day of Thanksgiving,  Christians among all Americans should make good use of this time so provided.
            November 30, Thursday ~ Gospel Crusaders Smorgasbord.
            December 4th, Monday, 7:30 pm ~ Men's Basket ball practice in the gym.
            December 8, Friday - 7:30 pm ~ The Gospel Crusaders class decorated the church for Christmas.
            December 9, Saturday ~ C'n'C "Crazy Supper."
            December 10, Sunday ~ Temple Choir Christmas Concert.
            December 12, Tuesday ~ Temple Choir Caroling at County Hospital;
            December 15, Friday, 7:30 ~ The Gospel Crusaders Class decorated the church for Christmas.
            December 16, Saturday 6:30 pm  ~ Merriweds Buffet Supper at the Evans Nelsons.
             December 24th, Sunday 10:50 am ~ The Morning Message was presented by Pastor Harold W. Malmsten, entitled - "WHY."  
                                                    1:00 pm ~ Birthday Smorgasbord in honor of Mrs. Milton.
                                                    7:00 pm ~ Sunday Christmas Program.
                                                    11:00 pm ~ Christmas Eve (Watch Night) Service - Carol singing led by Pastor Bud.  Christmas Musical Specials and Readings by the Danielsons and the Malmstens .                                                                                                            Mrs. Dale Peretti at the Organ,  Brief Christmas Message by Rev. H. Wyman Malmsten of Minneapolis.
            December 27, Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~ Midweek Prayer and Bible Study with Pastor Bud in charge.
            December 28, Thursday ~ Annual CYF Christmas Smorgasbord.
            December 31, Sunday ~ New Years' Eve Services.  11:00 am ~ The morning message was presented by Rev. H. Wyman Malmsten, Sr.
                                                                                              9:30 pm ~ "Temple, 1967  a pictorial review.
                                                                                             10:30 pm ~ Fellowship and refreshments downstairs.
                                                                                             11:15 pm ~ Candlelight Communion Watchnight Service.
            Sometime in December ~ Pastor David Danielson severely broke his leg and would be laid up for some time.  Pastor Dave expressed this message, "I will appreciate your continuing prayers during these days.  May God richly bless you all."  

            In Memoriam - Mrs. Hilda Carlson - January 22
                                       Mrs. Victor (Lillian) Larson - Sometime during the week of August 6.
                                       Mr. Axel Anderson - September 19 ~  Axel was born in Sweden on March 18, 1885 and joined Temple fellowship on September 26, 1904.  He was the grandfather of Viola Christiansen, Evelyn Lott and Margaret Larson.
                                       Mr. Arnold A.M. Spengler - December 31 ~ Mr. Spengler joined Temple fellowship 20, 1961.

 Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe by ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."
                                            Colossians 3:12-14 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            Bud Malmsten continued as Assistant Pastor.
            January 1, Monday 12:30 am ~ Young People's New Year's Eve Party:  Bowling at Timber Lanes.   Games, films, refreshments, and Devotions of the home of Mike and Linda Bergstrom.
            January 3, Wednesday, 8:30 pm ~ The Temple Choir began rehearsing for 1968.
            January 4, Thursday, 7:00 am ~ Men's Prayer Meeting followed by breakfast a a nearby restaurant.
            January 7, 7:30 pm ~ Youth For Christ at the Benson High School Auditorium.
            January 14, ~ Mrs. Arnold Spengler wrote to acknowledge with grateful appreciation your comforting expressions of sympathy in the passing away of her husband, Arnold Spengler on December 31, 1967.
            January 14, ~ As a Family, we would like to extend to our dear friens in Temple our sincere appreciation for the many expressions of love and sympathy during the time of our beloved husband and father's illness and Home going.  Dagmar Walthinsen, Per and Kathy, Terje, and Ragnar.  Oscar Walthinsen passed away on January 1, 1968.  He was born in 1901 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1955.
            January 14, We welcome to the Temple Pulpit today Dr. Paul Petticord,  He serves the Lord as president of Western Evangelical Seminary here in Portland.
            February 4, ~ Dear Friends,  My wife and I would like to thank you very much for the wonderful box of candy and the beautiful Christmas cards received.  There are many rewards for being among Christian friends and having their fellowship.  One of my rewards is being always remembered by the wonderful congregation at temple.  From the bottom of our hearts my wife and I thank you for your prayers and faithful friendship.  Your friends, S. Sgt Robert Davis.
            February 4, Dear Temple Friends:  It was indeed a pleasure for Mrs. Malmsten, Fran, and me to be in Portland over the holidays.  To be with our son Bud, and all you wonderful people a Portland thrilled our hearts.  Thanks so much for the liberal check sent with your greeting.  We appreciate this so very much, and yet we want you to know we were happy to be in the service of the Lord.  I hope by this time that Pastor Dave is back in the harness and all is well.  Thank you so much again for you kindness and love.  Sincerely Yours, H. Wyman Malmsten.
            February 7, Wednesday, 7:30 pm ~ The Bethel College Women's Choir will presented a sacred concert in our church.
            February 11, Sunday ~ Friends at Temple were sadden to learn of the Home going of the wife our former pastor, Rev. Ellis El Eklof at Minneapolis on January 30th.  Her name was Myrtle.
            February 11, ~ Mr. George Nelson celebrated his eightieth birthday today.
            February 12, 13 ~ Monday and Tuesday Evenings at 8:00 o'clock, Bev Shea, Ted Smith, and Cliff Barrows presented a sacred concert at the Oriental Theater.
            February 16, 6:30 pm Friday  ~ Annual Temple Valentine Banquet will be held at the Anchorage Restaurant at the foot of SE Marion St. 
            February 19-23 ~ Founder's Week at Bethel College/Seminary.
            February 23, Friday ~ Youth for Christ was held at Benson High Auditorium.
            March 24, Sunday ~ A special thank you to me. Paul Strandberg and Pastor Bud Malmsten, who have provided the leadership for the CYF Rally.
            March 31, Sunday ~ More than 900 in Sunday School last week!  Can we do it again?  Maybe not, but it never hurts to try.
            April 7, Sunday ~ In Accordance With United States' President Johnson's Request, let us all pray for our nation in this time of crisis.  Events of the past week have made us even more aware of the need for total dependence upon God for wisdom and guidance. (Martin Luther King was shot and at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.)
            April 7, 7:00 pm The temple Hour ~ Song time with the Sunday Evening Orchestra tonight we will have a very special treat.  Marcy and Little Marcy will be with us.  Through the ministry of ventriloquism, Marcy reaches right into the hearts of children of all ages.
            April 14, Our special thanks to Norm Ryberg, Morrie Brask, and Henning Johnson for the installation of the new public address system in the lower auditorium.  It is now possible to 'pipe' the sound from the sanctuary to the lower auditorium.
            April 14, ~ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Norvald (Freda Slay) who were married Thursday in Vancouver. Washington.
            April 28, ~ The Flowers today are in loving memory of Mrs. Anna Landerholm, placed by her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hartman, of Oakland, California.  Mrs. Landerholm, sister in law of early day pastor, (Our First Senior) Pastor Rev. Nicolas Hayland, became a member in 1887, and died in Oakland in 1966 at the age of 97.
            April 28, Dear Christian Friends:  It was a joy and delight to use your lovely buildings for our Sunday School and Training Union Convention.  We wish to extend a special "thank You" to Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson, your custodians; they were so helpful.  May the Blessings of our Lord be upon you in His service.  Sincerely, Jack H. Stuart (Southern Baptist Convention)
            May 11. Saturday, 1:00 pm ~ Mother and Daughter Luncheon.
            May 12, 9:45 am  ~ Monday through Friday, "Call to Prayer" on KPTV, channel 12, in preparation for the coming Graham Crusade. 
            May 17, Friday 7:30 pm ~ The Billy Graham Crusade begins at the Memorial Coliseum
            May 26, ~ One week ago Greg Slay lay in a deep coma, his life hanging by such a slim thread that his doctors could only hope to prolong it for a few hours.  During this week God has heard our prayers, and we have been privileged to see a genuine miracle take place.  Today  he is responding very well to the treatment of the doctors and nurses.  Let us continue to pray that God will strengthen our faith and teach us His lessons in all this.
            May 26, ~  Dr. Billy Graham concludes his Portland Crusade today.  We have sensed the blessing of God on his ministry.  Let us continue to hold the entire team before the Lord in our prayers.
            June 10-14, Vacation Bible School was held during this week and was well attended.
            July 1, ~ We extend our Deepest Sympathy to the Family and loved ones of Miss Jennie Anderson, who went home on July first and was laid to rest on July fifth. 
            July 3, Harold "Bud" Malmsten was ordained.
            July 4, Thursday ~ Independence Day!  Let us thank God for our Nation, and let us pray for our Nation's future!
            July 4, Mrs. Ida Erickson passed away.  She was the widow of Rev. J. Alfred Erickson who pastored our church from 1924 to 1932 during which period our present church building was erected.  Mrs. Erickson was a gifted singer and served for a period of time as out choir director.  Pastor Erickson died just  30 years earlier on July 1, 1938.  Ida passed away  in Oakland California.
            July 7,  We welcome to the Temple Pulpit this morning, Dr. W. Robert Cook, Dean of Student Affairs and Professor of Biblical Theology at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary.
            July 8--Annual Sunday School Picnic was held at Blue Lake.
            July 11, ~ Pastor and Mrs. Danielson request the honour of the presence of the members and friends of Temple at the marriage of their daughter, Elaine Deloris, to Mr. Terje Walthinsen, on Friday, July nineteenth at eight o'clock in the evening at the Temple Baptist Church.
            July 28, ~ To the Temple Baptist Church; "I never thought people could be so kind,  With the loss or our baby boy and my injuries, it has helped so much to know people are praying or us.  I can't begin to thank all of the people for the flowers, cards, etc.  We hope to see you all in church as soon as I am discharged."  Diane Wilcox and Family.
            July 28, ~ Dear Temple Friends: "It is a delight to announce that Assistant Pastor Harold W. (Bud) Malmsten, Jr., will meet with an ordination council this Tuesday afternoon (July 30) at 7:30 pm.  The council recommends, but the local church ordains.  Therefore, we encourage all of our people to attend this very important and significant function or our church.  Sincerely, Pastor David G. Danielson.
            July 28, ~ Temple extends a warm welcome to the members of Pastor Bud's family (parents, Rev. and Mrs. Malmsten and sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Arensen) who are in Portland to share in his ordination service on Tuesday of this week.  Pastor Bud will be meeting with the Ordination Council (called by Temple) this week.  They met on Tuesday July 30 to Examine Pastor Bud Malmsten's qualifications for the ministry.
            August 7, Wednesday ~ "The Evangelaires," a gospel team from Bethel will be with us.
            August 14, Wednesday ~ Mr. Redd Harper (Mr. Texas, himself) will be here in person.
            August 25, ~ The Annual Brotherhood Retreat will be held September 6-8 at Lake Retreat.
            August 25, ~ Miss Marjorie Malm is in her third term in Ethiopia.  She is superintendent of the mission school in Bekoji where over 200 students are enrolled in grades one through five.  A particular challenge is reaching the large number of Moslem students enrolled in the school.
            August 25, ~ The High School Camp is now in session at Lake Retreat.  Pastor Bud is serving as a counselor and more that a dozen of our young people are attending,  Pray for them.
            August 30 to September 2, Friday to Monday ~ Young Family Camp at Lake Retreat.  Pastor Danielson is the Camp Pastor for the weekend. 
            September 1, ~ Thanks to all of you for the lovely flowers.  You should see our home, filled with beautiful flowers and golden anniversary cards, reminging us of all the many friens weh have known through the year.  Memories linger, and we thank the Lord for each of you.  With Christian love, Rev. David M. and Esther Anderson.
            September 1, ~ The Temple Hour 7:00 pm.  Song time with Pastor Bud, Musical Specials by John Grant of England, Testimonies from Camp, The evening message by Evangelist John Grant.  Following the service the Young People are invited to a special 'Lake Retreat Echoes' Fireside at the Blue Lake Place of Steve an Sharon Nelson.
            September 22 ~ "Thank you, Temple Friends, for all you kind expressions of sympathy in the passing away of my dear mother, Mrs. Tillie Johnson."  Sincerely in Christ; Eileen Johnson.
            September 26, Thursday 7:00 pm ~ Lower Columbia Women's Rally at Temple.  Mrs. George Johnson will speak. The meeting included a birthday celebration for Mrs. Dorothy Johnson.
            Summer--Miss Sharon Smith went to Ethiopia as a BGC missionary nurse.
            Fall, A new class of Young Marriweds was organized with Dr. Ceilous Williams as the teacher.  New teachers were also added to the church teaching staff.  Hershael Loy taught the College Class, Mrs. Ron (Barbara) Carver, Don Gordh and Winn Goddard are now with the Junior Department.  There were also changes in the High School Department.  Paul Strandberg now conducts the first half of the class time and then the class is divided into 4 groups for a discussion time.
            October 6, was "Promotion Rally Day."
            November 10, 11:00 am ~ Pastor Dave gave the morning message entitled, "Shallow ground." 
                                     7:00 pm ~ The Temple Hour Song time with the Sunday Evening Orchestra,  Testimony by Mr. Seth Young, Superintendent of Enoch Manufacturing Co. of Portland.  Vocal Solos with Mr. Young.  Trumpet Solo by Darryl Anderson,  The Evening Message with Pastor Danielson entitled; "The Emotion Which Causes Erosion." 
            November 16, Saturday 6:00 pm ~ The Harvesters Sunday School Class held a Progressive Dinner.
            November 17, We have received a note for the family of Rev. Merritt Kline who passed away suddenly early this month.  Mrs. Kline is recuperating at home in Vancouver, Washington
            November 20, Wednesday 7:15 pm ~ All Church Night:  Regular meetings of GMG, Battalion, Stockade, Action Groups, and he Adult Bible Study and Prayer Time.
            November 24, Sunday ~ We welcome to the Temple Pulpit today, Dr.Nate Olson, President of Cascade College here in Portland.
            December 1, ~ New officers of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home were elected recently, namely" President, Cliff Beeler: Vice President Dave Carlson; Secretary, Helen Tjernlund; Treasurer, Earl Johnson.
            December 7, Saturday 6:30 pm ~ Brotherhood Burger Feed.  
            December 9, Mrs. Julia Hayland Lundgren died.  She was born in Portland in 1889 when her father Rev. Nickolas Hayland was pastor of our church.  Mrs. Lundgren and her husband Richard were members of Temple in 1911-12 while Cherry Grove was in the process of being organized.  While with us Richard served as our choir director.
            December 15, Sunday ~ There is a giant Christmas card in foyer for your use in sending greeting to Temple friends.  The Mission Board urges you to use it and use the postage money saved for a special Christmas gift to missions.
            December 22, The children's Christmas program ws held during the Sunday School time.
            December 22, "A Pageant for Christmas" directed by Mrs. Ken (Lois) Anderson was presented in the evening.
            The church adopted a housing allowance for the Senior Pastor as the Church Parsonage was sold.
            Mr.& Mrs. Gary Davis (Kathy) went to Spain as missionaries under Greater Europe Mission.
            Mr. Bert Johnson was the Sunday School Superintendent.
            51 young people from Temple attended Lake Retreat Bible Camps, Dr. Ceilous Williams scheduled two busy evenings for camp physicals.
            Mrs. Onis Watson was Superintendent of the Junior High Department.
            Sunday School attendance averaged 240 this year.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr.  Oscar Wathinsen - January 1 ~ Oscar was born on October 7, 1901 and joined Temple fellowship on December 29, 1955.
                                       Mrs. Ida Erickson - July 4
                                       Mrs. Edna Scott - June 2
                                       Mrs. Jennie G. Anderson - September 1 ~ Jennie was born on May 3, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on September 9, 1956.
                                       Mrs. Emil (Tillie) Johnson - September 15 ~ Tillie was born on April 3, 1885 and joined Temple fellowship on December 20, 1933.
                                       Mrs. Julia Hagland Lundgren - December 9
                                       Mr. Lanier Brugh Sr. - December - 27 ~  Mr. Brugh, along with his wife Ruby joined Temple fellowship on September 7, 1945.  Lanier Brugh was the owner of Brugh Trucking Company.and pioneered the company in 1937. 

            "Faith is a mind set that expects God to act.  When we act on this expectation, we can overcome our fears."

            "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
                                                    James 3:17 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 1, Temple has reached the mark of 85 years since it was organized in 1884.
            January 10, A light refreshments were enjoyed during a fellowship hour after the Historical program on this Friday evening.  Rev. Gordon H. Anderson, Executive Secretary of the Home Mission Department of the Baptist General Conference was the much appreciated guest speaker and at both church services on the following Sunday.
            January 19, ~ Miss Sharon Smith arrived in Ethiopia as a missionary nurse just last August.  After several months serving at the Door of Life Hospital in Ambo,  she is now in fulltime language study in Addis Ababa.  She became of us during her time in Portland; Let us continue to remember her in our prayers.
            January 26, Sunday - 2 to 4:30 pm, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Travis H. Alexander, their son and daughters had a celebration in the Fireside Room of Temple.  It was the Alexander's 50th Wedding Anniversary. 
            February, The Annual Valentine Banquet was held in the church dining room with honors going to Evelyn Smith as sweetheart of the year.
            February 9, Rev. and Mrs. H. Wyman Malmsten announced the engagement of their daughter Frances Helen to Thomas C. Maynard son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Maynard.  Congratulations!
            February 23, Sunday ~ The morning sermon was presented by Mr. Oscar Fitzhenry of Charleston, West Virginia.  Mr. Fitzhenry was Division Manager of the Financial Service Corporation of America of Charleston.  He had a very distinguished military service record as an Air Corp pilot and before retiring as Lt. Colonel, his last assignment was Assistant to Wing commander of the Titan II Missile Wing.  He was Chairman of the Charleston CBMC and we welcomed him to the pulpit today.   
            February 23, Mr. and Mrs. (Norma) Gilbert Clark announced the engagement of their daughter Heather to Mr. Greg Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Lois) Ken Anderson.  Wedding plans to take place in August.  Congratulations!
            March 2, ~ This Sunday marked the beginning of the 10th year of Pastor and Mr. Danielson's ministry at Temple!
            March 2, ~ The lovely silver communion service setting has been provided for out sanctuary by D. and Mrs. (Gerda) F G Salstrom in honor of their daughters, Mrs. Patricia Lindberg and Mrs. Shirley Motz.
            March 2, ~ Mrs. Lanier (Ruby) Brugh wanted to express appreciation to all of you who have shown compassion in so many ways at the passing of Lanier Sr on December 27, 1968.  The prayers, flowers, messages, visits and remembrances of every kind have warmed our hearts.  The thoughtfulness of all of you have been a great comfort to our family, even as our own faith has sustained us and continues to so so.  Thank you all, Mrs. Lanier Brugh and Family.
            March 7, Friday ~ Mrs. Ida Lindblom passed away early this Friday morning.  She was known by many Templites, including many children who will remember her faithfulness as a worker in the Children's Church.  The funeral was held Monday March 10 at 11:30 am at Ross Hollywood Chapel.
            March 16, Mrs. Christina Gundlach wishes to thank all who have been so helpful during the illness of he sister, Miss Anna Dahm.  Christina is sincerely grateful for all the expressions of sympathy she has received since he sisters home going.
            March 23, The Dahlgrens and Rydmans families wish to thank the Temple friends for the memorial gifts, cards and flowers given at the home going of Mrs. Ida Lindblom.
            March 30, ~ The whole world was saddened at the news Friday (3-28), of the passing away of one its truly great men;  General of the Armies, Dwight D. Eisenhower.  It is as though all mankind has lost a trusted friend.  General Eisenhower's favorite hymn was "God of Our Fathers," which we sang in our worship service this morning.
            April 6, 7:00 am ~  Easter Sunrise Service at the Memorial Coliseum.
            April 6, 9:45 am ~ Sunday Bible School Easter Program was presented by the children's departments.   Regular SS classes did not meet today.  The congregation met in the sanctuary for the program and the closing thoughts by our Pastor.  
            April 20, Rev. David M. Anderson died in Eugene, Oregon.  From 1945 to 1950 he served as Superintendent of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home closely affiliated with our church.  He taught an Adult Bible Class and served for a time as our church secretary.
            April 26, A special fireside and farewell party for the Henning Johnson's was held.  They served loyally and given of themselves so much as church custodians keeping the building so beautiful and attractive.
            May 4, Sunday 10:50 am ~ Time of quiet meditation in the Sanctuary - The prelude is a veil dropped between everyday life and the sanctuary.  In crossing the threshold, the music should separate the world without from that within.  Let us cease out conversation and use this time for quiet meditation and prayer.
            May 4,  Mr. and Mrs. (Maydora) Bert Johnson request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Lois, to Mr. Roger Johnson, and of their daughter, Judy, to Mr. Klaus Siemieniec, in a double ceremony, Friday the sixteenth of May at eight o'clock in the evening at Temple Baptist Church.
            May 18, Sunday ~ Congratulations to two of our young men who are today graduation from college; Mr. Dan Christiansen from Willamette University in Salem, and Mr. Steve Johnson from Linfield College in McMinnville.  May God bless you both!
            May 18, Sunday ~ The Board of Trustees of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home cordially invite you to attend a reception honoring the home's Superintendent, Mr. Reuben Ronne, and his family.  The Ronnes will conclude their service at the home on June first.  A short program will be followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments.
            May 25, Sunday morning Sermon was presented by the Rev. David J. Strand;  "How Great Is God?"
May 25, Sunday ~ Pastor and Mrs. Danielson were in Lake Stevens, Washington, today as a part of the Columbia Conference pulpit exchange which brings to us Rev. David Strand O Edmonds.
            June 29, Sunday ~ The Morning Sermon was presented by Rev. Dwight Kinman, Chaplain, Oregon State Hospitals.
            June,  The young folks, under the direction of our pastor took an active part in "Encounter with Reality" at the Coliseum during the rose Festival Week.  This was a real challenge as they had opportunities to give their testimonies and share Christ with others.
            June 8, A reception welcoming Rev. and Mrs. Palmer Peterson, as new administrators at the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home, was held at the home.
            June 15, Following the spring musicale given by the choir, the Commissioning Service for the Gary Davis family, who are missionaries in Spain, was held.
            June 16 - 25,  Daily Vacation Bible School was held.  Pastor Malmsten was director of the school.  The closing program was well attended.
            June 22, Sunday ~ We welcome to the Temple Pulpit today, Rev. Eric Coombs, the superintendent of the Baptist Manor, a sister retirement home to our own Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.  Let us pray together that God will use the services today to speak to each of us.
            July 6, Sunday ~ The Morning Sermon was presented by Pastor Harold (Bud) Malmsten, titled "Appointment With GOD."
            July 20, The Reverend and Mrs. Harold Wyman Malmsten request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Frances Helen, to Mr. Thomas Clyde Maynard on Tuesday, the fifth of August, Nineteen Hundred sixty-nine at eight o'clock in the evening, Bethlehem Baptist church, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
            August 3, Special Concert, at Temple, this afternoon at 3:00 pm. Robert Hale, Bass-Baritone and Dean Wilder, Tenor.  [From a previous concert- Long Beach Independent Press Telegram]  "One of the most warmly received concerts in Long beach church history.  They thrilled an audience of 650 at the First Christian Church in a concert termed the finest of its kind ever heard here."
            September 7, ~ Mr. Dwayne Guisinger sustained a serious injury in a diving accident at Lake Retreat.  Two vertebrae in his neck were broken and his is at Providence Hospital in Portland.  Pray for his complete recovery.
            September 26,  Annual Home Coming Banquet.  It was an enjoyable evening with a good turnout. 
            September 28, On this Sunday evening, at a surprise fireside we honored Pastor ("Bud") Malmsten on his sixth anniversary in our church.  Pastor Bud's talent in the areas of music and youth which our church has enjoyed.  A gift was presented to Pastor Bud, but the warm testimonies given by young folks expressing their love and appreciation of his untiring efforts impressed us all.
            October 5, ~ Dr. Robert Cook presented the morning and evening message today.
            October 12, ~ Br. Harold Proppe presented the morning and evening message today.  He is Pastor Emeritus of the First Baptist Church of Hollywood, California.
            October 21, Mr. and Mrs. Mandy (Hildur) Strandberg celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.  See a picture or drawing of the church that was presented to them.
            October 26, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ostrom were honored on their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a fireside after the evening service.
            October 26, ~ Next Sunday at 3:00 pm.  The members of the Warren Baptist Church request the honor of you presence at the Dedication Service of their new House of Worship, Hwy 30 near Church Road, Warren, Oregon.
            November 2, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ward request the honour of you presence at the marriage of their daughter, Delores April, to Mr. Steven George Johnson on Saturday, November 15, 1969, at 4:00 pm in the Temple Baptist Church.
            November 26,  A real milestone was this year at out Thanksgiving service.  Following the service the burning of the mortgage gave us a reason to be thankful and give praise to God.
            December 7, ~ The beautiful red Communion Table Cover has been provided by Mr. and Mrs. Mandy Strandberg.  We are grateful for this lovely addition to our sanctuary.
            December 14, Sunday ~ 7:00pm The Temple Choir presented "Thy Light is come" by John Wilson
                        Director    Harold W. Malmsten
                        Organist    Mrs. (June) Dale Peretti
                        Soprano:    Mrs. (Lois)  Ken Anderson;  Alto:    Mrs. Evans (Marilyn)     Mrs.. Tom (Fran) Maynard     Mrs. Ken (Ruth) McCarthy   
                        Tenor:       Mr. Wayne Anderson
                        Bass:        Mr. Steve Nelson
                                            Christmas Thought " The Heavenly Host"  Pastor David G. Danielson
            Okerson Lodge construction was started at Lake Retreat.
            Olga Moore was recording secretary.

The new Stadium Freeway (405) passes through what was the basement area of the location of  church at NW 15th and Hoyt Street--just as it starts to climb out of the "subway" to become an elevated roadway over the railroad tracks to connect with the Fremont Bridge , which is presently under construction.             by Harley Hallgren

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Myrtle Stapleton - February 11 ~  Mrs. Stapleton was born on September 24, 1876 and joined Temple fellowship on February 4, 1951.
                                       Mrs. Ida Lindblom - March 7 ~ She was born on July 8, 1889.  She was sister to Henry Dahlgren.
                                       Rev. David M. Anderson - April 20 
                                       Mrs. John (Brita Olson) Carlson - May 10 ~ Brita was born on July 10, _______ and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1914.
                                       Mrs. Albin (Minnie) Rydman - July 18 ~ Minnie was born in Sweden on August 7, 1885.  She was 84.  Married to Albin Rydman for 51 years.  Was a member of Temple for 66 years, joined Temple fellowship on December 26, 1903.
                                       Mr. Lee W. Johnson - August 24 ~ Mr. Lee Johnson was born on October 27, 1886 and joined Temple fellowship on April 2, 1907.

             "The day of the Lord will come like a thief.  The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare."
                                           2 Peter 3:10 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January ~ Mr. George Semingson was taken home to be with his Lord and Savior.
            February 3, ~ We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. George Semingson who was called Home today after a lingering illness, within a week after her husband George was called Home..
            March 22-29,  Dr. Virgil Olson held special meetings at Temple during Holy week.
            March 22,  The Youth Choir from San Diego had charge of the morning service.
            April 19, Following the evening service a surprise fireside was held by our Young folks honoring Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strandberg.  A special invitation was extended to all to honor this much loved and well-deserving couple.  The Araynae Singers are four students from Bethel College who have discovered that Jesus Christ is the answer to the challenges of the 1970's.  In their unique way they are reaching out to this bewildered generation with that Answer.
            May 1,  Total church membership 459
            May, The church bid farewell to our beloved custodians, Mr. and Mrs. Henning Johnson.  They resigned and moved to Colorado due to Josie's failing health.  Josie passed away on August 12th.  Mr. and Mrs. Goddard filled in while the church located a new custodian.
            July, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strand accepted the position of church janitor.
            August 16, ~ We were Saddened this week to receive word that Mrs. Henning Johnson has passed away Wednesday August 12, in the afternoon.  the Johnson's endeared themselves to us during their seven years ministry as our Church Custodians.  We extend our deepest sympathy to Henning and the children and grand-children. 
            October 9, ~ The Araynea Singers from Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota will be with us for Sunday School and Morning Worship.
            October 14, 7:15 pm ~ Rusty Nails was featured in a combined GMG/Brigade Evening.
            October 23, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bergstrom requested the honor of your presence at a wedding reception in honor of their daughter, Linda, and her husband, Mr. Theodore Wolcheck, Friday at eight o'clock in the evening at the Temple Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon.
            October 25, Pastor Danielson has suffered an injury to his right hand which as resulted in the loss of the index finger.
            November 2, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson wished a heart-filled thanks to all who remembered them on their Golden Wedding Anniversary with cards, flowers and gifts.  God bless you all.
            November 8, The 25th Anniversary of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home was observed with Rev. John Bergeson bring the message.
            November 22, 3:00 pm ~ Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the Warren Baptist Church.
            December 6, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johansen celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with and "Open House."
            December 6, 6:30 pm ~ The Temple Choir presented its Annual Christmas Concert, a musical, "Sing We Now of Christmas!"
            Guest speakers at Temple for 1969 & 70 include: Rev. David Strand, Rev. Eric Coombs, Dr. Lloyd Russell, Rev. Clifford Gustafson, Dr. Robert Cook, Dr. Harold Proppe, Rev. Sten Lindgerg, Dr. H.H. Hanners, Evangelist John Grand and Dr. Virgil Olson.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Nathan Sjolander - January 17 ~ Born in Sweden November 6, 1889, came to Portland in 1917.  Joined Temple fellowship on April 7, 1918.  Was a Brick Mason.  He constructed the fire place in the Fireside room at Temple plus the brick work on both sides of the entryway to Church.  
                                       Mr. Stanton H. Smuland - January 17 ~ Mr. Smuland joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1965.
                                       Mr. George Semingson  January 27 ~ Mr. Semmingson was born on May 7, 1890 and joined Temple fellowship along with his wife Mildred and daughter Barbara on March 2, 1945.  Barbara later married Mr. Paul Strandberg.  Mr. Semingson was 79 years old.
                                       Mrs. George (Mildred) Semingson - February 3 ~ Mildred was born on December 17, 1892 and joined Temple fellowship with her husband George and daughter Barbara on March 2, 1945.  She was 78 years old.
                                       Mrs. Helmer (Lillian Holmsback) Bjelland - March 6 ~ Lillian joined Temple fellowship on December 10, 1944.
                                       Mrs. Dorothy Hertig - May 19 ~ Mrs. Hertig joined Temple fellowship on December 15, 1963.
                                       Mr. John Ephriam Strandberg - July 24 ~ Ephriam was born in Sweden and came to USA at age of 7 with his parents. Ephraim joined Temple fellowship on December 5, 1948.
                                       Mrs. Henning (Josie) Johnson - August 12 ~ Henning and Josie at one time were custodians of the church and lived in the area which is presently the church office.  Josie joined Temple fellowship on January 6, 1963.

            "As He went along, He saw a min blind from birth.  His disciples asked Him," 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?"  "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him," said Jesus."'                                                                    John 9:1-3 NIV

            Rev. David G. Danielson continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January, Ninety years ago in January 1881, Rev. Olaus Okerson arrived by steamer from San Francisco on his way from Minnesota to the Pacific Northwest under appointment of the American Baptist Home Mission Society as a missionary among the Scandinavians and others.  - by Harley K. Hallgren Historical Secretary noted in the 1970-71 Annual Report. 
            January 1, was the 87th Anniversary of the organization of our church.  Marking 87 years of faithful ministry of the preaching of the Gospel of the wonderful grace of God.
            January 20-22, The Missionary Conference was held.  The following Missionaries were here: Miss Bonnie Courtion, Rev. Irwin Bjelland, and Rev. Harold Christianson.
            January 23, The World Missions Rally was held at Warren Baptist Church, Warren, Oregon.
            February 28, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strand were honored with a fireside on their 40th wedding anniversary.
            May 2, Sunday 6:30 pm ~ Mr. John Peterson, one of America's greatest sacred music composer was our guest at the Temple Hour.  He wrote over 1000 songs, and 35 cantatas.
            May, The Church Brotherhood sent 15 men to Lake Retreat to help with the work on the Okerson Lodge.  Jack Campbell Sr. assisted by Dave Carlson returned a second week end to finish up the wall board taping.
            June, Vacation Bible School was held under the direction of Mrs. Rodger (Sally) Huff and Mrs. Ron (Barbara) Carver.
            June 6, Mrs. Josie Peterson from Birmingham, Alabama became the first person of color by become a member of Temple.
            June 12, Saturday ~ Rose Festival Parade - A beautiful float has been entered by the evangelical Christians of Portland to be coordinated with a massive Gospel Literature Distribution.  
           September 6, Okerson Lodge dedicated at Lake Retreat.
           December 19, The Christmas Program this year was an all-church presentation.  Representatives from the music committee and the Sunday School met with the pastors to develop one program that would fill the place of both the Sunday school program and the choir concert.  The result was an outstanding multi-media presentation incorporation staging, slides, narration, and music.
            December 31, Pastor Danielson gave his final sermon as Senior Pastor on New Years Eve.
            Fall, The Caruthers Street building that Temple first used as a church sanctuary was razed to make room for a gas station.  After the church vacated the structure, it was used as a family residence until this year.
            Four of our young people are in attendance at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota,- the largest number from our church at any one time:  Miss Marilyn Goddard, Craig Johnson, Miss Sharon Nelson and Jim Wright.

                The first student in the history of the school now known as Bethel University was Rev. Christopher Selene.  This is of special interest to us because the grandfather of Pastor Bud Malmsten and Mr. Silene and one other Christian lay man were working together in the North woods of Minnesota when Dr. Edgren's announcement came that he was starting a training school for preachers in the fall of 1871.  Brother Silene told the other man that he felt called to the Gospel Ministry but that he could not afford to go for training.  After praying together, Bud's grandfather and the third man told Brother Silene that if he would go to the Seminary they would share their earnings with him.  So Bud's grandfather was used of God to help provide the first student, and so the Seminary and our Christian Educational program go started.      by Harley Hallgren 

             In Memoriam ~ Mr. Walter Salstrom - January 5 ~ Mr. Salstrom joined Temple fellowship on January 27, 1946.  He was a retired trucking line owner and was 85 years of age when he died.  He was a brother to Dr. Fritz Salstrom who had a dentist office on NE 42nd and Fremont.
                                        Mr. Carl Larson - January 31 ~ Born November 24, 1888 in Varmland, Sweden.  He was a cabinet maker and draftsman and reached the age of 82 years. He joined  Temple fellowship on February 10, 1957.
                                        Mrs. Christina Gundlach ~ Mrs. Gundlach joined Temple on October 1, 1924.
                                        Mr. Cal Hagey - May 1 ~ Cal joined Temple fellowship on February 4, 1917.
                                        Mr. John B. Johnson - October 21 ~ Mr. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1937.
                                        Mrs. Anna Larson - November 12 ~ Mrs. Larson was born on June 30, 1889 and joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1949.
                                        Mr. Ernie N. Johnson - November 26 ~ Mr. Johnson was born on March 12, 1890 and joined Temple fellowship on December 3, 1916.
                                        Mr. Henry Dahlgren - December 14  ~ Mr. Dahlgren was the head usher for many years.
                                        Mrs. William Mattson - December 21

            "In contrast to happiness stands joy.  Running deeper and stronger, joy is the quiet, confident assurance of God's love and work in our lives; that He will be there no matter what!  Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ."
            "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say again Rejoice."
Philippians 4:4 NIV

            January 1, Today marks the 88th Anniversary of the organization of Temple Baptist Church with 16 charter members.
            January 15, On this day marked the closing of 12 years of ministry of Pastor Dave and Mrs. Danielson when on March 1st 1960 began their fruitful ministry amongst us, longer than any other Senior Pastor except Dr. Linus Johnson.  Membership total was 328 when Pastor Danielson came and 439 at the close of his ministry at Temple.
            Under Pastor Danielson's leadership additional faculties were added to the church building, providing four new Sunday School class rooms, a modern two bedroom apartment for the custodian and a gymnasium, much used by the youth of the church - also a parking lot in the place of the old residence on the corner of NE 7th and Wasco.
            January 16, Stanley Christiansen passed away.
            February 6, ~ Mr. and Mrs. George H. Obinger request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Susan Elizabeth to Mr. Mark Roy Johnson, on Friday the eighteenth of February, at eight o'clock in the evening a Temple.
            February 13, Pastor Eric Lindholm began as Interim Pastor.
            February 27, ~ "We would like to express our sincere thanks to our Temple fiends for their expressions of sympathy, the beautiful flowers, cards and calls and most of all for the prayers during Rodney's illness and home-gong."  The family of Rodney Brugh.  Rodney died on February 15.
            April 1, Total Membership = 434
            May 14, ~ Flowers have been placed in our sanctuary today in the honor of Mrs. Ellen Milton by her daughter's family, the Merrill Morgans.
            May 21 ~ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green (June Brask) on the arrival of Daniel Allen who was born on May 14th.
            May 21 ~ Mrs. Ernest Duren passed away this Sunday afternnon.
            July 15, Temple held their annual Sunday School and Church picnic at Blue Lake Park.  An outdoor baptismal service was held when nine candidates were immersed in Blue Lake by Rev. Harold Malmsten. as part of the picnic program.
            August 20, Pastor Wiens and family will arrive in Portland Sept. 5th.  They will move into their new home at 2411 NE Thompson and be ready to begin pastoral duties on September 11.  A welcome reception was planned for Sunday, September 17 at 3:00 pm.  Pray for a safe journey and God's blessing on their ministry at Temple.
            September 17, Rev. Richard Wiens of Mora, Minnesota, who along with Mrs. Wiens and sons, Scott and Tim, were officially welcomed at a reception be Senior Pastor at Temple.
            September 17, ~ Our sympathy is extended to the Sievers family on the loss of their husband and father also to Miss Clarice Burnett on the loss of her grandfather, Mr. Roy McDougal, on Thursday and the loss of her father, Mr. Golden Burnett on Friday.
            September 24, ~ "In honour of the Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. LC Hersgard their family requests the pleasure of your company at a reception on Sunday, Sept. 24 at 3:00 pm at Warren Baptist Church, Warren, Oregon."
            September 24, ~ Next Sunday, October 1, at 3:00 pm in the fireside room a 90th birthday celebration will be held in Mrs. Mary Danielson's honor.
            October 8, ~ "Temple Members and Friends are invited to an open house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lenus Peterson on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  It will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Loy, 2615 SW Scenic Drive on Sunday, October 15th from 2:00 to 5:00 pm.
            "To the members of Temple Baptist Church, Deaconesses, Evergreen and Temple Bible classes:  We wish to say, thank you and God Bless you for the cards, money an lovely party you honored our mother, Mrs. Mary Danielson, with on her 90th Birthday.  She is so grateful for the many friends the Lord has blessed he with these many years."  Sincerely, the family of Mrs. Mary Danielson.
            Miss Joy Stanfield was added to the Church Staff as  full-time office secretary.
            This year has seen increased activity on the part of our youth under the guidance and leadership of Pastor Bud and the establishment of a Friday night Coffee House called "The Catacombs". in the basement of the Church.  Various Christian singing and instrumental groups have participated.  Outsiders have been attracted and souls have been saved.  Through our Bible study and prayer sessions some individuals have become leaders in Christian activities at Oregon State University and elsewhere

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Hakvin Danielson - January 13 ~ He was born on August 16, 1877 and joined Temple fellowship on June 3, 1921.  He was the father of Esther Pearson and grandfather to Bill, Lila, and John Pearson.  He was 94 years of age.
                                       Mrs. Eric Lindquist - January 14
                                       Mr. Stanley Christiansen - January 16 ~ He was born on November 29, 1916 and joined Temple fellowship on December 5, 1943.
                                       Mr. Rodney Brugh - February 15 ~ Rodney was a dear friend.  He was born on August 12, 1937 and joined Temple fellowship on March 26, 1948.
                                       Mr. Melville Grimberg - March 18 ~ Mr, Grimberg along with his wife, Helen, son Daniel, and daughter Carolyn joined Temple fellowship on January 14, 1970.
                                       Mrs. Emily (Neil) Dickson - December 2, 1987 ~ She was born on December 2, 1887 and joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1911. 
                                       Mrs. Ernest (Claudia) Druen - May 21 ~  She was born on May 28, 1887 and joined Temple fellowship on April 16, 1922.
                                       Mr. Carl Ostrom - May 3 ~ Born on April 26, 1894 and joined Temple fellowship on March 1, 1908.  He was a member of Barbers Local #75.
                                       Mrs. Emil (Anna) Peterson
                                       Mr. Fred H. Sievers, Sr. -September 12 ~ Mr. Sievers joined Temple fellowship on November 30, 1966.

