Pastor Eric Scherstrom
Eric Scherstrom was born on May 3, 1874 in
Hassela, Hälsingland, Sweden. He gave his life to Christ in January,
1892 in Gräsåsen,
Hälsingland. He was baptized by A. J.
Dahlstrom, in
Isanti, Minnesota on April 15, 1894. He studied in College in Chicago at
what is now Bethel and
graduated in 1902. He was pastor at the Chicago Tabernacle (1900-1906)
before coming to Temple in Portland, January 1, 1906. He was a strong
leader, an exceptional preacher and great crowds attended the services.
Almost two hundred members were added to the church during his ministry of four
years, which
closed October 1, 1910.
Pastor Scherstrom was assisted in the work by Miss Elizabeth Hamstrom who served as church missionary for several years. Read more of Pastor Scherstrom in Harley's Notes: Click on the link.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 KJV
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