History of Columbia Baptist Conference 1889 to The Present
During the flood of immigration from Europe in the late
1800’s, many Scandinavians settled on the Pacific Coast. Among them was Olaus
Okerson, a roving pioneer apostle, who organized the First Scandinavian Baptist
Church in Portland in 1884 (now Temple Baptist Church). There were at this
time six churches in the Pacific Northwest and it was felt a need to bring these
scattered groups and churches together, organizing them for increased and more
effective work. The First Swedish Baptist Church of Seattle invited the
other churches to a meeting on December 27, 1989. On December 28, 1889, The Swedish Baptist
Conference of the North Pacific Coast was organized, which included churches in
Portland, Tacoma, Dogfish Bay, Dakota Creek and Seattle. The purpose of the
organization would be, "Mutual edification and the pursuance of missionary
activity according to conditions and ability." In 1890, Rev. August Sandell was called as
missionary leader. Members of the Conference churches were asked to
contribute 25 cents each for three months. This would go to pay the
missionary salary of $50.00 a month. Within three months a group of
believers residing in New Whatcom (Bellingham) was organized into a
church. In 1893, the name was changed to the Swedish Baptist
Conference of Washington when four churches including, Tacoma, Rolling
Bay, Seattle Norwegian-Danish and Portland, asked for and were granted dismissal.
At this time, 1894-1930, Oregon and Washington became two conferences. A.H. Johnson came as Conference Missionary
and served from 1923-34. During this time, many of our churches made the
decision to start holding some services in English, so as to not lose the hearts
of their young people. Ole Larson was Conference Missionary from
1935-1946, and Lake Retreat Camp was established during this time. Gordon
Carlson served from 1947 to 1961 and Wesley Lindblom from 1961-70. Jack
Bergeson was Executive Secretary from 1970 to 1985, and John Hoeldtke served in
this position from 1985-1990. Rick Sturm became District Executive
Minister in 1990 and served until his death in 1999. Richard Bergstrom
served as Interim District Executive Minister from 1999 to 2001. Dr. Samuel Rima
became District Executive Minister in May 2001. The past four decades have
brought major expansions in church planting, the establishment of Camp Bighorn,
and the formation of the British Columbia Baptist Conference.
In 1996 the CBC went through a restructuring process that
separated the district into four corporate entities which serve churches
together. CBC Church Ministries helps churches through planting, renewal,
focusing ministries and support services. The CBC Church Growth Fund
provides funds to churches so that they may acquire property, refinance debt,
build, remodel or expand facilities. Lake Retreat Camp
in Ravensdale, WA,
provides a safe environment for campers to have an encounter with Christ. Camp Bighorn in Plains, MT, provides opportunity for the Holy Spirit to teach
truth to campers through adventure oriented camps. All four divisions of
the CBC are accountable to the member churches and seek to serve them for the
advancement of the Kingdom of God in the Northwest.
Today, The Columbia Baptist Conference is a
denominational association of 80 churches in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana,
Alaska. It is one of 13 districts of the Baptist
General Conference. The CBC operates out of the Ministry Center in Seattle
and is directed by District Executive Minister Dr. Sam Rima.
Click on the blue underscore text to See Web Site for the Columbia Conference
Information for the above text was taken from the Columbia Conference Web Site and Rev. Gordon Carlson's book "Seventy-Five Years."
Early Washington State Missionaries
church leaders realized that it would be necessary and profitable to engage a
missionary to work in the area occupied by the Conference. His assignment
would be to visit the churches and unorganized groups, assisting them by
preaching and teaching, and instructing them in matters pertaining to church
management, solving problems, promoting united effort of expansion, and
generally encouraging them. He would also be on the lookout for
opportunities to start new churches, choosing field that seemed most promising, concentrating
his effort there.
As stated above, in 1890, they called August Sandell to be
the first Conference Missionary. It seemed to be a sort of pilot attempt.
August Sandell, 1890
The area of Bellingham, Washington was in need of a
Baptist Church to care for the spiritual needs of the immigrants that had come
to live there. August Sandell, sent by the newly organized Conference,
came in March to meet that need. He began in the same manner employed in
Judea and Galilee, visiting from house to house, holding Gospel meetings in
homes where he was welcome. Soon a Baptist family moved into the
community, others were persuaded that baptism was for believers who by their own
decision would obey this Christ's command. Ten brave men and women
ventured to form a Baptist church. Sandell, the missionary stayed on to
with the new church to be the pastor for one year.