            "He was in the world, and though the world was made by Him, the world did not recognize Him.  He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.  Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave he right to be children of God-------."
John 1:10-12 NIV

            Dick Weins continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 14, Following the Temple Hour, there will be a business meeting to vote on the calling of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gallatin as bus pastor of our church.
            February 11, ~ Mr. Anna Peterson, member of Temple for nearly 66 years, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, February 8.  She was born in Sweden in 1884, and came to this country at the age of 18.  She and her late husband, Emil, were active members, filling many offices in the church.  The funeral service will be Tuesday, February 20, ant 10:00 am at S J Rose and Sons.
            February 11, Sunday ~ Our opening hymn today is the earliest known Christian hymn, written by Clement of Alexandria (Egypt) around the year 200 AD.  "Shepherd of Eager Youth" 
            February 11, ~ The King's Envoys Quartet will be with us this evening sharing in our service.
            February 25, ~  The Palermo Brothers - The Apostles of Cheer will be with us tonight.  They have traveled to 45 different countries, having just returned from Cambodia. 
            March 18, Mr. James Gallatin from Rush City, Minnesota along with his family was welcomed as the Minister of Evangelism at a reception following the Temple Hour.
            March, James Gallatin formally begins Temple's Bus Ministry. 
            April 8, ~ The church staff is planning to publish a weekly newsletter called Temple Tidings that will be mailed to your home every week.  This will eliminate many of the announcements in the bulletin each week.
            April 22, Easter Sunday ~ Joan, Tori and Sandy Bidgood, were baptized this Easter morning at Temple
            May, Annual Meeting;  New Constitution was adopted, One Board of Deacons in charge of all activities of the church, Voted to remodel building at a cost of $200,000.
            June 24, Sunday ~ We welcome to out pulpit today, Dr. Melville Chatfield of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary.
            June 27, Pastor and Mrs. Lindholm celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.
            June 10-12, Bus Conference, attracted participants from about 100 churches.
            June, Bob Lott was special Summer Youth Director
            July 1, ~ Congratulations to Dr. Evans Nelson on being selected as Vice Moderator for the 1974 Baptist General Conference in Seattle.
            July 22, ~ Our sympathy to the family of Carrie Staubus who went to be with the lord on July 18.
            August 26, ~ Our sympathy and prayers go to the family of Rev. David Danielson during their time of sadness on the passing of his father, Mr. Ephraim R. Danielson.
            August 26, ~ Welcome Home Gary Davis Family.  The Davis's are missionaries to Spain home on furlough after 4 years on the field.  
            September, Bob Lott leaves for Bethel Seminary
            September 2, ~ Being Welcomed Today by the Right Hand of Fellowship:  Miss Debbie Slay, Mrs. Gene Norvald, Mrs. Leon Richter, Mrs. Gladys Hall, Mrs. Jackie Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Michaels and Mrs. Jayne Maples..
            September 9, ~ We express our sympathies here at Temple to the family of Mr. Ben Brown who passed away Friday Afternoon September 7, after an extended illness.
            September 9, ~ Dr. Clarence Bass brought the message this morning.  Dr. Bass is Professor of Theology at Bethel Seminary and is also past Chairman of our National Mission Board and newly elected by the Conference again to this position..
            September 16, Pastor Weins' 1st Anniversary as Pastor.
            September 16, Pastor Buds' 10th Anniversary                
            September 16, Gary Nyquist begins Ministry of Music
            October 7, ~ "Rusty Nails" will be speaking in our Sunday school and Children's worship Service..
            November 4, Rev. Alf Engebretsen joins staff as Visitation Pastor to the sick and elderly as well as many of the visitors who are coning to Temple.  Pastor Alf and his lovely wife, Magnhild are here to serve the Lord in any way that God can use them.
            November 11, ~ We welcome Rev. Joe Ryan and Miss Sharon Smith to our services.  Rev. Ryan is area Director for World Vision in Portland,  Miss Smith is a Missionary Nurse in Ethiopia home of furlough..
            December 1, Christian Service Brigade; took 25 boys and 10 leaders to the Portland Trailblazer game with the Los Angeles Lakers.  The boys earned their tickets by passing an all-time Temple record of 96 achievements.  Portland Trailblazers won the game.
            December 2, The Bulletin format has been changed so that you might be more informed.  The paper size will be the same only it will be changed to triple page.
            December 2, 7:00 pm The Temple Hour presents The King's Envoys in Concert.  Directed by J. Robert Barber, Music to praise, honor and glorify Christ.  The King's Envoys is a choir whose members are active members of area churches who under the leadership of Bob Barber unite their voices to sing praises and honor that glorify God.
            Extensive remodeling program was undertaken to update the entire church facility.  The completion of this project has resulted in a beautiful sanctuary and functional classrooms for the church school. See Architects color presentation of church building with proposed additions and improvements.
           James Gallatin and Bud Malmsten were serving with Pastor Weins.
           May, Annual Business Meeting: New Constitution adopted, One Board of Deacons in charge of all activities of the church, now known as the Elder Board.  Voted to remodel building at a cost of $200,000.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Anna Peterson - February 8 ~ Anna Peterson joined Temple fellowship on March 17, 1907.
                                       Mr. Henry Peterson - June 15 ~ Born June 24, 1889 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Died in Sweden in the city and hospital that he was born in, during a visit there.  He was 84.
                                       Mrs. Carrie Staubus ~ July 18
                                       Mr. Ben Brown ~ September 7

            "Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago."
                                         Isaiah 25:1 NIV

            Dick Weins continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 1, 90 years since the church was organized.
            January 28, Mrs. Velma Rydman, Senior member on Anniversary date, died.  She was an member for 70 years, Sunday School Teacher, and Church organist.
            February 9, Ten members of Temple were registered for a World Vision Mission Conference.
            February, Dr. and Mrs. Bror Lundgren have been serving as Interim Pastor while the church is looking and praying for a successor to Pastor Wiens.  In January, Dr. Lundgren closed his work with the Central Baptist Church of Tacoma after 34 years of fruitful ministry; and in the Providence of God was therefore available to help us for a time.
            March 1, 7:30 pm ~ Combined Missionary Rally - Dr. Clarence Bass, Professor at Bethel Seminary, was the speaker.  He also with us and spoke on Sunday morning,  March 3rd.
            March 13, ~ Mrs. Ellen Milton entered the gated of heaven on this day.  She was born in 1877 and joined Temple fellowship on October 6, 1907. 
            March 16, ~ Junior High Snow Bunny Trip.
            March 22, ~  Father and Son banquet was held in the fellowship Hall at Church.  Jack Campbell and Jim Moreschi were in charge of tickets.
            March 27, Mrs. Victor Carlson was honored at the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home on her 80th birthday.
            March 28, Thursday 7:00 pm  ~ The Lower Columbia Women's Spring Rally Banquet was held at the Kings Table located in St. Johns, 8233 N Syracuse Street.  Reservation should be given to Mrs. Ken McCarthy, Treasurer. 
            March 31, first anniversary of the Bus Ministry
                   427 riders on the buses
                   823 attendance at Sunday School
           April, We celebrated our 90th Anniversary.   At the same time we hosted the 85th annual Meeting of the Columbia Baptist Conference.  Former pastors Ellis E. Eklof, Sr (1956-59), David Danielson (1960-1971 and Eric Lindholm (1972), were with us and helped Pastor Richard Wiens, Associate Pastor Bud Malmsten and Pastor Jim Gallatin with celebrating “90 years of God’s wonderful grace.”
           At the banquet at the Coliseum, the 25th Anniversary of our “daughter church” Bethel in St. Johns was also celebrated.
           Special guests at the banquet included Mr.& Mrs. Allan Bussey….he is the grandson of the pioneer missionary, Rev. Olaus Okerson who started our church and other churches of the Columbia Conference.  Also there were Mrs. Signe Stone Ball, daughter of charter members Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone, Mrs. Emily Palmblad Magnuson, Mr. Albert Palmblad, daughter and son of charter members Mr. and Mrs. John Palmblad.
           April 14  ~ Easter Sunrise at the Memorial Coliseum, Josh McDowell spoke.
           April 14 ~ Congratulations to Eddie Martens and Ruth Patterson Martens.  We ask God's blessings on this young couple as they begin their life together with Him. 
           April 21 ~ College Fireside
           April 28 ~ High School Fireside at Julie Nelson's
           May 4, ~ Mother Daughter Luncheon
           May 6 to 11 ~ Basic Youth Conflicts  
          May 12, ~ There was a workday here at the church on Monday and Tuesday for all ladies who can come to help  We want to give the church a good cleaning before the conference that begins on Thursday 5/16 evening.  Bring your buckets, brooms, mops, rags, window cleaners, and vacuums.  Also plan to spend the entire day it that is possible.  Bring a sack lunch so that we might fellowship together as work.  Evelyn Nestlen was in charge of this project.
           May 16-18 ~ Columbia Conference
           May 19, ~ We welcomed to Temple today, Dr. Warren Magnuson. and former pastors, Rev. David Danielson, Rev. Ellis Eklof and Rev. Eric Lindholm.  They took part in the programs for this Sunday. 
           May 24 ~ Graduation Banquet
           May 19, 3:30 pm ~ Temple held its 90th Anniversary Program in the Fellowship Hall in the basement.  See the program
           June 2, Dr Earl Radmacher, president of Western Seminary,  spoke at Temple for the morning and evening services.
           June 27, Rev. Harold Malmsten and Patsy Fosmark were married at Temple.  Just before the wedding Pastor Bud officiated at the marriage of his father, Rev. H. Wyman Malmsten in Minneapolis.  The the father returned the complement and helped Bud get married in Portland.
           July 8 ~ Mrs. Bertha Gustafson, 83 years old, passed away on this Monday.  Mr. Gustafson was Mrs. Al VanBlokland's and Mrs. Gerald Brown's mother.  
           July 13, ~ Annual Sunday School Picnic at Blue Lake Park.
           July 28 ~ This is Gary Nyquist's last evening with us.  Gary has been our choir director for some time  He left for Bethel to finish school.
           September, Jim Gallatin left us to become pastor of the Evergreen Baptist Church in Tacoma. 
           October 20, Pastor Weins resigned to become pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.
           The Strands, our custodians, left us and the Henning Johnson' stepped in on a temporary basis.  The new custodians are Mr. and Mrs. Winn Goddard.
           The custodians apartment was officially converted to Sunday School space.
           The old part of the building has been waterproofed and now ready for painting.
           The Sunday School has had a high attendance of 500.
           The Deaconess honored Miss Mable Dahlgren on her 80th birthday.

           The church went through a major remodel.  Fisher Wallin and Long were the Architects.  The new stair tower was built. The old "rick-rack" and plaster were removed above and in back of choir loft and vertical oak was installed plus the hide-a-way projector screen.  The doors in back of the sanctuary were removed and relocated.  A new platform was built to replace the original one.  The foyer went through a major face lift.  The small exterior door on the front of the church on the south end was removed as well as the door just below it that accessed the lower level of the church. The stairway on the south end of the foyer that went from the lower auditorium to the balcony was removed.  (The new stair tower would take the place of the stairway as well as the two small exterior doors.)  It was quite a chore saw cutting the 24" concrete of the basement wall for the new access from the stair tower. The existing ladies restroom under where the stair way was on the south end of the foyer was remodeled with additional fixtures installed.  A Back Water Valve was installed in the sewer that serves the lower lever because of a hard rain the basement of the church would flood.  The men's restroom on the north east corner of the basement was also went through a remodel.  Two steam heat fan coils were added in the foyer and another in the ceiling of the street level in the new stair tower.   A finned steam pipe was added in the toe kick in the new library.  The steam boiler was also retrofitted with automatic steam zone valves which were operated by a new control panel in the boiler room plus the thermostats around the building.

            In Memoriam ~  Mrs. Velma Rydman - January 28 ~ Mrs. Rydman was born on October 22, 1884 and joined Temple fellowship on March 29, 1903.
                                        Mrs. Ellen M. Milton - March 13 ~ Mrs. Milton was born on December 23, 1887 and joined Temple fellowship on October 6 1907.
                                        Mrs. Mary Danielson - March 23 ~ Mary was born on September 29, 1882 and joined Temple fellowship on September 1, 1925.
                                        Mrs. Nora Jacobsen - May 10
                                        Mrs. Nora Davidson ~ May 20
                                        Mr. William Chandler ~ June 26
                                        Mrs. Bertha Gustafson, July 8
                                        Mrs. Agnes Jacobsen of Vancouver. WA
                                        Mr. Hans Amacher, Sr. of Vancouver, WA
                                        Mr. Herman Reisbeck (Carol Althaus' father)

            "He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.  To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me."  
                                    Colossians 1:28, 29   NIV 

            February 16, Bror Lundgren arrived as interim pastor with great blessings to the church.
            February 27, The 30th anniversary dinner for the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.
            March 7, The ground breaking for enlarged facilities of Calvary Baptist Church of Cedar Oak Park, West Linn, Oregon.
            March 25, 27, 31 Corrie Ten Boom spoke at Tempel.
            April 25, The Annual Meeting of the members of Temple was held.  The meeting was preceded by a prepared dinner.
            May 28,  Mark Johnson, Bethel College senior and the Student Body President, was licensed to preach and went to spend the summer to assist our former pastor, Rev. David Danielson in Bellingham, Washington.
            September 2,--Pastor Fred Prinzing and family arrived at Temple.
            October 31,--Pastor Bud left for Loma Vista Baptist in Spokane, Washington.
            November, decision made to move the churches offices from the rooms behind the sanctuary to the vacated custodians apartment when renovated.
                   This year some remarkable widows went to be with the Lord
             Mrs. Velma Rydman, Sunday School Teacher, Church Organist, and faithful wife of O. S. Rydman.
             Mrs. Ellen Milton, 96 years old, more than 60 years a member of this church, one of the founders of the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home, faithful in hospitality and in encouraging many in the Lord's work.
             Mrs. Mary Danielson, 91 years of age and a member of this church more than 50 years.   Many times hospitalized because of fractures, never really well, spending her time outfitting hundreds of dolls for children's homes and memorizing Christmas poems.  A few months before her last brief illness, someone visiting her said, "Mary, it is always so nice to visit you because you never complain!"  She answered, "I don't have anything to complain about."
              The ladies of the church started a quilting group.  Click here to read an account and view some images.
              Read a copy of the Temple Teleios: A monthly news letter that was published a short time.  This is volume 1 Issue 3.

        Hero = An ordinary person facing extraordinary circumstances, acting with courage, honor, and self-sacrifice.
        A Hero doesn't have to make headlines.  A Hero just has to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons.

                                                by Focus on the Family

            In Memoriam ~  Miss Ruth Price - January 1
                                        Mr. Carl Diebold - February 21
                                        Miss. Helen Tjernlund - April 22 - She was born on June 1, 1895.  Helen joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1912.  She was organist and choir director at Temple for 25 years.
                                        Anna O. Keller ~ September 22

            "I have given they your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more that I am of the world.  My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."
John 17:14-15 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
           April 19, Lenus Peterson died.
            June 6, Jacob Gordh died.  He was a member of Temple for 64 years.  Mr. Gordh was a carpenter by trade and was instrumental in the construction of our present church building on NE 7th Avenue.
            June 11, Pastor Ed Mitchell was ordained at Temple.
            July 21, Harley Hallgren died.  He was 84 years young and was an active member 66 years.
            September 2, Dr. F. G. Salstrom died at 75.  He was a member for nearly 60 years.
            September 27, Dr. Bror Lundgren died. He was 72 years old.  He was Interim Pastor at Temple in 1974.  He went to the outstretched arms of our Savior in Saratoga Springs, New York while attending his brother's 45 wedding anniversary.
            November 19, first service at Southwest Hills Baptist Church - Dan Peterson was Pastor at that time..
            Temple helped start Southwest Hills Baptist Church in Beaverton.
            During the Summer and Fall seasons new main doors were installed on the church and the exterior was painted.
            The Church office move was completed.

            In Memoriam ~  Mrs. Henry (Gladys Lydia) Peterson - February 10 ~ Gladys joined Temple fellowship on May 3, 1942.
                                        Mr. Lenus Peterson - April 19 ~ Mr. Peterson joined Temple fellowship on December 10, 1944.  Lenus was the father of Bev Loy.
                                        Mr. Harry Newell - April 26 ~ Mr. Newell joined Temple fellowship on December 19, 1973.
                                        Mr. Jacob M. Gordh - June 1 ~ Mr. Gordh was born on September 29, 1885 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1912.  Mr. Gordh was a carpenter by trade and worked on the current church building in 1925 and 1926.
                                        Mrs. Tekla Nelson - June 30 ~ Mrs. Nelson was born on December 28, 1884 and joined Temple fellowship on September 13, 1961. 
                                        Mr. Harley K. Hallgren - July 21 ~ Harley was born on May 22, 1982 and joined Temple fellowship on August 23, 1910.  Harley never owned a car and rode public transportation.  He held many offices at church and was the Historian for Temple for most of his life.
                                        Dr. Fritiof (Fritz) G. Salstrom - September 2 ~ Dr. Salstrom was born on February 9, 1901 and joined Temple fellowship on January 30, 1917.  Dr. Salstrom was a dentist and had an office on NE 42nd and Fremont.
                                        Dr. Bror Lundgren - September 27

            "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, 'Joseph Son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.'"
                                                     Matthew 1:20-21 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            April 10, Easter Sunday,  the evening service; Corrie Ten Boom was the guest speaker.
            June, Lloyd Rekstad and family came to Temple and joined the staff as the Director of Music.
            June 3, Temple hosted a 50 Year Celebration  for the completion of the building.  See the program for the Banquet
            September, Temple hosted the Family Focus Seminar (Focus on the Family).  Over 1,300 people attended.
            November, Deacon Board voted to purchase the Chi Alpha Youth House.
            December, The church purchased a parcel of land near the church, the initial use was to park the church buses.
            December 15, work started on the chapel-house for Southwest Hills Baptist Church
           Temple has helped start some churches in the Portland Area in the past and is continuing to do so today.  For a list of these churches:  Click Here

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Alice Brown - March 3
                                       Mr. George L. Nelson - May 9 ~ Mr. Nelson joined Temple fellowship October 6, 1918.
                                       Mrs. Anna Nordquist - September 8 ~Mrs. Nordquist was born on July 29, 1890 and joined Temple fellowship with Ivar on August 25, 1976.
                                       Miss Dorothy Elliott - September 18 ~ Dorothy was born on May 18, _______ and joined Temple fellowship on September 24, 1975.
                                       Mr. Helmer C. Bjelland - November 10 ~ Helmer was born on October 18,1894 and joined Temple fellowship on November 23, 1952. 
                                       Mrs. Alberta Claussen - November 19 ~ Mrs. Claussen joined Temple fellowship on October 1, 1961.
                                       Mr. Carl Anderson - December 30 ~ Carl was born in Sweden on August 2, 1882 and joined Temple fellowship on September 26, 1904.

 "Now all glory to God is Able through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
Ephesians 3:20 NLT

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            March 15, Dave Parker hired as Director of Evangelism and Adult Ministries.
            April 15, Total membership = 669
            October 15, Message from Dr. Prinzing.  
            October, Temple began Temple Sonshine with eight children from three years to fifth grade.
            December 10, Sunday ~ The Temple Choir sang for the Morning Service at Southwest Hills Baptist Church.
            December 17, Sunday ~ The Temple Choir presented a Christmas Concert.  Also acquired the services of some orchestral musicians to complement of our own church instrumentalists.  This orchestra accompanied the choir for the closing portion of the concert.  It was a tremendous experience and one we will all long remember.
                        "Sing to the Lord because He has done marvelous things!"  Psalm 98:1
            39 new members joined the church this year.
            Pastor Prinzing was asked to deliver the commencement address at Bethel College.
            In the spring Pastor Prinzing was selected as the special guest speaker Pastor to minister for one week to the Bethel Seminary students.
            Dave Parker was in charge of Evangelism and Adult Ministries.
            Terry Hollister was Director of High School Ministries:"
            Temple had its first Craft Fair in December. A birthday party was included honoring Bill Steele on his 82nd year.
            During the year, we have enjoyed the ministry of other men of God besides our own Pastor Prinzing.  Some are pastors, some evangelists, and some missionaries.  The were Rev. John Bergeson, Rev. Loren Fischer, Dr. Robert Cook, Rev. David Danielson, Rev. David Hockenberry, Dr. Haddon Klingberg, Rev. Ed Mitchell, Rev. Harold Carlson, Rev. Richard Varberg, Dr. Richard Hillis, Rev. Donald Goldsmith, Rev. Herbert Anderson, Dr. Clarence Bass, Rev. Joe Ryan, Rev. Robert Boyd, Dr. H. Crosby Englizian, and Chaplain John H. Reed. 

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Zetta Carter - January 9 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on May 11, 1975.
                                       Mr. Martin Wennermark - February 1~ Born in Värring, Sweden on December 26, 1900.  Joined Temple fellowship on April 12, 1942.
                                       Miss Lucille McCormick - April 6 ~ Lucille joined Temple fellowship on August 24, 1969.
                                       Mr. Nels Ivar Nordquist - June 6 ~ Mr. Nordquist was born on May 21, 1882 and joined Temple fellowship on August 25, 1976.
                                       Miss Edith Jacobson - June 21 ~ Miss Jacobson joined Temple fellowship on December 10, 1944.  Her married name was Neufeld.
                                       Ms. Edith Neufeld - June 21
                                       Miss Grace Schaeffer - September 28 ~ Grace was born on November 19, _______ and joined Temple fellowship on December 14, 1977.
                                       Mrs. Victoria Carlson - September 30 ~ Victoria was married to Arthur B. Carlson and was born about 1891 in Kansas.  Her father was Olaf Lindholm.  She joined Temple Fellowship on October 1,1924.
                                       Mr. Victor Carlson - November 1 ~ Victor was born on June 10, 1884 and joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1930.

            "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."  
                                                                   Deuteronomy 6:5 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 6, Temple held a twenty-four Day of Prayer for the needs of our church, our members, friends, and the lost.
            February 28, Lenten Services began continuing through April 13.  All speakers are outstanding spiritual men whom we have all appreciated.  Mike Donahue, Col. Roger Ingvalson, Gary Randall, Kirby Brumfield, Dr. Terry Dischinger, Sen. Mark Hatfield, Dr. Fred Pinzing, Dr. Joe Aldrich and Josh McDowell.
            April 15, Total membership = 677
            April 15, Temple Choir presented its annual Easter Concert. The message of Easter was beautifully brought forth in music.
            May, the church purchased a home on the North West corner of NE Sixth and Clackamas for use in its youth ministries. (Chi Alpha House)
            May 25 - Monday, May 28 The church had a Temple Family campout at Fort Stevens State Park.  This was over the Memorial Day weekend.
            June 23, All church rafting trip on the Deschutes River
            June - July, 6 Wednesday nights; a special program of electives for students of high-school age - classes offered were photography, auto mechanics and backpacking/mountain climbing.
            July, Bob and Debbie Lott arrived at Temple.  They became part of the church staff and worked with many new Christians in the area of Evangelism and discipleship.
            July 19, 20, 21 - Jesus Northwest - A Christian music festival held by the Christian community, in support of performers of Christian music.  The festivals are characterized by more than jus music, many feature motivational speakers and evangelists, and include seminars on Christian spiritual and missions topics, service, and evangelistm.
            July 29 - August 1 ~ Backpacking trip to the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area - Wallowa Mountains in North East corner of Oregon.
            August 27-30 - Arlene Peterson, a missionary from India led a children's class called Family Focus.  She brought a story each night, as well as brought food and utensils from India.  Rick Thompson and his dummy, Sidney, shared a Bible lesson each evening.
            August 16, The High School Department led the evening service.
            October, Annual Deacon Retreat at the Ken and Ruth McCarthy's on D Lake.
            October 19-21 - CYF Fall Rally at Bremerton, Washington
            November 23-24 - "Grub Out" (A High school Activity)
            December 14 - Christmas Dessert Fair
            December 26-29 - Christmas Ski Break (A High school Activity) 
            December 31 - New Year's Eve Party (A High school Activity)      
            Bob Lott called to be Assistant Pastor.
            Lloyd Rekstad was Director of Music  “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2
            Russ Jensema was in charge of Junior High Ministries.
            Dr. Evans Nelson was the Church Moderator.
            The front steps to the church were tiled giving them a non slip surface.
            Margaret Steel was the Historical Secretary
            Terry Hollister was Director of High School Ministries
            David Parker was Director of Evangelism and Adult Ministries
            The Board of Elders felt it was necessary to update our membership rolls this year, which resulted in releasing 70 members.  Most had found fellowship in other churches.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Carl Ekberg - January 12
                                       Ms. Elna E. Johnson - May 20
                                       Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hartshorn - June 22 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on October 4, 1964.
                                       Mrs. Nellie T. Colling - July 3 ~ Mrs. Colling was born on May 30, 1890 and joined Temple fellowship on September 1, 1976.
                                       Mrs. Ella Arnbom Turner - July 25
                                       Mrs. Helen A. Brooks - July 4 ~ Mrs. Brooks was born on October 28, 1896 ? and joined Temple fellowship on June 12, 1974.
                                       Mrs. Mariette Altorfer - October 30 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on December 30, 1973.
                                       Miss Janis (Johnson) Werschkul - November 14 ~ Janis was born on March 31, 1947 and joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1960.                                

            Peace and Hope:  "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
                                                Romans 5:1-5 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 1, Read an account of an Experience by Karen and Terry Whitehill.
            January 17,  High School Group was in-charge of the service at The Union Gospel Mission Service.
            January 21, Our Christian Education workers attended the annual Christian Leadership Conference in Seattle.
            January 26, All-church cross-country skiing.
            January 30, Bill Steele died.
            February 15, High School "Valentine Hunt."
            February 23, All-church Racquet ball Tournament.
            February 29, Martha C. Larson died.  She was the wife of Chal Larson.
            March 2, Peter John Carlson died.  He was the son of Dave and Betty Carlson.
            March 9, The Temple Sonshine presented the "Music Machine" to a very full church. 
            March 28, 29, 30, CYF Spring Rally in Bothel, Washington.
            April 11 - 12, Basketball Tournament at Warner Pacific College.
            April 15, Total membership stood at 645.
            April 25, Terry Hollister called to be full time Director of Youth Ministries.
            May, The Mother/Daughter Luncheon was held.  Annie Hastey and Rich Shimomura presented a skit based on the Lord's Prayer.
            May 27, Hershel Loy passed away.  He was the husband of Bev Loy.
            Summer, Fourteen High School and College students from Temple.  The group was called; SMT (Summer Missions Team.)  They ministered three and one half weeks in Baja California, Mexico.
            August, The women had a mini-retreat at Lott's cabin.  Kathryn Dixon was the speaker.
            August 19, Mabel Dahlgren passed away.  She was the wife of Henry Dahlgren.
            September 11, Christmas in September meeting was held.
            October 5, Today marked the 200th anniversary of  Sunday school.  The movement was initiated by Robert Raikes in England.
            October 8, Members of the choir traveled to Tacoma to attend an all day choral workshop sponsored by the CBC (Columbia Baptist Conference.)
            Bob Lott, wife Debbie, and son Jeremy were welcomed into the congregation.  Bob was hired as assistant Pastor.  Bob was ordained by Rev. Bud Malmsten.
            December, Dave Parker and family were appointed by the board of World Missions as missionaries. The Parkers served in Yemen - Nice, France and then in the Ivory Coast.
            December, The Temple Choir and the Sonshine choir presented a concert at the Lloyd Center.
            This year sixty-nine people joined the church, 29 by baptism and 40 by letter.
            Terry Hollister was our Youth Pastor.
            Don Van Polen presented a multimedia presentation called, "Autumn Across America."
            Temple was invited to the sixtieth anniversary of Warren Baptist Church.
            Temple held a twenty-four hour "Day of Prayer" again this year and experienced seven Lenten services with Darrall Imhoff, Neil Lomax, Kirby Brumfield, Bill Johnson, Gordon Shadburne, Mike Donahue and Gary Randall.
            One of the highlights of the whole year was the double ordination service for Terry Hollister and David Parker. 
            The renovation of the "Youth House" (Chi Alpha House) has become a fine resource for our young people and a facility which has proved to be a great blessing.
             Margaret Steele (Mrs. Bill) was the Historic Secretary for this year.
            Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti was the church organist and Mrs. Bert (Maydora) Johnson was the substitute. 
            Mrs. Tom (Fran) Maynard was the our pianist.
            Mr. Lloyd Rekstad was the Director of Music.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Walborg E. Carlson - January 8 ~ Mrs. Walborg joined Temple fellowship on May 4, 1924. 
                                       Mr. Marion "Bill" Steele - January 30 ~ Bill Steele was born on December 8, 1896 and joined Temple fellowship on November 16, 1947.  He was married to Margaret Brunander Steele.
                                       Mrs. Martha C. Larson - February 22 ~ Mrs. Larson joined Temple fellowship on February 10, 1957. 
                                       Mrs. Teckla Marie Johnson - February 29 ~ Mrs. Johnson joined Temple fellowship on November 2, 1924
                                       Mr. Peter John Carlson - March 2 ~ Peter was son of Dave and Betty Carlson and was born on March 1, 1960.  He joined Temple fellowship on November 30, 1969.
                                       Mrs. Emma Peterson - May 1 ~ Mrs. Peterson joined Temple fellowship on December 4, 1927.
                                       Mr. Herschel G. Loy - May 27 ~ Hershel his wife Beverly and their three daughters; Vicky, Merrilee, and Shari.  They all joined Temple fellowship on June 1, 1966.
                                       Miss Mable Dahlgren - August 19 ~ Mrs. Dahlgren joined Temple fellowship on January 26, April 19, 1908.
                                       Mr. Adolph Kochanek - December 6 ~ Mr. Kochanek joined Temple fellowship on February 7, 1965.

                "Jesus is not all you need until He is all you have!"  ~  Mother Teresa

            Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 7, Dave Parker and Terry Hollister were ordained.
            January, We hosted our annual church music workshop led by Mr. Dale Wood.  There were approximately 120 church music directors in attendance.
            April 5 ~ Mandy and Hildur Strandberg celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
            April 15, Ministry Expansion fund raising started.  Consisted of adding Sonbeam Day Care Center, new Sunday School space, and support for missionary, Dave Parker and family.
            April 25 ~ A Wedding; Marcia Jell Hooper and David Beeler were married at Temple at 2 PM.  A reception followed in the lower auditorium.
            May, The Temple Sonshine presented a musical production, "The Enchanted Journey."
            August, Temple hosted twenty-two young people from Japan for several days.
            November, Temple hosted a missions conference, the theme was "Go And Tell This People" featured Dr. Clarence Bass from Bethel College, the George Chalmers' from the Philippines and the Richard Young's from Argentina and Dave Parker.
            December 11, 6:30 PM (Friday)  The church had a farewell dinner for the Parkers.  
            December 13, 11:00 AM (Sunday) Commissioning Service for the Parkers.  Rev. Herb Skoglund, Executive Secretary of the Board of World Missions, and other invited guests took part in the service.
            December 13, 6:00 PM (Sunday) Children's Christmas Program.  The entire evening was devoted to a portrayal of the "The Christmas Story" in word and music by the children of the church.
            December 20, 11:00 AM (Sunday) Rev. Joseph A Ryan, Regional Director of World Vision, International, was the speaker.  Rev. Ryan, at that time was serving in Central and South America visiting the many mission fields.
            December 20, 6:00 PM (Sunday)  Annual Choir Concert.  Our Adult Choir sang traditional Christmas Carols and excerpts from The Messiah.
            December 24, 9:00 PM (Thursday) Christmas Eve Service.  This hour-long service has been a highlight for many each Christmas.  The freshness of the Christmas Story became apparent as we re-lived the Gospel Narrative of the Birth of Christ.
            December 27, 11:00 AM (Sunday) The Chalmers Family was in charge of our evening service.  The family provided special music and George and Nancy's son Dan, will speak.  Dan and Carla have been appointed as missionaries of the Baptist General Conference the week before.
            December 31, 10:15, (Thursday) New Year's Eve Service.  The evening service began with a time of fellowship in the Lower Auditorium and the service concluded with a Communion Service and prayer.
Six young men have completed seminary training and have moved out into areas of Christian service.  They include, Jim Wright, Tom Grove, Mark Johnson, Jim Heritage, Terry Hollister, and David Parker.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Josie Peterson - January 29 ~ Josie Peterson joined Temple fellowship on November 7, 1971.
                                       Mrs. Leila Brown - February 4
                                       Mr. Thomas Steele - April 23 ~ Mr. Steele was born on January 26, 1919 and joined Temple fellowship on February 27, 1949.
                                       Mrs. Charlotte Van Blokland - March 19 ~ Mrs. Van Blokland joined Temple fellowship on March 22, 1967 along with her husband, Alfred R., daughter Patricia and son Craig. 
                                       Mrs. Pamela Wood - August 30 ~ Mrs. Wood was born on October 1, 1945 and joined Temple fellowship on March 4, 1981.

            "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
                                                                Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            January 24, Mrs. Anna Carlson passed away.  - Anna joined Temple on January 1, 1930.
            March, The Lower Columbia Conference Spring Rally for the Women's Missionary Society was held at Temple.
            May, The children's musical, "Come Messiah, Come", was presented during this month.
            May 1 ~The fiscal year of the church begins, and closes on the last day of December, 1982.
            June, Arlene Peterson represented Temple at the Association of Church Mission Committee in Minnesota.
            June 17-24, The Summer Missions Team took advantage of this time to minister here in the Portland area.  The first week was spent training and the second week was spent teaching the neighborhood children about God.  The team ministered through Bible clubs in two church homes.
            June 20 ~ Congratulations to Marge Rydman upon her retirement of 40 years with the Portland Public Schools District Headquarters!
            July, Many women of Temple met at Evelyn Lott's cabin on the Lewis River for a mini-retreat with an inspiring talk given by Dixie Sylvester.
            July 4, The all-church picnic was held at Columbia Park.  The Singles Class was in charge.  Eating, singing, and playing games were enjoyed by all.
            September 3-6, The third annual "Labor Day Weekend" was held at Fort Stevens, on the Pacific Coast just south of Warrenton, Oregon.  All the campsites were filled and everyone enjoyed a fun weekend.  Eleven o'clockAM services were held at Temple and also at Fort Stevens.
            October, The women of Women's Mission Circle met for our "Christmas in October."  Linda Coffman spoke on "Women Helping Women" which the ladies said was encouraging.   
            November, the Annual Missions Conference held at Temple was the highlight of the year.  Joe Ryan served as chairman for the conference, which the theme was, "Every heart without Christ is a mission field, and every heart with Christ is a missionary."
            November 7, Peter Larson, conference missionary in Mexico spoke to a combined Sunday school during Missions Week.
            December 31, We celebrated our annual New Years Eve Watch night Service.       
           From the 1981-82 Annual Report--Our Lenten Services experience a great attendance this year.  On the seven Wednesdays at noon before Easter, we were inspired by the following:  Musical groups from Grant High School, a Pro Football Player, a president of two different Bible seminaries, an attorney, a biblical dramatist and television personality, and a television reporter/news anchorman.
            Bob Lott was Assistant Pastor.
            Terry Hollister was Youth Pastor.
            Ray Green started as Temple's Business Manager.
            A new sign was installed in front of the church building.
            New choir robes were purchased.  The choir has 40 to 45 people participating each week during the year which included 20 to 22 men.
            Evening service attendance almost requires opening the balcony.
            The Deacon Board was expanded to five more deacons.
            The church fiscal year was changed to coincide with the calendar year.
            All the church choirs took part in a Christmas Concert at the Lloyd Center.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Anna Carlson - January 24 
                                       Mrs. Adbon (Ruth Salstrom) Lundstrom - January 30 ~ Ruth was born on April 22, 1887 and joined Temple fellowship on September 7, 1913.  Ruth was a brother to Walter Salstrom.  See 1971
                                       Mrs. Frank (Ragnhild E.Todman) Johanson - September 1 ~  Mrs. Johanson was born on October 11, 1898 and joined Temple fellowship on September 7, 1945.
                                       Mrs. Olga H. Moore - September 14 ~ Olga was born on May 31, 1905 and joined Temple fellowship on March 6, 1966.
                                       Mrs. Emma O. Norquist - December 20 ~  Emma was born on January 30, 1885 and joined Temple fellowship on January 11, 1978. 

