Dr. Bror
Interim Pastor 1975
Bror Otto Lindgren was born
June 29, 1905 in Uneå, Sweden. He was converted on October 12, 1931 in
Saratoga Springs, New York. Bror Lundgren was baptized on Easter Sunday
April 5, 1931. He graduated from Bethel Seminary in 1936. He also
attended Wayne University in Detroit, Michigan in the years1936-1937.
Pastor Lundgren married Margaret Eleanor Abrahamson of Cadillac, Michigan on
June 26, 1936. They had one daughter, Carol Margaret. Pastor Lundgren was
ordained on October 16, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan. He was a pastor at
various churches including Detroit, Michigan from 1936-1940 and Tacoma,
Washington 1940-1975. In 1975 the church asked Dr. Lundgren to fill in as an Interim
Pastor while we were in the process of finding a new Senior Pastor. We
enjoyed Dr. Lundgren sermons with his brand of humor and down to earth teachings
and his knowledge of spiritual things. On September 27, 1976, Bror Lundgren went to be
with the Lord. He was 72 years of age. A lodge was built in the memory of Bror Lundgren at Lake
Retreat. Bror and Eleanor served in the pastorate of Central Baptist
Church in Tacoma for 34 years.
The following account by Dr. Lundgren is copied from the 1974
Pastor's Report in the Annual Report from
Temple Baptist Church .
In the very existence of Temple's
ministry of the past ninety-one years, we find the purpose of the Holy Spirit to
make known the Word of God through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that the lost will be
saved and saints will be edified. How we praise God for ministers and lay
people who have walked before us, whose faith and faithfulness have brought us
to this point in time. Many are now home in glory and we bless their
No matter how wonderful the past might have been, the future
with God is bright for Temple Baptist Church. The examples of the past are not for us to
glory in, but to go beyond. Let us survey our future from our
present. The Lord has placed Temple Baptist Church in Portland. This
church enjoys a good reputation in this city and throughout our Conference for
faithfulness to the Lord. There will be days of important decision and
doing for this church. They must first be days of prayer; we need to know
the will of God. The complexity of our society today will demand an
increasing amount of dedicated effort to maintain a fruitful ministry for the
Lord, and it will demand an ever increasing budget and a faithful stewardship of
all that we have.
How can we do it? Only as we have faith in our Lord
whom I feel sure can count on us as a church fellowship. This church is
blessed with good and able lay leadership and a faithful and loyal membership.
Our ministry with you during the months has been a joy.
On many occasions I have found myself singing, "I Am Happy In The Service Of
The King", and both my wife and I count it a real joy to share with you in
the work of our Lord. We sense in a beautiful way, the love you have for
us, and the love you have for each other. Let us pray that God will
continue to strengthen our church in the bond of peace.
Bror Lundgren, Interim Pastor
"And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit who God
had given to those who obey him."
Acts 5:32
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