From pg. 5 and 118 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
He attended the S.A.B.S. (Swedish American Bible
Seminary now known as Bethel) 1884 to 1885. Is listed in the class of
1885. He was Pastor, at Bellingham, Washington, in 1890 to 1891.
Retired. Deceased. (Nothing else is said about him.)
This information is from page 99 from the book,
"Seventy-Five Years - Bethel Theological Seminary"
F.R. Goranson, 1893-1895
Paul Johnson, 1901-1904
Paul Johnson was born on August 21, 1858, in Frölinge,
Jämtland, Sweden. He was baptized in Kiron, Iowa. in 1877. Attended
B.U.T.S. (Baptist Union Theological Seminary) from 1881 to 1884. Graduated
in 1884. He was Ordained on January 21, 1885, and was pastor in Sioux City
Iowa from 1885 to 1886. He was a missionary in Iowa in 1886 and 1887, a
pastor in Burlington, Iowa from 1887 to 1888, Grantsburg, Wisconsin in 1888 to
1890, Cokato, Minnesota from 1890 to 1893, Village Creek, Iowa, from 1893 to
1895, Lansing, Iowa from 1895 to 1897, Swea City, Iowa from 1897 to 1898, Fargo,
and North Dakota from 1898 to 1900. He was a missionary in the state of
Washington (according to this publication) from 1900 to 1903. Then he was
pastor at Seattle, Ballard, Washington 1903 to 1905. Then he went on to
Texas to be a missionary there in 1905 to 1907. In that year 1907 he
retired. Rev. Paul Johnson died on January 7, 1930.
This information is from page 96 from the book,
"Seventy-Five Years - Bethel Theological Seminary"
E.O. Olson, 1909
Erik Olof Olson was born March 19, 1853 in Torp, Medelpad,
Sweden. He married Lisa Martha Olson and they had seven children, Alfred, Jenny,
Edith, Ellen, Edgar, Eldon, and Ester. He was converted on January 2, 1871
in Torp, Sweden and baptized on June 20, 1872 in Torp. He attended C.B.S.
(Central Bible Seminary) 1885-1886. He is listed in the class of 1886 at
Bethel. He was ordained in Albert Lea, Minnesota in 1882. He was the
pastor at the Danish Church in Albert Lea, Minnesota in 1882, Forest City Iowa
in 1883, Esteina, Nebraska in 1885-1887, Kiron, Iowa in 1887-1895. He was
a missionary in Minnesota in 1897-1898 and pastor, at Spring Vale, Minnesota in
1898-1899, Milaca, Minnesota in 1900-1905, Delta and Badger, Washington in
1905-1907. He was pastor at the little church in Pearson, Washington in
1908 to 1912, Matsqui British Columbia Canada in 1912-1916, then Des Moines,
Iowa in 1917-1918. He retired in Ferndale, Washington and died on January
30, 1946 at the age of 93.
This information is from page 100 from the book,
"Seventy-Five Years - Bethel Theological Seminary"
N.J. Thornquist, 1899-1900, 1905-1909
Andrew Johnson, 1904
Andrew Johnson was born January 2, 1853, in Sköllersta,
Örebro län, Sweden.
He was converted on January 1,
1877 in Sköllersta, Sweden and was baptized, also in the same location, at
Sköllersta, Sweden on November 7, 1877. He married Ellen Berg, a missionary
at St Paul First, on November 7, 1883. They had five children: Paul
Andrew, Elna Alfrida, Olga Victoria, Eleanor Christina, and Hugo Nathanael.
He attended S.A.B.S. (Swedish American Bible Seminary) in 1884 - 1885 and C.B.S.
(Central Bible Seminary) in 1885 - 1887. He graduated in 1887. He
was ordained on July 12, 1887, in Big Springs, SD. He then became the
pastor at the Big Springs church and served 1887-1891. He then served at
Bellingham, WA, 1891-1897 and then to Mt. Vernon and Cedarhome 1897-1899,
Pearson and Cedarhome1899-1901. He then perused other occupations for some
years. In 1908, he became pastor at Cedarhome and then Cherry Grove, OR.