             Prayer: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.  Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to you Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.  And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.  Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him........."
Matthew 6:5-8 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            February 10, Pastor and Anita Prinzing left for a five-week trip to Japan and the Philippines.  Thirty Conference pastors and some wives were there to hold meetings and to be an encouragement to missionaries in the field.  Pastor Prinzing and Anita visited missionaries including  Ken Tbayashi in Tokyo, Japan - Yutaka Yoshiki in Osaka, Japan -  Jill and Dave Beeler in Bagiuo City, Philippines - George and Nancy Chalmers in Calbayog, Western Samar, Philippines - Roy and Jean Nelson in Cebu City, Philippines while they were there.
            February, 20 - 6:00 PM ~ Don Van Polen presented his Multi Media production called "The Psalms and the Seasons."
            May, For Women's Missionary Society this month, they had their annual Mother and Daughter Luncheon.
            August,  marked the beginning of the Post Seminary program at Temple.  The two men chosen for this program were Mitch Klein and Rich Murphy.
            August 28, The church witnessed the ordination of Steve Feriante into the Gospel Ministry.
            August, The Women's Missionary Society held their Mini-Retreat at Lott's Cabin.  Approximately fifty women were present for a delicious luncheon in beautiful weather.
            September 11, The church witnessed the ordination of Rich Murphy into the Gospel Ministry.
            September, The Women's Missionary Society held their Women's House Party at Lake Retreat.
            Fall, ground breaking for three story addition on West side or back of the Church.  Click here to see photos of ground breaking ceremony.  Construction started as we watched during the year.  The church anticipated great things and an added outreach to the community as we looked forward to opening a daycare center for nearly one hundred children.  We will have a kitchen and dining area on one floor and planned to have class rooms on another.
            October, The Women's Missionary Society held their "Christmas in October."  Diane Penner spoke of her experiences as a short-term missionary to Japan.
            November, The Women's Missionary Society of Temple and the women of the Lower Columbia Conference met at Glisan Street Baptist Church.
            Don Van Polen presented his multi-media presentation, "The Four Seasons."
            Fourteen of our young people traveled to Kansas City "83" for a time of spiritual inspiration and Christian growth.
            The church sold bonds in the amount of $300,000.00 to complete phases I & II of the ministry expansion program for the expansion to the church on the west side
            Mitch Klein and Rich Murphy were chosen for the Post Seminary program
            Church adopted a 3 year ministry expansion program to begin June 1,1984. 
            The church had a “World Outreach Conference” with the Roy Nelson’s from the Philippines and the Donald Goldsmiths from Brazil.
            Dave and Marjorie Parker are our very own missionaries in the Ivory Coast.
            The Dave Danielson’s are conducting a ministry in evangelism in many areas of the United States.
            The Sunbeam Day Care opened for the first time.
            The new ministry expansion building at the NW corner of the lot includes Day Care, elevator, new church nursery, new future kitchen and dining room on second level.  William Keefer was the Architect.
            The "SMT" Summer Missions Team traveled to Alaska during which they held daily vacation Bible schools and youth retreats in various churches.  There were twenty-three youth, including leaders and sponsors in this group.  During the trip the State Police stopped the bus and said they were breaking the law by driving a yellow school bus.  Some time later the bus hit a moose crossing the hiway.
            The Centennial Quilt was presented at the Fall Kick Off Banquet.  See 1984
            Because of the crowding in single worship services, the church staff and the Worship Committee have cooperated in starting two morning services, thus we cut down on crowding and also allow more opportunity for involvement such as ushering and serving communion.  We also changed the type of bread we use during communion `to cut down on preparation time.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Ollie Clark - March 8 ~ Mr. Clark was born on June 25, 1892 and joined Temple fellowship on April 11, April 11, 1982.
                                       Miss Marilyn Jane Feiss Wilkins - July 26 ~ Marilyn was born on October 13, 1953 and joined Temple fellowship on June 18, 1980.  She was married to Mr.Chuck Wilkins and was the daughter of Mrs. Mildred Feiss.

            Peace and Hope:  Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
                                                Romans 5:1-5 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            New Years Eve, Sunday morning service, Pastor Dave Danielson ministered to us and a Swedish Choir helped remind us of our heritage.  Recognition was given to the for following longest-term members:  Edith Gordh, Helen Hallgren, Gerta Salstrom, and Flavia Westerlund.
            January 8, A resolution pertaining to double Sunday morning services was adopted and to begin on this date.
            January 15, June Peretti was honored for 25 years as church organist.
            March 25, Sunday evening, the Temple Sonshine and Chi-Alpha Singers presented the production, "What's New Corky?"
            March, the church began accepting applications for daycare positions.
            April, Rich Murphy left Temple to go into Chaplains training in Rhode Island.  Later his family joined him in Arizona where he began his duties as a Navy Chaplain.
            April 15, A new house of worship for Southwest Hills Baptist Church opened on Palm Sunday.
            April 15, At Temple:  The church holds an Open House for the new ministry building at the conclusion of the 11:00 AM service.  The second and third story were uncompleted at this time.
            April 18, --Senator Mark O. Hatfield spoke at the Lenten service.
            June 1,  The ME 11 program started under the direction of Mr. Bill Hammerbeck.  
            Early Spring, The name Sonbeam Day Care was chosen for the child development center.
           June 9,--Mr. Mitch Klein and Miss Debbie Meis were married in a beautiful ceremony at the church.
           A Centennial Quilt designed and manufactured by the ladies of the church under the leadership of Edith Ryberg, and presented to the church to commemorate the first 100 years.  Fran Maynard composed song and lyrics corresponding to the quilt squares with depicted stages in Temple's development and ministries.
                             Read an article from the Oregonian Newspaper about the Centennial. 
            June 24, Temple celebrated its 100th anniversary commemorating service under God with a dinner at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion on Hayden Island.

The 100 year emblem sticker

            June, Temple and Lower Columbia Conference hosted the 106th annual meetings of the Baptist General Conference.  Executive Board meetings at Temple on June 18 and June 20.  The Conference itself was in session at Jantzen Beach Red Lion from June 20 to June 29.
            June, 'SMT '(Summer Mission Team) 84 This year was set aside for the team of high school and college students to be in charge of the children's ministry (150 children in elementary grades) during the Baptist General Conference Annual Meetings at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion complex.
            July 1, Mr. Fred Johnson began serving as Director of Child Development.
            July 24, official dedication of Southwest Hills Baptist Church.
            August, early in the month a playground was constructed on the south side of the church with play/climbing structure installed.
            August 8, --Mr. Norm Ryberg passed away and went home to be with the Lord while sitting in church at Sunday morning service.
            August 23, Gerda Salstrom, wife of Dr. F.G. Salstrom passed away.
            August 26, the nursery was in its new location on the ground floor of the new addition on the West side of the church.
            September 1-3, The annual campout at Fort Stevens State park was held over the Labor Day weekend with over 200 campers attending. 
            September 4, Sonbeam Daycare Center opened its doors with a limited number of students.  (The name Sonbeam Day Care was chosen as the name for the child development center in early spring of this year.)
            September 7, Dick Wiens, former pastor of Temple, was the guest speaker at our Fall Kickoff Banquet.
            September 20, The Sonbeam Day Care Center officially opened and provided service for five children.  
            October 22, The annual church roller skating party was held at the Oaks Park Roller Rink in the evening.
            November 21,  Thanksgiving Eve, The Love Loaf ingathering was collected at the Great Family Gathering.             
            December 24, Ellen Wright, wife of Stan Wright passed away.
            Bob Lott (Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship) and Debbie turned in their resignation to move to Tacoma, Washington.
            Dave Parker and family accepted a call to Sylvan Way Baptist Church in Bremerton, Washington.
            Fred Johnson was licensed to preach.
            Mitch Klein was licensed to preach.
            Mark Manfredi was recommended for admission to Western Baptist Seminary.
            Rev. Terry Hollister was recommended to a Doctor of Ministry program at Western Baptist Seminary.
            Ruth's Kitchen was completed as was the new dining room which was to be called The "Upper Room".  John Pumphery was Architect.
            A note from the 1984 Annual Report:  (Bob Lott was assistant pastor and wrote a page from his desk in the report.)  "Since writing this report, Debbie and I have turned in our resignation at Temple to move up to Tacoma.  We will miss the people here at Temple very much and have dearly love these past five and one half years."
            The retired persons joined together under Don Slater for fellowship and mutual help.  Trips were planned to places of interest and monthly potlucks held for social enrichment.
            Ken Kornelis began providing counseling services for the people in the church.
            Dave and Marge Parker had to return from the Ivory Coast and had to return to the States due to health reasons.  They are now in a pastorate at Sylvan Way Church in Bremerton, Washington.
           George Orwell was mistaken, especially at our church!

    In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Axel (Aagot) Anderson - January 1 ~ Aagot was the wife of Mr. Axel Anderson who passed away in 1967.  She joined Temple fellowship on May 1, 1960.
                                       Mrs. Emma Goodwin - January 14 ~ Emma Goodwin was born on September 1, 1904 and joined Temple fellowship on September 29, 1982.
                                       Mr. Norman "Norm" Ryberg - August 1 ~ Norm was born on June 6, 1918  in Scio, Oregon  and joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1932.  He was survived by his wife Edith and one daughter..
                                       Mrs. Stan (Ellen) Wright - December 24

            "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others.  Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you give to the needy, so not let your left had know what your right hand is doing, so that you giving may be in secret.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you........"
                                                                    Matthew 6:2-4 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            Rev. Robert (Bob) Lott, Minister of Evangelism and Discipleship.
            Rev. Terry Hollister, Minister of Christian Education.
            Mr. Lloyd Rekstad, Minister of Music and Programming
            Mr. Mitch Klein, Director of College/Career Ministries
            Mr. John Anderson, Junior High Director
            Mr. Mark Manfredi, Senior High Director
            Mr. Fred Johnson, Director, Day Care Ministries
            Mr. Ken Kornelis, Counseling Services.
            Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti, Organist
            February, Assistant Pastor, Bob Lott asked his father Ray to ask Ray Green and Don Slater to go to Modesto, California and visit with the churches in the area and check out their programs for Retired People.  See October 11.
           February 13, Temple accepted the challenge of sponsoring new Conference work in Bend, Oregon.  Rev. James Wright accepted the challenge to head up this new work.  In the spring they left their church in Nevada to start the new work in Bend.
            March 31, the ordination of Mitch Klein.
            April,  Bob Lott resigned to join Central Baptist in Tacoma as Minister of Youth and Single Adults.
            April,  Dr. Jack Bergeson retired as Executive Secretary of Columbia Baptist Conference after serving 15 years.
            April 11, Agnes Johnson passed away.
            June,  Temple hosted the “Tone of Life Choir” from the Baptist Union of Sweden.   Members of this group came from the Stockholm area and joined together to sing in association with the choir of (Swedish) Bethel Seminary.
            June 22, Anna Heppner passed away.
            August,--Rev. Terry Hollister and Debbie resigned from the church staff to become church planters in Billings, Montana.  Their work was much appreciated and they are missed by the church body.
            August 4, Hazel Brenneke passed away on this date.  She was the wife of Dale Brenneke.
            September 1, Labor Day weekend:  The all-church Labor Day Fort Stevens Camp-Out had over 200 participants.
            September 24, Ruth Johnson, wife of Dr. Linus Johnson, former pastor of Temple went to be with her Lord.
            October 11, The Keenager group at Temple was organized.  See a letter written by Ray Lott.
            November 24, ~ The Temple Historical booklet, “Temple Baptist Church – The First Century”, written and compiled by John Pearson,  was made available to the church.
            December 8, Don Van Polen presented his multi-media program entitled, "Footprints of the Reformation."  Don photographed the actual sites where these historic events took place and presented these dramatic scenes with narrative on three giant screens in the church sanctuary.
            December 1, The Chi Alpha House was vacated and the young people moved into the church basement.  The house was sold as part of a package, which enabled the church to purchase the parking lot on the south west corner of the block the church is located on.
            December, Rev. Mitch Klein accepted the call to be the pastor of Cedarhome Baptist Church, Stanwood, Washington.
            December 14, Hanna Johnson passed away.
            December 29, A Great Family Gathering Homecoming tribute was held in honor of Mitch and Debbie Klein as they concluded their ministry with the church to begin serving as Pastor of Cedarhome Baptist Church in Stanwood, Washington.  
            December 30, William Nestlen passed away.
            John Anderson and Mark Manfredi stepped in to take the space of ministry for the youth.
            Don Strandberg had to vacate his position as church moderator because of length of term ran out.
            Pastor and Anita Prinzing took a sabbatical from the pulpit.  They attended the BGC annual meetings in Wheaton, Illinois, then flew to Rome for an 18 day seminar at the Waldensian Seminary.  After they toured the great cities of Europe for 2 ½ weeks.
            As originally designed, the nursery was too small to accommodate the children enrolled.  After many hours of discussion and planning, the nursery was finally remodeled in the Fall.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Don Nelson - January 1 ~ Mr. Nelson was born on May 31, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on September 21, 1983.
                                       Mr. George Crawford - March 30 ~ George was born on June 25, 1950 and joined Temple fellowship on January 28, 1981.  Also his wife Larlie and daughter? Joanna joined the church at the same date.
                                       Miss Anna E. Heppner - June 1 ~ Miss Heppner joined Temple fellowship on October 6, 1968.  Anna had a sister named Miss Justina who passed away on July 17, 1987.
                                       Mrs. Dale (Hazel) Brenneke - August 4 ~ Mrs. Brenneke was born on April 28, 1919 and along with her husband Dale and joined Temple Fellowship on April 17, 1974.
                                       Mrs. Ruth Johnson - September 24 ~ She was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania on July 3, 1892.  Ruth was the wife of Dr. Linus Johnson, former pastor of Temple. they joined Temple fellowship on September 5, 1939.
                                       Mrs. Jacob (Edith) Gordh - November 9 ~ Edith and her husband Jacob joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1912.
                                       Mrs. Hannah Johnson - December 1 ~ Hannah joined Temple fellowship in October 4,1956.
                                       Mr. William "Bill" Nestlen - December 30 ~ Bill Nestlen joined Temple fellowship on December 3, 1961.

            "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
                                                          Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

            Dr. Fred Prinzing continued as Senior Pastor of our church.
            February 16, Mr. Clifford Beeler died.
            February 28, Elsie Ostrom died.
            February, Pastor and Anita lead a tour to Israel, several Temple members went along.
            March 15, The women of the Lower Columbia Conference has their Spring Banquet at New Heights Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington, with Anita Prinzing as speaker.
            Spring, The Awana program begins.
April,  Dr. Fred Prinzing announced his resignation effective July 31.  Lloyd Rekstad became involved in the pastoral functions of the ministry.
            April, For 12 months in 1984-85, Karen and Terry Whitehill, members of Temple Baptist Church, Portland, Ore., toured Europe on a 11,OOO-mile bike trip. Now they are back in Europe again, this time on a yearlong walk from Paris to Jerusalem.  Read about the trip as it appeared monthly in the Standard as the trip progressed.
            April 1, John Anderson became Temple’s Minister of Christian Education.
            May, Music leaders and sponsors took the Sonrise Edition to Puyallup for a short weekend tour which included an evening at Lake Retreat.
            June, Tom Kornelis and Paul Strandberg accepted the position of co-chairmen of the Building Committee.             
            June 18, Summer Missions Team traveled to Camp Big Horn in St. Regis, Montana with Mark and Deena Manfredi
            June 29, Fortieth Anniversary of Lake Retreat Baptist Camp.
            July, Music Camp was held.  The highlight was the musical production, "Its Cool to be in the Furnace."  The theme of the performance was teach the young people the value of trusting God through every circumstance. 
            July 27, Farewell Sunday for Sunday for Pastor and Anita Prinzing.
            July, Dorothy Newell donated the beautiful grand piano located in the church sanctuary.
            July, Pastor Prinzing left Temple to take a position as Professor of Theology at Bethel Seminary.
            July 22, Dr. Robert Anderson accepted the call to be Temple’s interim pastor. His duties began the first Sunday in September.
            September 1, Dr. Bob Anderson began his duties on this Sunday as Interim Pastor at Temple.
            October 1, Dick and Bev Young missionaries from Argentina shared about their ministries.
            November 8, Edith Gordh died.
            December, Temple, the Columbia Baptist Conference & Baptist General Conference helped format the Philippine Baptist Church in Portland.
            Morrie Brask retired as head usher.

                     In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Anna Skreen - February 16 ~ Mrs. Skreen was born on July 30, 1898 and joined Temple fellowship on August 2, 1981.
                                                  Mr. Clifford Beeler - February 16 ~ Mr. Beeler was born on April 27, 1925 and joined Temple fellowship on April 25, 1973.
                                                  Mrs. Carl (Elsie) Ostrom - February 28 ~ Elsie was born on August 23, 1895 in Buffalo, New York and joined Temple fellowship on December 31, 1933.
                                                  Mrs. Ruth Ellen Danielson - August 27.  Mrs. Danielson joined Temple fellowship on June 7, 1921.
                                                  Mrs. Lucille Cornell - October 13 ~ Lucille was born on February 24, 1913 and joined Temple fellowship on August 15, 1982.
                                                  Mrs. Edith Gordh - November 8

            "The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.  He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him."
Exodus 15:2 NIV

            Dr. Robert Anderson with the help of his wife, Rosella, continued to served as Interim Pastor.
            Mr. Lloyd Rekstad, Executive Minister
            Mr. John Anderson, Minister of Christian Education
            Mr. John Dotson, Director of College Ministry
            Mr. Mike Pinkerton, Director of Higah School Ministry
            Miss Martha Hurlburt, Director of Junior High Ministry
            Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, Minister of Missions
            Mr. Mark Manfredi, Director of High School Ministry
            M. Paul Marshal, Director of College Ministry
            Mr. Fred Johnson, Director Sonbeam Daycare
            Dr. Ken Kornelius, Counseling Services
            Mrs. Dale (June) Perretti - Organist
            Mrs. Thomas (Fran) Maynard - Pianist
            Mr. Paul Christian, Custodian
            Mrs. Winn Goddard (Marianne), Secretary
            January 1, Total membership as of this date was 641.
            January, Commissioning service for Mr. Gary Shank was held at Temple.  He was a former deacon and seminary graduate.  He left Temple and assumed the position of Minister of Christian Education at the Evangelical Congregational Church in Portland.          
            February 3, A Swedish smorgasbord was held at Temple.  It was a benefit dinner for the Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.  Menu included Lutfisk, Kroumkaka, Kottbullar, and Spritsar   The dinner was prepared by Swedish cooks.  See a website with many delicious Swedish recipes.
            March 8, The Sonrise Edition (first through fifth grade students from Temple) presented a special musical experience directed by Lloyd Rekstad and Fran Maynard, following a tour of Seattle- Bremerton WA, and Clatskanie OR.
            March 21, The 48-member bethel College Choir under the direction of Dr. Robert Berglund ministered in music at Temple.  The choir gave an excellent presentation of varied musical numbers.
            March, Morrie Brask retired from twenty-five years of service as Head Usher.
            April 12, The film, "Peace Child," was shown and was said to be the most exciting and well received mission film in recent years.
            May 2, A seminar was held at Temple called "The Four Thousand Year Connection" with speaker Don Richardson.  This was an excellent presentation of missions and the Gospel, dealing with the Great Commission in the Old and New Testaments.  
            May 10, John Anderson ordained in a memorable service.
            June 15, Mike Pinkerton became Director of High School Ministries.
            June 21, Mark and Dena Manfredi returned to Temple showing their slides of Hong Kong, Macau, mainland China, and  the Philippines.
            June, Intern Paul Marshall, Director of Junior High Ministries, accepted a call from Golden Hills Community Chruch in Antioch, California, to be the Associate Pastor of Student Ministries.
            July 13-17 - Music Camp, held at Temple under the direction of Fran Maynard.
            July 15, Mr. Mike Pinkerton was hired as the Director of High School Ministries.
            July 19, Sunday Evening ~ Fran Maynard presented the musical "The Story-Tellin' Man."  The children did an excellent job on this musical about the parables of Jesus by writer Ken Medema.  This presentation culminated from Music Camp held during the previous week.  
            July 26, A Farewell Service was held at Temple for Lloyd, Joyce Rekstad and family.
            August 23, "El Shaddai," a musical written by John and Patti Thompson, was presented by adult musical performers on this Sunday evening.  This musical was directed by Chuck Greene and Leanne Duke.
            August, Lloyd Rekstad left for a new ministry the First Baptist Church in Yacaipa, California after 10 years as the Director of Music.
            August 24-28 - Family Week held at Temple was spearheaded by Pastor John Anderson.  An entire week was dedicated to reaching, strengthening, and uplifting families.  The film series, "Love is a Decision" was shown for the adults.  The film series, "You can make a Difference" by Tony Campolo was shown to youth.  The program, "Growing God's Way in the Sonshine Patch" incorporated Bible study, craft, songs and games for children.
            September 5, 6, 7, All church campout at Fort Stevens.
            September 20, Mr. Dave Beeler, our Faith Promise partner serving in the Philippines, spoke at the Sunday evening service.
            September, The American Filipino Baptist Church began in Portland under the leadership of BGC pastor Rev. Carlos San Luis, has been using Temple's facilities for services and Bible studies for the work.  The first formal service was held during this month.
            October 15-17, Kay Arthur from Chattanooga, Tennessee was the speaker for the women's seminar, "Precept Upon Precept."  
            October 25, the American Filipino Baptist Church was organized.
            November 30, Dr. Robert Anderson resigned as Interim Pastor to teach at Western Theological Seminary.
            December 27, An appreciation potluck buffet was held for Bob and Rosella thanking them for their fifteen months of service to the church.
            December 31, Total membership as of this date was 628.
            Fran Maynard (Malmsten) took over as Director of Music from Lloyd Rekstad.
            ME-3 (Ministry Expansion Third Phase) Fund raising Program started.  Mr. Doug Anderson of the BGC was retained to assist Temple in the fund-raising campaign,  The goal of the program was the completion of the 2nd floor of the ministry building.
            Am Shalom Hebrew/Christian Fellowship continues to meet at Temple Sharing the facilities of the church.
            The Awana Program was ongoing at Temple under the dual leadership of Shirley Bailey and Carolyn Salholm.  Five age groups met each Wednesday to memorize Scripture, join in group activities, and participate in crafts.
            Fred Johnson was director of the Sonbeam Daycare.  Enrollment was up to 70 children and continues to receive high marks for its educational program.  Many parents and students have been touched by the Gospel.
            Mr. John Dotson continued as the Director of College Ministries while continuing his studies at Western Seminary.
            Martha Hurlburt was hired as Director of Junior High Ministries while she continues her studies at Western Seminary.

           Work crews began construction on the second floor of the three story project on the west side of the church building.   Finishing was done to the kitchen, trim around the windows were set, a dropped ceiling was installed, flooring was laid, and a dividing wall was installed among other things accomplished.
            Computerization of church records was begun under the leadership of Dr. Bob Anderson and Rev. John Anderson.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Laura Doescher - January 29 ~ Laura was born on May 14, 1896 and joined Temple fellowship on July 19, 1978.
                                       Mr. Christian Jacobsen - March 13 ~ Christian was born on July 12, 1894 and joined Temple fellowship on April 11, 1976.
                                       Mrs. Ella Larsen - May 9 ~ Mrs. Larsen joined Temple fellowship on November 6, 1949. 
                                       Mrs. Ruby Jane McAnear - June 27 ~ Ruby was born on August 19, 1889 and joined Temple fellowship on August 17, 1975.
                                       Miss Justina Heppner - July 17 ~ Justina joined Temple fellowship on October 6, 1968 along with her sister Anna who passed away on June 1,1985.
                                       Mr. Owen Raynor - October 3 ~ Owen was born on August 27, 1942 and joined Temple fellowship, along with his wife Linda, on April 30, 1986.
                                        Ms. Wilhelmina Wolfsehr - December 13 ~ Ms. Wolfsehr was born on December 8, 1899 and joined Temple fellowship on January 13, 1982.

            "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
                                                                    Isaiah 46:4 NIV

            Rev. Harold Carlson served as Interim Pastor at our church.
            Rev. Steven Roy, Senior Pastor. See July 24th this year.
            Mr. Mike Pinkerton, Director of High School Ministry.
            Miss Martha Hurlburt, Director of Junior High Ministry.
            Mrs. Thomas Maynard (Fran) , Coordinator of Music
            Dr. Ken Kornelius, Counseling Services
            Mrs. Winn Goddard (Marianne) Secretary
            Mr. Paul Christian, custodian
            Mrs. Dale Peretti (June), Organist.
            January 24 ~ Evening service presented Don Van Polen's multimedia Presentation entitled,  "Great Hymns, Their Stories and Places."
            April 20 to 24, Pastor Steve Roy , with wife Susan and children, Andrew, Beth, Lydia arrived at Temple to candidate at Temple. The following week the church voted to extend the call for Senior Pastor to Steve Roy.
            May, a Junior Olympics was held at Lake Retreat.
            June 19, A loving farewell was given for Fred Johnson, wife Patti and sons David and Brian who joined the staff of Hinson Memorial Baptist Church as Christian Education Director.
            July 17, Rev. Harold S. Carlson and wife Jamie, our interim pastor for six and one half months were honored on this day.
            July 24, Pastor Steve Roy began his ministry at Temple.
            September 11, PM ~ Installation service for Pastor Steve Roy and Family.
            October 23, John Anderson and wife Kim were honored at a commissioning service.  They will enter a church planting ministry with the BGC at Crystal Lake, Illinois.
            November 18, Popcorn with the Pastor,  Those who planned to attend were asked to write or speak verbally questions of the Pastor on the Bible, theology, ministry programs, future plans of the church.. 
             Deschutes Bible Church in Bend, Oregon, was welcomed into Columbia Baptist Conference at the annual meeting in Olympia, Washington.
            Efforts were made to complete the second floor of the new building.
            The church enlisted the help of Olan Mills to provide a new color pictorial directory.
            John Pearson was the church historian.
            Tony Nimis was the staff youth leader.

           In Memoriam  ~ Mr. Alfred R. Van Blokland - January 24 ~ Mr. Van Blokland was born on March 18, 1913 and joined Temple fellowship on  March 22, 1967 along with his wife, Charlotte., daughter Patricia and son Craig. 
                                        Mrs. Lillian M. Ford - May 15 ~ Mrs. Ford was born on August 21, 1908 and joined Temple fellowship on April 5, 1981.
                                        Mr. Dale Brenneke ~ June 18 ~ Dale was born on July 27, 1918 and along with his wife Hazel joined Temple fellowship on April 17, 1974.
                                        Mrs. Myrtle Johnson ~ June 21
                                        Mrs. Violet Peterson ~ July 20
                                        Hannah Alma Duke ~ October 28
                                        Miss Helen M. Hallgren - November 9 ~ Helen was born on January 24, 1895 and joined Temple fellowship on August 23, 1910.
                                        Mr. William M. Butt~ December 1 ~Mr. Butt joined Temple fellowship on February 11, 1981.

            "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.  The LORD works out everything to its proper end--even the wicked for a day of disaster."
Proverbs 16:3-4 NIV 

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            February 20, a recommendation was made to extend a call to Mike Pinkerton to be the Associate Pastor for Nurturing Ministries.
            March 5, The church congregation voted to extend a call to Mike Pinkerton to be the Associate Pastor for Nurturing Ministries effective June 1, 1989.
            March 23, The first event in use of the “Upper Room” was a  Maundy Thursday communion service.
            May 7, Sunday, 6:00 PM the second floor Dining Room was dedicated    
            May, The book The Fourth Quarter, by Dr. Jack Bergeson, is scheduled to be released from the publisher.
            June 1, Mike Pinkerton began as Associate Pastor for Nurture Ministries.
            June 4, Mike Pinkerton was licensed to preach as per certificate signed by Pastor Steve Roy.  See May 11,1990 
            August, Filipino-American church conducted Daily Vacation Bible School at Temple
            October 1, Terry Tharpe called to become Associate Pastor of Outreach Ministries.
            Deschutes Bible Church disbanded following failure to find a pastors leadership.
            December 1, Flavia Westerlund died.
            Terry Tharpe was Associate Pastor of Outreach.
            The new kitchen that servers the second floor dindeeing room was named “Ruth's Kitchen” in honor of Mrs. Ken (Ruth) McCarthy.
            The AWANA program was reviewed and ratified as church ministry for boys and girls.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Doris Rice - January 6 ~ Mrs. Rice was born on April 16, 1908 and joined Temple fellowship on September 12, 1982.
                                       Mr. Adolphe D. McAnear - January 17 ~ Mr. McAnear was born on March 10, 1912 and joined Temple fellowship on August 17, 1975.
                                       Mrs. Henryene Edwards - February 4. Henryene joined Temple fellowship on September 30, 1973.
                                       Mrs. Flavia (Gustafson) Westerlund - February 11 ~ Flavia was born on September 10, 1901 and joined Temple fellowship on February 4. 1917.  Flavia sang in the choir, worked in the kitchen and helped around the church  in anyway she could.
                                       Mrs. Gladys Mathis - March 3 ~ Gladys was born on December 14, 1895 and joined Temple fellowship on December 3, 1980.
                                       Ms. Myrtle Johnston - March 9 ~ Myrtle was born on August 2, 1894.
                                       Mr. Frank Johanson - December 4 ~ Frank joined Temple fellowship on April 7,1963.
                                       Mr. Henning Johnson - December 30 ~ Henning and Josie joined Temple fellowship on May 5, 1974.  They were custodians of the church and lived in the former apartment where the church offices are now located. 

            "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.  If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me.  Yet what shall I choose?  I do not know!  I am torn between the two:  I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far......."
                                                                Philippians 1:21-23 NIV

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            Jon Christian entered into the fellowship at Temple.
            May 11, was the official date on the license from Multnomah County for Pastor Mike to preach.  Return to 1989 

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Mary Ellen Nelson - June 10 ~ Mary Ellen was born on September 19, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on September 21, 1983.
                                       Mrs. Nathiel "Ducky" Bergstrom - October 8 ~ Ducky was born on June 12, 1921 and joined Temple fellowship on March 14, 1948 with sister Gwen and brother in law LaVerne.

            "So do not be ashamed of the testimony about out Lord of of me his prisoner.  Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.  He has saved us and called us to a holy life--not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.  This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.  And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.  That is why I am suffering as I am.  Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day."
                                                              2 Timothy 1:8-12 NIV

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            Tony Nimis was High School Director
            Temple was blessed with the ownership of the parking lot on the Southwest corner of the block.  It was obtained through the trade of other property and a lease back arrangement for the use of parking during the weekday.  This allowed the church to obtain the property with no out of pocket costs.
            The small kitchen in the lower level east of the fireside room was remodeled.  John Pumphery was the architect.
             December 7, Floie Davis died and went to be with the Lord.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Catherine Englet - January 9 ~ Catherine was born on October 14, 1905 and joined Temple fellowship on May 10, 1978.
                                       Mrs. Dorothy Newell - March 18 ~ Mrs. Newell joined Temple fellowship on December 30 1973.
                                       Jacqueline Swanson - Unknown
                                       Miss Esther Walthinsen - August 20 ~ Miss Walthinsen joined Temple fellowship on April 4, 1969.
                                       Mrs. Lu Shaber - October 28 ~ Mrs. Shaber was born on July 18, 1905 and joined Temple fellowship on November 4, 1984.
                                       Mrs. Floie Davis - December 7 ~ Floie Davis was born on March 7, 1906 and joined Temple fellowship on October 1, 1950.  She taught the kindergarten Sunday school class for many years.  She was the mother of Bob Davis who lives in Spain with his wife.
                                       Mrs. Gertrude Baty - December 13 ~ Mrs. Baty was born on May 16, 1888 and joined Temple fellowship on November 5, 1978.

            "For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:6-7 NIV

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            May 14-17,  The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Columbia Baptist Conference was held at Temple.  See the February-April front Cover of the Conference Call.
            October 11, Pastor Mike was ordained for the ministry at Temple.
            December, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green (Hazel) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  A large reception was held in the Upper Room.
            Mr. Ray Green was the Church Administrator.

            In Memoriam ~ Kyle Eugene James ~ January 15
                                       Miss Lois Smith - February 14 ~ Lois was born on October 21, 1902 and joined Temple fellowship on July 20, 1980.
                                       Mr. Wendell E. Bates - May 25 ~ Mr. Bates was born on August 5, 1933 and joined Temple fellowship on April, 24, 1978.
                                       Mr. George Obinger - September 9 ~ Mr. Obinger was born on December 14, 1919 and joined Temple fellowship on December 8, 1947.

            "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            August, Terry Tharpe and family moved to serve a church in Poulsbo, Washington.
            Tony Nimis served as High School Director until June.
            Fran Maynard (Malmsted) was Director of Music.
            Summer Mission Team trains in the running of a Daily Vacation Bible School in Lebanon, Oregon, and then spent two weeks running their own VBS in Mehama and Woodburn, Oregon.
            Dean Longfellow was Director of High School Ministries.
            Ron and Leta Kriens home on furlough from Southeast Asia earlier than expected when the host government terminated its relationship with the Kriens' sending organization.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Neva Johnson - November 14 ~ Mrs. Johnson Joined Temple fellowship on March 24, 1963.

            "And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
Ephesians 3:17b-19 NIV

            Steve Roy continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            July 24, ~ Commissioning service for Ron and Leta Kriens.
            July 31, Ron Kriens and family return to Southeast Asia under local sponsorship.
            The Hope Vietnamese Baptist Church was started.
            Pastor Roy left Temple.
            Twelve new members were added to the Temples roll, two by baptism, ten by letter.

            In Memoriam ~  June Steves ~ April 28
                                       Mr. Bob Bergstrom - June 11 ~ Bob was born on September 9, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on January 27, 1946.
                                       Ms. Cathy Lorenz - July 16 ~ Ms. Lorenz was born on October 11, 1932 and joined Temple fellowship on July 25, 1979.
                                       Mrs. Ken (Ruth) Mc Carthy - August 10 ~ The Mc Carthy
's, Mr.Ken  and Mrs. Ruth and daughter Sharon joined Temple Fellowship on April 7, 1968.  Mr. Ken McCarthy designed the kitchen in the Upper Room at Temple and the kitchen was dedicated to  his wife Ruth.   
                                       Mr. David Lee Goddard - August 20 ~ David was born to Winn and Marianne Goddard on January 20, 1955 and joined Temple fellowship on November 18, 1973.
                                       Mr. Greg Anderson - September 15.  Greg joined Temple fellowship on January 8, 1961.
                                       Mrs. Neva Johnson - November 14
                                       Mrs. Judith (Judy) Ranes ~ December 11

            Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and Spirit."
John 3:5 NIV

            Steve Roy was Senior Pastor.
            June 1, Paul Flood joined the staff as director of music which included choir director.
            June 11, 6:00 PM ~ An ordination Service for Mr. David Deppmeier.  Dave and wife Lisa have been active with our high school ministry.  He recently graduated from Western Seminary and has also completed chaplainry school for the Army.
            June 25, 6:00 PM ~ Farewell Service for the Roy's.  This Evening was a special time of farewell for Pastor Steve, Susan, Andrew, Beth and Lydia Roy.  This week concludes seven years of ministry at Temple  Reception followed in the Upper Room.
            July 1, Pastor Mike Pinkerton (Pastor Mike), began his first year as Interim Senior Pastor.
            September 4, Mandy Strandberg passed away.
            Gary Shank served as Interim Associate Pastor.
            Jon Christian (church moderator) left for Wisconsin.
            Don Green was voted to the job of Church Moderator.
            Temple welcomed twenty-three new members were welcomed this year.
            Computer system in offices completed.
            Mortgage on the building paid off for the addition on West Side of the Church.
            See photo of Board of Elders - Deaconess.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Katherine K. Youzva - February 1 ~ Katherine was born on November 24, 1901 and joined Temple fellowship on September 30, 1987.
                                       Mrs. Alice Bilyeu - March 13 ~ Alice was born on November 6, 1907 and joined Temple fellowship on June 24, 1990.
                                       Mrs. Helen Diebold - March 16 ~ She joined Temple fellowship on April 25, 1965.  Her husband was Mr. Carl D. Diebold who owned a lumber company in Wood Village, Oregon.
                                       Mr. Mandroff Strandberg - September 4 ~ Mandy was born on September 16, 1906 and joined Temple fellowship on November 2, 1924.  He was married to Hildur and they had two boys: Don and Paul.
                                       Miss Ellen Danielson - December 17 ~ Ellen was born on February 17, 1895 and joined Temple fellowship on January 13, 1982.

