David Oberg
1894 - 1896
David Oberg graduated from Bethel
College in 1889. After graduation, he was pastor at Osage City, Kansas,
from 1889 to 1892 and Topeka, Kansas from 1892 to 1893. Rev. Oberg arrived at Temple as a Pastor in November, 1894
and resigned in 1896. During Pastor Oberg's two years, thirty-eight new
members were received, including O. Seander Rydman and his brother, Albin G.
Rydman, in the fall of the same year. After leaving Temple, Pastor Oberg
worked as a painter in Seattle for several years and then moved to Oakland,
California where he died.
"But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may
those who love your salvation always say, 'The LORD be exalted!"'
40:16 KJV
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