1912-1914, Delta and Sunrise, WA. 1916-1922. He then became pastor at
Everett, WA after he retired to Pinehurst, WA and died April 3, 1936.
This information is from page 102 from the book,
"Seventy-Five Years - Bethel Theological Seminary"
Andrew was the first of four generations of
Columbia Conference Baptists. He was a pioneer - missionary serving the
churches, Sunrise and Bellingham, Northwest, walking afoot between them the
fifteen miles of road-less wilderness.
From pg. 269 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
Andrew Swartz, 1904-1909
Andrew was born on January 15, 1860 in Elfvestad,
Östergötland, Sweden. He was converted in Västerlösa, Östergötland, Sweden
in April, 1875, and baptized into the Pentecostal Church in 1880 at Mjölby,
Östergötland. He attended
S.A.B.S. (Swedish American Bible Seminary) in
1884-1885 and was in the class of 1885. He was pastor at Isanti, Minnesota
from 1886-1887, during that time in Isanti on April 2, 1887 he was
ordained. After he was called to be pastor at Worthington, Minnesota in
1888-1890, Sioux City, Iowa 1890-1892, Big Springs, South
Dakota 1892-1895, Seattle, Washington 1895-1898. He was a missionary,
South Dakota, in 1898-1901, was pastor at Arthur, Iowa in 1901-1903, was a
missionary in Western Washington 1903-1904. He was pastor at Mt. Vernon,
Washington 1904-1910. He was a missionary in Washington, 1910-1915, pastor
Spokane, Washington 1915-1919, Cedarhome, Washington 1919-1923, South Bend,
Washington 1923. He was pastor at Hartford Washington 1923-1926, Mt.
Vernon, Washington 1926, Hartford Washington 1930. Pastor Swartz died in
Hartford, Washington on November 21, 1930.
This information is from page 100 from the book,
"Seventy-Five Years - Bethel Theological Seminary"
Andrew Swartz along with F. O. Nelson,
Axel Lingren and Andrew Johnson spent two months in the community of Hoquiam,
Washington and was able to organize Immanuel church in 1904. Andrew Swartz
was chairman.
From pg. 137 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
During the time he was pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in
Mt. Vernon a new church building was dedicated on July 30, 1905.
From pg. 143 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
In 1895, Andrew Swartz, "close Bible student, practical
in his efforts," discovered a bargain, bought a church and two houses for
$4,500.00, where the Medical and Dental Building stands in the Frederick and
Nelson block.
From pg. 162 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
In 1947, Mrs. Otto Bentley was appointed as the GMG
(Girls Missionary Guild) chairman of the Columbia Conference. She was born
Harriet Swartz the daughter of Andrew Swartz.
From pg. 221 from Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
Oregon Conference
though they formed new churches and increased their total membership in this
period, Swedish Baptists found it difficult to take root in Oregon outside of
Portland. One reason was that Swedes never settled in such number in
Oregon as in Washington and Minnesota. A second reason was that, unlike
Swedes in many other sections of the nation, they did not settle, as a rule, in compact
communities but tended to be dispersed among the native American
population. This made mission activity among them much more
difficult. Another factor which hindered Swedish Baptist progress in the
State was that a number of their churches were rather isolated from each other
and were difficult to reach. This militated against both missionary
efficiency and effective inter-church fellowship. Another hindrance was
the lack of ministerial leadership. Many of the Swedish Baptist churches
in Oregon were often left without regular pastoral oversight and frequently were
forced to depend for pastoral services upon the irregular visits of a missionary
or the pastor of the Portland First Swedish Baptist Church, Another
difficulty confronting the Swedish Baptists was that many of their fellow
countrymen, having been baptized as Lutherans, were frequently very prejudiced
and even hostile towards the Baptists. Missionary G. A. Osbrink reported
in 1900:
In a number of places the Baptists are not well thought of
by other denominations and we hear many deprecating remarks of our work.
All such must be cleared away if we will be able to accomplish any mission work
worth mentioning. It can be said our tent meetings have been very successful
in this regard. One now hears. "The Baptists also have pastors who
are worth hearing," and in places where people said that they did not want
to come and hear us, in spite of this, they have attended and thought the
meetings had been good.........
From "Baptists in Oregon" by Albert W. Wardin Jr. Pages 338-339.