        "I Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Interim Pastor at our church.
            March 14, Mrs. Hazel Sievers, a long time member of Temple died today.  She was 94 years old.
            June 1, Pastor Mike Pinkerton was called as Temple's Twenty Third Senior Pastor.  He accepted the position that day.
            July 28 ~ An Installation Service was held for Michael L Pinkerton.  An installation service has been described as a combination of a worship service and a wedding.  It is the formalizing of the union between a church and its pastor done in the sight of the Head of the church, Jesus Christ.  It involves the commitment of the church and the pastor to follow the Lord and to love and serve each other for as long as the Lord leads.  It is a time of joyful celebration and thanksgiving to God.  Let us rejoice together in God's blessing!!
            November, Gary Shank leaves for a pastorate at Immanuel Baptist Church in Monmouth, Illinois.
            Church building was painted and sound system and heating upgraded.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Joe (Velma) Ryan - January 14
                                       Mrs. Hazel Wangsness Sievers - March 14 ~ Hazel joined Temple fellowship on June 4, 1961.
                                       Mrs. Gust (Linnea) Almquist - July 15
                                       Mrs. Ray (Evelyn Anderson) Lott - September 17.  She joined Temple Fellowship on April 9, 1925. 
                                       Mrs. Francis Brandon - October 7 ~ Francis was born on May 8, 1913 and joined (along with her husband, Gatlin) Temple fellowship on January 22, 1984 .
                                       Miss Georgia Adams - October 26
                                       Mrs. Clarence (Helen) Carver - November 28 ~ Helen was born on July 10, 1899 and joined Temple fellowship on March 26, 1948.
                                       Mr. Frank Bonneau - December 18 ~  Frank was born on August 1, 1918 and joined Temple fellowship along with his wife Nannette (Nan) on October 28, 1981.
                                       Mrs. Caroline May Wilson - December 25 ~ Mrs. Wilson was born in May 1931 and joined Temple fellowship on November 13, 1983.  

     "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." 
                                                            Revelation 3:20  

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 1, Paul Flood became part of the church staff in a full-time position as Minister of Music.
            January 5, 6:00 PM ~ A Dedication Service was held for Art and Mae Greenleaf at Temple with a reception, after, in the Upper Room.
            January 14, A memorial service was held in the sanctuary for Velma Opal Ryan, wife of Joe Ryan.
            April 3, Ruby Brugh, Hildur Strandberg and Dagmar Walthinson were honored by the Deaconess at Viola Christenson's home for their age.  Ruby was 91, Hildur was 90,  Dagmar was 90.
            Art Greenleaf was Associate Pastor.  He devoted 25% of his time as Chaplin to Portland Fire Bureau.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Margaret Burgherr - January 6 ~ Mrs. Burgherr was born on August 2, 1908 and joined Temple fellowship on January 22, 1986.
                                       Mrs. Joe (Velma) Ryan - January 14 ~ Mrs. Ryan was born on April 18, 1924 and joined Temple fellowship with husband Joe Ryan on September 8, 1974.
                                       Miss Helen Carlson - July 10 ~ Helen joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925.  She was daughter of Mr. A B Carlson.
                                       Mrs. Birger (Ella) Arnbom - July 25   Ella and husband Birger joined Temple fellowship on April 8, 1928.
                                       Mrs. Lucille Dillaboy - September 15 ~ Mrs. Dillaboy was born on July 25, 1915 and joined Temple fellowship on May 3,1978.
                                       Mrs. Freda B Wennermark - November 21 ~ Freda was born in Oberlin, Kansas on July 23, 1908 and  joined Temple fellowship on April 12, 1942 along with husband Martin.  They had one son Bernie and one daughter, Viola.
                                       Mr. Ray (Raymond S.) Lott - November 27 ~ Ray was born in the month of November, 1911 and joined Temple fellowship on April 17, 1938.  The following was written by children Bob, Ed, Bill and Janet for his Memorial Service, "There are very few people in this world as unique and as funny as was our father, Ray Lott.  God made him very special,  His humor and hospitality blessed the lives of hundreds of people."  He was married to Evelyn (Anderson) Lott.
                                       Mr. John Harry Campbell Sr. December 12 ~ John Campbell was born on July 4, 1912 and joined Temple fellowship on April 2, 1950 along with wife Lea Campbell. 

    "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
  2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV 

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            October, new sound system put into place.
            November, Dave Christenson family left for Belgium to work with the Muslim population.
            December,  Jon Christian accepted the call to become Director of Youth and Junior High Ministries.
            The carpeting was replaced in the entire church sanctuary.  Pews were removed from the sanctuary and replaced after the carpet was installed.  (A very coordinated effort).
            The Vietnamese Baptist Church helped with carpet installation work and other special services.
            Pastor Mike visited Ghana, West Africa and The Hawaiian Islands.
            Sonbeam Day Care was in it's 15th year of operation.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Dagmar Walthinsen  -  February 17 ~  Dagmar was born on September 9,1907 and joined Temple fellowship on 1955.  She would have been 91 years old in September.

            "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise You because I am fearfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be."
                                                                            Psalm 139:13-16 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 1, Total membership 489.
            April, Dr. and Mrs. Evans (Marilyn) Nelson celebrated 50 years of marriage.
            May, June Perretti celebrated 40 years as church organist.
            August, The Portland Streetcar Loop construction started.  This line will run south down NE 7th avenue in front of Temple to OMSI Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and return north up Grand avenue and go back across the Broadway Bridge.
            Luke and Terri Crook were seminary students working with the High School group.
            This year was the 116th year the Annual Reports were written.
            Temple sent support to the following missionaries:
                Ron and Leta Kriens
                Frank and Barbara Emrick
                Peter and Coreen Larson
                Brian and Stephanie Karlik
                Mark and Helen Downing
                Dick and Bev Young
                Ray and Teresa Durkin
                Gil and Norma Clark
                Dave and Brenda Christenson
                Mike and Eva Fast
                Mathew Naw
                Richard and June Harris
                Rick and Carol Stark

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Alice Steele - February 4  ~  Alice was born on November 12, 1917 and joined Temple fellowship on February 27, 1947.  She was the wife of Thomas Steele.
                                       Mrs. Helen Jeibmann - February 25 ~ Mrs. Jeibmann was born on August 30, 1909 and joined Temple fellowship on March 1, 1978.   Helen was 91 years old. 
                                       Mr. Frank Peterson II - February 25 ~  Frank was born on November 12, 1964 and joined Temple fellowship on February 1, 1976.  Frank was the eldest son of Frank and Patty Peterson.
                                       Mrs. Sarah S. Netzel - June 12 ~ Mrs. Netzel was born on April 26, ______ and joined Temple fellowship on June 9, 1976.
                                       Mrs. Edith Ryberg - August 22  ~  Mrs. Ryberg was born on March 26, 1920 and she joined Temple fellowship on April 16, 1954.  Edith was the wife of Norman Ryberg.

             "I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being,  May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the LORD." 
                                                               Psalm 104:33-34 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            August, Jon and Lisa Bryant left.
            November, the Annual Meeting was held in the Upper Room.  A model of the B-24 Liberator was presented to Ray Green by Don Strandberg who made the model.          
            December 29, Mrs. Alfred (Betty) Newell mother of Mrs.Mary Salholm died today  The Newell family joined Temple in 1974. In about 1980 they changed there membership to Glisan Street Baptist Church. .           
            Luke and Terri Crook leave for Boston, Massachusetts--Jon and Lisa Bryant took over as High School Sponsors.
            The seats in the choir loft were replaced with chairs that were more manageable.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Sumi Shimomura - February 5 ~ Sumi was born on July 17, 1917 and joined Temple fellowship on August 10, 1985.  She had a son named Richard Shimoura who was active in the work at Temple.
                                       Rev. Don Beattie - February 16
                                       Mrs. Chalmert (Margaret "Peggy" Anderson) Larson - February 25
                                       Mr. Robert H. Jeibmann - April 8 ~ Robert joined Temple fellowship on January 1, 1991.
                                       Miss Nellye Gordon - May 20       
                                       Mrs. Betty Newell ~ December 29

    "Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."
1 Peter 5:8 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            March 17, Earl & Pearl Johnson celebrated 50 years of marriage. 
            November 25, Tim Corrigan and Linette joined as watch care members.  They are the High School Directors.
            December 30, Tim Corrigan and Linette were married.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Hugh Hurlbert - January 14
                                       Mrs. Lanier (Ruby) Brugh - March 1 ~ Mrs. Brugh joined Temple fellowship along with her husband on September 7, 1945.
                                       Mr. Onis Watson - Onis was born on March 26, 1919 and joined Temple fellowship on December 3, 1950 along with his wife Bea.
                                       Mrs. Oscar (Lillian) Anderson - November 13 ~ Lillian was born on October 11, 1914 and joined Temple fellowship March 20, 1985.
                                       Mr. Gatlin Brandon - December

           "But in you hearts revere Christ as Lord.  'Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, ........"'
I Peter 3:15 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 1, Total membership 491.
            February 10, A Great Family Gathering was held at 6:00 PM in the Upper Room at Temple in honor of Betty Carlson who is retiring from head of the Kitchen Committee.  Betty is 80 years old this year.
            March 3, The guest speaker for the Sunday morning worship was Rev. Hal Lentz.  He stated that the BGC reports that Temple has given $540,000.00 to missions to date.  The message was titled "What Do We Hold Dear?"  Text from 2 Corinthians 8:2-6.
            March 28, The Bethel Choir preformed an evening concert at Temple.
            April 15, Mr. Oscar Anderson passed away today.  He was a long time member of Temple and was 90 years of age.
            June 22, Dr. and Mrs. Celious Williams (Mettie) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
            June 28, Dr Jerry Sheveland was named President of the Baptist General Conference at the annual meeting in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
            July 27, Saturday, ~ Bethel University Alumni Reunion was held at Washington Park, Portland between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
            August 3, The Baptist General Conference celebrates 150 years.  
            August 4, Temple Baptist Church celebrated 75 years since the existing building was built.  Click here to see details and photos of the event.  Included a special worship service, a picnic in the parking lot and special music by Bart Hafeman and Riley. 
            August 10, Mr. and Mrs. Winn Goddard (Marianne) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
            August 25, annual campout on the coast at Fort Stevens.
            September 8, the church celebrated the 80th birthday of Dr. Evans Nelson who's birthday was September 5. 
            September 20, Chalmert Larson went to be with the Lord.
            September 30, a memorial service was held at Temple for Chalmert Larson.
            October 12, Temple held its first Temple Family Service Day.  Eighteen members participated in providing services.  We provided "a little something" to eat before heading our to three homes to wash windows, and a fourth home to cut, haul, and burn yard debris.  Service providers had a wonderful time, and homeowners were very appreciative.
            November 15, Sam Loeung and his wife Jen were hired as Director of Youth.
            December 1, Sunday, 4:30 pm ~  The Dickens Carolers presented a concert at Temple = A Christmas Gift to the Community.  Ten Backup Carolers included Fran Maynard and Dean Barron.
            December 6, Friday, 7:30 pm ~ Bethel Alumni and Friends presented = Northwest Area Christmas Festival at Temple.  It was a program of Christmas music, with selections by Bethel Alumni, followed by a smorgasbord of Christmas treats in Bethel's Swedish tradition. 
            December, Tim and Linette Corrigan  left Portland to drive to there new station.  They had resigned as High School Directors earlier in the year.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Oscar Anderson ~ April 15.  Oscar was born on July 30, 1911 and joined Temple fellowship on March 20, 1985.
                                       Mr. Chalmert Larson ~ September 20
                                       Mrs. Gladys Hall - November 12 ~ Gladys was born on May 16, 1914 and joined Temple fellowship on July 19, 1973.

            "...........For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future........."
                                                                   Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            February 28, David William Salholm passed away unexpectedly on this date.  He was a long time member of Temple Baptist Church.
            March 6, A Memorial Service was held at Temple for David Salholm Sr. 
            March 17,  A memorial service was held for Vern Bergstrom, who died March 9, 2003.
            March 22,  The church hosted a 20's, 30's, 40's party in the upper room.  Click Here to see images of the event.
            March 30,  A combined Sunday School Class with Junior High through adults with missionary Lynette Young, who went to Uruguay with the BGC.
            April 6-13, 4:00-5:30 pm ~ Pastor Mike offered an Ask Class for adults.  This was a class to become better acquainted with Temple Baptist Church and is the first step toward church membership.  At the class we learned how our church is governed, and how we view our mission.
            April 25-27,  Mothers and daughter outing at Lake Retreat. (A Chance to Make Memories)  In addition to memories of speakers, worship time, activities such as a tea party, and just spending time alone together, they'd depart the weekend with a photo taken by camp staff' and possibly new scrap booking skills offered as an elective activity.
            May 16-18, Father and Son Weekend at Lake Retreat.  While growing closer to each other, and to the Lord, men and boys were able to play paintball, build and launch rockets, play pick-up basketball, ascend the new 37-foot climbing tower and do some fishing.
            June 14, Pastor Pinkerton's daughter Andrea Renee was married to Mr. Joel Daniel McMartin in a beautiful ceremony which took place in the church sanctuary. 
            June 18, A memorial service was held for David Carlson who died June 15, 2003.
            July 27, Glisan Street Baptist Church celebrated 50 years of ministry.
            August 9, work day at Temple by the church family and friends to clean the church, upper room kitchen, and landscaping of the grounds. 
            August 16, a city wide work day on landscaping and grounds at different public schools.  Temple joined with a Four Square Church at Benson High School.
            August 17, Gil and Norma Clark celebrated 60 years of marriage in a celebration Sunday afternoon at Temple.
            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Elfrieda Riebeling - February 9 ~ Miss Reibeling joined Temple fellowship on April 3, 1968.
                                       Mr. David W. Salholm Sr. - February 28 ~ Mr. Salholm was born on January 7, 1927 and joined Temple fellowship along with wife Carolyn, son Mark, son David, son Kent and daughter Lynn Ann on June 4, 1972.
                                       Mr. La Verne Bergstrom - March 9 ~ Verne was born on May 21,1915 and joined Temple fellowship on March 14, 1948 with his wife Gwen.
                                       Mr. David H. Carlson - June 15 ~ Dave was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Carlson and married Betty Hallgren.  Dave was born on December 9, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on October 5, 1922.
                                       Ms. Carol Hansen - June 24
                                       Mr. Earl Brackett - June 25 ~ Earl was born on January 28, 1939 and joined Temple fellowship on February 3, 1982.
                                       Mr. Philip Strandberg - September 23 ~ Philip was born on May 16, 1964 and joined Temple fellowship on March 10, 1984.  Philip was the youngest son of Paul and Barbara Strandberg.
                                       Mr. Don Price - October 15 ~ Mr. Price was born on September 16, 1921 and joined Temple fellowship on July 22, 1981.
                                       Ms. Esther Larson - October 20
                                       Mr. Scott Volker - December 19 ~ Scott was born on December 4, 1946 and joined Temple fellowship on November 18, 1990.

    "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.  As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.  That is why the world hates you.  Remember what I told you:  'A servant is not greater than his master.'  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.  If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also..........."
                                                        John 15:18-20 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
             January 11, Don Van Polen presented his multi-media program at Temple in the sanctuary at 6:00pm.
            January 18, the ladies of the Temple Quilters presented a quilt to Jon and Susan Christian.
            February 5, Ray Green, the church administrator, and devoted member for many years passed away early this morning.
            February 9, a memorial service was held for Ray Green at 1:00pm in the sanctuary.
            February 19, The Keenagers went to Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), visited different exhibits and viewed a movie in the OMNIMAX Theater.
            February 20-22, women's retreat at Camp Tillicum.  
            February 28, the church hosted a Missionary Conference and kicked off with a desert buffet with Ron and Leta Kriens. 
            February 29, Ron and Leta Kriens spoke during a combined adult Sunday School time and Dave Christensen spoke to the children's combined Sunday School and he also gave the message during the morning service.
            March 6, a brunch in the upper room with Mark and Helen Downing.
            March 7, Missionary Conference continued with Ron and Leta Kriens speaking during children's combined Sunday School and Mark Downing spoke to the combined adult Sunday School and gave the  message during the morning service. 
            March 7, a lunch reception was held in the upper room for Josh Adams who returned from Iraq on a tour of duty with the US Navy.
            March 19, Mabel (Johnson) Hagey, a former member of Temple, passed away at the age of 95.  The service was held at Beaverton Foursquare Church.
            March 25, Laurie Breckel, a former Temple member, passed away.  A memorial service was held on April 1st at Southwest Bible Church in Beaverton.
            April 8, The Keenagers group attended the "Portland Passion Play" at Portland Christian Center.
            April 27, Dorothy O. Bishop went home to be with the Lord.  She was a long time member of Temple, sister to Dave Carlson and sister in law to Betty Carlson.  She was born on July 27, 1925.
            May 15, Long time member, Evelyn Smith went home to be with the Lord.  Evelyn served in many capacities at Temple and in the community.  She will be remembered for her card and letter writing outreach and her ministry of helping others.
            June 6, 6 p.m. Temple held its annual Sanctuary Choir Concert named "Favorites Concert."
             June 17, The Temple Keenagers visited the Chinese Gardens in N.W. Portland. 
             July 5, Margaret Steel went to be with the Lord.  She was 91 years of age.  One of her last requests was for some pickled herring in cream sauce.
             July 15, The Keenagers Group spent the day at Viola Christianson's cabin in Seaside.  There were 39 in attendance and the weather was beautiful.
             July 18, Temple had their 20th Annual Music Camp presentation.  Featured "Esther-Ordinary-Faith."
             August 7-14, Youth and Leaders will be in Chicago for Summer Mission's Team Project. 
             August 29, The weekend of, Temple held its 25th annual campout at Fort Stevens.
             August 29, Sunday - While most of the congregation was at Fort Stevens, Temple had a potluck picnic lunch in the Upper Room after the morning service.  Pastor Ron Hall gave the morning message.  He did a 30 minute walk through in the Book of Ephesians.
             November 14, the church held its annual meeting in the Upper Room.  The 2005 Church Officers and the 2005 Budget were voted on
             December 19, Sunday, Temple had a choir concert called, "In The Fullness of Time."  One performance was at 11:00 AM and one was at 6:00 PM. 
             December 31, New Years Eve.  6:30 pm the church hosted a Simple Supper in the Upper Room.  A Communion Service followed supper with the breaking of loaves of bread.  After the congregation went to the main sanctuary to enjoy a year end slide show.  The Simple Supper consisted of 3 different kinds of soup and a green tossed salad.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Raymond Green - February 5
                                       Ms. Elfrieda Riebeling - February 9
                                       Ms. Carla Marie Fischer - February 19 ~ Carla was born on March 27, 1926 and joined Temple fellowship on February 9, 2003.
                                       Mrs. Mabel (Johnson) Hagey - March 19
                                       Mrs. Laurie Breckel - March 25 ~  Laurie was born on September 26, 1939 and joined Temple fellowship along with her husband, Daniel Wesley Breckel on September 15, 1991.
                                       Mrs. Dorothy (Carlson) Bishop ~ April 27 ~ Dorothy was born on July 27, 1925 and joined Temple fellowship on November 1, 1936.  She served in the US Navy where she met Wayne Bishop whom she married. 
                                       Mrs. Evelyn Smith - May 15 ~ Evelyn was born in Worthington, Minnesota on June 28, 1908 and joined Temple fellowship on 1961.  She was baptized and became a member of the Haley Baptist Church near where she lived in Boring, Oregon.  
                                       Mr. Robert Konsella - May 27
                                       Mrs. Bill (Margaret) Steele ~ July 5 ~ Margaret was born in Portland, Oregon on April 14, 1913.  She joined Temple fellowship on November 26, 1925. 
                                       Donna Snyder - November 12
                                       Mr. Richard (Dick) Smith - November 22 ~ Mr. Smith was born on January 21, 1942 and joined Temple fellowship on July 1, 2001
                                       Ashton Brennan Parris - December 17
            "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you........"
                                                  Matthew 5:10-12 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 11, Beverly Loy went home to be with the Lord.
            January 17, A Memorial Service was held at Temple for Bev Loy at 2:00 PM. 
            February 18-20, The Ladies of Temple spent the weekend at Camp Tillicum for a Ladies Retreat.
            March 6, The Church honored Dale Peretti during the morning service and after in the Upper Room with a light lunch for his service as a Sunday school teacher, librarian and doing the landscaping around the church grounds.  The congregation was invited to share with Dale..
            April 8-10, A Mother and Daughter Retreat at Lake Retreat.
            April 21, The Temple Keenagers had an outing at OMSI in Portland to see a documentary of a 4 month journey down the Blue Nile in Africa.
            April 29, John Fallon went home to be with the Lord.
            May 4, A memorial was held at the church for John Fallon
            May 15, During the morning service Pastor Mike Pinkerton told a condensed version of  the story of  "Two Ladies Named Margaret." 
            May 19, The Keenagers went to Mt. St. Helens.  A large bus was rented for the group to ride in.
            May 25, Wednesday, Lake Retreat hosted a Senior's Luncheon. Guest speaker was Dr. Jerry Scheveland, President of the Baptist General Conference.
            June 2, Gwen Bergstrom died and went home to be with the Lord
            June 7, Clyde Malone went home to be with the Lord at 5 PM.  A memorial service will be held at Temple on Wednesday, June 16th at 1:00 pm.
            June 8, A memorial service was held at Temple in the Upper Room for Gwen Bergstrom.
            June 12, Temple hosted the National Conference of the Baptist General Conference Vietnamese Ministry.  This is was an historic gathering of Vietnamese Churches in one place to celebrate God's goodness.
            June 16, Dwain DeMaris leaves for a month long summer mission's trip to Brazil.  He will be working on construction projects for New Tribes Missions.
           June 26, Sunday evening at 6:00 Temple held the "Summer Hummer", in the Sanctuary.
           July 11-16, The 21st annual Music Camp held at Temple Baptist Church
           July 17, 6:30pm, A Presentation called "Acorns to Oaks", was held in the sanctuary featuring the members of Music Camp.  Attendance in the audience was 230.  A reception was held in the Upper Room after the presentation.
           July 21, The Keenager Group spent the day at Christiansen's Cabin in Seaside, Oregon.
           July 31, A commissioning was held for the SMT members leaving for Rio in Brazil.
           August 2, SMT members left for Brazil.  They left Portland International Airport on United Airlines.
           August 14, Jon Christian held a telephone conversation with the SMT members, in Brazil, during the morning service.
           August 20, The Junior High Group went to Mt. Hood and rode on the Alpine slide.
           September 14, Wednesday Evening Activities Resume
                         5:30 PM Betty's Diner
                         5:30 PM Temple Sonshine Choir
                         6:45 PM Temple Bible Clubs, Jr. High & High School Youth, Choir, Prayer & Bible Study
            September 18, There was a combined Junior High - Adult Sunday School with Dick & Bev Young.
           September 20, Women's Morning Bible Study started up again - 9:20 AM
           September 20, Women's Evening Bible Study started up again - 7:00 PM
           September 22, The Keenagers took a trip to Hood River Orchards.
           September 25, The Small Group Bible study started up again.
           September 30, The High School Youth Group had an all night event at Temple.
           October 7, The High School Groups of the CBC had a fall rally at Monroe, Washington.
           October 14-16, A Men's Camp was held at Lake Retreat.
           October 20, The Keenagers had a Swedish Smorgasbord and Scandinavian Program in the Upper Room.
           October 23, Hazel Green, wife of the late Ray Green passed away.
           October 23, Missionaries Rick and Carol Stark were at Temple.
           October 24, Gil Clark passed away.
           October 27, There was a Memorial Service for Hazel Green at 2:00pm in the Upper Room at Temple.
           October 27, The Sonbeam Daycare had a Harvest Carnival.
           October 27-29, The Columbia Baptist Conference had their annual meeting at Belleview, Washington.
           October 28, There was a Memorial Service for Mr. Gil Clark at 11:00am at The Little Chapel of the Chimes in SE Portland.
           October 28, The Junior High had a Harvest Party at the home of Kyle and Cathy Horness.
           October 30, Daylight Savings Time Ended.
           November 1, Mr. Joe Ryan passed away at 3:30 this morning.
           November 1, Deloris Danielson passed away at 3:00 p.m. today.
           November 5, A Harvest Banquet was held at Lake Retreat.
           November 11, The Keenager Group visited New Heights Church in Vancouver, Washington.
           November 12, A memorial service was held at Temple for Deloris Danielson at 11:00 am.  "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown.  She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life."                   Proverbs 12:4,31:12
           November 13, Temple Baptist Church Annual Meeting and dinner was held in the Upper Room.
           November 15, A memorial service was held at Temple for Mr. Joe Ryan at 2:00 pm.
           November 19, The Junior High School Group had a bowling party.
           November 23, A Thanksgiving Eve Service was held at Temple with Lower Columbia Conference Churches.  Ron Hall delivered the sermon.  A Thanksgiving Meal was provided by the Hope Vietnamese Baptist Church.  The menu consisted of rice, salad, egg rolls, pumpkin and apple pie. 
           November 24, Thanksgiving Day.
           November 27,  Dickens Carolers Concert at 4:00pm.
           November 27,  See the Angel Tree in the church foyer.
           December 2, The church hosted the Bethel University's Northwest Area Christmas Festival at 7:30pm.  A program of Christmas music, including selections from local Bethel alumni, followed by a time of fellowship and dessert.
           December 5, The Church Choir and Hillsboro Symphony Orchestra performed a Sing-A-Long "Handel's Messiah" in the church Sanctuary.
           December 11, The church held its Christmas Sunday School Program at 6:00pm.
           December 15, The Sonbeam Daycare Christmas Program was held this evening.  The Christmas message was given through the children to friends and family.
           December 18, The Temple Choir gave their annual Christmas concert.  This year it was titled "Christmas Then and Now."  The concert was presented during the morning service followed by the annual Feast of The Spring Roll, compliments of the Hope Vietnamese Church.  The Evening program was canceled due to a winter ice storm.
           December 24, 4:30 pm - The Christmas Eve Family Service was held.  At 11 pm the church held a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
           December 25, 11:00 Regular church service was held on this Christmas Day.
           December 31, We gathered together in the Upper Room for our Simple Supper.  At 7:30 the "Year in Review Slide Show" was held in the sanctuary.  This was the first year the annual year end slide show was presented in a digital format.
           December, An air conditioning system was installed in the church boiler room for the sanctuary.

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Hershel (Beverly) Loy - January 11 ~ Bev was born on April 20, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on June 1, 1966.  They had three daughters; Vicky, Merrilee and Shari Ann.
                                       Mr. Jeff Nelson Jr. - April 14
                                       Mr. John Fallon - April 29
                                       Mrs. LaVern (Gwen) Bergstrom - June 2 ~ Gwen was born on June 14, 1917 and joined Temple fellowship with her husband La Verne on March 14, 1952. Verne passed away on March 9, 2003.
                                       Mrs. Aggie Wright - June 2
                                       Mr. Clyde Malone - June 7 ~ Clyde was born on March 13, 1909 and Mr. and Mrs. (Audrey) both joined Temple fellowship on September 4, 1985.
                                       Mr. Todd Raynor ~ September 7
                                       Mrs. Raymond (Hazel) Green - October 23
                                       Mr. Gilbert Clark - October 24 ~ Mr. Clark was born on March 9, ______ and joined Temple fellowship on April 21, 1991.
                                       Mrs. Dave (Deloris) Danielson - November 1 ~ Deloris was born on October 17, 1926 and joined Temple fellowship on March 29, 1978.  Deloris was the wife of Pastor Dave Danielson.
                                       Rev. Joseph Ryan - November 1 ~ Rev. Ryan was born on January 26, 1920 and joined Temple fellowship together with his wife Velma on September 8, 1974.
                                       Mr. Richard Caldwell - December 13 ~ Richard joined Temple Fellowship on June 4, 1967.

    "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!  Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!  See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."

                                                       Zechariah 9:9 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            March 25th, 4:00 to 8:30pm, "Renewal Saturday," with Dana Olson.  He led us in a special time of Study and Prayer, a Buffet Dinner, both in the Upper Room and a Concert of Prayer in the Sanctuary.
           April 1, A CPR class was held at Temple in the lower auditorium.  There were about 20 people in attendance and the class was taught by 3 Portland firefighters.
           April 9-16 was Holy Week at Temple.     
           April 9, Palm Sunday - Palm branches were handed to each member of the congregation representing the people who waved palm branches during Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
           April 14, 7:00pm - Good Friday service was held at Temple. The Tenebrae Service was unforgettable as the program was a remembrance of Christ's Death on the Cross.  The words were read by seven readers.  After each reading more lights went out in the sanctuary until the auditorium was completely dark.  The Temple choir sang five numbers with instrumental selections from the organ and flute.  There was also a beautiful voice selection, "Were You There."
           April 15, Temple hosted an Easter Breakfast and Candy Hunt for children of ages two through sixth grade and parents.  There were 103 children signed up.  After the candy hunt, the children were told the true meaning of Easter.
           April 16, Easter Sunday.  After the morning service there was a luncheon in the Upper Room.
           April 17, Hildur Strandberg went to be with the Lord this afternoon at 4:15.  She was 98 1/2 years old when she died. 
           April 20, The Keenagers met at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) to view the Omnimax Film, "Wired to Win", a film about the Tour-de-France.  Lunch afterwards was held at McGrath's Fish House in Milwaukie.
           April 23, Corbit Magby, District Executive Minister of the Columbia Baptist Conference, was the guest speaker at the morning service.  The message was, "Something Has to Die."
           April 30, Rev. Ron Hall, spoke at the morning service.  The message was, "Man's Response to the Gospel."
           May 13, A Memorial Service was held at Temple in the Upper Room for Hildur Strandberg.
           May 14, Mothers' Day.
           May 18, The Keenagers met in the Upper Room for a talk by a Chinese Pastor followed by Chinese food for lunch.
           May 21, Sunday,  Dr. James Spicklemier, Vice President of Bethel Seminary, was the guest speaker in the morning service.  He spoke on "How Did I Stumble into the House of God?"  from Genesis 28:10-22
           May 21, "The Spring Fling Sing Thing," was held in the sanctuary at Temple at 6:00 pm.  It was a wonderful time to see the many gifts that God has bestowed upon people of all ages from the congregation.
           May 24, Spring Senior's Luncheon at Lake Retreat.
           May 26, A Memorial Day ceremony was held at Oregon Baptist Retirement Home.
           May 26-29, Helping Hands Weekend at Lake Retreat.
           June 3, 2:00 to 5:00pm. Dale and June Peretti celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in the Upper Room. 
           June 15, The Keenagers visited the Oregon Gardens, in Silverton, Oregon.
           June 18, Father's Day.
           June 25, The Golden Hill Youth Choir, "Power & Light", presented a beautiful message in song during the morning service.
           June 29, Peggy Beattie went to be with the Lord this morning at 6:00.  Her entire family was with her at Emanuel Hospital when she died.
           July 7, 2:00 pm, A memorial service was held at Temple in the main sanctuary for Peggy Beattie.  A reception followed in the Upper Room.
            July 16, 10:00 am,  Mark and Helen Downing spoke at during the Sunday School hour.  Mark also delivered the message during the 11:00 worship Service.
            July 16, 6:00pm,  The 22nd Annual Music Camp presented their presentation, "Joseph, This is your Life."  A reception was held after in the Upper Room.
            August 13, The message at the morning service was presented by Rev. Thai Nguyen, Pastor of the Hope Vietnamese Church.  It was entitled "A New Beginning." 
            September 24, A Wedding Reception was held today for Karen Aull and Duane Kitzmiller in the Upper room after the morning service. It was held from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.   Karen accompanies June Peretti on the pipe organ with a flute during the Sunday morning services.   
            September 27, 6:30-8:30 pm, See You at the Pole Rally.
            September 30, 9:00 am, Elder Retreat at the Church .
            October 6, 7:00 pm,  Junior High Game/Parent Night at church .
            October 6-8, High School Fall Rally held at Temple.  Jr. High thru adults met with Dick Young in the Upper Room for combined Sunday School.
            October 13-14, Women of Faith conference was held at the Rose Garden Arena.
            October 26-28, The 117th Columbia Baptist Conference Annual Meeting is held in Tacoma, Washington.
            October 27, 5:30 pm, This evening was the Junior High Harvest All-Nighter party.
            October 29, Daylight Savings time end.
            October,  The Keenagers met for an informal coffee clutch at McDonald's Restaurant near Temple every week during the month.
            November 3, Junior High Game Night.
            November 11, Veteran's Day.
            November 12, 5:30 pm, This evening was the Annual Meeting and Dinner in the Upper Room.
            November 17, 6:30 to around 9:00 pm, Movie Night & Dinner.  The movie, "End of the Spear," is based on the true story of a boy and his family growing up with the Ecuadorian tribe that murdered his father and several other missionaries.  Directed by Jim Hanon and based on the book by Steve Saint.
            November 22, 7:00 pm, Thanksgiving Festival.
            November 23, Thanksgiving Day
            November 25, All Church Decorating for Christmas.
            November 26,  4:00 pm, Temple hosted a Dickens Carolers Concert.
            November,  The Keenagers met at McDonald's Restaurant near Temple for an informal coffee clutch.  This takes place every Thursday, during the month 9:00 to 11:00.
            December 1, 7:30 pm, Bethel Christmas Event. 
            December 3, Sunday Advent 1 Lighting of the "Peace Candle" by the Bruce Fessenden Family.
            December 3, 6.00 pm "A-Sing-a-long Messiah," in the church sanctuary.
            December 8, 5:00 pm,  Junior High Christmas Party. 
            December 9, 9:00 am, Christmas Program Practice.  
            December 9, The Keenagers visited Portland Christian Center for their annual Christmas Program.
            December 10, Sunday Advent II  Lighting of the "Joy Candle" by Ken Marx.  
            December 10, 6:00 pm,  Children's Christmas Program. 
            December 11, 6:00 pm,  Church Staff Christmas Dinner.  
            December 14, Sonbeam Daycare Christmas Program - 7:00 PM
            December 16,  Saturday, Choir Practice - 9:00 AM
            December 16, 6:30 pm, The Kinsmen/Harvesters Sunday School met at the home of Colleen and Holger Engstrom for the annual Class Christmas Party.
            December 16, 7:00 pm, Tonight was the High School Group Christmas Program. 
            December 17, Sunday,11:00 am,  Advent III  Lighting of the "Love Candle" by Peggy Bates.  
            December 17, Sunday, 6:00 pm.  Temple held a Christmas Choir Concert.
            December 20, 5:30 pm, Wednesday All Church Supper and Caroling. 
            December 24, 11:00 am, Advent IV Sunday Christmas Eve Lighting of the "Hope Candle" by the Dave Salholm Family.   Sunday School was not held today. 
           December 24, 4:30 pm, Children's Christmas Service was held this evening. Pastor Mike read the Christmas Story to all the children gathered on the platform.
           December 24, 11:00 pm, Candlelight Service was held this evening. 
           December 25, Christmas Day
           December 27-31, Urbana 06 was held at the Edward Jones Dome, St. Louis, Missouri 
           December 31, New Year's Eve Simple Supper and Year End Slide Show
           December 31, High School New Year's Eve All-Nighter.

            In Memoriam ~ Ms. Minnie Plank - March 27
                                       Mrs. Mandy (Hildur) Strandberg - April 17
                                       Mr. John Albert Dahlgren - April 19 ~ Mr. Dahlgren was born on August 17, 1887 and joined Temple fellowship along with his wife, Albertina on December 26, 1903.
                                       Mr. Larry Alstad - May 30
                                       Mrs. Don (Peggy Fitzgerald) Beattie - June 29 ~ Peggy joined Temple Fellowship on November 5, 2000. 