G.A. Osbrink, 1899
See picture and text on
Pastor Osbrink.
Gustaf Johnson, 1901
See picture and text on
Pastor Johnson
Rev. Carl Axel Boberg, 1906
Pastor Boberg was born on April 29, 1867, in Dalarne,
Sweden, He was converted in 1880 and baptized in Falun, Dalarne, Sweden,
on April 28, 1883. Attended B.T.U.S. (Baptist Union Theological Seminary)
now known as Bethel, from 1889 to 1892. He graduated in 1892.
He was Pastor in Osage City, Kanasas, in 1893 to 1895, Concordia, Kansas from
1895 to 1897. He then was a missionary in Kansas from 1897 to 1898 and
pastor in Spokane, Washington from 1898 to 1903. He then was a missionary
in Kansas and Oregon. Pastor Boberg died in Spokane Washington on June 28,
From pg.107 of "Seventy-five Years of Bethel
Theological Seminary"
See picture and text on Pastor Sandblom |
Return to Church History 1907 |
August Olson, 1913-1919
From an annual report he made at Portland in June 1915,
as read by the secretary: "Missionary August Olson has during the
year traveled 6,089 miles and has visited 21 fields within the state and
southern Washington, He has received $132.72 and for foreign (Hedna
Mission) missions $26.00. He has also seen some saved, and also that the
Lord has kept him and given his happiness in the work."
Another paragraph tells us that, "Conference Missionary
August Olson has received information that there are in the state of Oregon:
20,374 Swedes, 13,920 Norwegians, 7,463 Danes and 6,890 Finns. The Oregon
Conference had at that time (1915) 450
J. Samuelson, Sect'y."
August Olson carried a guitar and was a
forceful evangelistic preacher "enforcing his views unrelentingly, a
regular John the Baptist." He worked with A.G. Sandblom at Warren
Baptist Church in its beginnings.
From pg. 19 and 209 of Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
August Olson was born September 8, 1855, in
Asker, Sweden. Married Anna Sandberg, in Los Angeles, California, on March
29, 1899. He was converted February, 18, 1874 and baptized September 11,
1878, by Lindblom, Stockholm First. He took the job as a colporteur
(peddler of religious books), under A. Wiberg, and was missionary pastor several
places in Sweden. He was pastor at Willmar and Lake Elizabeth, Minnesota
in 1883-1885. Was ordained at Willmar on April 1884. C.B.S. (Central
Bible Seminary)1885-1887 and graduated in 1887. He was pastor at Lake Elizabeth,
Minnesota 1887-1888; Los Angeles, California 1888-1889; San Francisco,
California 1889; Seattle First, 1893. He organized a church in Spokane in
1894 and was pastor there from 1896-1898. He was a missionary in Iowa from
1892-1902. He was pastor at Concordia, Kansas from 1902-1908; field
representative, Sunset Home, Concordia, Kansas 1908-1910. He was pastor at
Elim, Seattle, Washington from 1910-1912 and missionary in Oregon from
1912-1918. He died on January 21, 1942.
From pg.102-103 of "Seventy-five Years of Bethel
Theological Seminary"
Emanuel Bjorkquist, 1920-1924
See picture and text on Pastor Bjorkquist
Columbia Conference Missionaries
A. Helge Johnson was born in Mattars Parish Jamtland, Sweden,
in 1885, and left his home at eighteen years off age to arrive in Revelstoke,
British Columbia, in 1905. He had become a Christian at the age of nine,
and was baptized in 1907, and became a charter member of the Revelstoke Baptist
Church, The call to Christian service was experienced only after his
baptism, and caused him to seek preparation for his life's work. For this
purpose he entered Brandon College, Manitoba, from which he graduated in
1911. After further studies he graduated from McMaster University in 1915,
with the degree Bachelor of Arts. Helge tells of his experience.
They were rewarding, happy years. Young men of that day rejoiced in the
privilege of going to school. But days and nights were filled with labor
and the midnight lamp was kept burning, Helge was handicapped because he
had received a scanty grammar school education in Sweden due to the necessity of
going to work as a child. But by dint (because of) long, long hours over
the books, he caught up and graduated with honors. His three sons and two
daughters all have college diplomas and teachers' certificates.
Johnson's first pastorate was at Mataqui and Vancouver,
British Columbia, after arriving in the Columbia Conference. In 1918, he
accepted a call from the Mount Vernon Baptist Church (Emmanuel).
In 1923, he became the
Missionary of Washington Swedish Baptist Conference which, when joined with
Oregon in 1930, became Columbia. He was one of the committee to name the
United Conference, "Columbia Conference." The Swedish language
was still being used, a practice that was stoutly defended by many. But it
limited the opportunity to that of serving people who could understand Swedish,
and immigrations had practically ceased. We stated this to be better able
to understand the duties of the Missionary and the conditions under which he
worked. There was no longer any Sunday School Missionary engaged, so the General
Missionary had to assume his duties. There were small groups of Swedish
settlers who had never learned the English Bible language very well who required
his service. There were also small churches that were without a pastor,
which became the responsibility of the Missionary.
Mr. Johnson was also the corresponding secretary for
twenty-three years. This office (whether he was the Missionary or not)
required that he keep the records, which he did accurately and promptly.
Some readers can still remember A H Johnson at the annual meetings reading the
reports from the churches--with an eloquent flip of the paper he would turn to
the next letter, changing the pitch of his voice to make it a brand new chapter.
Perhaps his most satisfying years were spent in Ferndale
where he was pastor for twenty years. There his children grew up; the
family became an integral part of the community and the church. There he
associated with congenial friends. There he was needed, wanted, and
loved. Ferndale was home.
In 1954, Johnson accepted the call to become Superintendent
of the Baptist Rest Home in Seattle. He administered this work with
sympathy and understanding, appreciated by management and guests alike. He
was then a deacon and vice chairman of Central Baptist Church of Seattle, and
teacher of an adult Bible Class in its Sunday School.
In 1939, the fiftieth anniversary of the Columbia Conference
was celebrated at the Ballard Church in connection with the annual
meeting. A. H. Johnson, corresponding secretary, was selected to give the
historical lecture in the evening meeting that climaxed the celebration.
Emil Friborg and P Benson (visiting from California) also spoke in that
meeting. Let us quote from A. H. Johnson's lecture:
"Today streamlined comfort, convenience and beauty is
seen on every hand. Fifty years ago the ... Swedish Baptists on the
West Coast were challenged to great endeavors. Life was real. The
virgin forests, the tall trees, the unbroken land...the simple dwellings, the
board walk, the muddy streets...homes, hamlets, and cities to be built.
What a challenge!"
"The challenge was met. What a change in fifty
years. Fertile fields, rich gardens, handsome homes and beautiful cities
and towns. Many churches from which ascend the praise of thanksgiving unto
Almighty God.... We are standing on hallowed ground today. Let us make a
full surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himself for us;
let this day be a day of real consecration for the great future work before
From pg. 241 and 242 of Gordon Carlson's book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference"
Return to Church History 1923 |
Return to Church History 1930 |
1935, Ole Larson became Conference Missionary. He was a man willing to
live frugally for the sake of the gospel and the churches. Under Larson's
ministry a new era of church planting began. He went to live in Clatskanie,
Oregon for a time, to get a church going. Larson also pioneered a church
among shipbuilding households in Bremerton, Washington.
From a pamphlet called "The Columbia Story" by the Columbia Baptist Conference.
Ole Larson was born on December 22, 1884, in Järna, Dalarne, Sweden. He was converted on January 6, 1904, in Midale, Saskatchewan, Canada and was baptized by Fred Palmborg, in Midale in January, 1908. He attended Brandon College in Manitoba, Canada in 1908-1912. Then he attended Bethel Academy and Theological Seminary from 1914-1916. On November 6, 1912, Eva Leah Hawkes and Ole got married in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The had seven children named Gordon, Sydney, Halo, Dwight, Paul, Brace, and Glenn. He was a Student Missionary in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada from 1909-1911, a student pastor, Calgary, Alberta, Canada from 1912-1914, and Enfield, Minnesota1914-1916. Ole was ordained on October 28, 1916, in Opstead, Minnesota. He was Pastor at Opstead, Minnesota from 1916-1920, Midale Saskatchewan in 1920-1922. In 1922-1935, he was a Missionary in Alberta, Canada. During this time period, he started Alberta Baptist Bible Academy, and a number of new churches. In 1935, he became a Missionary For the Columbia Conference.