     "But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.  I callout to the LORD and He answers me from His holy mountain."
                                                            Psalm 3:3-4 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 13, Saturday, A "Guys Only Breakfast" was held in the Upper Room at 9:00am.  After breakfast the movie "Rudy" was shown.
            January 16, Tuesday 9:20am, Women's Bible Study began in the Upper Room.  Leader is Miecke Johnson.
            January 20, Don Strandberg celebrated his 75th birthday.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to him during the morning church service.  See a picture of the Strandberg family on the front steps to the church.
            January 24, the Wednesday Evening Events were canceled because of ice and snow.
            January 28, A Commissioning Service was held during the morning service for the Elder Council and the Committee Chair Persons.
            February 11, After the morning service a Baked Spaghetti Feed was held in the Upper Room called, "Twirlling and Dipping."
            February 23-24, 30 Hour Famine.  Our High School Group will be partnering with World Vision by not eating for 30 hours.
            March 2-4, Father and Son Retreat at Lake Retreat.  Gary Stanton, Associate Pastor at Faith Baptist in Kent, Washington will be the speaker.
            March 10, The Temple Junior High Group had a car wash held in the church parking lot.
            March 10, The Deaconess celebrated four ladies of Temple who have reached 90 years of age at the home of Fran Cooper.  They included Evelyn Brask, Bernice Due, Edna Obinger, and Christine Seeder.
            April 27, "Friday Night Out - For Guys Only."  The movie "Facing the Giants" will be shown in the Upper Room.  Pizza and drinks will be provided.
            May 4, Morrie Brask passed away this morning.
            May 4-6, Junior High Live at Lake Retreat. 
            May 10, 2:00 PM, A memorial service was held for Morrie Brask at Temple.             
            May 14, A memorial service was held at Temple at 2:00PM for Pastor Ron Hall who passed away on May 8, in the afternoon.
            May 20, The Spring Fling Sing Thing was held at Temple.  "If you have a song in your heart or a spring in your step and you are bursting to share it with the Temple Family you are welcome to join in."
            May 25-28, The Helping Hands Weekend at Lake Retreat.
            May 27, 6:00 PM, Miss Amber Fredrick and Mr. Joel Kersey were married at Temple.
            June 1, 5:30 PM, Miss Ronda Kriens and Mr. Mark Moore were married at Temple.
            June 18, Audrey Malone passed away.
            June 24, The Summer Mission Team was commissioned.
            July 1, Pastor Mike and family left for Southern California to attend the Baptist General Conference Annual Meeting and a time away at Big Bear. 
            July 6, A memorial was held at Temple for Audrey Malone at 11:00 AM.
            July 11, Dave Best passed away this morning around 3:00.
            July 25, A memorial was held at Temple for Dave Best.
            July 29,  Temple held a Farewell Service for the Paul Flood family.  Paul was on the church staff as Minister of Music.
            August 1,  Jon and Susan Christian left for Minnesota for vacation.  Jon is the Director of Outreach and Youth Ministries at Temple.
            August 5, Sometime during this past week Esther Christenson and Amanda James returned from their short terms missions trips.   
            August 6, 10.30 am, The Summer Mission Team leaves for Rio de Janeiro from Portland International Airport.
            August 11, 5-9 pm,  A "For Guys Only Event" was held at the Chris Potter home.
            August 24-26, The annual campout was held at Fort Stevens State Park.
            September 5, 6:30 pm, Christian Education Committee, Teacher/Leader Meeting, 
            September 6, 9:00 am, Staff Planning Day.
            September 9, 5:30 pm, The annual Fall Kick Off, Ministry Fair, and Dinner, was held in the Upper Room. 
.           September 10-14, Senior's Camp held at Lake Retreat.
            September 12, Wednesday Evening Activities Resume.
                                            5:30 PM Betty's Diner
                                            5:30 PM Temple Sonshine Choir
                                            6:45 Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
                                            6:45 Temple Bible Clubs, Jr. High & High School Youth
                                            6:45 Sanctuary Choir
            September 14, 9:00 pm, High School All Nighter. 
            September 16, Small Groups Resume.
            September 21-23, The annual Men's Retreat was held at Lake Retreat.  18 men, ages from 20 to 80, from Temple went.
            September 23, Karen Moreschi presented an update on the Sonbeam Day Care. 
           September 26, See you at the Pole Rally in the Schools.
            September 30, The 2007 Summer Mission Team had a display of activities and experiences from their recent trip to Brazil in the Overflow Room at Temple. 
            October 5,  7:00 pm, Jr. High Parent's Night.  A time to meet the Jr. Hi Leadership team, other parents and kids you may not know.
            October 5-6, High School Fall Rally.
            October 12-13, Women of Faith Conference held at the Rose Garden Arena.          
            October 14, 12:30, Pastor Appreciation Lunch. 
            October 19-20, CBC Annual Meeting at Bethany Baptist Church in Puyallup,WA.
            October 20, Guy's Only Breakfast in the Upper Room with guest speaker Rick Burleson, Activity Director at Lake Retreat.
            October 20, 7:00 p.m, A Live Concert was held at Temple with "BLACKWOOD LEGACY," .
            October 26, Junior High All Nighter.
            October 28, Food Basket Collection Begins, Homeless Gift Collection Begins.
            November 2, Day Care Harvest Party (Tentative Date).
            November 4, Daylight Savings Time Ends.
            November 9-11, Women's Retreat at Lake Retreat, Pamela Heim, Director of BGC Women's Ministries will be speaker on Becoming God's Confident Woman.
            November 11, Veteran's Day.
            November 11, 5:30p.m, This evening was the Annual Meeting/Dinner held in the Upper Room at Temple.
            November 16-17, Revolve Tour for Young Ladies.
            November 18, Food Box Deliveries.
            November 19, Daycare Thanksgiving Feast.
            November 21, No Wednesday Activities  
            November 22, Thanksgiving Day
            November 23, Office Closed
            November 24, All Church Decoration 8:00 Breakfast/9:00 a.m. Decorate.
            November 25, 4:00 p.m. Temple hosted a Dickens Carolers Concert. 
            November 25, Angel Tree Program Begins.
            November 30, 7:00 p.m. Concert of Prayer.
            December 2, Advent I 
            December 9, Portland Christian Center Concert.
            December 9, Advent II
            December 11, Noon, Committee Chairs/Elders & Staff met for Lunch. 
            December 12, Last Wednesday Evening Club Programs until January 9, 2008.
            December 13, 7:00 p.m. Daycare Christmas Program.
            December 14, 5:30 p.m. A Christmas Party was held for the Jr. High Youth.  
            December 15, 8:00 a.m. to Noon, Women's Ministry Drop & Shop. 
            December 15, 9:00 a.m. Children's Christmas Program Practice.
            December 15, 6:00 p.m. Tonight the Kinsman/Harvest held their annual Christmas Party.
            December 15, High School Christmas Party.
            December 16, Advent III 
            December 16, 12:30 p.m.  Homeless Gift Wrapping.  Members of the congregation met to wrap Christmas packages for homeless people in our area of the city after the morning service. 
            December 16, 6:00 p.m. Children's Christmas Program. 
            December 16, Happy Birthday Jesus Party following the Children's Program.
            December 17, 6:00 p.m. Staff Christmas Dinner. 
            December 19, No Wednesday Activities until January 4, 2008 
            December 19, 5:30 p.m. Instead of Wednesday night activities, Temple held an All Church Supper & Caroling.  A supper was served in the Upper Room then we divided up into 3 or 4 groups and drove to retirement homes to sing carols.   
            December 21, 6:30 p.m. Downtown Homeless Gift Delivery.  These are the gifts that were wrapped on the previous week. 
            December 23, Advent IV
            December 23, 11:00 a.m. Christmas Worship with Sanctuary Choir. 
            December 24, Christmas Eve
            December 24, 4:30 p.m. Family Christmas Service, with a Story Time, a Puppet Show, and a Carol Sing; this service was a joyous time for the entire family.
            December 24, Candlelight Celebration 11:00 p.m.- a traditional celebration of the Christmas story in a beautiful setting, with wonderful music and Christmas Candlelight.
           December 25, Christmas Day -- Office Closed
            December 31, New Year's Eve 
            December 31, 6:30 p.m. Simple Supper with communion. 
            December 31, 8:00. Year in Review Slide Show 
            December 31, High School New Year's Eve All-Nighter.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. Witold (Pop) Siemieniec - Pop was born on June1, 1922 in Golonog, Poland and joined Temple fellowship with wife Walentyna on October 6, 1963.
                                       Mr. Morris Brask - May 4 ~  Morris (Morrie) was born on October 26, 1915 and joined Temple fellowship on September 17, 1961.
                                       Rev. L.J. "Ron" Hall - May 8 ~ Rev. Hall was born on August 16, 1931, and joined Temple fellowship along with his wife Linda on September 21, 2003.  He preached during morning services once in a while and led Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer meeting.  He also was the leader of the Keenagers Social Group for a while.
                                       Mrs. Clyde (Audrey) Malone - June 18 ~ Audrey was born on June 13, 1927 and joined Temple fellowship with husband Clyde on September 4, 1985.
                                       Mr. Dave Best - July 11 ~ Dave was born on September 11, 1951 and joined Temple fellowship on January 2, 2005 with his wife Sharri.
                                       Phyllis Hamlin - July 26

            "For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.  And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you still in your sins.  Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.  If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied."
                                                     I Corinthians 15:16-19 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.         
            January 1, Office Closed
            January 5, Church Un-Decorating Day -- Breakfast 8:00 a.m. Un-Decorating 9:00a.m.
            January 9, Wednesday Activities Resume.
            January 13, Sunday, following the morning service we will be having a Great Family Gathering potluck and the second half of our Annual Meeting.
            January 16, A 90th birthday celebration was held in the Upper Room for Viola Christiansen.
            January 20, Temple held a Commissioning Service for the Elder Council and Committee Chairs
            January 20, A 90th birthday celebration was held at Temple for Josephine Fallon.
            January 25, Elder Council Retreat.
            January 27, Small group studies on the book of Nehemiah begin today.
            January 27, Eileen Johnson passed away following a stroke.  Eileen was a long time member of Temple Baptist.  She joined Temple in 1933 and was very active in church.
            February 2, 5:00pm  The Hope Vietnamese Church held their New Year's celebration. 
            February 7, A memorial was held in honor of Eileen Johnson at Rose City Funeral Home.  
            February 10, The Women's Ministry had a waffle brunch fundraiser after the morning worship service in the Upper Room.
            February 11, 6:30 to 8:30pm  All Church Roller Skate Night at Oaks Park.
            February 14, 1:30 to 3:00,  The Keenagers held an afternoon of coffee and Valentine treats in the Upper Room. February 17, People from the church congregations started prep work to make ready for new carpets to be install throughout the building.
            February 29 to March 2, Father Son retreat at Lake Retreat.  This scheduled event was canceled.
            March 3, Work started on resurfacing the gym floor.
            March 16-23, Holy Week
            March 16, Palm Sunday - 11:00 am Worship Service.
            March 21, 7:00 pm. Good Friday Service was held in the Sanctuary.  A solemn remembrance of our Savior's suffering.
            March 22, 9:30 am in the Upper Room.  Easter Breakfast and Program followed by a Candy Hunt.
            March 23, Sunday, 11:00 Resurrection Celebration.  Worship Service with a luncheon to follow.
            March 27, Thursday, The church hosted the Keenagers for a Spring Garden Luncheon.  There was a great turnout.  Dan Grady and his wife Susan excepted the position as leaders for the Keenager Group.
            April 2, Dan Grady volunteered to lead the Wednesday Evening Bible study and Prayer time.
            April 3, ~  Rev. Richard B. Wiens, age 73, went to be with the Lord on this date.  He is survived by wife of 50 years Patti, and son Scott.  He was the 20th Senior Pastor at Temple and served from the years 1972-1974.
            April 6, The Women's Ministries hosted a Swedish Luncheon after the morning service in the Upper Room, with meatballs, lingonberries, noodles and brown gravy, breads and assorted Swedish style cookies.
            June 8, Dr. Jerry Sheveland's wife died.
            August 23-24, Amity Baptist Church, Amity Oregon, celebrates it's 150th anniversary.
            September 15, Jon Christian took over the duties of Assistant Pastor at Temple.
            September 19-21 ~ Men's Retreat at Lake Retreat.  The theme of the weekend was "The Chase."  The speakers were George Bedlion and Steve Welling.
            November 7-9, Women's Retreat at Lake Retreat Camp and Conference Center.  Speaker was Carlene McNarr and worship by Robin Alexander.  We are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who lover us.  Romans 8:37
            December 7, Sunday,  The Dickens Carolers put on a concert this evening.
            December 14, Sunday,  Homeless Gift Wrapping:  Gift wrapping of the homeless gift packages took place at 12:30 in the Upper Room after the morning service.
            December 17, 5:50 pm, Wednesday,  Light Supper.
            December 17, 6:30 pm, Caroling, a time of sharing God's love through caroling to a variety of retirement centers, nursing homes, apartment complexes and individuals from our Temple body.
            December 17, 6:30 pm, Daycare Christmas Program.
            December 21, 6:00 pm, Christmas Program - "Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration to Follow."  This year's birthday party for Jesus featured group singing, soloists, instrumentalists, drama, and other expressions of heartfelt joy for God's gracious and awesome gift of His Son, Jesus.
            December 24, 11:00 pm, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
            December 25, Thursday, Christmas Day.
            December 31, 6:30 pm,  New Years Eve Simple Supper and Communion.  Year in Review Slide show to follow.

            In Memoriam ~ Miss Eileen Johnson - January 27 ~ Miss Johnson was born on August 13, 1918 and joined Temple fellowship on December 31,1933.  I remember her as she always wore big hats to church and liked to go by herself on ocean cruises around the world.
                                       Mrs. Ronald (Barbara) Carver - February 16 ~ Barbara was born on January 24, 1941 and joined Temple fellowship on October 7, 1962.
                                       Mrs. Rebecca Vance ~ March 17 ~ Rebekah was born on December 31, 1981 and joined Temple fellowship on May 19, 1991.
                                       Pastor Dick Wiens ~ April 3
                                       Mrs. Nancy Chalmers - November 21 ~ Mrs. Chalmers joined Temple fellowship on November 30, 1966.   She was married to Rev. George Chalmers.

            "God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love ~ like Christ in everything.  We take out lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do.  He keeps us in step with each other.  His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love."
                                                                 Ephesians 4:15-16  The Message

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            The year 2009 is the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the modern Baptist movement.
            January 3rd,  The annual un-decorating day.  This event is scheduled to take down the Christmas decorations that were put up the end of November.  A breakfast was served in the Upper Room.
            January 19,  Rev. Jack Bergeson went home to the Lord at the age of 89.  Jack was the CBC (Columbia Baptist Conference) District Executive Minister from 1970 to 1985.
            January 27, The board of directors of The Oregon Baptist Retirement Home voted to change the facility name to Parkview Christian Retirement Community.
            January 29th, 11:00am to 1:00pm.   The Keenager Social Group held a "Soup and Sing Social" in the Upper Room at Temple.  Every one that qualifies as a "Keenager" including those who are "Keenagers in Training" are invited to join us at our first gathering of 2009!
            January 30th, The High School held a ski weekend in Bend.
            January 30th, A Memorial Service for Jack Bergeson was held at Salem Baptist/Grace Point Church in New Brighton, MN.
            January 31st, The Junior High went to the mountains for a Snow Tubing activity.
            February 9,  6:30 to 8:30 pm, An all church roller skating event was held at Oaks Park   Everyone from Temple was invited.
            February 13,  Esther Person died this Friday evening.  She was 94 years old and a long time member of Temple.  There will be a memorial service at Portland Memorial on Monday, February 23.
            February 22, Sunday.  The Women's Ministry is presenting a Waffle Brunch following the morning worship service.  Everyone was invited.  Cost was $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children.  
            February 23, Monday, 11:00am.  There was a memorial service at Portland Memorial Mausoleum for Esther Pearson.  She was a member of Temple for over 51 years.
            February 27-28, Temples' High School Group is partnering with World Vision by not eating for 30 hours.  They will be using this time to reflect, pray, and serve the needs of our local community by participating in a local food drive.
            March 7th, Saturday.  All men high school age and up are welcome to join us as we start this weekend with a delicious breakfast in the Upper Room 9:30-11:00am.
            March 15, 4:30, Sunday ~ The Bethel University Orchestra presented a concert at Temple.  It was part of their 2009 Spring tour.
            April 4, Afternoon of Prayer in the Upper Room at 3 to 5pm.    
            April 5, Palm Sunday ~ 11:00am Morning Worship Service.
            April 11, Saturday 9:30am, in the Upper Room.  An Easter Breakfast and Program Followed by a Candy Hunt.
            April 10, Good Friday -7:00pm The Good Friday Service held in the Sanctuary.  A Solemn remembrance of our Savior's suffering.
            April 12, 11:00 am  ~ Resurrection Celebration Featuring the Sanctuary Choir presenting "Come Touch the Robe"  Everyone present at the service were invited to join us at our annual Luncheon in the Upper Room following the service.
            April 24-26, Women's Retreat was held at Menucha Retreat Center near Corbett, Oregon.  Fifty-two women attended this event.  The topic of study for the weekend was the Papa Prayer by Larry Crabb.
            May 3, Sunday ~ Evelyn Brask wife of Morrie Brask, who both were long time members of Temple went to be with the Lord.  She was 92 years of age.
            May 3, 5:30 Sunday evening,  Temple held a Great Family Gathering in the Upper Room.  The meal was a Spanish menu and the church took time after the meal to thank Sam and Jen Loeung for there years of service as High School Youth Directors.  A Business Meeting was also held.
            May 8th, 2:00pm.  A memorial service was held in honor of Evelyn Brask at Temple Baptist Church.
            May 9, Saturday 9:30 - 11:15am.  A men's breakfast was held in the Upper Room.  The guest speaker was Dan Russell, champion wrestler and a pastor in Battle Ground, Washington.
            May 17, Sunday 7:00pm.  The annual Spring Fling Sing Thing was held in the church sanctuary.
            May 22nd-25th.  The Helping Hands Weekend was held at Lake Retreat.  Helping Hands is designed for those who like to bring their entire family to camp and help with some of the projects like landscaping, painting, carpentry work etc.
            May 31, The Global Day of Prayer.  On this day people from all over the world will unite in Prayer.  It is a call from 2 Chronicles 7:14 to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, that He would hear our prayers and heal our land.  May 31st is also Pentecost Sunday when we remember the out pouring of God's Spirit that brought His church into being. 
            June 22-26, Sizzle Program.  Theme of Sizzle is "There's no place like Rome."  Sizzle welcomes kindergarten through 5th graders for a week of playing Bible-times games, eat traditional treats, make authentic projects, meet the Apostle Paul and his friends in the secret underground church.
            June 28, Mr. Bill Hammerbeck Jr. passed away.
            July 3, A memorial service was held for Bill Hammerbeck at Warren Community Church in Warren Oregon.
            July 8, Marion E. Johnson, wife of George Johnson, who is a son of our former pastor, Dr. Linus Johnson, went to be with our Lord.
            July 11, A memorial service was held for Marion E. Johnson at Temple.  A reception was held in the Upper Room after the service.
            July 18, Saturday  A salmon fishing trip was planned for men of Temple.  There were 12 men plus the crew of 2 from the boat. They each caught their limit of salmon.  The fish were around 3 to 5 pounds each    The boat departed from Ilwaco, Washington about 5:30 am and returned to dock at about noon.
            July 25, Saturday - Temple's High School and Junior High youth had a outdoor activity that included hiking and swimming near Corbett, Oregon.  Tyler Knight one of the High School Leaders went swimming in a small lake near there and was underwater for a couple minutes before some one noticed he didn't come up.  One boy in the group happened to have a pair of swimming goggles.  He looked under the water and managed to locate where Tyler was laying on the bottom of the lake.  He gave his goggles to one of the leaders who is licensed diver.  He dove in located Tyler and brought him up.  By this time he had been underwater for almost 5 minutes.  His pulse was weak and after administering CPR he started breathing.  The divers wife who is a nurse was there also.  One of the group called 911 but there was no cell reception was available in that area.  She ran out to the main road where the reception was good, where she called 911.  They sent a medevac helicopter to pick him up.  In the mean time a hiker who was a paramedic who happened to have all his gear with him stopped and gave Tyler oxygen.  Also a neighbor who is a ER nurse heard the commotion came and stayed with Tyler until the Medevac flew in.  The incident was broadcasted on the evening television news and the the divers wife including every body else who witnessed the rescue marveled at all the emergency help that was available to them said, "God was with us."  "Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
            Tyler made a remarkable recover from his rescue from near drowning thanks the the many qualified people the Lord provided.   
            July 30, The Summer Mission Team left today for their ministry in Brazil.  The Ministry Team includes, Ruthie Classen, Joel Klinkhammer, Abigail Fessenden, Anna and Daniel Pinkerton and their leaders Candy Poppino and Ken Owen.
             August 15, 10:00 am to 7 pm - The Parkview Christian Retirement Community, formally Oregon Baptist Retirement Homes, hosted their annual Community Fair.  It is part of the National Night Out, and involves BBQ, cruise-in, activities for kids, silent auction-raising funds for Salvation Army, Loves and Fishes and Snow Cap.
             August 21-23  The 30th annual church camp out at Fort Stevens.      See Schedule of Events
     August 23, Chaplain Dan Grady presented the message from John 1 at the morning service as Pastor Mike was at Fort Stevens.  After the morning service a pizza lunch/potluck of salad or desert was held in the Upper Room.
            August 28, Friday 7:00 pm. The Women's ministry are hosting the Beth Moore Simulcast in the Upper Room.  The women of Temple joined thousands of women across the country as Beth Moore, exciting and inspirational Bible teacher and speaker, celebrates God's Word in a live simulcast from Green Bay, Wisconsin, Beth Moore's home town.  The message taken from Psalm 37, "Coming Home to the Heart of our Desires."  Temple had a satellite dish mounted on the roof of the church to accommodate this and future Simulcast programs.
            August 29, Saturday 8:00 am ~ Beth Moore Simulcast.  
            September 12, Men's White Water Rafting Trip on the Deschutes River.  Twenty-two men from Temple went under the invitation from Warren Community Church.  This year marks the sixth annual White Water Rafting Trip for the men of Warren Community.  There were a total of 50 men in all who participated.  They put in at Maupin, Oregon and navigated the Deschutes River in eight man rubber rafts until lunch time when they pulled into shore and had lunch.  Subway sandwiches, potato chips, and soft drinks were provided.  After getting back in the rafts they floated down stream to a point just above Sherars Falls where transportation was provided.  On the way back to Portland, the group stopped in Hood River where they had pizza at Pietro's Pizza.  The group from Temple arrived back in Portland at 7:45pm.
            September 13, Sunday 5:30 pm ~ The annual "Fall Kick Off" Dinner and Business Meeting in the Upper Room.
            September 14 - 18, Senior Retreat at Lake Retreat.  Week was spent with catching up with old friends and drawing closer to God.  Wednesday September 16th was the annual Senior Luncheon held at noon.
            September 18 - 20, Men's Retreat at Lake Retreat.  Guest Speaker was Mike Penberthy dedicated Christian.  He played with Los Angeles Lakers during a 2000-2001 World Championship.
            September 23,  Praise the Lord for the 40 plus youth and leaders who attended the "See You at the Pole Rally" this Wednesday evening.  Praise the Lord our youth can gather and be encouraged by youth from other churches.  This is the 19th annual "See You at the Pole Rally."
            September 27, Sunday.  Today starts the Fall Quarter Small Group Studies.  The topic for this quarter is "Just Walk Across the Room," by Bill Hybels, founder and Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church of South Barringtton, Illinois.
            October 11, 2009,  In the Upper Room after the morning service.  We as a congregation celebrated June Peretti's gift to God and Temple Baptist Church of 50 years of organ playing with a Celebration Party Luncheon.
            November 15,  The Annual Meeting was held with a lunch after the morning service.
            November 26, Thanksgiving Day. 
            November 23, 2:00 PM ~ Thanksgiving Food Box Packing.
            November 28,  All Church Decorating.  Breakfast was served at 8:00 AM.  Decorating began in earnest at 9:00 AM.
            November 29, First Sunday of Advent. 
            November 29, Sunday - 4:30 PM ~ The Dickens Carolers held a free concert at Temple in the Sanctuary.
    The Dickens Carolers is a group of men and women who sing and dress in the style of Victorian England.  In the true spirit of the day, their music is unaccompanied, yet sung in four-part harmony.  The repertoire is comprised of favorite carols, both traditional and contemporary.  Along with the rich harmonies and beautiful costumes of the Dickens Carolers, this event is a truly delightful beginning to your Christmas celebration.  It was a wonderful concert and the Sanctuary was filled almost to capacity.
            November 30,  Betsy Pierson, a faithful member of Temple, went home to be with the Lord today.
            December,  Blake Kidney was named the new Director of High School Youth.
            December 6, Second Sunday of Advent.
            December 6,  A memorial service was held at the Parkview Christian Retirement Community Chapel. (Formally OBRH), at the Independent Living Campus, 1825 NE 108th Ave, in Portland.
            December 13, Third Sunday of Advent.
            December 13, 11:00 am, Choir Christmas Presentation.
            December 15, 7:00 pm, Tuesday  ~ Daycare Christmas Program.
            December 16, Wednesday,  Light Supper 5:30 pm and Caroling at 6:30 pm.
            December 19, Saturday,  The Kinsmen-Harvesters group and all those who attend Rick Mathews Sunday School Class had their Annual Christmas Party at the home of Jack & Fran Cooper.  A white elephant gift exchange followed the pot luck dinner. 
            December 20, Fourth Sunday of Advent.
            December 20, 6:00 pm, Sunday, This evening was the Children's' Christmas Program.  "Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration" followed. 
            December 24, 11:00 pm, Thursday, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
            December 25, Friday, Christmas Day.
            December 27, Sherri Best, beloved wife of the late Dave Best went home to be with the Lord at 4:00 am. 
            December 27-31, Urbana 2009 took place in St. Louis, MO.  Urbana is a ministry of Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. Urbana is an expression of Inter Varsity's purpose to transform students and develop world changers.  From our Temple family we had seven attending URBANA 2009.  
     Quotes from Temple Students:  "I feel that God is leading me to this conference to open my eyes to all the opportunities around me."
     "I have been interested in missions.  I need God to tell me where my life will lead me and I want to learn more about the different opportunities and see what God has to teach me at URBANA."
            December 31, Katie Koerper resigned from her duties as the Upper Room Kitchen Manager.
            December 31, 6:30 pm, Thursday,  New Years Eve Simple Supper and Communion.  The annual Year in Review Slideshow followed.
            Dixie Wade resigned after 29 years as Church Payroll Secretary.  See 1980

            In Memoriam ~ Betty Carlson - January 10  ~ Betty was born on February 27, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on February 4, 1934.  She was married to Mr. Dave Carlson.  They had two daughters, Ann Louise Klinkhammer, Mary Beth Groff, and one son, Peter. 
                                       Rev. Jack Bergeson - January 19
                                       Mrs. Esther Pearson - February 13 ~ Esther joined Temple fellowship on July 21, 1957.  She had three children; Lila, Bill and John.
                                       Mr. Alan Porter - April 10 ~ Alan was born on August 28, 1949 and joined Temple fellowship on January 19, 1983.
                                       Mrs. Evelyn Brask - May 3 ~ Evelyn was born on October 18, 1916 and husband Morrie joined Temple fellowship on September 17, 1961.
                                       Mr. William O. (Bill) Hammerbeck Jr. - June 28 ~ Bill was born on October 6, 1929 and joined Temple fellowship on April 9, 1925.
                                       Mrs. George (Marion E. Blomquist) Johnson - July 8 ~ Marion was born on March 9, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on October 6, 1946.
                                       Rev. George Chalmers - August 14 ~ Rev. Chalmers was born on July 29, _____ and joined Temple fellowship on November 30, 1966.   
                                       Mrs. Betsy Pierson - November 30 ~ Betsy was born on July 17, 1941 and joined Temple fellowship on March 30, 1983. 
                                       Mrs. Dave (Sherri) Best - December 27 ~ She was born on November 26, 1956 and joined Temple fellowship on January 2, 1956.  Sherri was the wife of Dave Best who passed away on July 11, 2007.

            "Let us acknowledge the LORD, let us press on to acknowledge Him.  As surely as the sun rises, He will appear.  He will come to us like winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."
Hosea 6:3 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 1, New Years Day.
            January 1,  Jeanne Bushbach volunteered to take over the position of Upper Room Kitchen Manager.
            January 9th, 8:00 am,  We gathered together for a hot breakfast in the Upper Room followed by the un-decorating of the Christmas decorations around the church.
            January 9th,  A memorial service was held today at 2:00 PM for Sherri Best at Temple Baptist Church.
            January 12, a 7.0 earthquake shook the Island of Haiti doing major destruction to the capital city or Port-au-Prince.  Many thousands of lives were lost.  After 14 days, rescue workers have pulled people from the rubble still alive.
           January 15-16,  Mission Connection Northwest.   Mission ConneXion Northwest is a Free Missions Conference, activating thousands of people every year for Missions.  There was 125 workshops, over 70 exhibitors, 4 keynote speakers all there to discover your place in His mission.  It was held at Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington.
            January 23, Temple's Jr. High Group went on a Tubing Outing at Ski Bowl near Mt. Hood.
            January 29-30, New Hope Church hosted the NW Men's Conference.  The speakers were Joe White, Mike Silva, Bill Perkins and Don Miller spoke on the theme, "Men at the Cross: Building a Christ Centered Life."
            January 31, Temple's High School Group went on a Ski Trip and spent the weekend at the home of Marianne & Winn Goddard in Bend Oregon.
            February 14, The church was invited to a waffle lunch following the Morning Service.  The kitchen crew and helpers prepared 6 different kinds of waffles and countless toppings.  This delicious lunch was put on by the Women's Mission Group.
            February 14, Small Groups started up again.  This time in a 13 week course from the Peacemaker Group Study by Ken Sande.
         April 15, Keenager Event.  The Keenager Social Group went to visit the Rice Rock & Mineral Museum in Hillsboro, Oregon.  It was a fascinating place to visit.  The trip was organized by the leader Dan Grady.
            April 18, "Spring Garden Luncheon" to honor Dixie Wade after 29 years as Payroll Secretary and other duties.
            April 24, First Sergeant Brandon Bushbach welcome home party.  Brandon is home from Iraq. His mom said that, "Everyone is Invited!"
            April 30, High School Youth and Parents Dinner.
            April 30 - May 1, Jr. High "Believe' Event.
            Month of May, Sizzle Set Prep, Meetings and Set-Up.
            May 2, Women's Ministry Fundraiser Lunch
            May 6, National Day of Prayer.
            May 8, Men's Breakfast - fellowship, a great meal, and awesome speaker - Dan Russell, champion wrestler and now a pastor in Battleground, Washington.  The subject of Pastor Russell's talk was, "Two Questions" to ask: Number One to himself and Number two to God.  1. Who is in Control?  2. What are You asking me to take control of today?  In the days when Dan was wrestling  he would ask him self these two questions before he stepped onto the mat.  If he could answer these two questions, he had a very good chance of winning the match.
            May 17, Alyssa Cheek Bridal Shower.
            May 20, Keenager Event.  The Keenagers went on a "Mystery Trip."  It was organized by the Keenager Leader Dan Grady.  It is not a mystery any more.  Twelve Keenagers went in the two church vans to the town of Hood River.  They left church at 10:30 AM and stopped for lunch at Bette's Place. Then visited the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automotive Museum, also in Hood River.  They arrived back at Temple around 4:30 PM. 
            May 21 - 23, Women's Retreat
            May 27, Daycare Graduation.
            May 29, Jr. High to Ape Caves.
            June 6, The Summer Hummer.  It was an evening of sharing God's gifts through music, dance, and word.
            June 29, Edna Sandblom West died this day.  She was the daughter of A.G. Sandblom.  Edna was 106 years of age.  
            June 21 - 25, Sizzle (Vacation Bible School.)  This year the theme of Vacation Bible school will be Joseph's Journey from Prison to Palace in Egypt.
            July 29, Keenagers went to Christiansen's Beach House in Seaside.  The group consisted of 14.  They shared a lunch consisting of Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, biscuits, sodas and coffee.  After lunch some of the Keenagers went for a stroll on the Boardwalk others went window shopping downtown Seaside and the rest lounged around the beach house.  On the return trip to Portland, they stopped at a Dairy Queen in Manning for ice cream.  The weather was between 60 to 65 degrees.  A great time was had by all.    
            August 19-22, Fort Stevens Campout.
            September 11, Saturday, The men from Temple went on a 12 mile rafting adventure on the Deschutes River with the men from Warren Community Fellowship.  They put in at Maupin and finished the rafting at a point just above Sherars Falls.
            September 18, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, The women of Temple and friends attended a Beth Moore Simulcast.  It was held at Temple.
            September 25, James "Jim" Recardo Gaupo died today.
            October 1, 9:30am,  A memorial service was held for Jim Gaupo at Temple Baptist Church.  He is buried at Willamette National Cemetery on Mt. Scott in Portland.  Jim was a member of Temple for almost 40 years.  He is survived by his wife Carolyn and three children; Cathy, Karen "Cissy", and Ricky. 
            October 1-3, Men's Retreat at Lake Retreat.  Approximately 100 men attended the retreat from different conference churches in the area and 23 came from Temple.  The speaker for the chapel services was Dr. Ron Carlson, president of Christian Ministries International.  Dr. Carlson's seminars were challenging and educational.
            October 15, A Keenager Event Open to All!  We were entertained by the Gaither Homecoming Tour 2010, at the Rose Garden Arena in Portland.  Dan Grady was in charge of the arrangements.
            October 24, Sunday, 4:45 to 7:00 pm,  Temple hosted a night of indoor Roller Skating at Oaks Park.  Everyone was invited - young and old, singles and families.
            October 28, John Arthur Snyder passed away on this date.  He was a member of Temple for years and a member of Gideons International.
            November 5, 1:00 pm, Friday,  A Memorial Service was held at Temple Baptist Church for John Snyder.
            November 19, Gene Norvald passed away.  He is survived by his wife Freda and daughter Debbie and son Gregg.
            November 26, Bert Johnson passed away peacefully with his family at his bed side.
            November 30, A memorial service was held at Temple for Gene Norvald.
            December 3, A memorial service was held at Temple for Bert Johnson.
            December 12, Sunday, 6:00 pm, Temple held it's annual Christmas Program.  The children and youth of Temple presented their gifts of time, abilities and love to Jesus as they presented, "Jesus is the Light of the World.  Program was directed by Mary Fox.  Following the program we met in the Upper Room to celebrate Jesus' Birthday.
            December 19, After the morning worship service we gathered in the Upper Room for a light lunch followed by a wonderful time of singing Christmas Carols to some of those in our church body who are "shut ins" and to those who live in some of the retirement centers, adult foster and nursing homes in our area.  This time of caroling is the first time this has happened on this day and hour as previously time of caroling has been scheduled for a Wednesday evening.
             December 24, Friday, 11:00 pm, Temple presented a traditional celebration of the Christmas story in a beautiful setting in the sanctuary, with wonderful music and a candle lighting ceremony.             
            December 31, New Years Eve, 6:30 pm, Temple presented a Simple Supper and Communion in the Upper Room.  This was followed by the annual Year in Review Slide Show in the Sanctuary.  The slide show was produced by Mr. Doug Drinnon and crew.

            In Memoriam ~ Edna Sandblom West - June 29
                                       James "Jim" Recardo Gaupo - September 25 ~ Jim was born on March 6, 1940 and joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1973.  He was married to Carolyn Gaupo.
                                       John Arthur Snyder - October 28 ~ Mr. Snyder was born on January 20, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on November 10, 1996.
                                       Gene Norvald - November 19
                                       Bertil "Bert" Johnson - November 26 ~ Bert was born on May 3, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on March 7, 1937.  He was married to Maydora (Westerlund) Johnson.