From pg.159 of "Seventy-five Years of Bethel Theological Seminary"
Return to Church History 1935
1947, Gordon Carlson became the district missionary, who came from a pastorate
in Bellingham, Washington. Gordon actively pursued church planting.
He covered thousand of miles to get churches under way. His first totally
new one, in 1947, was First Baptist Church, Ephrata, Washington. His last
one, in 1961, was Calvary Baptist Church, Coquitlam. British Columbia. In
all, 27 of Columbia's existing churches came into being or applied for
Conference affiliation under Gordon Carlson. Carlson was also a
super-promoter for Lake Retreat.
From a pamphlet called "The Columbia Story" by the Columbia Baptist Conference.
Gordon Axel Carlson was born January 28, 1895, in Nysund, Värmland, Sweden. He was converted March 7, 1914, in Minneapolis, Elim, and baptized there by Jacob Peterson in May, 1914. He attended Bethel Academy and Theological Seminary in 1922-1928. He graduated with a Th.B. (Bachelor of Theology) in 1928. He was a student pastor at Herndon, Kansas, - Des Moines, Iowa, - Spring Vale, Minnesota and Holmes City, Minnesota. On July 27, 1928 he married Hilma Christina Abrahamson in Minneapolis. They had two children, Dennis Gordon and James Norris. He was ordained on October 13, 1928 in Kiron, Iowa. Pastor at Kiron, Iowa from 1928-1935 and Bellingham, Washington from 1935-1943. At that time he took a "Leave of Absence" to be a part of the US Chaplaincy. He served in The United States, France and Germany from 1943 to 1946. He then returned to Bellingham, Washington (Northwest Baptist) in 1946.
From pg.179 of "Seventy-five Years of Bethel Theological Seminary"
Gordon Carlson was born in Nysund parish in
the province of Værmland, Sweden on January 28, 1895. Both of his parents
were devoted Christians, his father being a lay preacher. From early
childhood he gad an insatiable hunger for knowledge, was a great reader, a
student and in the words of the late Dean, K.J. Karlson of Bethel Seminary,
"a stubborn thinker."
In 1913, he came to America and found employment in a
furniture factory in Minneapolis, where he learned the trade of cabinet
maker, In 1914, he was converted and baptized in the Elim Baptist
Church, Under the leadership of his faithful pastor, Rev. Jacob Peterson,
and through earnest self-study of the Word, he soon caught the vision of
"fields white unto harvest."
In 1917, when America went to war, he was drafted and
experienced the horrors of war as a foot soldier. During World War II, he
enlisted as a Chaplain.
Academically, he holds a graduate diploma from Bethel Academy
in St. Paul, and a degree in Theology from Bethel Seminary. Upon
graduation in 1928, he became pastor of the First Baptist Church in Kiron,
Iowa. During this pastorate he was married to Hilma Abrahamson and two
sons, Dennis and James, were born. He also served the Champion Street
Baptist Church in Bellingham, Washington, for twelve years.
It was thus with a life rich in experience as a cabinet
maker, soldier, Chaplain, Minister, that Carlson took up the work as Columbia
Conference Missionary-Secretary. The work was hard and discouraging, but
because of his dedication to God and to the responsibility to which the
Conference had called him, that period became characterized by home mission
In 1947, there were 23 churches in the Conference when
Carlson began to lead us out in this advance movement. In 1961, when he
resigned because of retirement, five mature churches had joined and 26 churches
had been organized, making a total of 55 churches in our fellowship.
Because of the financial lack, he was the lone servant in our Conference, so all
the many facets of our Conference outreach had to be included in his concern.
His patience, prudence, his great capacity for work, his
evangelistic emphasis in his preaching, his genuine friendliness toward all
people, are some of the factors that spell out the success on Gordon Carlson's
administrative leadership. But above all, Gordon's heart is in tune with
God. His faith in a great God often provided buoyancy for greater ventures
as we confronted new opportunities in the Pacific Northwest.
This account was written by Bror Lundgren in
Tacoma, 1964, as Forward to the book, "Seventy-Five-Years of the Columbia Conference",
written by Gordon Carlson.