God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead.   This is meaningless, a grievous evil."                                                                                     
                                                Ecclesiastes 6:2 NIV

            Mike Pinkerton continued as Senior Pastor at our church.
            January 1, New Years Day.
            January 8, All Church Breakfast at 8:00 am and Un Decorating Day starts at 9:00.  After the hearty breakfast the Christmas decorations are to be taken down and stored until next Christmas.
            January 16, After the morning service a luncheon was held to honor the retirement of June Perretti, church organist and Jim Wilson church custodian.
            January 21-22, Mission ConneXion Northwest was held at the Sunset Presbyterian Church on NW Cornell Road in Portland.
            January 22, A reception for the wedding of Gabirel and Melissa Duke was held at the home of Steve and Mary Fox.
            February 9, Dixie Wade a long time member of Temple died in her sleep this morning at her home with her daughter by her side.  Dixie was the church Payroll Secretary for many years.
            February 13, Small Group Study begins today.  The study entitled "Come and Follow," is based on the Gospel of Mark in preparation for Holy Week.  The study guide was written by Dr. Jerry & Dee Sheveland.  Dr. Sheveland is President of Converge Worldwide BGC.
            February 18, Viola Christiansen passed away and went to be with our Lord  this morning. 
            February 25, 7:00 pm, The 18:20 Band presented a concert at Temple.  The concert consisted of original Christian music with classic rock influence.  Free Admission.  Concert was cancelled and to be rescheduled at a later date.
            February 15, Mark Moore, husband of Ronda (Kriens) Moore was approved by the elder council to be the High School director of Temple Baptist Church.  May he look to his God for wisdom and guidance as he begins in this ministry position.
            March 12, 11:00, A memorial service was held for Viola Christian who passed away on February 18.
            March 26th, Saturday, 2:00 -5:00 ~ Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary open house celebration for Earl and Pearl Johnson by their children and grandchildren was held at Temple.
            April 2, 10:00 am, A memorial service was held for Dixie Wade who passed away on February 9.
            April 1-3, An exciting weekend retreat for high school students at the Dunes Bible Camp in Long Beach, Washington.  Eighteen high school students and nine leaders were there.  The retreat was called "Catalyst."
            April 3, Mike Pinkerton, our senior Pastor, gave an announcement at a informational business meeting, that he had turned in his resignation to the Elder Board effective July 10.
            April 8, A group from Temple left today for the island nation of Haiti to help with primarily with Jehu who runs a boys home for homeless street boys.  His house collapsed during the earthquake and he has relocate to a new piece of land.  Other projects could include light construction/maintenance, kids clubs, or medical/hygiene clinics depending or personnel.  See January 12, 2010.
            April 17, Along with the morning service we celebrated Palm Sunday.  "They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna! "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"'                 John 12:13 NIV
            April 22, 7:00 pm,  A Good Friday Service was held in the Sanctuary.  It was a solemn remembrance of our Savior's sacrificial death.  The Sanctuary was low light atmosphere; no lighting except for lit candles on the communion table.  Peggy Bates and Pastor Mike read the Biblical account of the crucifixion and the events that led to it from the balcony.  Ryan Fast led in worshipful music and singing.
            April 23, 9:30 am.  Temple had an breakfast in the Upper Room and an Easter Candy Hunt in the church following.  An Easter message of Jesus' resurrection and what it means to each of us was heard.
            April 24, Easter Sunday Service.  We celebrated the Resurrection of the Savior.  The Sanctuary Choir directed by Per Walthinsen, presented two choral  musicals, "God's Son Has Made Me Free" by the Norwegian Composer, Edvard Grieg and "Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ," which was a Jamaican folk song melody, arranged by Gradley Ellingboe, with text by Fred Kann.  Pastor Mike Pinkerton presented a very direct and down to earth message about the Resurrection and why Jesus had to die on the cross.  He also told about the 40 days Jesus walked on earth after the Resurrection and before ascending into Heaven.  See I Peter 1:8-9 
            June 20-24, The Daily Vacation Bible School this year is called Sizzle with a program that had the theme of "Nazareth, where Jesus was a kid."  This is the third year the church used the Sizzle program.  In 2009 the theme was Ancient Rome and 2010 the theme was Ancient Egypt.
            June 25, Phyllis Rydman passed away in the early afternoon on this day.  The Rydman family were long time members of Temple dating back to her mom and dad who were very active members.  Phyllis is survived by her sister Marjorie.
            July 10, Pastor Mike Pinkerton gave his final message during  the morning service.  A Reception was held in the Overflow/Reception room for those to say goodbye and thank you to Mike and Renee for their years of leadership.
            July 17, 10:00 am,  Luis Palau Season of Service
            July 17, 11:00 am,  The guest speaker at the Morning service was Dr. John Terveen, Professor of Greek and New Testament Studies at Multnomah University.
            July 24,  Jr. High/Adult Sunday School with Zach Powell serving with Servant Partners in France.  He also spoke at the Morning Service.
            July 28,  Summer Mission Team (SMT) returns @ 8:50am.
            July 29, Friday, 11:00 am,  Jr. High BBQ and Ice Blocking.
            July 31, Kate White led the music portion of the Worship Service.
            August 2, 5:50 pm,  Lloyd Center Neighborhood Night Out @ Holiday Park.
            August 7, Kate White led the music portion of the Worship Service.
            August 7, A potluck and business meeting was held in the Upper Room after the Morning Service.  A ballet item was voted on to elect Rev. Jim Visbeek as an Intentional Transitional Interim Pastor.  He was elected by a 95% vote of those at the meeting.  The Upper Room was pretty well filled. 
            August 12, 9:30 am,  Junior High group had an day outing at Alpine Slides.  Alpine Slides are the Pacific Northwest's only 1/2 mile Dual Alpine Slide, as this major attraction sends you flying down a half mile track of twists and turns through mountain meadows before dropping you back off in the base are of Skibowl West.  Two side-by-side tracks let you ride alongside family and friends as you take banked turns, S-curves and hairpin thrills at the speed of your choice.
            August 13, 10:00 am,  High School group went of a day Hike in the Columbia Gorge.
            August 18, All Church Camping weekend at Fort Stevens State Park.  This is the 32nd year in a row the the church went on this annual campout.
            August 21, 10:00 am,  Worship Service at Fort Stevens.
             August 21, 11:00 am,  Worship Service at Temple.
             August 28, 10:45 am,  Dr. Roger Trautmann, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry, at Multmonah Biblical Seminary, shared from God's Word at the Morning Service.  He taught from 2 Peter 1:1-11 with a sermon title of "Growing Through The Unexpected."
            August 28, 12:45 pm,  Team Missions-Switzerland Report.  Hear what the young people from Temple accomplished/what they did on their missions trip.
             September 4, Sunday, Today is the first day that our new Interim Pastor Jim Visbeek presented the message at the morning service.  He spoke on "The Pastor's Paradox: Persuasive Words or God's Power?"  Text from I Corinthians 2:1-5.
            September 8, 10:00 am, Combined Junior High/Adult Sunday school with Art and Dorothy Helwig, BGC Converge Worldwide Missionaries serving in Nigeria.
            September 10, Pastor Dave Danielson died this morning.  He will be greatly missed.  He was Senior Pastor at Temple for about 12 years, during the years 1960 - 1972.  
     One of Pastor Dave's favorite Bible verses was:

                   "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To Love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" 
                                                                                              Micah 6:8 NKJV
            September 10, Men's Rafting Trip down the Deschutes River.
            September 11, Today marks the 10 Year Anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America.  We remember all the innocent victims who perished at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in the Pennsylvania field.  We also lift up in those who grieve for family and friends and those who witnessed these tragedies, asking God to give them extra strength from above. 
            September 11, Adult Sunday School Classes as follows; 
1 - Study of I Corinthians, led by Rick Mathews in the Kinsman-Harvester Room.
2 - New Testament Usage of The Old Testament, led by Dale Peretti in the Upper Room South.
3 - Living on the Edge ~ Study of Romans 12, led by Gary Shank in the Upper Room North.
            September 11, 5:30 pm, fall Kick-Off Dinner/Ministry Fair and Informational Meeting.
            September 18, 11:00 am, Commissioning of Joel and Andi McMartin, and Tori Duke who are leaving for the mission field in Senegal, Africa.
            September 18, 1:00 - 4:00pm, Farewell/Send off Barbeque for the McMartin family and Tori at Laurelhurst Park.
            September 21, Don and Dorothy Strandberg were married 60 years ago today.
            September 23, Friday, 7:42 pm,   Shirley Bailey, wife of the late Max Bailey, a devoted member of Temple Baptist Church for 29 years, went to be with with the Lord.  She became a member of  the church on October 6, 1968.  She was, for one thing involved in co-chairing the Awana program along with another person.  
            September 28, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.  A memorial service for Shirley Bailey was held at Crossroads Church at 2505 NE 102nd Avenue, Portland, OR.
            September 30, Men's Retreat at Lake Retreat.
            September 30, High School Fall Rally at Saviors Church in Federal Way, Washington.
            October 9, 5:00 pm, All Church Roller Skate at Oaks Park.
            October 15, 18:20 Concert.
            October 21-22, Converge NW Annual Meetings at Lake Retreat.
            October 29, 6:30, High School Harvest Party.
            October 31, Evans Nelson died today.  He was a long time member of Temple and quite active in the Columbia Conference.  Evans was born on September 5, 1922.  He served in the U.S. Navy as a dentist in Japan and then in private practice for 43 years.  He was a man of faith and integrity, a strong leader, and an encourager who was full of wise principles and guidance.
            November 12, 2 pm, Saturday,  A memorial service was held in celebrating the life of Dr. Evans Nelson at Temple Baptist Church.  See October 31, 2011
            November 17, Susan (Goddard) VanBuskirk passed away peacefully surrounded by her husband, her parents, two sisters, and her brother.
November 24, Thanksgiving Day.

            "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and faithfulness at night, ........."

                                                                              Psalm 92:1,2 NIV

       Foot Notes: During the Thanksgiving holiday, we focus on our blessings and express our gratitude to God for them.  But thanks should be on our lips every day.  We can never say thank you enough to parents, friends, leaders, and especially to God.  When thanksgiving becomes an integral part of your life, you will find that your attitude toward life will change,  You will become more positive, gracious, loving, and humble.   (From Footnotes of Life Application Study Bible-NIV).
            November 26, All Church Decorating.  The job of decorating the church inside and outside, so beautifully this year, was directed by Mrs. Dan (Susan) Grady.
            November 27, 4:30,  The Dickens Carolers Concert.  This unique concert is an annual event at our church.  It is always a treat to see the carolers in their beautiful costumes and hear the many Christmas Carols and other songs presented.  This year there were not many seats left in main sanctuary and the balcony.
            December 4, 5:30 pm,   High School Christmas Party.
            December 4, 12:45 pm,  Annual Business Meeting and Dinner.  This year the dinner was a pot luck.
            December 10, 5:30 pm,  Junior High Progressive Dinner.
            December 11, Egg Roll Sunday,  The Hope Vietnamese Church makes egg rolls for the entire church congregation.  This has been a yearly event.
            December 15, 7:00 pm,  Day Care Christmas Program
            December 17, 9:00 am,  Christmas Program Practice.
            December 18, 6:00 pm,  Christmas Program.
            December 24, 11:00 pm,  Candlelight Service.
            December 25, Sunday, Christmas Day,  11:00 Worship Service
              "And when the magi had opened their treasures they presented him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." (Mat. 2:11)  
            "As we consider what gift we can offer Jesus, we are reminded that gold represents our wealth, possessions, tithes and offering.  While frankincense points toward our worship and adoration for He is worthy!  However myrrh, defined as "bitter." was an unusual gift of medicinal incense that pointed towards Jesus' future suffering and death on the cross."   
                                          Written by Rick and Carol Stark.  Used with permission.
            December 31, 6:30 pm,  Simple Supper.
            December 31, 7:30 pm,  Annual Year in Review Slide Show. (approx time)  The Slide show for many years has been in a digital format and has been produced by Mr. Doug Drinnon and Co.

            In Memoriam  ~ Mrs. Dixie Wade - February 9 ~ Dixie was born on July 21, 1936 and joined Temple fellowship on December 1, 1971.
                                        Mrs. Stanley (Viola Anderson) Christiansen  - February 18. ~ Viola was born on January 15, 1918 and joined Temple Fellowship on April 8, 1928.
                                        Mr. Donald Slater - April 16 ~ Don was born on February 26, 1926 and joined Temple fellowship with his wife Edna on May 20, 1981.
                                        Miss Phyllis Rydman - June 25 ~ Phyllis was born on August 26, 1925 and joined Temple fellowship on April 10, 1938.
                                        Pastor Dave Danielson - September 10 ~ Pastor Dave was born on August 26, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on March 29, 1978.  He was Senior Pastor of Temple from 1960 to 1972.
                                        Mrs. Shirley Bailey - September 23  
                                        Mrs. Susan (Goddard) Van Buskirk - November 17 ~ Susan was born on June 3, 1960 to Winn and Marianne Goddard and she joined Temple fellowship on April 26, 1970.
                                        Dr. Evans Nelson - October 31 ~ Evans was born on September 5, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on December 8, 1947.  Evans was a dentist and lived in Vancouver, Washington and had a cabin on Blue Lake.  He was married to Marilyn Nelson for many years.

     "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
                                                                     Philippians 4:13 KJV  
            Rev. Jim Visbeek continued as Intentional Interim Pastor.
            January 1, Sunday, New Years Day, 11:00 Worship Service
            January 8, Sunday, The First Town Hall Meeting took place after the morning service in the Upper Room.
            January 9, All Church Un-Decorating.  All the Christmas Decorations were taken down and stored until next Advent Season.
            January 29, Sunday, The Second Town Hall Meeting took place after the morning service in the Upper Room.
            February 26, The message in the morning service was presented by Nikolas Buys.
            March 4, Sunday, The Third Town Hall Meeting took place after the morning service in the Upper Room.
            March 4, Pastor Jim and Janet Visbeek will be gone for the next two weeks.
            March 10, Cathy Horness's mother, Jeanne, passed away early this morning.  Cathy has been our church secretary for many years.  
            March 11, Sunday, Blake Kidney presented the message at the morning service. It was entitled "The Love of God," from I Corinthians 13:4-8a.
            March 18, Bruce Fessenden presented the message at the morning service.  It was entitled "The Peacemakers Recipe," from Matthew 5:9.
            March 19, George Johnson, the brother of Earl, Marion, Beulah, and eldest son of our former pastor, Dr. Linus and Ruth Johnson, passed away this evening at approximately 8 p.m.  George would have celebrated his 91st birthday on September 9.
            March 28, Eugene E. Miller passed away.  Eugene, Rosalie and family were former members of Temple.  See April 7, 2012.
            March 31,  Portland Streetcar Loop.  Substantial completion of construction is schedule for this day.
            March,  Sale of Lake Retreat Camp is pending.  The prospective buyer is Real Life Church, a church the camp has been in negotiations with both in terms of the financial agreement, as well as the promise of the property being used in the future for valuable ministry for the Lord and as the ongoing home of Adelphia as a tenant.
            April 1, Palm Sunday
            April 5, 7 pm, Season of Prayer to,
            April 6, 7 pm, Concluded the Season of Prayer
            April 5, 7:00 pm, Maundy Thursday Service ~ Everyone was welcomed to join us as we focused on "Prayer and Scripture" and then partake in Communion together.  Tonight at 7:00 pm starts a 24 hour Season of Prayer.
            April 6, 7:00, Good Friday Candlelight Service ~ Scripture, Prayer and Communion focused on "The Words of Jesus."
            April 7, 9:30-11:00 am, Easter Breakfast and Candy Hunt.  The day's activities began with breakfast for everyone in the Upper Room, followed by The Easter Story to the children and the traditional candy hunt.
            April 7, 2:00 pm,  A Celebration of Life (Memorial Service), was held for Eugene E. Miller at Grace Baptist Church, Warren, Oregon.
            April 8, 11:00 am, Resurrection Sunday.  Easter Celebration Service.  We celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord!
            April 14, A Memorial for George Johnson was held in the sanctuary at 11:00 am.  George was the eldest son of our former pastor, Dr. Linus Johnson.  Approximately 130 people were in attendance.
            April 30, Alice Nguyen went to be with the Lord this evening.  She was a long time member of Temple. Alice was born on April, 20 1937 in Bac Lieu, Vietnam.  She and her family came to the United States in 1977. 
            May 3, Thursday, National Day of Prayer  is an annual event held on the 1st Thursday of May.  It is a time which the people of the United States turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.  More than 35,000 prayer gatherings were conducted across the United States.  Several million people participated in this call to prayer.  It stands as a call to us to humble come before God, as a nation, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people.
            May 6, Evelyn (Nestlen) McCarthy died this day.  Evelyn was a long time member of Temple.  She was married to Mr. Bill Nestlen for many years. A few years after Bill passed away she married Mr. Ken McCarthy.
            May 13, Mother's Day  The modern holiday of Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother in America.
            May 28, Monday, Memorial Day,  We remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country!
            May 30, Wednesday, 6:45pm,  There was an FBI Internet Safety Presentation and Light Supper in the Upper Room.  This event was geared towards students and parents, but was Especially for Parents.  The talk on Internet Safety was presented by Jane, a former FBI agent. About 50 people were in attendance.
            June 1, Friday, 6 to 9pm.  Sizzle work party in back parking lot consisted of Creating, Building, Painting, Cutting, Hauling.
            June 2, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, Sizzle work party.
            June 2, Sophie Christiansen and Katie Klinkhammer graduated from Bethel University in St. Paul.  The Commencement took place in Bethel's Benson Great Hall. 
            June 3, Sunday, 12:45-2:00pm, Sunday, The Fourth Town Hall Meeting took place after the morning service in the Upper Room.
            June 9, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, Sizzle work party.
            June 10, Sunday, 12:45-2:00pm, The Fifth Town Hall Meeting took place after the morning service in the Upper Room.
            June 10, Holger and Colleen Engstrom celebrated 50 years of Marriage.
            June 15, Friday, 6 to 9pm, Sizzle work party.
            June 16, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, Sizzle work party.    
            June 17, Father's Day  The first celebration of Father's day was on June 19, 1910.
            June 22, Friday, 6 to 9pm, Sizzle work party.
            June 23, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, Sizzle work party.
            June 29, Friday, 6 to 9pm, Sizzle work party.  Building the Market Place.
            June 30, Saturday, 9am to 1pm, Sizzle work party.  Building the Market Place.
            July 7, Saturday, 9am, Final Move-In.
            July 9, First day of Sizzle (Babylon)
            July 10, Second day of Sizzle 
            July 11, Third day of Sizzle
            July 12, Fourth day of Sizzle
            July 13, Fifth and final day of Sizzle.
            July 15, There was a Strike Party after the morning service where volunteers took down and stored all the Sizzle Props and Decorations.  The goal was to have everything done in 2 hours.  With the number of volunteers helping this was easily accomplished.
            August 1, There was an internment service for Susan (Goddard) VanBuskirk at Willamette National Cemetery.  A reception was held following the service at Abundant Life Church, 17241 SE Hemrich Rd., Damascus, Oregon.
            August 7, 5-7:00pm ~ Temple Baptist Church and Sonbeam Preschool teams had a booth at the National Night Out Event at Holiday Park near the church.  The church had an assigned area in the park and was blessed with a  total of  25 to 30 church members and friends who stopped in to help.  We had a pop-up canopy and a crew of girls who preformed face painting for everyone, young and old.  Everyone had a good time of visiting and sharing with each other and the general public.  It was a good opportunity to talk to potential families for Sonbeam and also to share about the wonderful qualities of Temple.
                        The police and other community safety groups were well represented.  The Army recruiters brought a rock climbing wall for every one to try.  A Chiropractic school provided a booth with massages and the firemen brought a truck, also two horse patrol officers and their rides, many more vendors and two very pleasant bands provided live music.
                         Food was provided by a variety of businesses: Calaroga Terrace grilled hotdogs, Qdoba had chips and salsa, the Doubletree Inn provided a choice of beverages and their famous, delicious cookies for all who attended.  This was the 29th national annual event, which started in 1984.
            August 7, Mary Salholm joined the church staff as Ministry and Volunteer Coordinator.  She will work with our two pastors in the next few weeks to created the foundation of volunteer ministry at Temple as recommended by the Transition Team.  
            August 11, Saturday - 9-6pm ~ Temple held a yard sale at the church.  There were a wide assortment of items for sale.  The ladies of church decided to use their treasures, time, and talents to make our church more welcoming to guests and show love to some of the older generations of Temple.  The yard sale is their way to earn money for their challenge.  They are excited for their opportunity to be part of Temple's future.
            August 15, Winn and Marianne Goddard, long time members of Temple, who now reside in Bend, Or., were married 60 years ago on this date.
            August 17-19, The annual church camp out at Fort Stevens State Park.  It is located on the Oregon Coast north of Seaside near Warrenton.  This year 35 camp-sites were reserved in the O-Loop thanks to Sue Johnson.
            September 16, Sunday, Today was the first day we saw and heard the new Street Car run in front of the church.  It was on trial runs for a few days.
            September 21, ~ Portland Street Car Loop commenced operations.  The Northbound stop nearest the church will be a NE Grand and Multnomah.  The southbound stop location is at NE 7th and Halsey.
            September 17, Katie Klinkhammer left for the country of Senegal to be a nanny for Joel and Andi McMartin.   
            September 23, Sunday ~ Today was designated as 'Sample Sunday'.  'Free Tickets' were passed out during the services the past couple Sundays.  The congregation was encouraged to invite families and friends not attending Temple to come and take part in the activities.  Our service included special music, singing new and older songs.  Pastor Jim gave the message on remembering Jesus Christ and His spiritual and bodily resurrection; how He died and rose again that we may have life eternal.  A free hot brunch was served before the morning service and a free lunch was served on the front steps of the church right after the morning service.   
            September 23, Sunday ~ Today the new Street Car (CL Line) ran in front of the church carrying passengers.  It started carrying passengers on September 22. 
            September 28, Friday to Sunday, the 30th. ~  High School Rally was held in Olympia Washington.
            October 7, Sunday ~ The morning service was a joint effort by Temple and Hope Vietnamese Church.  Pastor Jim presented the message in English and Pastor Thai then translated the message to Vietnamese.
            October13, 7;00 pm, A concert by the band 18:20 was held in the church sanctuary to benefit CityTeam International .  A 4-pack of toilet paper was the entrance fee.  A local artist Jacob Merlin was featured.  This is the second concert by 18:20 held at Temple.  K104.1FM - The Fish.
            October 14, 5-7 pm ~ Family and Friends Roller Skating Party at Oaks Park.  For families and friends of Temple Baptist Church and Sonbeam Preschool.
            October 21, Sunday ~ In a business meeting following the Morning Service a pulpit committee to select a new senior pastor was elected by the members present.  They consisted of 4 current elders and a number of members at large.
            November 24, Saturday ~ The church was decorated for the Christmas/Advent season.  Mrs. Susan Grady volunteered to head up the task.
            November 25, Sunday ~ The Dickens Carolers put on a concert this afternoon in the sanctuary.
            December 2, First Sunday of Advent ~ Jeanne Buschbach lit the First Advent Candle.  The lighting of the first advent candle symbolizes Expectation.  The sermon titled Songs of Christmas, The Angel's Song, this morning was presented by Rev. Gary Shank.  Reading  from Pastor Jim
            December 9, Second Advent Sunday ~ Dan, Rebecca and Dylan Wood lit the Second Advent Candle.  The second advent candle symbolizes HopeReading from Pastor Jim.
            December 9, Sunday ~ The message at the morning service, Songs of Christmas, was presented by Pastor Jim Visbeek.  It was titled the "Story Behind the Story, Zechariah's Song.
            December 16, Third Advent Sunday ~ Steve and Marilyn Waring lit the 3rd Advent Candle and Katie Koerper read from Luke 2:1-7.  The third advent candle symbolizes Joy.
            December 16, Sunday ~ The message at the morning service, Songs of Christmas,  was presented by Pastor Jim Visbeek.  It was titled "Jesus the Revolutionary: Mary's Song."   Reading from Pastor Jim.
            December 16, Sunday, 4:00-6:00 PM ~ Temple Family Christmas Celebration.  We sang carols, heard the nativity story, enjoyed cookies, a hot beverage and celebrated Jesus' birthday.
            December 23, Fourth Advent Sunday ~ The fourth advent candle symbolizes Purity.  The message at the morning service, Songs of Christmas,  was presented by Pastor Jim Visbeek.  It was titled "Simeon's Song: This is the One!"   Reading from  Pastor Jim 
December 24, Christmas Eve Service, 11:00pm  ~ This evening we light the fifth candle - The Christ Candle. This is the candle of Love, for Jesus Christ is love incarnate who humbled Himself to become human for our salvation.  It is through the love of Jesus that we are made whole.  Christ not only is the perfect example of love for us - Christ is the pure essence of love.  The love of Jesus is not theoretical, hypothetical or even metaphorical, the love of Jesus Christ is tangible, here for us this very night.  Jesus, He always protects, always trusts, always hoped, and always perseveres.  Jesus never fails.  May the love of Jesus Christ fill our homes on this hollowed Christmas Eve.  
                                                By Pastor Jim Visbeek
Reading from Pastor Jim

     December 25, Christmas Day, Tuesday ~ A day spent with our families near and far.
            December 26, Today Earl and Pearl Johnson became Great Grandparents with the birth of Andrea Elizabeth Scrutton.  Andrea is the Granddaughter of Mearle and Linda Johnson.  
            December 31, New Years Eve, Monday ~ 6:30pm, New years Eve Simple Supper in the Upper Room, followed by the annual year-in-review slide show at 8:00 in the sanctuary.

            In Memoriam ~ Mr. George H. Johnson - March 19 ~ George was born on September 9,1921 and joined Temple fellowship on September 1939.  George was the son of Pastor Linus and Ruth Johnson. 
                                       Mrs. Alice Nguyen - May 1 ~ Mrs. Nguyen was born on April 20, 1937 and joined Temple fellowship on February 26, 1986.  
                                       Mrs. Evelyn (Nestlen) McCarthy - May 5 ~ Evelyn joined Temple fellowship on June 7, 1959.  After Bill Nestlen died she married Ken Mc Carthy.

       "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that not one can boast.  For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
                            Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV

            Rev. Jim Visbeek continued as Intentional Interim Pastor.
            January 1, Tuesday ~ New Years Day
            January 6, Sunday ~ Preparation begins for the Sacred Assembly on January 13.  Preparation begins with an 8-day call to personal examination, repentance, prayer and fasting.  Sacred Assembly or sometimes referred to solemn assembly, may be a new term but the concept and practice is ancient and embedded in scripture.  We begin now to be praying for God to soften our hearts and to earnestly seek His face.
            January 11, An evening of scripture reading and prayer in the church sanctuary.   
            January 13, Sacred Assembly.  This is a time to renew our commitment to the Lord.
            January 27, Great Family Gathering - consisted of a breakfast brunch before the morning service, starting at 9:00 am to 10:30.  A recommitment to Sharing Jesus through relationships with family, community and the world
            February 2, Saturday, 8:00 am ~ Men's Breakfast followed by "Stepping Up" video series.
            February 2-3 ~ Super Bowl Weekend.
            February 3, Adult Sunday School Resumes.  Classes were: The book of Genesis- Blake Kidney, Parables Remix - Bruce Fessenden, the book of Matthew - Dan Wood/Tyler Knight.
            February 3, Sunday, 3:00 pm ~ Super Bowl Family Event  Watch the game on two 72" flat screens.  Hot snacks and drinks provided.  Bring you favorite beverages, snacks and games to share. The event was held in the Upper Room at Temple.
            February 22, Fusion (High School) Retreat
            February 23, Service Saturday.  Temple had 3 teams of workers consisting of approximately 35 volunteers, ranging from teenagers to seniors, that went to 3 different Temple family homes, provided repairs, yard work, cleaning,  meals, and companionship.  One person wrote; "On Saturday morning, 13 wonderful people showed at my front door with smiling faces asking what I needed to have done.  Since I had been told to expect a crew or maybe five, I was speechless.  I had only planned for help clearing off my front porch.  Four of the men started that.  I realized my Heavenly Father knew what else I needed help with but had not asked for.  One lady started vacuuming rugs, something I cannot do presently , and she continued until the whole place was vacuumed.  I asked the others to pull items out of the china cupboards, under tables, and elsewhere, stored since six months ago when I was hurt in an accident.  I had been unable to access or put these items away with out falling.  Because of this wonderful gift from my church family, I now have items accessible to sell on the internet and pay down medical bills.  It was an impossible job for me to do. I feel very fortunate to have so many special people give up a whole day to help me.  When any one asks what makes Temple Baptist Church so special:  Its the people.  My porch, yard and patio look great.  My home is cleaner and safer.  I have things out to sell and I feel blessed by the love of 13 good people.  Thank you all!  
            February 24, Youth Sunday - The Young People were in charge of the Sunday Morning Service.
            March 2, Men's Breakfast - This is the 2nd in a series of 4, on the video series, "Stepping Up."
            March 10, Sunday ~ After the morning service Temple hosted a celebration for Willie Gage who was 88 years young today.
            March 30th, Saturday - Easter Breakfast.
            March 24, Palm Sunday,  Today during the morning service Pastor Jim and Janet announced that they have accepted a call to become Interim Pastor at a church near their home in Washington.  Their last day at Temple will be June 2 of this year.
            Dean Barron announced this morning that from a list of 80 prospective candidates the pulpit committee has narrowed the list down to 7 for Senior Pastor of Temple.
            March 29, Good Friday
            March 31, Easter Sunday
            April 6, Men's Breakfast - This was the 3rd Men's Breakfast with the video series; "Stepping Up."
            April 13, Temple's Pastoral Search committee conducted phone (Skype) interviews with each of the top applicants.  These in-depth conversations were crucial in determining which man will advance to the final step of selecting a candidate for Lead Pastor of our church.  We urge every member of our church family to pray each day, and most especially on Saturday between 9 am and 5 pm, by storming the gates of Heaven with fervent requests for wisdom, discernment, clarity and sense of unity for each committee member.
            April 13, Harley Warren Bergstrom went to be with his creator and savior today.  Harley was a long time member of Temple and from a long time Bergstrom family from Temple.  Harley was born on July 28, 1920 and was  92 years old and is survived by his wife, Frances; four children, Sandra Kondos, Linda (Ted) Wolcheck, Michael (Debi) Bergstrom and Cynthia (Alan) Colther; eight grand and 17 great - grandchildren.
            April 20, Service Saturday.
            April 28, Great Family Gathering (GFG) after the morning service 12:30-2:30.  Lunch was provided.  This was a time of brainstorming about what we want to accomplish together in 2013.
            May 2, Today is the National Day of Prayer.  It was proclaimed as follows:  Now, Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2, 2013, as a National Day of Prayer.  I join the citizens of our Nation in giving thanks, in accordance with our own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and in asking for God's continued guidance, mercy and protection.  (copied from the internet) 
            May 4, Men's Breakfast - This is the 4th and final Men's Breakfast with the video series; "Stepping Up."
            May 7, The Pastoral Search Committee chose a candidate for Senior Pastor and plan to meet with him "in person" for a final interview.
            May 12, Mother's Day
            May 23, 7:00pm ~ Karen Moreschi retired this month as Director of Sonbeam Daycare.  Sonbeam's annual Promotion Program was held in the sanctuary followed by a reception recognizing Karen's retirement after 23 years of faithful service.
            May 27, Memorial Day
            June 2, After the Morning Service, Temple hosted a Farewell Luncheon in the Upper Room for Pastor Jim and Janet Visbeek who served as Intentional Transitional Interim Pastor since the church membership approved there calling on August 7, 2011.
             June 7, Friday, 12 Noon  ~ Meet the Pastoral Candidate, Jeremy Taylor.  This time is set aside for ages 60 - 90ish (former keenagers, Temple Builders, Kinsman and Harvesters) in the Upper Room.  A light lunch was served.
            June 7, Friday, 6:00 pm ~ Meet the Pastoral candidate, Jeremy Taylor.  This time was set aside for Junior High and High School students at the Mark Moore home.
            June 8, Saturday, 5:00 pm ~ Meet the Pastoral candidate, Jeremy Taylor.  This time was set aside for ages 18 - 40ish (Young Adults) at Janel Sigley's home..  
            June 9, Sunday ~ The new candidate for Senior Pastor, Jeremy Taylor, brought the message during the morning service.
            June 9, Sunday 6:00 pm ~ Meet the Pastoral candidate, Jeremy Taylor.  This time was set aside for ages 40-65ish (former New Foundations and Sojourners) at the Doug Drinnon home.
            June 16, Father's DayDr. Ron Marrs was guest speaker during the morning service.  The title of his sermon was "Leaving a Legacy of Passionate Love for God."  After the morning service a vote was held among members of Temple whether to call Rev. Jeremy Taylor as Senior Pastor.  The vote was in favor of calling Rev. Taylor as our new Senior Pastor.
            June 23, Duane L. Storey was the guest speaker during the morning service.  He will bring the message for the next four Sundays.  
            June 30, Youth Sunday.
            July 1, Dale Peretti died this morning while he was sleeping.
            July 4, Independence Day
            July 6, Saturday, 6:30 pm ~ A wedding was held uniting Sierra Jo Whitehill and Dustin Kyle Ward in the Church Sanctuary.
            July 8, Monday, 11:00 ~ A memorial service was held at Temple for Dale Peretti.
            July 12, Our new pastor, Jeremy Taylor and family arrived at Temple from an overland drive from Cincinnati, Ohio.
            July 15-19, 9-11:30, DVBS or Sizzle was held at Temple.  The theme this year was Rome with Apostle Paul and the Underground Church.
            July 15, Monday ~ First Day in Rome (Sizzle).  There were 84 children present for the mornings activities.
            July 18, Thursday ~ Family Night with VBS Families.  A spaghetti dinner was served in the Upper Room.
            July 19, Friday ~ Last day of Sizzle.
            July 21, Sunday ~ Sizzle Celebration during the morning service.  Duane L. Storey concluded his time as interim pastor with us.  His sermon was titled, "Revival of Giving" from Philippians 4:10-19.  Following the morning service was annual Strike Party (tear-down and store props and miscellaneous equipment) of Rome after a lunch in the Upper Room.  After the Strike Party ice cream was served at the local Burgerville restaurant.
            July 28, Welcome Jeremy Taylor, who accepted the call as our new lead Pastor!  Cookies were served in the Overflow Room to honor the Search Committee for the countless hours spent in the search for a new Senior Pastor.  Today Pastor Jeremy presented his first sermon at Temple.
            July 29, 7:00 pm ~ Alyssa Koerper Bridal Shower at Temple in the Reception Room.
            August 3, Saturday ~ Service Saturday all-come work day at Temple.  Help was needed to work on different projects to clean and maintain the church building.
            August 6, 5 - 7 pm ~ National Night Out, Holladay Park.
            August 10, 11:00 am ~ Alyssa Koerper and Chris Alexis were married today at Temple in the sanctuary.  A reception was held in the Upper Room after the ceremony.  They both returned to Oman to resume their teaching profession.
            August 11, Sunday ~ During the morning service a commissioning was held for Nikolas Buys, as he is planning on going to seminary to pursue his calling as a minister of the Gospel.
            August 11, Sunday ~ A commissioning was also held for the Mission Team members going to Brazil.  Also commissioned was Betty Konsella as she is going to Bosinia to be a cook.
            August 15, Brazil High School Summer Mission Team departed from (PDX) Portland International Airport.  The group included Brittany Barron, Amy Drinnon, Rachel Fessenden, Rob James, Linda Salholm, Aliya Whitehill, Jessica Yambra and leaders Candy Poppino, Alyssa Yambra and Mark Moore.
            August 16-18, Fort Stevens Campout
            August 18, 10:00 am, Sunday ~ Worship and Gathering at Fort Stevens State Park.  Church activities for Temple in Portland had been canceled for this Sunday in lieu of Worship Gathering at 'N' loop at Fort Stevens.  A potluck at 11:30 am was held at N-35.  Those who needed a ride, church vans left the church parking lot.
            September 7, Saturday, 6:00 pm. ~ New Senior Pastor Installation Service and Celebration  ~ This was an historical event as Jeremy Taylor was installed our twenty-fourth senior pastor.  Guest speakers included Pastor Kent Gravely from Immanuel Baptist Church in Hoquiam. Washington.  Music and singing was led by a guest band.  Afterwards a "party" was held in the Upper Room.
            September 8, Sunday, 10:30 am ~ A Celebration of us, as a church,  moving forward and the hope of things to come.  Steve Welling (Converge Northwest Executive Minister) was the principal speaker.  No Sunday School was held this morning.  Coffee was served at 10:00 am before the Worship Gathering (Service). 
            September 18, Wednesday night activities resumed from the summer break.
            September 25, Dr. James Spickelmier died on this day.  He was a pastor, administrator, and chronicler of history of Bethel and Converge Worldwide.  He reached the age of 72.
            September 29, Youth Sunday
            September 29, Sunday, 5:00-7:00 ~ Roller Skating at Oaks Park.  Roller skaters and non-skater of all ages were invited to this fun filled event 
            October 4-5, Women of Faith Conference at the Rose Garden Arena.  The singing group "Mercy Me" is scheduled as well as Patsy Clairmont, Lisa Harper, Kari Harper, The Money Couple, and Anita Renfroe.
            October 5, Sunday, 7:00pm ~ Rock for the Roll III Concert featuring Jacob Merlin, Christian Burghardt and the band 18:20.  Admission: minimum 1 pack of toilet paper to benefit City Team Portland.
            October, 25 ~ A memorial service was held at Temple Baptist Church for Joan Carmean Bidgood.  She was 88 years young.  She died on September 30, at the home of her daughter, Tori and Son-in Law, Jim Wright who is a pastor at Crossroads Bible Church in Bell View, Washington.
            October 31, Great Family Gathering Party.
            November 2, 2:00 pm ~ There was a memorial service in the Sanctuary at Temple for Patty (Patricia K. Wilson) Bonneau who died on October 5, 2013 from a blood clot.
            November 24, Sunday, 9:00 am  ~ Expanded Continental Breakfast in the Upper Room
                                                 9:30 am  ~ Annual Meeting in the Upper Room, no Sunday School this morning
                                                 11:00 am ~ Worship Gathering in Sanctuary
                                                 1:30 pm ~ Church decorating for Christmas, headed up by Mrs. Susan Grady.   
            November 25, Thanksgiving food box assembly and distribution.
            November 28, Thanksgiving
            November 30, Church Decorating for Christmas.
            December 1, 3:00 pm ~ The Dickens Carolers presented a great festive performance in the main sanctuary.  They are talented quartets dressed in Dickens-era attire and singing 4-part harmony.  A cookie reception followed the concert.
            December 8, Miss Patricia Marie Van Blokland passed away on this day.  She was 68 years old.  She attended along with her parents and brother Craig for many years but she had to transfer her membership to Easthill Church after moving to Gresham.  She was partially disabled and spent her last 3 1/2 years at Fairlawn Care Center.
            December 24, Christmas Eve.
            December 25, Christmas Day.
            December 29, Youth Sunday.
            December 31, New Years Eve.
            December, Pastor Jon Christian turned in his resignation as Assistant Pastor at Temple.

            In Memoriam ~  Mr. Dale Peretti - July 1
                                        Dr. James Spickelmier - September 25
                                        Mrs. Joan Bidgood - September 30 ~ Joan was born in Scottsbluff, Nebraska on December 2, 1924 and joined Temple fellowship on April 1, 1937.
                                        Mrs. Patti Wilson Bonneau - October 5
                                        Miss Patricia Marie Van Blokland - December 8. Patricia was born on july 13, 1945 and joined Temple fellowship on March 22, along with her mom, Charlotte; dad Alfred R. and brother Craig.