Return to Church History 1946
Wesley Lindblom
Lindblom was born in Kulm, North Dakota in 1920. He grew up in the Baptist
Church there and played a lot of baseball in his youth. He graduated from
Bethel College and Bethel Seminary still playing baseball. He
married Ruby Swenson whom he had met at Bethel College. They served
Conference churches at Elk River and Thief River Falls in Minnesota and Montrose
in South Dakota before they came to Elim. They served at Elim for three
years. They left Elim Baptist, Seattle, to succeed Gordon Carlson in 1962,
at the Columbia Conference. A new title had been created. The Conference Missionary had
become the Executive Secretary. The Conference rented office space at the
Seattle Central Baptist Church, which has since been closed and
dismantled. The Central Baptist Church location was Wesley Lindblom's work center
through his entire administration.
John Henning Bergeson was born May 10. 1919, in Ashland, Wisconsin.
John/Jack was converted at the Spirit Baptist Church in Ogema, Wisconsin on
September 27, 1929, and baptized by Willard Samuelson, in Ogema,
Wisconsin. He attended Bethel Jr. College. The University of North Dakota,
A. B. 1943. He then attended Bethel Theological Seminary D.B. in
1944. He was a student pastor at Jessie Lake, Minnesota, Alma, Wanger and
Eagle Point, Minnesota. He married Gladys Victoria Peterson in Chicago at
the Elim Church on June 10, 1944. They had one son, John Joel. He
was the Pastor at Opstead, Minnesota, since 1944.
From pg. 214 of "Seventy-five Years of Bethel
Theological Seminary"
At the
1970 Columbia Baptist Conference annual meeting at Late Retreat in May, the
Conference bade farewell to Wesley and Ruby Lindblom and also voted to extend a
call to John and Gladys Bergeson in who were in Minnesota. During a brief
interim in the summer, Cliff Gustafson served as interim executive secretary, a
role which he had also filled between the calling of Gordon Carlson and Wesley
John Bergeson came from eleven years of serving as director
of missions and church extension for the Minnesota Baptist Conference.
Before Minnesota for six years he was the executive minister for Great Plains
and Rocky Mountain Conferences in Nebraska. Colorado and Wyoming (1953-1959.)
John or Jack as many people know him, grew up in Ogema,
Wisconsin, His wife Gladys spent her childhood and youth in Chicago's
south side. They met at Bethel when they were students in the Junior College.
Gladys later graduated from Macalester College and Jack from the University of
North Dakota. The both studied at Bethel Seminary. Jack graduated in
1944. They were married and served at Opstead Baptist Church in Isle,
Minnesota, for nine years (1944-1953).
After 15 years in the Columbia Conference they retired and
went to help British Columbia Baptist Conference set up its operation
(1985-1987). this concluded 34 years of executive ministry in five
districts of the Baptist General Conference. John was involved in planting
a number of new churches in each of these districts. Since August 1987,
John has been director of field education at Bethel Seminary West in San Diego.
From page 213 from the book Fourth Quarter by Jack
first introduction to Jack Bergeson took place when I was to register a bus load
of youth who had journeyed with us across the country from Seattle to
Speculator, New York. Jack was serving as registrar for Gunnar Hoglund's
Quadrennial. My first impression, which was later more clearly verified,
was that Jack was a person who accounted for every detail.
Jack Bergeson was born in Ashland, Wisconsin. It was at
Ogema, Wisconsin where Jack found the Lord and was baptized.
Bethel College and Seminary were in his plans. While at
Bethel, Jack served as the dining hall steward, thus early in life he learned
managerial skills.
Pastoral experience began as a student pastor at Jesse Lake
and Argyle, Minnesota and his first full-time
pastorate was at Opstead,
Minnesota. While at Bethel Jack met Gladys Peterson whom he married in
Jack served as a field missionary for Platte Valley Baptist
Conference and Church Extension Director for Minnesota Baptist Conference before
coming to Columbia Baptist Conference to serve as Executive Secretary in
1970. This office he held until retirement in 1985. Upon retirement
from that office he moved to Surrey, B.C. where he served for two years as the
Executive Director of Columbia Baptist Conference of British Columbia. At
present Jack serves as Director of Field Education for Bethel West Seminary in
San Diego, California.