             "I Am the living bread that came down from heaven.  If any one eats of this bread he will live forever.  This bread is my flesh, which I give for the life of the world."
John 6:51 NIV

            Jeremy Taylor continues as our senior pastor.
            January 1, Temple is 130 years old today.  See 1881
            January 12, This Sunday morning was a special combined gathering with Hope Vietnamese Baptist Church at Temple.  Worship started at 10:30.  Hope Baptist Church invited those from Temple to a Vietnamese lunch in the upper room after the service.
            January 17, Christine Seeder, a long time member of Temple, died at a rest home in Kent Washington.  She celebrated her 99th birthday on December 27, 2013.
            January 19, Sunday ~ Temple was scheduled to host Financial Peace University, a simulcast production by Mr. Dave Ransey.  This was a prelude to the classes held starting February 9th.
            February 9, Sunday ~ Church was closed and no services were held because of an "Artic Storm."  This included the Dave Ramsey simulcast.  Financial Peace resumed the following week and the series was extended one week to end on March 30.
            February 22, 6 to 9 pm ~ "Whoops.....I missed Valentine's Day" party at Temple - ages junior high through adults - including dinner.  Tickets were available in the overflow room and at the door when you arrive in the Upper Room.  Cost was $10.00 per person.
            February 28, Friday, 11:00 am ~ A Memorial Service was held for Mildred Fiess at Temple.  She was a long time member of Temple.  The service was held in the Overflow Room.  there were about 65 people in attendance.  A reception hosted by Temple Deaconesses was held in the Upper Room.
            March 6, Stan Wright died in his sleep at his son's home in Bothell, Washington.  He was a long time member of Temple and held the offices of Church Moderator, Deacon, and Sunday School teacher.  A Memorial Service will be held at 11:00 am, Saturday, April 5 at the Valley View Church located at 11501 SE Sunnyside Rd. Clackamas, Oregon.
            April 5, 11;00 am ~ .A memorial service was held at the Valley View Church.  There were at least 100 people in attendance.  Stan would have turned 98 years old on April 26.  Stan's favorite Bible verse was:
            "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.  My heart faints within me!"
Job 19:25-27

            April 14, A memorial service was held at Temple for Mrs. Edna Slater who passed away on April 4, 2014.  She was 87 years old.  Edna's husband, Don died in 2011.  She is survived by sons Don and Frank both of Portland.
            April 18, 7:00 pm ~ Good Friday Service: It was a time to reflect on Jesus' crucifixion on our behalf through music, scripture and communion.  Children were welcomed to sit with their families in the sanctuary as there was no childcare.
            April 19, 9:30-11:00 am ~ Saturday Easter Breakfast and Candy Hunt.  This was a fun event where Temple hosted a free hot breakfast, shared the TRUE Easter story and provided a huge indoor candy hunt for the Children.
            April 20, 10:30 am ~ Refreshments were served in the Reception Room.
            April 20, 11:00 am ~ Celebration Gathering.  He is Risen Indeed!  We celebrated Jesus' resurrection through music, baptism and more!  Afterward, we enjoyed a delicious luncheon in the Upper Room prepared by our Kitchen Team.
            April 22, Earl Johnson passed away peacefully this afternoon at his home in Portland.  He had just celebrated his 90th birthday.  Earl was the youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. Linus Johnson, a former pastor at Temple. 
            April 26, 1:00 pm ~ A Memorial Service was held to honor and celebrate the life of Earl Johnson at Temple in the sanctuary. 
            May 11, Sunday, Mother's Day  ~ Today marks the 100th anniversary since President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it a national holiday.
            May 25, Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend 
            June 15, Sunday, Father's Day ~ Father's Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910.  In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers, designating the third Sunday in June as Father's Day.  Six years later, the day was made a permanent national holiday when President Richard Nixon signed it into law in 1972.
            July 13, Sunday, 11:00 am  ~ The Title for the sermon was "Unprecedented," from Acts 1-2, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.  
                                       12:30 PM ~ A business meeting was held in the Upper Room after the Morning Gathering to learn about the plan to replace the roof on the church and vote on amending out 2014 budget.  The roof in question is the one over the sanctuary or the one over the original building.  It was stated that we didn't have to go outside for additional money but it could come from what we already have on the books.  The vote was overwhelming in favor of amending the 2014 budget to cover this maintenance cost.
            July 19, Bernie Wennermark passed away this morning at 6:00.  He was at Providence Portland Medical Center when he died. 
            July 19, Saturday, 9:00am ~ This year the theme of the Sizzle program was Joseph "From prison to Palace" in Egypt.  "The citizens of Egypt" finished decorating the booths in the Market Place and other venues in the church basement in preparation for the week of Sizzle.
            July 20, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Unquenchable," from Acts 3-5, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.  After the morning service at 3:30pm began the first day of Sizzle.  (DVBS)  The first day of Sizzle ended at 5:30pm.  After, a BBQ was held in the church parking lot.
            July 21, Second day of Sizzle.
            July 22, Third day of Sizzle.
            July 23, Fourth day of Sizzle.
            July 24, The Fifth and final day of Sizzle.
            July 24, 5:30pm, A family dinner in the Upper Room.
            July 27, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Uncontainable," from Acts 6-8, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.
            July 30, Work by Western Pacific Roofing, started on replacing the roofing on the church.
            August 3, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Uncomfortable," from Acts 9-12, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.
            August 3, Sunday, 3:00 pm ~ A memorial service was held at Temple for Bernie Wennermark.  195 people were in attendance.
            August 10, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Unleashed," from Acts 13-15, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.
            August 14-17, All Church campout at Fort Stevens State Park.  Sunday Worship was led by Josh Schreck.
            August 17, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Unflinching," from Acts 16-20, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor.
            August 24, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Undeterred," from Acts 21-26, presented by Nick Buys
            August 31, Sunday ~ The title for the sermon was "Unhindered," from Acts 27-28, presented by Pastor Jeremy Taylor. 
            September 5, Western Pacific Roofing completed the roofing replacement on the church.  The job came in ahead of schedule and under budget.
            September 21, Don and Dorothy Strandberg celebrated 60 years of marriage.
            October 5, Sunday ~ The Missions Team invited the congregation to a luncheon in the Upper Room after the morning service to honor Joel and Andi McMartin, missionaries from Senegal, Africa.  They are home on furlough.  After the lunch Joel and Andi shared about life in Senegal and answered questions.  Their presentation and the spaghetti were excellent!
            October 8, June Peretti went to be home with our Lord sometime this morning.  June was the organist and was a member of Temple for many years.
            October 9, Mr. Jerry Brown went home to be with our Lord on this day.  Jerry was a member of Temple from 1969 to 1982.  He then changed his membership to Hinson Memorial Baptist Church in Portland.
            November 6, 7:00pm ~ A Memorial Service was held to celebrate the life of Mrs. Carolyn Salholm.  There were approximately 129 people in attendance.
            November 9, Sunday ~ Mrs. Edna Obinger died this morning.  She is now in the presence of our Lord.  Edna reached the age of 97.  Edna was born in 1917 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1947.  Edna and husband George were faithful members of Temple.  
            November 21, Friday ~ A Memorial Service was held in the sanctuary at Temple to remember and reflect on the life of Mrs. Edna Obinger.
            November 23, Sunday, 9:15am ~ A "Back to the Future"  celebration was held in the Upper Room at Temple.  A light breakfast was served and members voted on the 2015 budget.
            November 23, This morning we were privileged to celebrate seven young people professing Jesus as their Lord through baptism!  These students are part of the Wednesday evening youth group led by David and Shalya Owen in our building.  Included in the baptism was David and Shalya's daughter.
            November 23, The church was decorated for Christmas by Temple about 40 volunteers led by CeCi Goldsmith and Allie Schreck.  What a beautiful job they did.
            November 30, Sunday ~ Today marked the 1st Advent of Christmas.  The Ken Owen family lit the first Christmas candle while David Owen read the account from Scripture in Luke 1 and 2.  Pastor Jeremy started a new series of messages for Christmas, called 'Awaited.' 
            November 30, The Dickens Carolers once again graced our church with their awesome Christmas, 4 part singing, of familiar Christmas Carols.  A reception was held afterwards in the Upper Room.
            December 7, Sunday ~ Today marked the 2nd Advent of Christmas.
            December 10, Earl Hotchkiss a former member of temple went to be with the Lord this day.  Earl was 97 years of age.  Earl was born in 1916 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1989.
            December 11, Thursday ~ Marge Moberg passed away into the presence of the Lord this afternoon.  Marge was born in 1925 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1970.
            December 12, Friday, 7:00 pm ~ The junior high/high school students had a Fusion Christmas Dinner.
            December 14, Sunday ~ Today marked the 3rd Advent of Christmas.  
            December 14, Egg Roll Sunday ~ Vietnamese Hope Baptist Church treated all of Temple with fresh egg rolls to go, served in the Upper Room after the morning service/gathering.  This is an annual event that we all look forward to each year.
            December 16, Tuesday ~ A Memorial Service for Marge Moberg was held at Parkview Retirement Community.  There were more than 60 people in attendance.  Stan's two brothers were in attendance also: Alden lives in Keizer north of Salem and David flew in from Minneapolis.
            December 21, Sunday ~ Today marked the 4th Advent of Christmas.
            December 24, Wednesday 11:00 pm ~ Temple held a Christmas Candlelight Service featured Christmas music, scripture and lighting of candles as we celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  (PJ's were suitable attire.)  It was a beautiful and moving service where Jesus was glorified.  There were more        people in attendance than at a normal Sunday Service.
            December 25, Thursday ~ Christmas Day.D
            December 28, Sunday ~ After the Sunday Gathering a lunch was served for those who would like to help take down the Christmas Decorations and store them in their usual place.
            December 31, 6:30 - 9:30 Wednesday ~ Temple hosted a New Years Eve party; fun, food, and the year end slide show. 

            In Memoriam ~ Mrs. Hugh (Clarene) Hulbert
                                       Ms. Christine Seeder - January 17
                                       Mrs. Mildred Feiss - February 21 ~ Mildred was born on October 12, 1933 and joined Temple fellowship on June 18,1990.  On September 20, 1952, she was married to Fred Feiss.
                                       Mr. Stanley D. Wright - March 6 ~ Stan was born on April 26, 1916 in Portland, Oregon, served in the US Navy  and joined Temple fellowship on February 27, 1949.  Stan was our Sunday School teacher (Young Married Class) back in the 60,s and said after he was saved read the Bible cover to cover seven times.  He was married to Ellen Wright until she died in 1984.
                                       Mrs. Don (Edna) Slater - April 4 ~ Mrs. Slater was born on April 28, 1926 and joined Temple fellowship on May 20, 1981.
                                       Mr. Earl Johnson - April 22 ~ Earl was born on November 15, 1923 and joined Temple fellowship on September 5, 1939.  Earl was the youngest son of our former Pastor, Dr. Linus and Ruth Johnson.
                                       Mr. Bernie Wennermark - July 19
                                       Mrs. Ronda (Carver) Salholm - August 26~ Ronda was born to Ron and Barbara Carver on September 11, 1963 and joined Temple fellowship on April 28, 1974.  She married Mark Salholm at Temple.
                                       Mr. Perry Hughes - August 23
                                       Mrs. Dave (Carolyn) Salholm - October 6 ~ Carolyn was born on May 14, 1930 and joined Temple fellowship along with husband David W, son Mark, son David, son Kent and daughter Lynn Ann on June 4, 1972.
                                       Mrs. Dale (June) Peretti- October 8                                        
                                       Mr. Gerald "Jerry" Brown - October 9 
                                       Mrs. George (Edna Josephine Boldstridge) Obinger - November 9 ~ Edna was born on April 16, 1917 in Duluth, Minnesota and joined Temple fellowship along with husband George on December 8, 1947.  They had three daughters; Georgianne, Susan and Karen. 
                                       Mr. Earl Hotchkiss - December 10  
                                       Mrs. Stan (Marge) Moberg - December 11 ~ Marjorie was born on July 26, 1925 and she and husband Stan joined Temple fellowship on July 5, 1970.

“Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self.”
                                                                                                    I Corinthians 13:4 (MSG)  

            Jeremy Taylor continues as our senior pastor.
            January 6, Mr. Wilbur Gage died today.  Wilbur was born March 10, 1925 and joined the Temple fellowship in 1990.
            January 11, Sunday ~ Starting today Pastor Jeremy started a six week study of the lives of Louie Zamperini from the book "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand and Jacob from the Bible.  We began exploring their stories during out Study Gatherings and dig deeper in our small groups, which are held at homes during the week.
            January 13, Tuesdays, 9:30 - Noon ~ Today starts a Women's Bible Study from the book "Loved By God" by Liz Curtis Higgs, is a verse by verse Bible study exploring the life of Jacob.
            January 16 - 17,  The Mission Connexion was held at Sunset Presbyterian Church on NW Cornell Rd, in Portland.  We heard world class speakers, had mission-related workshops, exhibits and more.
            February 13, Mrs. Virginia Fletcher died today. Virginia was born October 6, 1932 and joined Temple fellowship in 1980.  Sometime later her and husband Cal, transferred their membership to Bethel Baptist Church in St. Johns which is located not far from their home.  A memorial service was held at Ross Hollywood Chapel, located at 4733 NE Thompson St. in Portland. 
            February 13, Governor of the State of Oregon, John Albert Kitzhaber resigned his office because of a scandal.
            February 15, Sunday ~ Pastor Jeremy started a 4 week study about the people of Israel 400 years after Joseph lived.  Learn how God Strategically attacks the Egyptian gods through the ten plagues.  Come early and play your own game of strategy with one of the board games in the Reception Room.
            February 16, Mrs. Evelyn Fulsaas died today.  Evelyn was at one time married to Mr. Helmer Bjelland until he passed away in 1977.  She attended Glisan Street Baptist after she left Temple.
            February 22, Pastor Jeremy began a new four week series today entitled "Strategery."  We picked up with the people of Israel 400 years after Joseph lived.  Pastor led us through how God Strategically attacked the Egyptian gods through the ten plagues.
            March 1, Sunday ~ There was no communion today instead we have communion on March 15, during the Passover Seder.   See March 15th. 
            March 8, Today marks the start of Daylight Savings Time.  We set our clocks ahead.
            March 14, The church van took any one who wanted to go to see the Portland Winterhawks play an indoor ice hockey game.
            March 15, Sunday ~ During the Gathering, Susan Perlman from Jews for Jesus walked us through a Passover Seder, the Jewish ritual meal marking the beginning of Passover.
            March 22,  Nick Buys presented the morning message.  He spoke on "Love vs. Religion" from Isaiah 58.
            March 19, Thursday, 7pm ~ The Bethel University's Chamber Orchestra performed as part of their Spring Tour 2015,  was a dramatic presentation this evening at Temple.
            March 24, Genevieve Gail Anderson-MacKicken (Asplund) passed away at the age of 79.
            March 29, Palm Sunday - Josh Schreck was our guest speaker for the morning service.  Josh is one of our elders and is married to Alli, our Worship Arts Director.  He presented a Palm Sunday theme entitled How'd I get here? from John 12:12-32.
            April 3, Friday, 7pm ~ Good Friday Service.  It was a time to reflect of Jesus' crucifixion on our behalf through music, scripture and communion in the sanctuary.  Childcare was provided.
            April 4, Saturday ~ Temple hosted the annual humungous indoor candy hunt that took place in the church.  A breakfast was served prior to the candy hunt. 
            April 5, Sunday, 10:15 am ~ Coffee, Refreshments and Photos.  This was a chance to take pictures of those dressed in Easter best (what ever that may be) to pose in front of a professional quality backdrop.  You were able to have your picture taken with family and friends before and after the Gathering in the Reception Room.
                                        11:00 am ~ Celebration Gathering.  We celebrated Jesus' resurrection together in the sanctuary.
                                        12:30 pm ~ Easter Luncheon was held in the Upper Room.
            April 9 thru 12th, Pastor John Bennett and family were in Portland candidating for the position of Pastor of Discipleship and Student Ministry.
            April 10, Friday ~ Temple purchased reserved seats for the Chris Tomlin "Love Ran Red" Concert at the Moda Center.  
            April 10-12, Our Pastoral Search Team presented John Bennett as the candidate for Temple's Pastor of Discipleship and Student Ministry.
            April 19, Pastor Jeremy presented a new series for the morning gathering, entitled "Pray Different." 
            April 19, A business meeting was held after the morning service to vote on calling Pastor John Bennett to Temple.  A vote was taken and it was unanimously passed. 
            May 3, A silent auction and a walking or sitting taco lunch was held at church after the morning service.  100 people attended and $1,800 was taken in to benefit Summer Mission Teams.  About 25 items were donated.  This was a fund raiser for our two mission teams going to Mexico and Brazil this summer. 
            May 15-16, Friday, Saturday ~ The church had a yard sale this weekend to support our mission teams headed to Mexico and Brazil.  There was a massive collection of household goods, sporting equipment, camping gear, DVD's, toys, furniture, books, and more.
            May 31, Sunday ~ A business meeting was held after the Sunday Gathering to vote on the 2015-16 leadership and resolve the motion for a constitutional addition of Robert's Rules of Order.  The motion for Robert's Rules was turned down.
            June 2, Our dear Maydora Johnson passed away today.  Her family and friends rejoice that she is with Jesus now, but miss her presence here.
            June 5, Mr. Jim Christiansen and Mr. Bud Van Ryn left Portland and flew to Chicago to assist our new Pastor of Discipleship and Student Ministry, John Bennett and family in their move and relocation to Portland,  by driving a U-Haul truck loaded with furniture and etc. back to their new home in Lake Oswego.  They got to Chicago around 6:00 am on Saturday 6/6.
            June 7, Sunday ~ During the morning service the church honored Temple high school and college students who graduated this year. There were 5 graduates honored; Tiffany Buys from Grant High School, Bethany James from Oregon City High School, Gibson Goldsmith from Lincoln High School, Brittany Barron from Madison High School, Linda Salholm from Madison High School.   Graduates not present; Meggie Kirchner from Franklin High School, Drew Heftye, M.A. in Christian Leadership from Multnomah Seminary  
            June 10, Jim and Bud arrived in Portland safely with the Bennett's U-Haul Truck.
            June 12, A memorial Service was held at in the sanctuary at Temple for Mrs. Bert (Maydora) Johnson.  There were about 120 people in attendance including approximately 40 family members present.  A light lunch was served by the Deaconesses in the Upper Room.
            June 13, Saturday ~ Members and friends of Temple helped the Bennetts move into their new home in Lake Oswego.
            June 14, During the morning service/gathering there was a commissioning for our summer mission team going to Oxaca, Mexico.
            June 14, The Bennett family was in church for the Morning Gathering for the first time.
            June 24, Wednesday - Friday July 3, The Summer Mission Trip to Mitla city in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.  This is a Multi generational trip for those of all ages.  This trip was led by Mr. Ken Owen.   The team is going to support the ministry of the Matuzczak Family, Joel and Becky, our missionaries to Mexico, serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators.  They will do service projects requiring our physical labor like painting, making minor repairs and other jobs arranged for us by the Matuzczaks.  The team departed PDX early Wednesday and arrived safely in Oaxaca, Mexico.
            June 27, Saturday, 6:00 pm ~ "Faith and Film."  Featured film, "McFarland, USA."  Films have become the main way our society tells its stories, preaches its values and expresses its beliefs on ever issue including faith. After the film there was a discussion on how these movies expose truths that God has already revealed in His Word.  "See you at the movies!"
            June 28, Sunday,  Pastor Jeremy started a series on the Book of Psalms.  There are 150 Psalms and we are supposed to read through the entire book during this series.  Pastor Jeremy figured if we read 2 or 3 chapters, we would finish the entire book by the end of the series.
            July 5, Per Otto Melleberg went to be with our Lord this Sunday evening at the age of 76.  The Melleberg family attended Temple around 20 years ago.  His wife is named Gry and two daughters Mona and Heidi. 
            July 10, 11 ~ Work party to set up the decor for Sizzle.
            July 12, Sunday ~ After the morning service nine of us met at The Village Inn near church.  Carolyn Gaupo had an idea to start the Keenager Group up again.  We met and discussed renaming the group and different places to go on outings.  Carolyn also composed a news letter called Temple Trumpets.   The group present seemed to be receptive to the idea.
            July 17, 18 ~ Work party to set up the decor for Sizzle.   
            July 18, Saturday, 6:00 pm ~ "Faith and Film."  Featured film, "The Village."
            July 24, Friday, 8:00 pm ~ A movie at dusk, at church, in the theater under the stars (aka back parking lot).  Families from Sonbeam Preschool and other in our community were invited.  Pre-show activities, games and movie food were planned.
            July 26, Sunday, Pastor John Bennett presented his first message for the morning service entitled, Psalm 1.
            July 26, There was an informational meeting for people working on Sizzle right after the morning gathering.
            August 1, Saturday ~ "Faith and Film."  Featured film, "The Body"
            August 3-7, Monday through Friday-9:00 to 11:00 am ~ "Sizzle," our week long summer children's program took place this week.  The theme of Sizzle this year was "Weird Animals".  You may have noticed Sizzle looked different this year.  Weird Animals was created by the same publisher (Group) we've used before so the lessons were still Bible-based, and the activities were just as fun.  Stacy Downing was our fearless Director and Mary Salholm helped out with staffing and publicity.  Alyssa Yambra and Dave Salholm were overseeing decor, Dominique Barron planned the crafts, and Tiffany Gale lead the teaching. 
            August 4, Tuesday, National Night Out at Holliday Park.  This is the Lloyd District Community Association's annual event.  Temple hosted the children's area with face painting and other fun activities.  Local Businesses provided Free food, entertainment, and giveaways.  This event presented a great opportunity to connect with our neighbors.  National Night Out has been celebrated across North America on the first Tuesday of August since 1983.
            August 13, Mr. Bob Farrell passed away some time today.  Bob and family were members of Temple for a long time.
            August 14, Friday ~ The 2015 Keenager group met at Carolyn Gaupo's home in Milwaukee for a pot luck dinner and to talk about the newly formed Keenager Social Group at Temple.  Twenty-five people showed up for the event. 
            August 15, Saturday 6:00 pm ~ "Faith and Film."  Featured film, "The Avengers."
            August 16, A church business meeting was held in the Upper Room.
            August 13-25, Brazil Mission Trip.  The team (Candy Poppino; lead, Judi Campbell, Bethany James, and Mark Moore) worked hard to prepare their ministry for the children at Reame, a residential shelter for on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, kids who have been exploited neglected or abused.
            August 20-24,  Church Campout at Fort Stevens State Park in Hammond, Oregon.  
            August 30, Sunday ~ Our yearly Church Picnic which was held at North Clackamas Park.  The picnic was held after conclusion of the morning service/gathering, which started at 10:00 am this Sunday only.
            September 28, Mrs. Ken (Lois) Anderson passed away at the home she was staying in near Seattle, Washington.  She and her family were dedicated members of Temple and they both had exceptional musical abilities and sang often during church services.  They left Temple a few years ago when they moved away from Portland.
            November 13, Friday, 7:30-9:30 pm - Open Gym - for men and women interested in playing mid-competitive basketball.
            November 15, Church Business meeting was held in the Upper Room; the budget for 2016 was discussed as well as an Elder update.
            November 22, We enjoyed a special Thanksgiving Gathering featuring our guest choir, "Portland Interfaith Gospel Choir".
            November 22, Decorating the church for Christmas right after the Gathering.  Plus, there was an amazing assortment of homemade soups. breads and more to keep us fortified.
            November 28, Open Gym Volleyball.
            November 29, Sunday - !st Advent of Christmas.  Mr. Troy Brugh lit the Hope Candle.
            November 29, 4:30 pm Dickens Carolers at Temple.  We enjoyed both traditional and contemporary Christmas favorites, including "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "O Come all Ye Faithful", "O Christmas Tree", "Jingle Bells", "White Christmas", "Winter Wonderland", "Rudolph", and many, many more.
            December 6, Sunday 9:30 to 10:55 am - The Espresso Cart has been installed over the past few weeks and opened for business this morning.  All coffee drinks $2.00.  
            December 6, Sunday - 2nd Advent of Christmas.  Mr. Ken Marks lit peace candle.  Pastor John Bennett brought the message this morning.
            December 13, Sunday - 3rd Advent of Christmas.  Doug and Linda Towne lit the joy candle.  Pastor Jeremy brought the morning message. 
            December 13, The Hope Vietnamese Baptist Church presented their annual delicious egg rolls in the Upper Room - right after the morning service.  Even though the Vietnamese Baptist Church, who used to meet at Temple for many years until they purchased their own building a few years ago still wanted to express their appreciation by keeping up the tradition for this year. 
            December 20, Sunday 9:30 to 10:30 am - Men's Bakeoff Competition.  Sample the delicious treats prepared by Temple men, and vote for your favorites.  Prizes were awarded to the top three winner, Josh Schreck, Pastor John Bennett and Steve Bongo.  Steve Bongo won the top prize, a yellow mixing whisk.   
            December 24, Thursday, 11:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
            December 27, Sunday 10:30 am - Family Sunday begins with coffee and refreshments.  Childcare through preschools began at 10:50 am.  Older children joined their families at the 11 am Gathering.
            December 31, 7:-10:00 pm, New Year's Eve Game Night and Year-in-Review Slide Show.  

             In Memoriam ~ Mr. Wilbur Gage - January 6
                                        Mrs. Cal (Virginia) Fletcher - February 13 
                                        Mrs. Evelyn Fulsaas - February 16
                                        Gail Asplund ~ March 24
                                        Mrs. Bert (Maydora) Johnson - June 2 
                                        Mr. Per Otto Melleberg - July 5
                                        Mr. Bob Farrell - August 13.
                                        Mrs. Ken (Lois) Anderson - September 28
                                        Carol (Prinzing) Briggs
                                        Mae McConnell
                                        Lynn Purdy

"If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea." 
                                                                                                                            Isaiah 48:18 NIV

            Jeremy Taylor continues as our senior pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant pastor.
            January 10, Mr. Jack Cooper passed away early this Sunday morning.  He was husband to Fran Cooper and father to Rebecca Woods.  Jack joined Temple fellowship in 2000.
            January 24, Marion Ruth Johnson went to the loving arms of her Savior this morning.  She became a member of Temple in 1939.  She was the a daughter of Dr. Linus and Ruth Johnson, brother to Earl and George and sister Beulah.  Married to Lloyd Johnson who was Bert Johnson's brother.
            January 27, Saturday ~ Church work day.  The Stewardship Team lead the work that had to be done.  Cleaning carpet is on of their goals for that day.
            March 27, Easter 
            March 27, Lea Campbell passed away.  Lea joined Temples Fellowship in 1950 and moved to another church in 1975.  Lea was proceeded in death by her husband John who died on December 26, 1997.
            April 8, Friday ~ Nannette (Nan) Bonneau was called home by our Lord and Savior at 4:15 pm.  She was a faithful prayer warrior and good friend to those who knew her. She and her husband Frank, who died in 1996, joined Temple in 1981. On her last day in the hospital, her family sang different familiar hymns for one hour in her room with the blessings of the hospital staff.  More than once Nan sat up and tried to sing along. She is missed!!
            April 16, Saturday ~ A Memorial Service was held for Lea Campbell at Milwauke Covenant Church.
            April 16,Saturday, 2:00 pm ~ A Memorial Service was held for Nan Bonneau at Temple.  Her entire surviving family sang from the platform 2 hymns.  There was somewhere around 140 in attendance.
            April 21, Thursday, 7:00 pm ~ A free concert was held in Temple's Sanctuary.  It was put on by Wilson High School's choir and band featuring their Spring Concert.
            April 24, Sunday, 2:00 pm ~ A baby shower was held in the reception room for Tiffany Gale and her newly born daughter Lyla Lynn.  It was attended by about 40 ladies from church.
            May 8, Ladies Appreciation Day
            May 12, Troy Adamson, son of Fran Cooper, Brother to Rebecca Wood passed away today after being in a serious traffic accident.  He was rushed to surgery and survived a 3 hour operation and while in ICU died of complications.
            May 21, Saturday, 6:00 pm, In the upper Room (I Love My Church Banquet).
            June 1, Beginning Fusion grades 6-12 ~ 7:00-8:00 pm in the youth center.
            June 4, Saturday, 4-8 pm ~ Fusion Scavenger Hunt - Prizes and taco/nacho bar included. 
            June 5, Sunday ~ Deadline to sign up for Family Camp-out
            June 5, Sunday ~ Kid City Grand Opening.  Doors opened 10:45 am.  Children through 5th grade.
                                        Fusion Lunch Bunch - 12:30 - 1:45 pm at Lloyd Center Food Court
            June 12, Sunday ~ Early Start - 10: am The Gathering and Kid City.  The morning service was set for one hour early to make it easier to get to the Church picnic at North Clackamas Park right after the Morning Gathering.
            June 14, Pastor Jeremy Taylor celebrated his 40th birthday today.
            June 17, College-Age Beach Trip.
            June 26, Sunday, 6:00 pm ~ Pie with the Pastor and Family.  At the Taylor home.  No agenda - just pie!
            July 9-10, Saturday, Sunday ~ Fusion Son Escape.  They departed from the church at 6:00 am in the church van for the beach.  40 hours of Son, beach, sand and more.
            July 10, Sunday ~ Round Table Discussion
            July 11, Monday, 6:00 pm ~ Pie with the Pastor and Family.  At the Taylor home.  No agenda - just pie!
            July 12, Tuesday ~ College Age Disc Golf.
            July 15-16, Friday & Saturday ~ Indoor Family Camp-in on the lower level of the church.  They camped over-night in the church basement.
            July 17, Sunday ~ Family Sunday, Bridal Shower for Brittany Barron
            August 2, Tuesday, 5:00-7:00 ~ National Night Out in Holladay Park.   Temple provided Hot Dogs and picked up trash after the Festivities were over.
            August 2, Ron Wright passed away on this day.  He was battling Leukemia which he had for some time.  Ron was member of Temple for many years before the family dropped their membership. 
            August 14, The South parking lot was closed this Sunday due to seal coating and new stripping.
            August 17-21, Annual Church Campout at Fort Stevens State Park, Hammond, Oregon.
            August 21, Temple had 2 services - one at Fort Stevens and one at church in Portland.
            September 1, Thursday ~ Morning Prayer Resumed.
            September 10, 2:00 pm ~ There was a memorial Service at Oregon City Evangelical Church for Ron R. Wright.  The Internment was held at Willamette National Cemetery with Military Honors.
            September 11, 10:00 am ~ Kick off Sunday.  Outdoor tailgating fun, games and food.
            September 11, 11:00 am ~ Kid City and Gathering.
            September 11, ~ Today is National Grandparents Day.
            September 13, Tuesday, 9:30 am ~ Women's Morning Bible Study Resumed in the Upper Room.
            September 17, Saturday ~ Men's Breakfast Event.  After breakfast they took a tour of the Blazers Locker Room.
            September 25, Sunday ~ Gospel Communities Resumed.  Pastor John headed it up.
            September 30, Friday ~ Chuck Wilkins passed away with family at his side in Portland.  Chuck joined the membership of Temple on November 1, 1970.  Chuck was a Sunday School teacher for Junior High Boys for over 10 years and served in various church leadership positions.
            October 1, Saturday, 9-11am ~ Women's Breakfast in the Upper Room.
            October 1, 6:30 pm ~ Co-ed Volleyball Night in the gym.
            October 6, Elsie Kalmen Johnson passed away today.  She was born on August 27, 1922.  She married Mr. David Stanwood Johnson in 1946. They were long time members of Temple.  
            October 16, Sunday ~ Bring One: Change-a-Life!  Food Cart Lunch after the Morning Gathering.  Bring your friends to the Gathering, then buy them lunch in Temple's back lot food cart pod.
            October 21, A Memorial Service was held in the sanctuary for Chuck Wilkins.  Following the service a reception was held in the Upper Room.  There were between 150 and 200 people who attended.
            October 30, Sunday ~ Trunk or Treat - It was an evening trick or treating and other fun in the back parking lot.  We also brought food for the Thanksgiving boxes.
            November 6, 11:00 am ~Sunday Gathering, Marcia Whitehead, Guest Presenter.
                                                  Daylight Savings Time Ends.  Set clocks back one hour.
            November 11, Miss Georgianne Obinger, sister of Karen Whitehill and Susan Johnson.  Georgianne entered heaven this morning, setting aside the wheelchair she had been confined to for the past 54 years.  Her family is mourning her loss but rejoicing that she is now with Jesus and finally free of pain.
            November 13, Sunday ~ Business Meeting 
            November 20, Sunday ~ Christmas Decoration of the Church.
            November 27, Sunday ~ Dickens Carolers
            December 4, Men's Bake off.  Josh Schreck won a "silver" mixing bowl, with his delicious chocolate with peppermint bark cookies,  Pastor Jeremy won 2nd prize with baked apples that were made to look like a red rose bloom.
            December 11, Kid City Family Cookie Decorating.
            December 13, Velma Price, who was 93 years of age, passed away on this day .  She was a member of Temple for 27 years. In 2008 she submitted a letter of transfer.  A Celebration of Life was held on December 18, at Salem Heights Church in South Salem, Oregon
            December 24, Saturday, 11 pm  ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
            December 25, Sunday, 11 am ~ Christmas Gathering.  $5,874.41 was received and was given to Responder Life P-mentoring, Boys to Men Breakfasts and the No Hate Zone.
            December 30, Friday, 1:00 am ~Mrs. Josephine Fallon died this morning at 1:00 am.
            December 31, Saturday 10:39 pm. ~ Congratulations to Andee and Tyler Knight and big brother Jayce on the birth of Leroy Kenneth Knight weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 19 inches long.

             In Memoriam ~  Mr. Jack Romane Cooper - January 16 ~ Jack was born on October 27, 1940 and joined Temple fellowship on November 5, 2000.  He was married to Fran Cooper.
                                        Mrs. Marion Ruth (Johnson) Johnson ~ January 24
                                        Mrs. Lea (Nevealea) Campbell - March 27 ~ Mrs. Campbell was born on May 14, 1919 and joined Temple fellowship on April 2, 1950 along with husband, Mr. John Harry Campbell.
                                        Mrs. Nan Bonneau - April 8 ~ Nan was born on December 23, 1918 and joined Temple fellowship along with her husband Frank on October 28, 1981.
                                        Mr. Troy Adamson - May 12
                                        Mr. Ronald 'Ron' R.Wright - August 2 ~ Ron was born on July 29, 1941 and joined Temple fellowship on September 17, 1950. 
                                        Mr. Chuck Wilkins - September 30 ~ Chuck was born on May 9, 1952 and joined Temple fellowship on November 1, 1970.  He was married to Vera Wilkins.
                                        Mrs. Elsie Johnson - October 6, 2016
                                        Miss Georgianne Obinger - November 11 ~ Georgianne was born on May 15, 1949 and joined Temple fellowship on April 19, 1957.
                                        Miss Velma A. Price - December 13
                                        Mrs. Josephine Fallon - December 30

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
                                               Romans 12:1 NIV

            Jeremy Taylor continued as our senior Pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant Pastor
            January 1, ~ New Years Day
            January 1, Chris Barron is our new Worship Arts Director.  Chris is a Portland native, a lifelong Temple atender, and a huge fan of all things Star Wars.  Besides his soon-to-be wire (Angela) and their dog (Koda), he loves spending time with his team at Chick-fil-A, evenings crowed around a board game with friends and a good cup of coffee.  
            January 13, Friday ~ Dr. Bob Anderson passed away this morning.  Bob and Rosella were Interim Pastors in the years 1985 and 86 at Temple.  In his younger years he and his brother John were enlisted in the US Army where Bob served as Chaplin and had the rank of Major.  Bob and Rosella owned a travel company called Master's Tours and Cruises.  They made 35 + visits to the Holy Land.  A lot of the times they planned a side trip before and after the tour to Israel like Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan at different times.  The also planned Holy Land tours for other groups.  Darning the month of January they would plan a cruise to the Caribbean, Alaska, or Baja California just to beat the January Blahs.  They also planned and made several trips to Branson Missouri.  Bob always said "Branson was the Happiest place on earth.
            January 14, Saturday ~ A call was put out for people to bring their snow shovels and clear Temple's Parking Lot, on the corner of 6th and Wasco, of snow.
            January 15, Sunday ~ Pastor Jeremy started an new Sermon Series on Galatians.
            January 24, Tuesday ~  An 8 week women's Bible Study begins 9:30 am in the Upper Room.
            February 26, Sunday ~ New English Standard Version Bibles were purchased from the estate of Nan Bonneau and were used for the first time today.  The Bibles they replaced were New International Version.
            February 28, ~ Steve Nelson, son of Evans and Marilyn Nelson Passed away.  He was a member of Temple for over 30 years.
            March 11, ~ Mrs. Jeanne Buschbach passed away.  She was a member of Temple since 2009. 
            March 22, ~ Marianne Goddard passed away today.  She was a member of Temple for most of her life.  She served as Church Secretary for many years.
            April 9, Sunday, 2:30 pm ~ Memorial Service for Jeanne Buschbach was held at Temple. There were about 100 in attendance.   Reception followed in the Upper Room.
            April 16, Easter Sunday.  Service at Temple starts at 10:00 am because of a lunch in the Upper Room.  The 10:00 time is for this Sunday only.
            April 21, Friday, 2:00 pm ~ Memorial Service for Marianne Goddard was held in the sanctuary.  A reception followed in the Upper Room. 
            April 26, Wednesday ~ Eleanor Sites passed away on Wednesday.  She was a member of Temple since 2009.  She would have been 98 on May 14, 2017.
            April 30, Sunday ~ Pastor Jeremy started a new series for spring/summer entitled lessons from the book of 1 Timothy.  Today's sermon was on 1 Timothy 1:1-2.
            May 7, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 3: 14-16.
            May 14, Sunday ~ Mother's Day
            May 14, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 1:3-11
            May 21, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 1:12-17
            May 21, Sunday ~ Lynnette Young, Missionary from Uruguay was here with us for the morning service.
            May 28, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 2:1-8
            June 4, Sunday ~ Acts 2:1-41
            June 11, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 2 :9-15
            June 11, Sunday ~ A Town Hall meeting was held after the Gathering.  The main agenda was to discuss the church changing the time of the Morning Service  (Gathering) from 11:00 to 10:00 am.
            June 18, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 5:17-19
            June 25, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 4:1-10
            July 2, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 4:11-16
            July 9, Sunday ~ ! Timothy 5:1-16
            July 16, Sunday ~ 1Timothy 5:20-6a; 1:19-20
            July 23, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 6:3-10
            July 30, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 6:11-16
            July 30, Sunday, 12:30 pm ~ Our annual church picnic was held at Holladay Park, NE 11th and Multnomah.  We brought our own lunch and chair to sit on plus a dessert to share.
            August 1, 5 to 7:00 pm ~ National Night Out was held at Holladay Park,  NE 11th and Multnomah.  Free food, entertainment and various activities was there for all to partake  Temple hosted kids' area, grilled hot dogs, and more..
            August 6, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 6:17-19
            August 13, Sunday ~ 1 Timothy 6:17-19
            August 16-20 ~ Church Campout at Fort Stevens State Park.
            August 17 ~ Mrs. Betty Jean Beckelhymer passed away today.  Betty Jean and her husband Artie (Arnold) became members of Temple in June of 1974.  They decided to leave Temple 1979.  Betty Jean was a sister to the Obinger family of which there was nine children.  
            August 20, Sunday ~ One church - two locations; Church service at camp - 10 am, church at Temple at 11:00 am.
            September 8 ~ Mr. Gordon Burkett passed away unexpectedly this morning from a blood clot. They were members of Temple since 1984.   He and Terry moved to California as Gordon had a job there.  A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2:00 pm at Imago Dei Community. 1400 SE Ankeny St. in Portland.
            September 10 ~ The church decided to change the time of the Morning Gathering from 11:00 am to 10:am.
            September 17  ~ Fall Kickoff, Gospel Community.
            September 17 ~ Starting a new series called "Threads"  This Sunday the Message was titled, "Speak Up!"  From Romans 10:8-18.
            September 17 ~ Gospel Communities Kick Off.
            September 24 ~ The Message was titled "Who is God? From Psalm 103
            October 1 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Who am I?" From Romans 3:9-20.
            October 8 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Who is Jesus?" From 2 Corinthians 5:17-19.
            October 14, Saturday ~ Pastor's Appreciation Denner.
            October 15 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?" From Galatians 2:16-20.
            October 22 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Why Should This Matter?" From John 3:36.
            October 28 ~ Kathleen Davis (former member of Temple) passed away this day in Wichita, Kansas.  She at one time was married to Mr. Gary Davis.  She is survived by her children, Rachel Elkins and Scott Davis.
            October 27 ~ Mr. Keith Kornelis passed away unexpectedly in Kenai, Alaska.  He was the eldest son of  Tom and Shirley Kornelius.
            October 28 ~ Kathleen Davis (former member of Temple) passed away this day in Wichita, Kansas.  She at one time was married to Mr. Gary Davis.  She is survived by her children, Rachel Elkins and Scott Davis
            October 29 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Can I Get a Witness?"  From Acts 1:6-8.
            October 30, Monday ~ Trunk or Treat -Evening trick or treating and other fun in the back parking lot.  Costumes optional.
            October 31, Sunday  ~ Today is the 500th year of Reformation Day; when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
            November 15 ~ Pacific Daylight Savings Ends.  Pacific Standard time begins.
            November 5 ~ Starting a new series called, "Jesus is the Question" From Mark 8:27-30.
            November 12 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "What's in the Basket?" From Mark 6:34-44.
            November 19 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Where is your Faith?" From Matthew 8:23-27.
            November 19 ~ Christmas Decorating.  After the Gathering.  Lunch  provided.  Josh and Allie Schreck were in charge of the decorating of the church.
            November 26 ~ This Sunday the Message was titled, "Do you see Me Now?" From Luke 7:36-50.
            November 26 ~ Dicken's Carolers.  Free late afternoon Christmas Concert:
            November 21 ~ Mrs. Viola Myers (Wennermark) passed away today at the age of 88.  Her brother (Bernard) Mother (Freda) and father (Martin) were long time members of Temple.  Viola transferred her membership to Powell Valley Covent Church in 1954.
            December 8 ~ Mr. Stan Moberg passed away in the Care Center where he was being taken care of.  Marj and Stan were members of Temple since 1970.
            December 9 ~ Miss Marge Rydman passed away.  She was a member of Temple since 1933. 
            December 16 ~ A memorial service was held at Temple for Mr. Stan Moberg.  His wife Marj who died in 2014 and Stan had their memorial services on the same day only 3 years apart.  They became members of Temple in 1970.
            December 24 ~ Mr. Donald Lee Motz passed away today (Christmas Eve) at the age of 84.  He was not a member of Temple but married Shirley Saltstrom, who has passed away, and whose family was very active at Temple.  They had 1 daughter, Nancy..  They attended Sunset Presbyterian Church in Cedar Mill.
            December 24 ~ The Candle Light Christmas Eve Service was canceled because of the winter weather.  When the Morning Gathering was over about 11:15 it was snowing pretty heavily.  The temperature stayed below freezing that day through the night.  The next morning there was still snow on the ground, so most of us had a white Christmas.  It was not a real heavy snow but it covered the ground.  About 10 am it started melting as the temperature warmed.

             In Memoriam ~ Dr. Bob Anderson - January 13
                                        Mr. Steve Nelson ~ February 28
                                        Mrs. Jeanne Buschbach ~ March 11
                                        Mrs. Winn (Marianne Almquist) Goddard - March 22 ~ Marianne was born on February 24, 1935 to Gust and Linnea Almquist and joined Temple fellowship on December 12, 1954.
                                        Mrs. Eleanor Sites ~ April 26
                                        Mrs. Tom (Kay) Moultrie - May 4 ~ Kay was born on June 20, 1935 and joined Temple fellowship on November 14, 1967.
                                        Mrs. Betty Jean Beckelhymer ~ August 17
                                        Mr. Gordon Burkett ~ September 8
                                        Mrs. Kathleen Davis ~ October 28 ~ Kathleen was born on November 18, 1934 and joined Temple fellowship on July 12, 1978.  She was a missionary in Spain for four years with husband Gary.
                                        Mr. Keith Kornelius ~ October 27
                                        Mrs. Viola  Myers (Wennermark) ~November 21
                                        Mr. Stan Moberg ~ December 8 ~ Stan was born on February 16, 1925 and joined Temple fellowship along with his wife Marjorie on July 5, 1970. 
                                        Miss Marge Rydman - December 9 ~ Marge was born on June 24, 1922 and joined Temple fellowship on December 31, 1933.
                                        Mr. Donald Motz ~ December 24

“Often blessings cannot be received unless we go through the trial of waiting.”  Psalm 40

            Jeremy Taylor continued as our senior Pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant Pastor
            January 12 ~ Mr. Jerry Dobbins passed away.  During the time of his life, he married Janet Lott, he attended Temple until they moved to a church near where they lived in Washington State.  Janet is the daughter of the late Ray and Evelyn Lott.
            January 14 ~ Mrs. Shirley Kornelius passed away this Sunday.  She was a long time member of Temple who in her later years moved to Southern California where her daughter lived.
            March 4, Sunday ~ Pastor Jeremy started a new series this morning called, "Jesus is the Question?"
            March 11, Sunday ~ Daylight Savings time started.  We had to set our clocks ahead one hour.
            March 30, Friday, 6:45 to  7:45 ~ Temple remembered Good Friday with a "Journey to the Cross."  When you entered the church by the parking lot entrance, you followed the foot steps laid out on the floor.  They led first to the Sanctuary where you were informed by images on the big screen of the program and what and where to go.  We were asked to be silent during the journey on the "Via Dolorosa or Way of Sorrows".  The stations of the cross were located in separate classrooms within the church building.  It was an excellent job of building the sets and the layout.  Communion was the last station.  From there you went to the south end of the Upper Room and sang hymns.
            April 8, Sunday ~ Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series called Nehemiah.
            April 13, Friday ~ Daniel DeMaris went to meet and be with Jesus today.  He died of a brain hemorrhage.
            April 15, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled "The Prayer" from Nehemiah 1:5-11
            April 18, Wednesday ~ Jeannette Bessler passed into the presence of Jesus just before 3:00 pm today.  She was a long time member of Temple and the wife of Mr. Felix Bessler.
            April 21, Saturday ~ Kid City Parents Night Out - Parents, bring their infants thru 5th graders (and older siblings) for dinner and program at church..
            April 22, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled "The Inspection: Jerusalem" from Nehemiah 2
            April 26, Thursday ~ 24-Hour Day (and Night of Prayer)  Use the sign-up sheet in the foyer or website for 30-minute time slots.
            April 29,Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled "The Inspection: Temple Baptist"  from the Elders   
            April 29 ~ Town Hall - Discuss Reimagining Church: God's Vision for His Church.
            May 3, Thursday ~ Bud Malmsten went to home to Heaven yesterday evening.  Pray for his wife, Patsy and family as well as Bud's sister, Fran Maynard as they walk through this time together.  Bud was assistant Pastor to Dave Danielson at Temple.  He and Patsy moved to Spokane WA and took a pastorate at Loma Vista Baptist Spokane Washington in 1975.
            May 6,  Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Opposition" from Nehemiah 4; 1:9-10, 2:19-20
            May 13, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Everyone Rebuilds" from Nehemiah 3
            May 13 ~ Mother's Day
            May 20, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Oppression and Generosity," from Nehemiah 5
            May 20 ~ Day of Pentecost.  Business Meeting/Town Hall - Members vote on next year's leadership.  Continue Reimagining Church, town hall discussion.  Upper Room with light snacks.
            May 26, Saturday 11 am ~  A memorial service for Bud Malmsten was held at Temple.  A reception followed in the Upper Room..
            May 27, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Conspiracy, Completion and Record Keeping," from Nehemiah 6:7:73
            June 3, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "The Other Guy in Jerusalem" Ezra
            June 3, Sunday ~ Graduate Recognition Sunday; Recognizing our 2018 high school and college graduates.
            June 10, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "God's Word and Response" from Nehemiah 8-9
            June 17, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Hello, My Name is..." from Nehemiah 10
            June 17 ~ Father's Day
            June, 24, Sunday ~ The series on Nehemiah was entitled, "Leaders, Dedication and Service" from Nehemiah 11-12
            June 24, 11:45 am ~ Church Picnic at Holladay Park NE 11th and Multnomah.  Bring lunch, chairs plus a dessert to share.
            July 8,  Sunday ~ Temple started a new preaching series for 4 weeks during the month of July, entitled "Undivided."  It was presented by Pastor John Bennett.
            July 10 Tuesday, Pastor Jeremy and family left on a vacation to Philadelphia and Washington DC.
            July 12, Thursday ~ Mr. Stephen Bondo passed away this morning.
            July 15, Sunday ~ Our church was honored to have visitors from days gone by who rode their motorcycles all the way from California, Montana, Oregon and Washington to join us for the morning gathering.  The visitors consisted of Lloyd and Tricia Rekstad, Terry and Debbie Hollister, Gary Larson, Bill and Donna Davey, Karri and Kristie Meier, Martha Hurlburt, Charles and Vicky Gillette.  Also Fran and Tom Maynard.  After the service there was a photo opt and Vicky and Fran played a grand piano duet and we sang many old hymns
            July 27, Mary Ann Hammerbeck died today at the age of 87.  She was born on August 30, 1930.  She was proceeded in death by her husband Mr. William (Bill) Hammerbeck.  They were faithful members of Temple since 1978 and changed membership to Warren Community Church in Warren, Oregon in 1984.
            July 31, Tuesday ~ Doug and Nancy Drinnon hosted the Temple seniors to a day at Viola's Seaside Oregon Beach house.
            August 7 ~ National Night Out at Holliday Park
            August 12th, Sunday ~ There was a memorial service held at Temple at 3:00 pm for Mr. Stephen Bondo who passed away on July 12.
            August 8-13 ~ Church Campout at Fort Stevens
            September 1, Saturday, 11:00am ~ A memorial service was planned for Mary Ann Hammerbeck at Warren Community Fellowship in Warren, Oregon. See July  27th.
            September 9, Today was a Training Day.  There was no Church Service.  The Training Day started a 8:30 am and finished 1:47 pm.  Breakfast and Lunch was included.  We met in the Upper Room.
            September 16, Pastor Jeremy started a new message theme; "Are We There Yet?."  The message was titled, "The Well Ordered Life."  The message was taken from Mark 12:28-34.
            September 18, 9:30am ~ A new women's Bible study of 2 Timothy by Beth Moore.  The study is titled, "Entrusted."
            September 22, A memorial was held in the upper room at Temple for Kathleen Davis who passed away on October 28, 2017.
            September 23, The message was titled, "The Unhurried Life," from Matthew 11:28-30.
            September 30, The message was titled, "The Me-Last Life: Serventhood," from Philippians 2:1-7
            October 1, ~ Joshua Elliot Fetters was born at 10:55 pm to Brittany and Aidan Fetters.  He was 19" long and weighed 6lb-15oz.
            October 7, The message was titled, "The Can You Hear me Life," Part 1-Prayer - From Luke 11:1-4.  from Matthew 11:28-30.
            October 13, Mrs. Bernice Adelle Due passed away today where she resided in Beaverton Oregon.  She reached the age of 102.
            October 14, The message was titled, "The Can You Hear me Life," Part 2 - Scripture From 2 Timothy 3:16-17
            October 19, Mr. Henry Olof Peterson died today at Emanuel Hospital of burns suffered in a fire in the home he shared with his wife, Sharon in NE Portland.  Henry joined Temple in September 1949.  He is survived by his wife Sharon, brother Frank and wife Patty. 
            October 23, A funeral was held at Riverview Cemetery  and Funeral Home for Bernice Due.  She was 102 years of age.  
            October 28, The message was titled, "The Let's Party Life: Celebration - from Nehemiah 8:9-12.
            November 4, The message was titled,  "The Undercover Generosity Life: Secretly Generous. From Matthew 6:1-4.
            November 10, ~ Our dear Mrs. Gladys Beeler passed away today after suffering a stroke. 
            November 11, Veteran's Day ~ The message was titled, "The This is Really -Hard Life: Suffering.  From James 1:2-4.  by Josh Schreck.
            November 17, Saturday 11:00am ~ A funeral was held for Gladys Beeler at Rose City Funeral Home. 5625 NE Fremont, Portland.  Our condolences to the family and friends.  She and her late husband, Cliff joined Temple fellowship on April 25, 1973.  In her later years has been a shut in and received prayers, cards, phone calls and a church bulletin mailed each week.
            November 18, The message was titled, "The Shhh Life: Silence.  From Lamentations 3:22-28.
            November 18, ~ Dominique Barron passed away this morning.  
            November 25, The message was titled,  "The Woh-Done-it-Life: Confession.  From Psalm 51.
            November 25, 4:00 pm ~ The Dickens Carolers performed at Temple.
            December 1, Saturday, 10:00AM ~ A memorial service was held at Temple for Dominique Barron.
            December 2, Sunday ~ The message this this morning was from a new Theme called "Treasured."   The treasured moments of life are the fuel for my life with Jesus.  This was the first advent Sunday.  The candle was lit by Logan Johnson.
            December 7, Friday 6:30 am ~ Barbara Strandberg walked through the gates of heaven this morning.  She joined the Temple fellowship in 1945 along with her parents, George and Mildred Semmingson.  She was a patient at St. Vincent Hospital when she passed away.
            December 9, ~ Today was Egg Roll Sunday. Egg Rolls provided by the Hope Vietnamese Baptist Church.  This was the second advent Sunday.  The candle was lit by Elijah Taylor.
             December 16, ~ This morning service theme was titled Treasured.  This was the third advent Sunday.  The candle was lit by Jacie Knight assisted by Pastor John Bennett

             In Memoriam 
                                        Mr. Jerry Dobbins ~ January 12 ~ Jerry was born on August 28, 1940.  He lived in Ridgefield, Washington with his wife Janet (Lott) their children and grand children.  He attended Temple for awhile and Started a company called Kawasiki City with Don Strandberg and Al Rust.  After a few years they sold the business and he started farming full time.  They raised rasberries.
                                          Mrs. Shirley Kornelius - January 14 ~ Shirley was born on July 3, 1928 and joined Temple fellowship on November 7, 1971.
                                          Mr. Alfred J. Newell - January 27
                                          Mr. Daniel DeMaris - April 13 ~ Dan was born on July 11, 1983.  He was the son of Dave and Renata DeMaris.
                                          Mrs. Jeanette Bessler - April 18 ~ Jeanette was born on September 27, 1943.  She was married to Felix Bessler for over 52 years.  Michael Johnston played bagpipes at her memorial at Temple.
                                          Pastor Bud Malmsten - May 3 ~ Bud Malmsten was born on July 11, 1937 to Rev. and Mrs. H.Wyman. Malmsten (Amy Groff) and joined Temple fellowship on March 1, 1964.  In 1963, he moved to Portland, Oregon and became Assistant Pastor in charge of Youth and Music at Temple Baptist Church, serving until November 1975.   
                                          Mr. Stephen Bondo - July 12 ~ Stephen Bondo was born on March 2, 1969.  He was married to Jena Bondo and had 3 girls.  He passed away from a Sarcoma a rare form of cancer.
                                          Mrs. Mary Ann Hammerbeck - July 27
                                          Mrs. Bernice Due - October 13
                                          Mr. Henry O. Peterson - October 19 ~ Henry was born on April 23, 1935 and joined Temple fellowship on September 28, 1949.
                                          Mrs. Gladys Beeler - November 10 ~  Gladys was born on November 28, 1928 and joined Temple fellowship on April 25, 1973.
                                          Mrs. Dominique Barron - November 18
                                          Mrs. Paul (Barbara Semmingson) Strandberg - December 7      

            "God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."                                                                                                                Isaiah 40:28-31

            Jeremy Taylor continued as our senior Pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant Pastor
            January 6, ~ Sunday ~ Gospel communities Begin  -- The Story of Ruth (New theme)  Vision Sunday
            January 10 ~  24 Hour Day and Night of Prayer
            January 13 ~ Good Grief it Hurts -- Ruth 1:1-5   Lunch at the Lloyd - Have lunch at a Lloyd restaurant and converse with your server. Plus leave a good tip ($)
            January 15, Tuesday 9:30 till Noon ~ New women's Bible Study  Study of Psalm 107
            January 18-19, Friday, Saturday ~ Mission ConneXion Conference -- Details at www.missionconnexion.com   At Rolling Hills Community Church, Tualitan, OR
            January 18~ Mr. Larry Truman passed away this morning.  
            January 19 ~ A memorial was held at Temple for Mrs. Paul (Barbara) Strandberg.
            January 20 ~ Caring Costs -- Ruth 1:6-22
            January 27 ~ Dating Beyond Swipe Right -- Ruth 3  Week of January 27 Temple Date Nights  Apply the sermon and go on a intentional date with significant other. 
            February 3 ~ Singleness is Not a Disease -- Ruth 2 / 1Corinthians 7
            February 10 ~ The Sex Talk You Never Got But Always Wanted -- Ruth 3:6-14 / 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
            February 17 ~ Redeeming Relationships -- Ruth 4:1-18
            February 17 ~ Baptism Class
            February 24 ~ The Gospel of Ruth --
            March 2, 1:00 pm ~ A memorial service was held in memory of Marilyn Warring. 
            March 3 ~ New Sermon Series 'I AM' --Name of God Revealed -- Exodus 3
            March 9 ~ Lloyd Laughs = comedy Sportz inprov - hilarity at Temple.  Childcare available
            March 10 ~ I AM's of Jesus -- John 6:20 / 8:24 / 8:28 / 8:58 / 18:5-8
            March 16, 1:00 pm ~ Larry Truman Memorial
            March 17 ~ I AM the Gate / Good Shepherd -- John 10:1-21
            March 18 ~ Paul Goddard, son of Winn and Marianne Goddard went home to his heavenly Father today,  He truly fought a good fight.  Prayer for his wife Ruth, his sons Timothy and Matthew and families.  Pray especially for Winn as he deals with yet another loss.  A service will be held in Everett, Washington on April 6th. 
            March 24 ~ I AM the light of the world -- John 8:12-30  Uganda Kids Choir. Sharing the power of God's love through music and dance during our Gathering.
            March 31 ~ I AM the way, Truth and Life -- John 14:1-14
            April - Every Wednesday in April Free Noon Community Concerts  Bring your lunch and listen to local musicians in Temple's sanctuary.
            April 6 ~ Church Clean-up Morning = tackle projects in and outside our church building.
            April 6 ~ Memorial Service was held in Everett, Washington for Mr. Paul Goddard.
            April 7 ~ I AM the bread of life -- John 6:22-59
            April 14 ~ I AM the True Vine -- John 15:1-17
            April 19, Food Friday experience - Travel at your own pace in an interactive, self-led prayer walk
            April 21, Easter ~ I AM the Resurrection and the Life -- John 11:17-27  Easter Celebration and Lunch
            April 23, Tuesday ~ A Military Memorial service was held for Mr. Henry O. Peterson who passed away on October 19, 2018.  The funeral and burial was heldRe at Williamette National Cemetery.
            April 28, Sunday ~ Today starts a new sermon series entitled, "That's a Good Question"  The question for today was, "Is God Dead?" by Pastor Jeremy
            May 4, Saturday ~ Parents' Night Out.  Kid City and Fusion will care for your kids 4th grade and younger 5:15-7:45
            May 5, Sunday ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Is Jesus a Myth?" by Pastor John Bennett.
            May 12, Sunday, Mothers Day ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Is Christianity anti-Women? by Dr. Gerry Breshears, Western Seminary.
            May 15, Wednesday ~ Follow-up Discussion, 6:30 pm - Is Christianity a Myth?
            May 19, Sunday ~  The Sermon question for today is, "Is the Bible Truth?" by Pastor Jeremy.
            May 19, ~ Business Meeting.  After the Gathering, Members voted on next year's volunteer leadership.
            May 22, Wednesday, 6:30 ~ Follow-up Discussion - Is the Bible Truth? 
            May 26, Sunday ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Is Death It? by Pastor John Bennett.
            June 2, Sunday ~  The Sermon question for today is, "Can you believe in the Bible and Science?"  by Dr. Todd Miles, Western Seminary.
            June 2, Sunday ~ Lunch in the Lloyd. (After the Gathering)  Eat lunch in a Lloyd restaurant and engage with you server.
            June 9, Sunday ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Why does God Allow Suffering?" by Pastor Jeremy
            June 9, Sunday ~ Last Gospel Community discussion groups until fall.
            June 12, Wednesday 6:30 ~ Follow-up Discussion - Why Does God Allow Suffering?
            June 16, Sunday, Fathers Day ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Does God Love the LGBTQIA+ Community?" by Dr. Brad Harper. Multnomah University.
            June 19, Wednesday, 6:30 pm ~ Follow-up Discussion - Does God Love the LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY? 
            June 23, Sunday ~   The Sermon question for today is, "Is There Really Only One Way to God?" by Pastor Jeremy.
            June 23, Sunday ~ Church Picnic - Details Soon!
            June 30, Sunday ~ The Sermon question for today is, "Is Christianity just a bunch of Rules?" by Pastor Jeremy.
            July 30 ~ Seniors' Day at Seaside at Viola's cabin.
            August 6 ~ National Night Out at Holladay Park
            August 7-12 Church Campout at Fort Stevens State Park
            August 11 ~ One Church, Two Locations:  Some of us will be camping at Fort Stevens State Park in Hammond, Oregon, while others will remain in town.  The Gathering at the beach was led by Pastor Jeremy.  The gathering at Temple was held in the Reception Room led by Pastor
            August 31 ~ Tracy (Moody) Allen was rafting on the Willamette River, in Oregon, with 4 friends near the town of Independence when the raft overturned and the 4 friends of Tracy were OK but Tracy was no where to be found.  She must have been caught in a strong undertow and was never able to surface.  They were all wearing live jackets.
            September 4, Wednesday ~ Mrs. Betty Morgan passed away this morning after a long bout with cancer.  She is survived by her husband Mike Morgan.
            September 8 ~ Fall Kick Off and BBQ.  
            September 8 ~ This Sunday Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series called "One book, One Story, One Savior," that will take us through the entire Bible in one year.  We will see the story of God as we learn His heart for people as we Experience Jesus each and every week.  The First Sermon  titled Creation from Genesis 1-11.
            September 21 ~ Jeff Goddard passed away this morning.  He was a son of Winn Goddard.  He is survived by his wife, Rhonda, daughters and a son.
            September 28 ~ A memorial service was held at Vancouver Church in Vancouver, Washington for Tracy (Moody) Allen.
            October 24 ~ Mrs. Charlotte Gage passed away today.  She was married to Wilbur Gage and was a member of Temple Baptist Church.since 1990   She reached the age of 96 years. They had two daughters, Marisue and her sister Julie.
            November 1-2,  Temple's Mission Team is inviting our youth to attend a free missions conference called Student ConnecXion, at Grace Pointe Church in Milwaukie, 
            November  2 ~  Kathy Kirchner's mother, Norma Homsley Hebb, passed away this morning.  Please remember Cathy, Roger, Danielle and Meggie as well as Cathy's brother Gary, and his boys Tim and Jared in prayer.                                            
            November 23, Saturday, 2pm ~  A Memorial Service was held at Temple for Charlotte Gage.

             In Memoriam ~~ Mr. Larry Truman ~ January 18 ~ Larry was born on May 29, 1947.  In his later years he would show up on Sunday mornings before the Service and make sure the boiler was running properly and was always happy to perform repair services for Temple in any way and any tiime of day or night that he could.  He was married to Laurie (Goodwin) Truman.
                                          Mrs. Marilyn Warring ~ February 8 ~ Marilyn was born on July 22, 1947 and joined Temple fellowship on November 9, 1997 along with her husband Steve.
                                          Mr. Paul Goddard - March 18~ Paul was born on May 22, 1954 to Winn and Marianne Goddard and joined Temple fellowship on April 18, 1965. 
                                          Mrs. Tracy Allen (Moody) - August 31 ~ Tracy was born on July 20, 1982 and joined Temple fellowship on July 18, 1993.  She was recently married.  She died on the Williamette River while floating in a inner tube with a small group of friends.
                                          Mrs. Betty Morgan - September 4
                                          Mr. Jeff Goddard - September 21 ~ Jeff was born on September 29, 1956 to Winn and Marianne Goddard and joined Temple fellowship on February 21, 1995.
                                          Mrs. Charlotte Gage ~ October 24
                                          Mrs. Norma Homsley Hebb ~ November 2

        I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.                                                               Ezekiel 36:26 NIV

            Jeremy Taylor continued as our senior Pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant Pastor
            March 8, All services at Temple Baptist Church were postponed (cancled)  until a later date because of the COVID 19 virus.  Pastor Jeremy and church staff has set up Sunday Gathering on line via Vimeo Video.
            April 14, Michael Hogg was baptised.
            April 26, A Zoom coffee chat was set up so people can see each other on line and chat.
            May 7, Today is the National Day of Prayer.
            May 10, Mother's day.  Along with the regular morning service via Vimeo Pastor Jeremy put together a short slide show featuring Women of Temple.
            May 29 Pastor Fred Prinzing went to his eternal home.  He was Senior Pastor from 1975 to 1986.  After leaving Temple he went to Bethel Seminary to take on the role of Professor of preaching and pastoral ministries.
            July 19, Covid Virus Church service attendance was set to 25 people.  Pastor Jeremy had two services: One at 9:15 and one at 11:15.  You had to sign up on line for RSVP or call Mary for reservations.  Face Masks were required.  The pews were wiped down with disinfected and 
 some pews were roped off to keep people 6 feet apart.  A person was stationed at the door and asked questions about symptoms is you had the virus and masks hand sanitizer were provided.  The service was held virtually on-line but Pastor Jeremy opened with prayer in person. 
            July 26,  Same restrictions applied as on July 19.  The service was held virtually on-line but Pastor Jeremy opened with prayer in person.
            July 30 Brad Norman passed away on this day.  A note about Brad  from pastor John Bennett:  "He was a wonderful man and brother in the Lord who struggled with health issues over the last few years.  When I think of Brad, I'm reminded of his restless love for God's Word and clear imperative to live for Jesus - Just ask the nurses who assisted him in rehabilitation center only two years ago.  He will be especially missed by his wife, children, and grandchildren."
            August 1, Holger Engstom passed away this morning at 10:00. 
            August 2, Covid Virus Church service restrictions was increased to 50 people.  The same restrictions as the last two Sundays still applied such as hand washing with sanitizer and masks and keeping 6 feet apart..  There was one service at 10:00 AM with Pastor Jeremy presenting the message in person.  The recorded sermon and music will  be posted on Temple's website for those unable to attend in person.
            August 6, Jean Weatherly, Leta Kriens mom, passed away earlier today peacefully while at home.  Memorial plans will be posted when available.
            September 8, Mr. Don Strandberg entered the Lord's presence on this day. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, one daughter Karla and two sons Todd and Brian.  Don was a long time member of Temple and he will be missed.
            November 3, Louvene Parker went to be in the presence of our Lord and Savior.  She was a regular attendee at Temple since the day her son and his wife brought her a few years ago.
             Louvene Parker was born on September 23, 1926 to Theron and Fanny Mae Parker. She joined Jesus in heaven at age 94. Her parents and her siblings, Ada Fae and Sonny, preceded her in death as did her Uncle John and Aunt Avie whom she lived with as an adult until John Ford's passing. She is survived by her daughter, Becky Carlson and her granddaughters, Emily Mills and Sarah Carlson, and her great-granddaughter Oliva.
            November 26, Thanksgiving Day.  Our Governor said each household was limited to 6 people in a house for dinner.
            November 29, First Sunday of Advent!  Josh Schreck preached and Communion was served.  The Oregon Governor, Kate Brown set a limit of 25 people in a church service so we had a limit of 25 in the Sanctuary and 25 in the Upper Room via Simulcast do to the up tick in Corona Virus cases in Multnomah County.  Each venue had its own entrance and exit.  We have to answer some questions that asked if we had symptoms and use the hand washing station.  Also people who wanted to stay home could view the service on Live TV streaming at 10:00 AM. 

             In Memoriam ~~ Mrs. Janet (Lott) Dobbins - February 24
                                          Dr. Fred Prinzing - May 29
                                          Mr. Brad Norman - July 30
                                          Mr. Holger Engstrom - August 1
                                          Mrs. Jean Weatherly - August 6
                                          Mr. Don Strandberg - September 8
                                          Mrs. Louvene Parker - November 3

       "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."   1 Peter 3:7

            Jeremy Taylor continued as our senior Pastor
            John Bennett continued as our assistant Pastor
            January 3, Pastor Jeremy started a new 7 week preaching series called "Flourish,"
           January 3, Temple said goodbye to Joel McMartin and family as they returned to their mission field.
            February 7, A Baptismal service was held before the morning service.  Elijah Taylor, Emerson Bennett, Thomas Leacock, and Christopher Griffing were baptized.  Pastor Jeremy baptized his son Elijah. Pastor Jeremy baptized Thomas and was assisted by a friend of Thomas named Raheem.  Pastor John baptized his daughter Emerson and Christopher Griffin. 
            February 14, Valentines Day - Church was closed do to snow and inclement weather.
            February 19, Marilyn Nelson went home to be with her Lord on this day.  She was a long time member of Temple.  She is survived by her 2 daughters, Shari and Julie.  She was a resident at a Care Facility in Vancouver, Washington since after her husband, Evans passed away in 2011 and her son, Steven, who passed away on February 28, 2017.
            February 20, Norman L. Haugen died today and went to be with his Lord and Savior.  He was a faithful attendee at Temple.
            February 21, Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series entitled, "Hello God."
             April 4, Easter Sunday.  
            April 11, Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series entitled, "The Table"
            May 6, Today was the National Day of Prayer
            May 16, Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series entitled, "God in Running Shoes."
            June 6, Today marks the 77th anniversary of D Day when the US troops stormed Omaha Beach in Normandy, France.
            June 13, Pastor Jeremy started a new sermon series entitled, " How He Loves; Looking at Scripture through Song."
            June 20, A Baptismal Service was held for Ariel Lewin.  She was baptized by Pastor Jeremy Taylor. Ariel was a friend of Thomas Leacock..  (See February 7, 2021.)
            July 3, Saturday - A memorial service for Louvene Parker was held in Temple's sanctuary.  She went home to be with her Lord on November 3, 2020.
            July 4, Temple hired  a new temporary worship leader for the month of July, named Mike Meyers who sings and plays a mean guitar until our regular worship leader, Tiffany Buys returns in August.
            July 11. Pastor Jeremy spoke his last sermon at Temple.  They have accepted a Pastorate at Journey Church  Converge Conference Church in Federal Way, Washington.
            July 18, Today was the last Sunday for Pastor Jeremy and family.  The church had a reception in the Upper Room for Pastor Jeremy and family.  Pastor John presented the message this Sunday morning.
            July 21, Mr. David Gordon Meier passed away at the age of 84 today.  Dave married Miss Sharon Bergstrom at Temple.  They both were active in the Young Married class at Temple. 
            July 21, Mr. Ron Morgan passed away on this day.  He was married to Mrs. Linda Morgan who is a long time member of Temple.  Ron has been confined to bed for a while until his passing.  Ron was buried at Willamette National Cemetery with full military honors on August 3, 2021,
            July 25, Our Guest Speaker was Lori Moody's brother, Eric. The coffee cart was reopened since it was closed because of Covid.
            August 1, Our guest speaker this morning was Mr. Evan Dodson.  Evan is/was pursuing a Masters of Divinity from Western Seminary.  Prior to to Portland he worked at Walt Disney World.  Evan spoke on Psalm 19.
            August 8, Our guest speaker was Mr. Jeff Wollstenhulme.  Jeff is/was the Pastoral Assistant and leads the Youth at Hinson Baptist Church located in Southeast East Portland.   Jeff is married to wife, Tessa and have three children with a fourth child due in October.
            August 8, Sunday nights Prayer and Social at 6:00 PM.   
            August 11-15, The annual Church Campout at Fort Stevens State Park.
            August 15, Communion Sunday
            August 15, 6:00 PM Liberty Quartet Concert at Temple.
            August 20 , Friday - Game Night in the Reception Room - Bring your favorite board game and join the fun.
            August 22, Our guest speaker was Mr. Jeff Wollstenhulme.  Read a background on him on August 8, of this year.
            August 29, Pastor John started a new series on "Do you Know Jesus"
            September 5, Kid City Resumes
            October 3, Mike Buys spoke this morning and there was a birthday celebration under the canopy for Pastor John.Bennett.
            October 10, Pastor John concluded his series of messages entitled "Do You Know Jesus?" 
            October 17, Pastor John started a new series on "Lessons in Exile.." From the book of Daniel."
            October 27, Ron Alfred. Carver passed away today of an apparent heart attack.  He is survived by a son Timothy.
            November 14, December 12; Gloves and socks Drive.
            November 15, Micheal Hogg's Mother, Georgina passed away on this date.  She came to Temple the last few Sundays of her life with son, Michael.
            November 18, Soup! Episode 3.  From a volunteer; I fed a man soup today.  He lifted his warm, homemade porridge with a spoon.  You won't find his name in the news or on a website.  He's invisible to most.
            November 21, Sermon series Lessons in Exile ends.
            November 21, Christmas Decorating of Temple.
            November 28, First Sunday of Advent.  Sean and Anna lit the hope candle.  Mike Buys spoke on the words in Luke chapter in Chapter 1 where an angel tells Mary she is to have a child and He shall be the Son on God. 
            November 28, Dickens Carolers Concert a 4:30 pm.
            December 4, A memorial service for Georgina Hogg took placer at Temple Baptist Church. 
            December 4, Family Christmas Tree Hunt at Zurbrugg Tree Farms on NW Germantown Road.  This event was canceled.
            December 5, This was the second Sunday of Advent.  The peace candle was lit by Tim and Brenda Durnil.
            December 16, Soup - Soup and porridge is made and delivered to homeless in our area.
            December 19, Christmas Sweater Sunday
            December 24, Candlelight Service at 10:00 pm

    In Memoriam 
                                          Mrs. Betty Konsella - January 26
                                          Mrs. Evans (Marilyn) Nelson - February 19
                                          Mr. Norman Haugen - February 20
                                          Mr. Ragner Walthinsen - July 16
                                          Mr. Dave Meier - July 21
                                          Mr. Ron Morgan - July 21
                                          Mr. Ron Carver - October 27
                                          Mrs. Georgina Hogg - Michael Hogg's mother - November 15
                                          Mr. Chuck Gillette

"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless who walk according to the law of the Lord."                                                               Psalm 119:1

            John Bennett continued on as our Acting Lead Pastor
            January 8, Take down and store Christmas Decorations.
            January 9, Pastor John started a new sermon series entitled "Justice"; Understanding Biblical justice in a social justice world..
            January 9, Dwaine Bailey passed away from affects of Covid 19 that he contracted in December 2021. Dwaine was instrumental with his brother Dick on working on the Sunday school Busses back when Temple had a Bus Ministry.  Dwaine is survived by wife Bev Kasten and brother Dick.  A memorial Service Was held at Sunrise Baptist Church in Custer, Washington..
            January 21-22 Mission ConneXion Conference at Village Baptist Church in Beaverton.
            January 29, Save this Date (evening).  The reason is a mystery.  The mystery was solved and the dinner was postponed until an latter date.
            February 13, Sunday.  An event. Big Game Day, is scheduled on this day at 3:00 PM in the Upper Room at Temple.  Temple provided pizza and beverages for all ages.  The Super Bowl on TV, board games for every body and events for children was had.
            February 21, Winn Goddard passed away peacefully with his family by his side.   He was a long time member of Temple and was married to Marianne Almquist.  They were blessed with 6 children which have all proceeded him in death except two daughters Marilyn and Shari.
            February 26, Mr. Don Green, husband of June father of 3 sons, Jeff, Doug and Dan and many grand children and great grandchildren and one Hawaiian son who lived with them for a while..  We know he is in Heaven with his Lord and Savior as he loved Jesus with all his heart, soul and mind..
            March 6, Pastor John Bennett is starting a new sermon series that is entitled, "Seven Days That Changed the World." 
            March 12, A memorial service was held at Temple for Mr. Don Green.  The sanctuary was full of his relatives and friends.
            March 13, We had to set our clocks ahead as this marks the start of Pacific Daylight Savings Time.
            March 18, Friday Night Trivia Night.
            April 9, Saturday, Murder mystery Dinner to honor "Pepi Roni" who was shot in the back in his renowned New York City eatery.
            April 10, Pearl Johnson celebrates her 90th birthday at Parkview Christian Retirement Community from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  The celebration was held in Parkview's Community Room and  there were about 50 people in attendance including all 4 of her sons. 
             April 20, Mr. Ken Owen passed away.  The Owen family were members of Temple for many years and later moved to south central Washington.  He is survired by his wife Sandra son David and many grandchildren.
            May 4, Today is the National Day of Prayer.  The Bible says: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and will heal their land."  2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV 
            May 7, Mike Hunter who attended Temple in the 1970s passed away on May 7 after an extended illness.  His wife, Cheryl, and family appreciate your prayers.  A memorial service is planned for Thursday, May 26, at 2 pm, at New Life Church in Everett, Washington.
            June 12, Pastor John Bennett will preach his last sermon on this Sunday.  Pastor John called in sick so Mike Buys Preached on Prayer
            June 12, Graduate Recognition,  Sermon series ends. Luncheon with the Bennetts.  The Luncheon was postponed until July 10.             
            June 19, Father's Day  Breakfast was served before the service.  Mike Buys spoke about the elephant in the room.
            June 26,Guest Speaker: Minato Holman
            July 3, Guest Speaker: Minato Holman.
            July 10, Sunday Worship Service.  Bohn Lattin was guest speaker.  Bohn is a member of Hinson Baptist Church and has worked for 30 years as an Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Portland.  At Hinson, Bohn servers as a facilitator for the Men's inductive Bible study group and works with several of Hinson's leadership staff as a communication advisor and speech coach.
            July 10, Brief Business meeting.  Picnic Lunch with the Bennetts
            July 13, Mr. John Carl Larson died on this date.  He was a long time member and was the son of Carl and Martha Larson.  He is survived by 2 brothers, Dave and Edward and a sister Ruth.
            July 17,  Sunday Worship Service.  Mr. Bohn Lattin was guest Speaker.  
            July 24, Guest speaker; Mr. Davey Walker.  Davey is a Portland metro native who has spent his whole life in Oregon.  He and his wif