When Jack came to Columbia significant changes were taking
place. At Lake Retreat, Okerson Lodge was being constructed and the
Central Baptist Church (Seattle) property had been sold. The funds were
being made available for a foundation to be established for helping new churches
purchase property. Because CBC was renting office space from Central
Baptist Church, it became necessary for Columbia to seek other facilities for an
office. During Jack's third year in Columbia, property was purchased for
the development of the Conference Center.
Jack has an open door policy which meant that at any time one
of the staff members wished to seek his wisdom all one would have to do is knock
on his door and Jack would respond, "Come on in." He was always
open to another's viewpoint of creative ideas as to any facet of the district's
In Jack's first year, he and I spent three days in a small
cabin on Fidalgo Island praying together, making plans for future ministries in
the district and considering personal aspirations. This annual event
became a source of personal refreshment and development of relationships.
It was out of such times that further plans for Lake Retreat, new churches,
office expansion and additional staff for expanded ministries were considered.
Though Jack worked long hours at the Conference Center yet he
arranged his schedule so that he could participate in significant events of
local churches as well as that of the district. Jack was asked to serve on
numerous committees and boards of the Baptist General Conference. His
wisdom was often sought.
Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary of
Portland, Oregon, recognized Jack's quality ministry by honoring him with a
Doctor of Divinity degree in 1983.
Jack and Gladys' home was always open to folk who came to
Seattle for board and committee meetings as
well as friends who might drop by. Winston Sherwick considered the
Bergeson home as his place of refuge.
Gladys was most supportive of Jack in all facets of his
ministry ~ not only with an open door to drop-ins but also by attending many of
the special meetings in which Jack was involved on week ends.
Jack kept a personal diary of his daily activities as well as
that of the ministry of the district. Thurs he was an excellent choice to
write the 25-year history of Columbia Baptist Conference.
You will find the exacting details of dates, people and
events in Jack's account of Columbia the last twenty-five year most interesting
and encouraging. God has indeed blessed Columbia and Jack had
significantly expressed this in his fascinating record of God's providential
supervision of the district.
This account
is the Forward written by Clifford Gustafson in the book," Fourth Quarter" of the
Columbia Conference by Jack Bergeson.
Return to Church History 1985
John Hoeldtke
John was born in 1936, in Cuba, New York. His
father was a pastor in Buffalo, New York. He came to Minneapolis to study
at Northwestern College after which he enrolled at Bethel Seminary and graduated
in 1961. At Northwestern he met DeLores Hoff from Venturia, North
Dakota. John and DeLores were married just before John matriculated at
Bethel. At graduation John was called to Elim Baptist Church in New Britain,
Connecticut. While serving there he took graduated studies at Teachers
College in Columbia University in New York City. Four years later he was
called to Olivet Baptist Church in Minneapolis for a fourteen-year
ministry. The Hoeldtke family was introduced to the Columbia Conference
when John was called to First Baptist Church of Ephrata in 1979.
When John was called to be the first full-time director of
church extension in 1982, a fourteen-year-old Columbia Conference dream was
being fulfilled. Ever since 1968, the C.B.C. could afford a full-time
person directing church extension who did not have to carry the responsibility
of being the executive minister. John was called at the 1982, C.B.C.
annual meeting in Anaconda, Montana, for a beginning two-year term to start October,
1. The Hoeldtke family moved from Ephrata to Seattle in September.
The new church extension position lasted only three
years. When John Bergeson, the executive minister, retired in 1985,
John Hoeldtke was called to be Columbia's sixth executive minister, and the
title executive secretary was no longer used. The twenty churches in
British Columbia were forming their own district conference removing seven extension
stations and a chunk of budget support. It fell to Hoeldtke to serve in
the dual capacity of executive minister and church extension director like
all of his predecessors had done, and the dream from 1968, was put back on
hold. Gil Anderson picked up several more responsibilities making it possible
to John to fill both offices.
Rick Sturm
Rick Sturm became District Executive Minister in 1990 and
served until his death in 1999.
Richard Bergstrom
Richard Bergstrom acted as Interim District Executive
Minister in 1999 to 2001.
Dr. Samuel Rima
Dr. Samuel Rima
became District Executive Minister in May, 2001.
Rev. Corbit Magby
Rev. Corbit Magby became District Executive
Minister as of October, 2003. The Columbia Conference now has 82 churches
in the district.
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